Today is a very special day in our house! Chase is SEVEN! We’ll be celebrating with a family party complete with cupcakes, Chick-fil-A and REPTILES. I cannot tell you how excited we are to surprise Chase with the 3-year-old leopard gecko we are adopting. He truly has NO idea it’s coming and we know our…
Things I’m Loving Friday #424
Hey hey! How are you guys doing out there? Did you have a good week? Anyone have summer travel plans in full swing right now? We’re thoroughly enjoying our time in Florida and slowly finding a rhythm to our days. It’s H-O-T here and so most of our days involve outside activities centered around some…
Things I’m Loving Friday #423
Things I’m Loving Friday #422
Hey friends! How are you? This week passed by in a blur of moving boxes, tying up loose ends, organization and more sorting and donating than I could’ve ever anticipated. I suppose I should’ve figured moving would be overwhelming but everything seems to take 10 times longer than I figured it would. I think some…
Things I’m Loving Friday #421
Hello, hello and Happy Friday! How are you guys doing today? I hope you’re having a great day so far and that your weekend plans are a combination of fun and relaxing. Our weekend will be primarily filled with packing and organization as our impending move is quickly approaching. Chase also has his final swim…
Things I’m Loving Friday #420
It’s a big weekend for the Fagan family! My mother-in-law arrives in town this afternoon, Ryder’s FOURTH birthday is Saturday, Chase has his third swim meet and Father’s Day is Sunday. Bring on looots of cake, tons of excitement and all the family time we love so much! Do you guys have anything fun planned…