Let’s get things started on the right foot today and kick off our Thursday with some fun music! I’ve been listening to the Pitch Perfect station on Pandora lately and find myself singing at my desk whenever the finale song from the movie starts blaring. It’s so darn catchy!
Every time Rebel Wilson’s part pops up I can just picture her singing it and it cracks me up.
Movies like Pitch Perfect make me really, really wish I was blessed with the ability to sing. With the amount of love I have in my heart for singing and choreographed dancing, I feel like I should have been blessed with these talents, but unfortunately they passed me by.
My lack of singing ability doesn’t stop me from belting out my favorite songs but when it comes to choreographed dancing, I feel ridiculously intimidated. I have no problem busting a move on the dance floor at weddings and really enjoy dancing, but the minute I have to learn choreography, my mind shuts down or something. This is probably why I never made the cheerleading team in high school. Thank goodness for no-cut sports teams!
Last night, when I arrived home, I had a ton of stuff in my hands as I headed inside from the garage. When I went to awkwardly swing the door shut behind me, it flew closed and scraped the skin off the back of my left foot. There was a lot of blood and now I have a big gash right where the back of my shoe rubs which makes it hard to wear sneakers. Thankfully I am not sore or anything, but wearing a shoe on my left foot isn’t too pleasant.
This morning, I wore the biggest pair of sneakers I could find and did 20 minutes on the arc trainer since my feet could remain stationary which prevented my sneaker from rubbing the tender spot. I finished with a shoulder strength workout and some core work.
Once we made it home, I prepared an egg white and oatmeal protein pancake for breakfast.
I followed my original recipe but added a handful of slivered almonds to the mix and sprinkled more almonds on top for a punch of healthy fat.
Coffee on the side!
Off to work!
Question of the Morning
- What is one talent that eludes you that you think you should have because you love it so much?
I’m with you, I would LOVE to have a killer voice. I would love to be a singer and perform in front of thousands of people – but my vocal cords have never agreed 🙂
I’m with you on singing! I can handle the dance portion (I was a cheerleader in high school, so I got a bit of practice back in the day), but I absolutely can’t carry a tune in a bucket. It bums me out, because I memorize words to songs pretty well, but I sound a bit like a dying hyena when I try to sing. Usually, I save it for car rides by myself … or with my husband, because who am I kidding, why would I spare him? … or for nights up late playing guitar hero after everyone’s had a few adult beverages and I can pretend like I don’t care who hears it 🙂
haha I love this question!
Singing is definitely up there as a talent that alludes me that I wish I could have. When I was youngerI really wanted to be the first woman in the NBA…only the skill was missing. Never made it past 7th grade B team.
As I got older, priorities changed. Now, I wish I had the skill of 2 things 1: Photography -For many reasons, but especially my blog. No matter how hard I try to make those food pics come out…no luck 2) Interior decorating: that skill has totally evaded me and would come in handy since I moved into my BF’s house. It’s a total man cave…but I have NO idea what to do with it. Pinterest helps but ya either have the skill or you don’t 😉
I’d love to be more artsy! My dad and my brother are really good with that kind of thing, but unfortunately, I didn’t get the art gene. Bummer!
No question, it’s music. I studied voice and piano for a long time, but finally had to face the fact that I wasn’t making enough progress to be at a professional level. I accepted it, but of course there are still times when I wish things were different.
I love the movie Pitch Perfect and I am sure the soundtrack would be great for running motivation!
I really wish I could sing as well! I love singing in my car and the shower when I am alone, but unfortunately I was not blessed with true musical genius, just the love for lyrics and a beat! 🙂
oh gosh I sooo wish I could sing! I am so tone def its embarrassing. I can’t help but sing to my dog, luckily he can tell how bad I am and my fiance still somehow loves me after hearing me sing.
Hi! I wrote a post on my favorite fitness blogs, and PB Fingers made the list- just wanted to share that with you:) http://burpeestobubbly.com/2013/10/16/wednesday-workout-my-favorite-fitness-blogs/
Thanks so much for including me, Monique!
That is the cutest mug!! Where did you get it??
Thanks! It was actually a mug we had made for my friend’s bachelorette party. The front of it says “John and Laurel.” 😀
haha no way!! it is too cute =)
I am the same, I desperately wish I had a great singing voice. If I did I would try to have a career on Broadway. Sounds insane but that’s my dream… I had to give it up in 8th grade when I realized I wasn’t a good singer…
I’m the same as you, singing. I love singing and enthusiastically sing my whole 30 minutes to school, I have seen people stare at me as they drive by (which is beyond scary!). I guess we can’t have it all right 🙂
Definitely singing. While I’m not necessarily tone deaf, I’m far from being able to belt out those high notes.
That and running. While I enjoy running and am capable of running a half marathon, I have to work very, very hard at it. I’m so jealous of those people who were just blessed with the ability to crank out miles and amazing paces. It doesn’t help that I’m 5’4!
I always injure myself SOMEHOW. Even if I don’t realize I did something, I’ll notice a big bruise on my knee and be really confused as to how I got it. It’s a problem. 😉 I should have been blessed with the ability to sit in one spot for over 30 minutes. Instead I get figidity and have to start moving. It drives Christian crazy when we’re watching something together!
Me too! I get all these bruises out of nowhere and am super fidgety.
I was going to say, that mug is quite adorable! I have a huge collection of mugs (since I’m a coffee fiend) and I’m always looking for cute new ones.
I’m with you on the singing wish. I think I want a good voice, because mine is just terrible. Like, honestly one of the worst things I’ve ever heard.
