I consider myself a mild mannered person. I’m not particularly confrontational. It takes a lot to truly make me angry. Today, however, I felt rage. I wanted to hurt something. Particularly my computer. And my blog’s server. Two things and then I’ll be done complaining, I promise: Why do computers nowadays seem to have a…
The Classics
Goat Cheese and Butternut Squash Barley Risotto
Flowers or Chocolate?
Once Sad, Now Glad
Savin' Them 'Gs
I’m sure you’ve heard people refer to money as “g’s” before, right? Apparently I’m not well-versed in pop-culture slang, because I never knew what exactly “g’s” stood for when referencing money. Just in case you’re a super-blonde like me and never knew, it stands for “grand” like $1 grand = $1,000. Somebody, somewhere just rolled…