Friday is here! Any fun weekend plans? Anyone with no weekend plans and every intent to relax? Sometimes no plans are the best plans! We’re kicking off our weekend with a house full of kids — our boys are all having playdates here today — and are anxiously awaiting Ryan’s arrival back home. Ryan was…
Things I’m Loving Friday #510
Things I’m Loving Friday #509
Hello, hello! Friday is here and we are ready for it! Our big plans for the day aren’t anything crazy but they’re certainly something we’re looking forward to later this afternoon. Some of our closest friends adopted a puppy yesterday and we get to meet him! Frankie is half German Shepherd and half Great Pyrenees…
Things I’m Loving Friday #507
Things I’m Loving Friday #506
Hi, hi! How are you! How was your week? I am personally a little extra happy it’s Friday because Ryan returns from India late this evening! He’s been gone for nine days on a work trip and we’ve missed him like crazy. There’s an 11-and-a-half hour time difference between Charlotte and Bengaluru but thankfully this…