I’ve previously published a post on this blog about the weird things I do while running.
Well, after today’s beach run, I think I can officially add another one to the list.
I intensely lip sync to powerful songs from musicals or fantastic singers like Whitney Houston whenever they come on my iPod.
I really, really wish I had an amazing singing voice because I love to sing, but lip syncing and pretending I’m singing like Celine Dion or Christina Aguilera is just about as close to amazing as I am going to get. I always find myself lip syncing obnoxiously to songs when I run outside and have to remind myself to reel it in when I run past people so they don’t think I’m some kind of a looney.
Today’s lip syncing song of choice: River Deep, Mountain High
"Do I love you,
My oh my,
River deep, mountain high"
I love every version of the song (Tina Turner, Celine Dion), but the most recent version of the song by the cast of Glee makes me want to jump around and dance. It’s a winner.
And speaking of getting a little too into the music on my iPod, when the song “Club Can’t Handle Me” came on, I had one mile to go in my planned five mile run. I was losing steam and was apparently a little delirious because I started singing, “The beach can’t even handle me right now” instead of the “club” and found this way too amusing. It made me dig deep and run faster though, so I guess it worked!
Five miles done!
Breakfast today started with a freshly brewed cup of coffee, sipped while chatting away with my grandma.
And then I proceeded to snack my way through my morning meal…
Love the blueberry bliss Luna bar! It reminds me of blueberry coffee cake.
Blueberries + Nuts (x3)
And I had about three spoonfuls of almond butter.
Note to self: Assemble a plate with an actual breakfast tomorrow. I’m satisfied, but I much prefer sitting down to an actual meal to snacking my way through breakfast.
Question of the Morning
- Do you do anything particularly unusual when you workout or run?
Ha! Glad I’m not the only one that lip sync’s along! I do it at the gym, too, which I’m sure gets me some weird looks, but sometimes you just gotta go with it!
Haha, I always laugh at my weird workout tactics. I love lip synching while doing cardio- gives you a lil’ extra push!
I do the same thing when running…I also pretend to drum at times:)
Hahaha, I was singing out loud as I biked home from the gym this morning. I am sure I look like a total loon to all the cars and passerbys!
Sometimes I walk with a bit of swagger if a particularly good song comes on my ipod during my commute, too 🙂
Haha! I love that you changed the lyrics to that song about the beach! 🙂 I love singing. I’m pretty sure when I’m driving people look at me crazy because I put on concerts in my car.
I always am lipsyncing when I run too! I try to restrain myself when other people are around haha
I think it’s perfectly normal to lip sync and run! Then again, I also think it’s normal to pause from run if a truly groove-worthy song comes on and break out into a full-on dance party. Needless to say, some early morning dog walkers have been frightened by my less than impressive dance moves 😉
love running to that song!!
I was listening to Whitney during yesterdays workout and I definitely hit a high note when “…and Iiiiiiii will always love you” came on- my poor fellow gym-goers!
love running to whitney. also, I love reading your blog. it gets me going and inspired in the morning. you are so great!
I was just thinking the other day that I must have looked like a crazy person on the treadmill. See I like to not only lip sync, but sometimes dance. Like in the song “You Can’t Stop the Beat”, I do hand motions to the phrase “motion of the ocean”. That’s my closer song that I like to listen to at the end of a run to pump me up for the last few minutes. I look insane, but I’m having fun. That’s all that matters, right?
Sometimes running makes me really emotional. I feel grateful for being healthy, or happy because of the endorphins, or sad because of whatever is going on in my life and I’ve definitely cried on more than a few runs! I’m sure that sounds really strange but running helps me work out all my emotions!
So I definitely lip sync when I run. And if there’s no one around, sometimes I break out in actual song to….I find that the change in my breathing is a nice change. Weird…I know. As for talking to Sadie, you’re def not the only one, I encourage the dogs and feel much more motivated to continue myself 🙂
I sing to myself when I’m in my car. I have a long commute, so I guess it entertains me. People probably think I’m nuts, haha.
Hahaha, I love this lip syncing story. That Glee version of “River Deep, Mountain High” is the best! Did you see Mercedes’s rendition of “I Will Always Love You” last night?
I tend to play the drums while running–I always listen to really fast-paced, upbeat, sing-along rock-ish music, and the songs tend to have strong drumbeats…which I then reenact to the fear of my fellow gymgoers. Oops?
Ahhh I love the glee cast version of that song too! I don’t think I do anything too weird, although I do tend to go into my imagination a lot when I’m running longer distances, especially imagining myself finishing my half marathon, or the Chicago marathon in the fall. I did actually get so into my visualization that I started tearing up on the treadmill! haha
Hah, I do the same thing – change lyrics to the songs in my head. The longer the run is, the weirder things I think about too…hopefully, it will help me through long runs in marathon training (and distract me).
After seeing your kiwi and Ashley’s photos in her photography 101 post yesterday I am dying to get my hands on one of those adorable little green fruits!!
Although I haven’t played piano in probably 15 years, if a song comes on that has jamming piano on it (Let It Be, anyone?!), I’ll find myself moving my fingers along with the music. Then I look down and realize that my hands and fingers are flying all over the place and I look totally bizarre! Oh well–it’s fun!
