Is victory! That crazy contraption I’m trying out in the above picture would be a TRX suspension strap. Ryan received the strap for Christmas from his mom and has been asking if I have wanted to try it ever since. I’ve seen what he does on that thing and it looks tough. I’ve declined his…
Exercise Mantras
I’m not one to shy away from delicious leftovers for lunch, so you can bet that last night’s dinner made an appearance in my afternoon meal. My mid-day meal included an Italian sausage sandwich with mustard, spinach and tomato slices, paired with carrots and green pepper strips and string cheese. Lots of flavahs! And now…
Return of My Exercise Mojo
It’s been quite a while since peanut butter has been featured on this blog. What’s the deal!? Rest assured that plenty of peanut butter fingers have been enjoyed as snacks and fuel while making other meals (namely dinner). Today, after an all-too-long hiatus, peanut butter returns to its rightful home! Breakfast included two toasted whole…
On the News… Again
The Hunger Games + Lazy Girl Workout
Stick Lover
Today’s morning workout was a good one! I did a total-body workout that looked like this: 20 min. elliptical warm up Followed by three sets of 15 reps of the following exercises (with the exception of abs, which I have detailed below): Leg press Leg extensions Hamstring curls Deadlifts Ryan’s awesome shoulder exercise Bicep curls…