I LOVE pitch perfect. It’s embarrassing really – not how much i love the movie, but how i rock out the soundtrack, especially in my car. Seriously – people stare.
I’m with you I wish I could sing so badly! I don’t even bother trying – it’s pretty bad. Only when I am in the car by myself 🙂
Have you watched Rebel Wilson’s new show on abc?! Hilarious! I can’t get enough of her.
Oh I understand your pain! I had a blister from the Color Run and it popped during the run. Let me just say I couldn’t wear shoes for a few days that touched there and most definitely couldn’t run! I was actually at the doctors yesterday for a physical and asked what to do. She recommended Mole Skin from the drugstore. it’s like a felt almost and you put it on so the shoe doesn’t rub! Thought I’d pass it along 🙂
I would love it if I could sing or dance! And I’m so sorry about your foot! I actually sprained my ankle last week and it’s been a slow recovery process. At least now I can walk around without limping!
I wish I could sing too! I love to sing but it sounds horrid!
Singing for sure, specifically country music 🙂
Pitch Perfect is HILARIOUS. I always wish I could sing! I was a dancer my whole life so I got the choreography part down pat but the singing….not so much. Hope your foot feels better!
OH I wish I could sing! I’m a nightmare. There is a reason my singing is limited to morning car rides by myself.
I did the same thing to my heel the other night except I scraped it on a brick step after a kicked the door shut. Ouch! I feel your pain. Hope it heals quickly.
Those pancakes look delicious! I cant wait to give them a try 🙂 I hope your foot heals fast! -Megan
I always hate when I get blisters on my feet because they always seem to take the longest to heal since they constantly re-open from walking around. It’s the worst! Almost as bad as tiny cuts on your knuckles!
That coffee mug is adorable! I really wish that I could dance .. unfortunately I only can dance once I’ve had a drink or two (and then dance is a loosely used term).
I wanted to be athletic as a kid because I loved sports so much!! I just want to be able to slug a softball! I always feel in my mind I can do it, and logistically I know how, but when I actually get up to the plate I bomb every time! LOL I guess that’s why I am so into weightlifting and the gym, I’m actually decent at it and its about the only athletic feat I can accomplish to some degree.
I think I should have been a dancer. I can do any kind of line dancing… the wobble is my most perfected dancing song haha, but as far as actually dancing…. with my own moves, I kind of suck! But it would surprise people because of how well I move to the wobble lol.
I hate it when I injure myself over absolutely nothing… it’s just one of those freak accidents that cause way too much pain!! Hope that heals up for you soon! I can’t stand when something happens to my feet!
I always wished I could draw! My sister is an amazing artist and always made it look so easy but I just never could make it work.
Sorry about your heel–ouch!!
I too wish I could sing! I love to act & I am a dancer, so I wish I had the triple threat, but whoa! can I NOT sing well. That’s okay–I just pretend I can, & it’s all good 😉 My sis has an amazing voice though, so I always make her sing for me. And so does my husband–and he can play the guitar. dreeeaaammmy!
I so wish I could sing!
i love the pitch perfect pandora station! it always puts me in such a good mood =)
Julie, I’m a singer and I believe that EVERYONE can sing. You just gotta go for it. You’re probably a lot better than you think. 😉
Oww yum great addition with the silvered almonds 🙂 I love protein pancakes in the am! Have you ever tried mixing in your coffee instead of almond milk? Its freaking amazing! Lots of Love c
I would go with singing as well, because I can sing, just not with a big voice like on stage. But to be different…I really wish I could draw. I worked in the fashion industry for years, and dreamed of being a designer when I was younger. Even printed out blank body forms to try to teach myself to draw, but alas, I cannot. Stick figures prove hard at times haha!
Love that movie! And I think I was born with out the ‘carry a tune’ gene!
Choreographed dancing and Pitch Perfect music? Check out this video! http://www.buzzfeed.com/lalalalalalizzy/the-last-cups-video-you-will-ever-watch-features-93a7
Warning, it will make you want to be talented even more!
Based on the “love it” factor, I really would’ve thought I’d be a better athlete. I’ve always loved going to games, following teams, staying up-to-date on what’s going on in the sports world, but man, I cannot compete at even a recreational level. Haha.
I wish I could write novels! I love to read, and I’ve always dreamed of been able to come up with concepts and a great story- but it’s just not there 🙂
I’ve always wanted to be able to sing and play guitar!
Ugh I hate when Im clumsy and then it effects my workouts for a while, this happens to me way more than Id like! I also always dream of having the ability to breakdance but lol yea right.
I love that movie! I haven’t tried out the Pandora station yet, but I feel like that is on my to-do list for today. 😉
LOL this post made me laugh! I have a terrible voice and my hubby actually requested that when we have children, I not sing to them! haha
Definitely dancing for me. I feel like I was born to be on Dancing With the Stars….except I wasn’t. 🙂
I would love to be able to draw but I can’t, not even a little bit. That talent totally skiiped by me and went straight to my daugher. She is a wonderful artist.
I’m the same way–I always say if The Lord blessed me with singing ability, I would be the next Britney 😉
It would have to be a tie between singing and dancing, both of which I do nonetheless 😉
I definitely need to try out that pancake recipe..it sounds fab!
I’m completely obsessed with Pitch Perfect! The soundtrack is great and all the actors are hilarious. As much as I love listening to music, I can’t carry a tune at all. By some weird twist of fate, many of my friends are great singers. Oh well, this is life.