We all do it: The closed-mouth smile. The smile that shows no teeth. The insincere smile that acknowledges someone’s presence, but doesn’t convey happiness. Today as I let a man walk in front of my car, he waved thank you and gave me a smile… A big, toothy smile. It felt so genuine and real…
Change of Scenery
Paaay-ink Breakfast
Keepin' Breakfast Cold
Today’s the big day! Ryan and I are leaving in 45 minutes for the 3rd Annual Baldwin Park Doggie Derby, where Sadie will race to uphold her title as Doggie Derby Champion. 😀 Since the high in Orlando is 91 degrees today, I wanted to keep my breakfast cold. A strawberry banana smoothie sounded perfect-o! I…
Streamlining Your Morning Routine
Back on Track Smoothie
After a weekend filled with birthday cake, funfetti cookies and cherry pie, my body was ready for a nutritious back-on-track breakfast smoothie this morning! I made a strawberry banana smoothie, using the same ingredients from my smoothie on Thursday. I think I may have added a little more xanthan gum than before, because this smoothie…