I’ve previously published a post on this blog about the weird things I do while running.
Well, after today’s beach run, I think I can officially add another one to the list.
I intensely lip sync to powerful songs from musicals or fantastic singers like Whitney Houston whenever they come on my iPod.
I really, really wish I had an amazing singing voice because I love to sing, but lip syncing and pretending I’m singing like Celine Dion or Christina Aguilera is just about as close to amazing as I am going to get. I always find myself lip syncing obnoxiously to songs when I run outside and have to remind myself to reel it in when I run past people so they don’t think I’m some kind of a looney.
Today’s lip syncing song of choice: River Deep, Mountain High
"Do I love you,
My oh my,
River deep, mountain high"
I love every version of the song (Tina Turner, Celine Dion), but the most recent version of the song by the cast of Glee makes me want to jump around and dance. It’s a winner.
And speaking of getting a little too into the music on my iPod, when the song “Club Can’t Handle Me” came on, I had one mile to go in my planned five mile run. I was losing steam and was apparently a little delirious because I started singing, “The beach can’t even handle me right now” instead of the “club” and found this way too amusing. It made me dig deep and run faster though, so I guess it worked!
Five miles done!
Breakfast today started with a freshly brewed cup of coffee, sipped while chatting away with my grandma.
And then I proceeded to snack my way through my morning meal…
Love the blueberry bliss Luna bar! It reminds me of blueberry coffee cake.
Blueberries + Nuts (x3)
And I had about three spoonfuls of almond butter.
Note to self: Assemble a plate with an actual breakfast tomorrow. I’m satisfied, but I much prefer sitting down to an actual meal to snacking my way through breakfast.
Question of the Morning
- Do you do anything particularly unusual when you workout or run?
haha I hum much of the time, so I always have to be mindful of toning it down a bit 😀 And I do this funny thing with my arms because they start to get tingly when I run, so I slowly stretch them out and sideways and upwards. I’m sure it looks funny when I do it at the gym! But it’s alllll gooooood 😉
I not only lip sync to the music while walking/running, I also tend to catch myself dance running. I get a little hip/booty shaking thing going on. I never knew I did it until my husband pointed it out at the gym a year or so ago!
Ha!! That is too funny! I dont’ do that while I run, but I definitely do it in front of my mirror when I’m getting ready to go out. Best way to pump yourself up for some fun!
I lipsynch too!!! I also do the air guitar to Led Zepplin. I love it.
I actually sing out loud when I run – even during races. It helps to make me faster, I swear!
I chant encouragement to myself sometimes and then I stop and think, if someone is watching me right now I have to look so ridiculous! Oh well, I’m still rockin it 😀
I do the same thing! I can’t sing worth anything so I am your fellow lip syncing running friend! It does help my pace… I will also play some air guitar!
I talk to myself. Sometimes I realize that I’ve been doing it and someone is looking at me being a weirdo…by then it is too late. Have fun with your grandma! Tell her I said hi!
haha aaaand i love you. i will send mimi your hello! 🙂
I posted about this exact thing last week! What kind of runner are you?
I totally get into the music and lip sync! It makes me feel cool in some way and motivates me to keep going.
Hey Julie, this may be a dumb question but.. I was wondering if you run on beaches? Is it harder? Any special considerations? I am going to little gasparilla island next week and would love to continue running but have only ever run on pavement/treadmile. There is apparently a 7 mile beach so I would love to take advantage of it if I could!
hi ellen! yes! i love running on the beach when i can, but i only do so if i can find hard, packed sand to run on so i’m not worried about twisting my ankle or dying as i try to run in thick sand!
Thanks so much! I will be sure to bring my running shoes!
I totally do that, especially when I’m out walking because I walk for a long time and get super bored. I usually do goofy crazy cheerleader moves with my arms (though I’m not even a cheerleader….but they’re moves I would imagine a cheerleader doing) or I pretend like I’m doing arm curls. Sometimes I swing my arms in crazy ways too so I can get a better workout. Glad to know I’m not the only one people are looking at like she’s a weirdo.
