Hey friends! How are you? How’s your week going so far? I’m sorry I didn’t have a chance to check in as usual on Monday morning. I slept terribly (all thanks to one of those horrific mom dreams that prompts all the middle-of-the-night anxiety) and opted to sleep in rather than wake up at 5…
Nona’s Birthday Weekend
Fall Camping at Dan Nicholas Park
Can we get a repeat of this weekend, please? Early last week, Ryan and I glanced at our calendar and realized we had a completely free weekend on our calendar. We checked the weather and when we saw sunny skies, temperatures in the upper 60s and crisp, cool mornings and evenings in the forecast, we…
Concert for Carolina + Monday in Real Time
Hey friends! How are you? Did you have a good weekend? Our weekend passed by in a blur of two soccer games, family outside time, trunk-or-treat at Rhett’s preschool, a visit to a trampoline park and typical weekend household to-dos. It was a good one! Concert for Carolina A major weekend highlight for me happened…
Wildwoods at the Whitewater Center
Perry Lowe Orchards and Weekend Fun
Hi friends! How are you? How was your weekend? My weekend began on a uniquely neon note with a birthday celebration for a friend of mine that involved black lights, Bodhi Love yoga and lots of booty-shakin’! Perry Lowe Orchards and Weekend Fun You know those people who are just a huge source of joy…