The princess… And the pee. No, not pea. PEE. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, my dog likes to potty all the time. Sadie’s pea-sized bladder was the bane of our run today. We set out to complete our usual five-mile loop, only my lovely running buddy decided she was going to…
Good morning, friends! Happy One Day ‘Til Friday! Weee! My day began the easy-breezy way with a very light workout at the gym. Ryan and I hopped on side-by-side ellipticals to pound out some cardio and about 10 minutes into my workout, I remembered that I am participating in a 5k tonight! The race is…
No Sweets: Week One
First things first, it seems like a lot of us feel completely awkward addressing our significant others’ parents. Who knew that “Hey!” and “Hi there!” were such common names? I loved reading all of your responses, especially one from The Mommy, who lovingly refers to her in-laws as “Insane” and “Crazy.” 😉 Now for your…
Another Version
I had a great workout this morning. To be honest, it really wasn’t anything special, but I was just feelin’ it! Perhaps the butter and cream from last night’s lobster mac is the pre-workout dinner of champions! My workout began with 10 minutes on the stair master before I hopped on the treadmill to complete…
Trench Coat and Shorts
Day Off = Cookies, Day On = Carrots
Sundays are often my day off from they gym and yesterday was no different. Last night I tweeted about something I’ve noticed on my workout-free days: (Side note: Please excuse my terrible grammar… that was a fly-by tweet. I’m literally cringing right now.) Apparently I am not alone in this feeling, because several people tweeted…