I know people think I’m crazy if I ever actually do run outside because I tend to dance-run if a good song comes on. And at least you only lip sync, if I find myself doing what I think is lip syncing I realize I’m actually singing full on out loud. lol
When I run, I break it down into pieces (if a long run) and tell myself that “part 1” is done, time for “part 2″… even though I’m still running, it helps! 🙂
The Club Can’t Handle Me is my go to song for the last mile of any run. Definitely brings a little pep to my step when I need it most! 🙂
Oh man…snacking drives me crazy. I like knowing how much I eat all at once. Munching.. you lose track.
if I am listening to a book while running I will burst into tears or laugh hysterically-must look strange.
I lip synch along ALL.the.time. And I teach fitness classes….this can be problematic, let me assure you 😉
LOVE that song! Beach fits in perfectly instead of the “club” Haha
This might sound crazy but when I do sprint intervals on the treadmill I visualize that I’m being chased by a kidnapper and I have my daughter in my arms so I have to run super fast to protect her. Weird but it definitely motivates me to push through!! 🙂
A lot of times I go to the gym at night when games are on – basketball, football, etc. – and I realize that while I am on the treadmill, I am cheering for my team and nearly falling off the treadmill all at the same time! I certainly get some funny looks!
LOL I have done that before! Then I start laughing at myself and look more like a spaz than before! 🙂
That’s one of my favorite Zumba songs!! Now I’m sitting at my desk singing it and doing the moves in my head!!
Julie! What did you think of Monday night’s Bachelor?! Did I miss your recap/discussion? Ugh.. Courtney!!!
You are so considerate to lipsync, if I’m in the zone working out outside I belt it out. ;p
When I’m running on the tread mill and pushing myself to keep going, I always say to myself “Come onnnn you can do this! Don’t be a wuss!” I usually don’t realize I say it out loud either, since my Ipod is blaring
I am really bad at lip singing in the car. I always feel self consious when I realize I am at a red light and other drivers can see into my car! 🙂
Yes I often start actually singing out loud, pretend to drum, and throw my hands up in the air and dance as much as I can. It’s even better when people driving by start starring and pointing ( i have to do SOMETHING to entertain myself…)
I absolutely sing too and Glee covers are oddly perfect for it (my current favorite is We are Young) : ) I actually didn’t realize I sang along at first, but my friend called me out on it when we were running together one time, which then prompted a running sing along and a lot of stares haha
I was gonna ask you the same question Ellen did about if beach running is harder. I would end up with 5 pounds of sand in my shoes!
here’s a question for you Julie: beach or mountains?
you have to choose 😀 …but WAIT, if you moved to North Carolina, you wouldn’t have to choose 😀
LOL I totally lip sync when I’m running! I try to rein it in since I’m usually on the treadmill 😉 Too funny – I thought I was a weirdo for this!
I LOVE that Celine Dion song!! I always imagine myself figure skating to it. Wierd. 😛
I’m always cracking my thumbs when I run. They can’t seem to sit still when I run.
I totally mouth the words to the songs blaring on my iphone while I run, especially the more powerful ones. You are not alone 😉
After seeing your kiwi pics, you have me wondering: do people eat the skin of the kiwi?? I most certainly don’t! I normally just scoop the fruit out after I cut it in half. When I slice it though, I peel the kiwi first. What gives? I hear that it’s edible… but I’ve never heard of anybody actually eating the skin! The furriness creeps me out!
I cry when I run. Also ilocanos blueberry lua and lemon zest!
It looks like you sliced your kiwi, but how do you take the skin off? I started eating kiwi last year and I love the little green guys, but I have yet to master a proper peeling technique. Any advice?
My Mom has those place mats! Haha.
I like to imaging myself dancing in music videos…I just get lost in that imagination of mine and 5 minutes of running can go by in a flash! Although i’m sure it results in some random bum wiggles and facial expressions 🙂
Club Can’t Handle Me is actually one of my favourites to run to. I finished a run with it the other day and it was so good that I had to dance to it again as soon as I got in my front door. I was in my kitchen doing all the moves I wanted to do when I was in public 🙂
haha I do the exact same thing! I’ve come to realize it makes my runs way more fun and don’t care if I look like a looney. during rap or hip hop songs I throw hand gestures and signs in the air, and with rock and alternative I play air drums and guitar. yea I am nuts 🙂
I’m glad to see that I’m not the only one that lip syncs to my music while running!!! 🙂