I actually eat wheat germ by the spoonful! I know it tastes great in granola and is fantastic in cookies, but I think it’s pretty darn fantastic on its own.
It also added a lot to my morning yogurt breakfast bowl.
Vanilla Greek yogurt + Nectarine + Wheat germ
I also grabbed a banana to eat on the run.
Workout + Walk
Breakfast was enjoyed after a quick workout (BodyPump) and a 2.5 mile walk with Ryan and Sadie.
I will be taking a photography class this evening and won’t have much time to hang out with these two tonight, so I enjoyed a our family fun walk a lot this morning.
On that note, off to work! Gotta pay ‘dem bills! 😀
Oooh I can’t wait to hear about the photography class!
Enjoy your day and your nanner!
Wheat germ is great. I’ve never tried it in yogurt. Can’t wait to see the results of your photography class.
Hey Julie! That’s so cool that you’re taking a photography class. It’s one of my to-do’s for 2011 and I’m really excited to learn more about it. Do you have an SLR camera? If so, what are you using? I’m thinking about getting a Canon Rebel but am wondering if I should wait, take the class, then make the purchase. Love that photo of Sadie!
i’ve heard great things about the rebel. i actually own a nikon d3000. i love it, but i am definitely not using it to its full potential. i need some serious lessons in photography!
I think I’ve only ever had wheat germ cooked into things. Never on its own.
And how fun on the photography class tonight! glad you still got the family time this morning too. 🙂
you’re so thin! Have you always been petit?
Have fun at the photography class! I took photography for two years in high school with one of the old-school cameras and loved it. I would love to go back and take another class with more up-to-date equipment!
Love wheat germ and you just reminded me i’m out and need to add it to my grocery list.
Good luck with your photography class tonight. Can’t wait to hear how you liked it.
What a healthy and filling breakfast! haha, I need to go to work as well to pay dem bills! : )
I can’t wait to take a photography class. Have fun!!!
I actually heard that wheat germ and chia seeds are good sleep aids, which is so funny because I always see it in breakfast food! I want to try this the next time I go to Trader Joes!
That’s one of my New Year’s Resolutions, so I was wondering if you would be so kind as to put some of the best gems of knowledge you learn on your blog, perhaps as a beginner’s guide to photography for blogs? I think it would be a great hit!
Enjoy that banana, looks yummy.
definitely! assuming the class is decent, i am planning on posting a recap with my notes and tips that i learned. i hope it’s a good one!
Totally random comment.. but I LOVE your outfit above! Super cute!! It’s cold here… I’m stuck with layers upon layers 😉 Have a great day 🙂
thanks, kaella!
Does whet germ have any taste or do you just add it add more nutrients and fiber? Ps. could it be a substitute for like cornmeal or arrowroot?
it has a slightly sweet taste to it… so good! i don’t know about using it as a substitute, but it’s lighter in texture than cornmeal.
Ok! Thanks..I may pick some up…I imagine good ol Trader Joes can hook me up
I REALLY need to take a photography class…I take every photo on the auto setting! By the way, I used your video to curl my hair with a straightener last night. I was so excited by how it turned out, and then I went to bed and ruined it haha. It’s pretty easy once you get the hang of it!
I’ve never tried wheat germ….what does it taste like?
Awesome with the photography class I feel like for my birthday I may be asking for a nicer camera, because right now, my phone takes better pictures!
What kind of Greek Yogurt do you eat? did you worry about the grams of sugar involved?
I know this is random, but where did you get the grey & green wrap dress?! I love it!
it’s actually a really long green tank top (forever 21) paired w/ a cropped gray sweater (also forever 21). i’m wearing black jeans that you can’t see. 🙂
I’ve never had wheat germ before. It looks interesting. Have fun at the photography class! I would love to learn how to take better pictures.
Your dress is so cute! 🙂
I’m with Mindy, I wanna know more about that cute outfit :”)
see above! 😀
I just realized that I have that exact wrap sweater in orange, that’s why it looked familiar 😀
I love wheat germ! I don’t know why I don’t pick up a jar at the grocery store! 😀
Photog class sounds fun!! And I agree, supah cute outfit 🙂
I can’t wait to hear about the photography class! I’ve always wanted to take one but it jut hasn’t been in the cards yet 🙂
Wheat germ is the best! It’s so good for you and I love the nutty flavor. It’s perfect on top of a bowl of cheerios w/ banana slices 🙂
I love wheat germ. I put it in just about everything I bake 🙂 A photography class is something I definitely need, keep us posted about how you are doing!
Have so much fun at your photography class! I should really look into taking one. I finally bough a nice camera (Canon Powershot G11), so I should learn all I can.
I love wheat germ so much! It is a staple in my homemade granolas. SO yummy.
Cute dress! And great idea to use the wheat germ, I know its great for you but never really knew how to use it!
I don’t think I’ve ever tasted wheat germ on it’s own. Interesting!!
I really need to take a photography class! Enjoy!
It seems like you get so much done in the mornings before you head to work… how do you fit it all in?!
Wheat germ is great! I put some in my granola bars that I made yesterday 🙂
Wow a photography class sounds great! I’d love to do one!
I’ve never tried wheat germ before. Now I need to get myself some!!
I bought some wheatgerm but I haven’t tried it yet. Hope it’s good 😀
Oh I can’t wait to hear how the photography class goes!
nectarines in january!? i’m jealous.
I really need to start using wheat germ in my recipes! it seems really delicious and looks great in your breakfast, Have fun in the photography class even though you probably don’t need it! Your pics are always great!
Good for you for taking up a photography class! Did you buy a new camera already? Or is this the big honker that you said you didn’t like to tote around too much…
it’s for the big honker… but i sucked it up and bought a new point and shoot, too. 🙂
Very nice! I wanna buy myself a big honker one of these days. Need to do some more research, though!
What kind of p/s did you get up getting?!!? Bet you’re so happy to have a bebe camera again
the canon powershot s95 – so far i’m loving it!
I love the title of this post! So funny, I have never had wheat germ?? I use flax a lot..hmm I wonder what the difference in germ and falx are? I need to look that up!
UMMMM Holy Moly cute outfit!!!!! Where on earth did you get that amazing shirt?? Did you pair it with a simple ribbon belt?? loooove!
aw, thank you, stephanie! it’s an army green tank top paired with a short gray wrap sweater. both are from forever 21 a couple of years ago.