We’re officially living in the land of boxes! Everything is all packaged up and today will be dedicated to loading boxes onto the moving truck and cleaning our rental house before we officially wave goodbye to Ocala tonight. It will be a loooong day but a low key dinner with my parents, Leslie and…
Happy To Be Home
Hotel Beds Rock My World
Though there are always exceptions, on the whole I absolutely adore sleeping in a hotel bed. They’re big and comfy and when hotels have black-out curtains, I find myself sleeping in way later than I ever can at home. This morning I only slept in until 6:15 a.m. but that’s 9:15 a.m North Carolina-time and…
Does Your Workout Influence Your Hunger?
Who else out there is watching The Bachelorette? It’s the only show I’ve been keeping up with lately and I finally realized something last night. The best part of the show is the preview of the following week’s episode. It gives you hope that the show may turn around be be totally awesome, but then…
Starting the Morning with BodyPump
My Favorite Airport
Hello from my favorite airport! Why is the super small Jacksonville airport my absolute favorite? Let me count the ways! Free wifi Outlets everywhere Three Starbucks so there’s never a long line for coffee Super fast security Inexpensive on-site parking Traveling in and out of the Jacksonville airport is (knock on wood) a breeze, but…