I am determined to get through that never-ending tub of ricotta cheese in my fridge! I hate to waste food and am a VIP member of the clean plate club (for better or for worse). Tonight’s dinner was a one bowl meal of spaghetti squash topped with three cheeses: Ricotta Gouda Mozzarella I microwaved everything in…
Junk Food = Depression?
I’m slowly pluggin’ away at the massive tub of ricotta cheese I have chillin’ in my fridge from Tuesday’s roasted eggplant lasagna dinner. On Wednesday night I baked a spaghetti squash to have ready for eatin’ for lunch or dinner throughout the rest of the week. I used a bunch of the forked-out squash in…
Healthy Planning
In the midst of my sugar binge yesterday, I had the forethought to bake a spaghetti squash for use in my lunch today. Healthy planning while eating unhealthily… gotta love it! 🙂 I usually prepare my spaghetti squash with marinara sauce… as a pasta substitute or pizza (I’ll do this soon on the blog… it’s…
Big Ol' Lunch
Typical Sunday
When I have absolutely nothing on my agenda, a typical Sunday for me includes the following: Big, hot breakfast Clean the apartment Laundry Errands Walk or dog park with Ryan and Sadie Grocery store Dinner that takes more time than usual Today I’ve already done most of the things on the above list! What do you…