My dad’s job requires a lot of travel and while his office “home base” is primarily in St. Pete, he spends a significant amount of time in Jacksonville. I benefit from this little split because whenever my dad makes the drive from St. Pete to Jacksonville, he tries to stop by and say hi since…
A Visit from Will and Alex
Our friends Will and Alex came to visit last night! If you’ve been reading the blog for a few months, you might remember these two newlyweds from their beautiful Amelia Island wedding back in January. They planned a whole weekend of events surrounding their big day and we had a blast. Their wedding was gorgeous!…
Happy Day Father’s
Today we celebrated Father’s Day with Ryan’s dad! After breakfast and a morning Jazzercise class with my mom, I baked a batch of homemade oatmeal cookies to give to my father-in-law and apparently need to reevaluate my Tupperware labeling technique… Everyone said it looked like the cookies said “Happy Day Father’s.” So, Happy Day Father’s…
Restaurant Eating Success
At the grocery store on Sunday, Ryan wanted to buy tuna steaks for us to eat this week. We actually had the guy behind the seafood counter package them up before realizing that the tuna steaks were $9.99 each, not $9.99 a pound. Um, no thanks. We politely explained to him our misunderstanding (he smiled…
His Celebrity Crush
Valentine’s Day and all of the sweet treats that accompany the holiday are in full swing! Not one to pass on sweets, I enjoyed a Valentine’s Day cupcake and a serving of the most amazing banana pudding made by my boss’ girlfriend. I typically think banana pudding is pretty nasty, but this pudding was unreal!…
Kitty Chow
I think people who hate canned tuna really hate canned tuna. It’s not generally something they’re on the fence about. Personally, I love canned tuna and would eat a tuna salad sandwich for lunch regularly in high school. My best friend Michaela always said I was eating “kitty chow.” 🙂 Sure it’s staaanky, but I…