I often sing along too (when alone). Last night I was on the treadmill and was totally lyp synching and I know I looked like a crazy person 🙂
Im the worst! Sometimes I catch myself doing the same thing on the treadmill at the gym. I must look so cool 😛
LOL! I’m the same way! I also get in a singing mood in the car. You know the song Faithfully that Glee did a cover of? That one always gets me singing and I’m sure other drivers think I’m a total loon!
I would much rather sit down to a real breakfast, too. If I start to snack on something early in the day, my snacking continues all day long! Sit down breakfasts are the best!
i’m so jealous you got to do a beach run! it’s snowing as we speak here… boo! i totally lip sync and get all into songs too and do not have anything close to a wonderful voice. my husband just looks at me like i’m a total nerd. ha!
Haha I do the same thing when I workout 😀
I make weird faces while I’m doing TurboKick, Zumba or Hip Hop Hustle. It seems like when I have to concentrate on moves and coordinating all my body parts, I get odd facial expressions. I’ll see myself in the mirror and think “OMG! Relax and smile! You look like a goof!”
I always watch Jeopardy and yell out the answers!!
I do the same thing when running :D, and I actually sing if I see no one is around.
Some dancing and jumping around may or may not happen too ;).
I definitely do the lip synching thing, too! And when I’m on the cardio machines at the gym and watching TV, I’m either laughing, grinning at the Property Brothers on HGTV (swoon!), or tearing up over something sappy. Such a mess! I’ve been told I do not have a good poker face, haha.
I’m pretty disgusting when I run. I wipe my nose on my shirt and spit luggies. I would NEVER do these things in my everyday life; I don’t know why I think its acceptable while I run.
You ate three handfuls of nuts and 3 spoons of almond butter? I would gain weight that very moment!
i was feeling… nutty? 😉
Thought you’d like to know I ordered my very first BIC band yesterday 🙂 I ordered the skinny, sparkly, silver one… so excited for it’s arrival! I can’t wait to try it out 😀
I do the exact same thing! Sometimes, I even catch my self singing out loud in the gym and then people start to stare and, well, that’s always fun! I also tend to bob my head around so the combo is entertaining for everyone around me! My boyfriend has this weird habit and twirling his arms around because his shoulders get stiff….so the two of us together sure look like quite the dynamic duo
I do the same thing! When on the treadmill in the gym I even flail my hands about and sing out loud. I really don’t care who sees. You should see me trying to sing Niki Minaj songs while running. Those really put me out of breath!
I chew gum. It’s the only time I chew gum too and only Trident. It’s weird and unsafe but I can’t not.
I always lip sync – even back in school chorus & happy birthdays. It always makes me smile when I pass other runners rocking out though I definitely appreciate the people lip syncing over actually singing when I’m at the gym.
We should do a run together and do some power lip syncing. I do the same thing on my runs. I even break out a little shoulder shaking if I’m by my lonesome. 😉
we could sing a mean lip syncing duet!
I lip sync on the treadmill, but not outside, which is weird. Maybe because I’m working harder to not die outside and the treadmill is easier for me. So you are not alone, friend.
I have to force myself not to do fist pumps to songs like BEP’s ‘Boom Boom Pow’ or little booty slaps to songs like ‘Yeah’ by Usher. I still do them but on a much smaller scale, so as not to alarm people around me.
I wish I had a good voice too! I actually don’t like to listen to music that much when I workout- Wierd I know! Im probably one of the few people that doesn’t. When Im lifting or if I run outside I like to think about the actual workout that Im doing, music can sidetrack me!
Your grandma and I have the same place-mats! (I am assuming she is a really hip grandma since we share similar decorating styles)
I totally lip-sync too! Except, when i get REALLY into it, I start incorporating hand motions. it can get really intense! 🙂
I dont know whether to look at your Garmin or the sun shining on your BLING 😉 So pretty! I love when I look down and the light is catching and i go, UGH i love my rings haha 🙂
I play the imaginary drums when I’m running. Yes, I look ridiculous.
Sometimes, if a good song comes on while I’m lifting weights, I’ll do a little dance in between sets. People at my gym must think I am a lunatic!
I do this weird “touch my thumb to every finger” thing. It’s kind of, sort of to the beat of the song, but mostly it’s just me touching the pads of my fingers over and over and over…
Interestingly though, I only do this on the treadmill! Maybe it’s my body subconsciously saying, I’m bored! Go outside!
NO WAY!!! I do this, too!!!
HA! I thought I was the only one! Great minds tweak out alike 🙂
I do this too! And run my thumbs over my fingernails! Glad I’m not the only obsessive runner…
I don’t lip synch often, but I do dance on the treadmill, especially to the boy bands. Listen to NSnyc Bye Bye Bye and tell me you don’t do the hand motions from the video!
HAHA! I totally do the same thing! I also do this while driving, it can become awkward at stoplights if I suddenly turn to see that the person in the car next to me as been watching me sing the whole time :-O
I totally do the same thing when I run! I have a tendency to try to dance and run at the same time too. Doesn’t work out too well….
Sing. Talk to myself. Play out conversations.
The Kidless Kronicles
So glad I’m not the only one who lip syncs sometimes! I can usually keep it under control, but when a song comes on that I’m really feeling, I can’t help myself! And mm I haven’t seen that Blueberry flavor of Luna but I’ll have to try it!