Last night Ryan and I fell off the face of the earth and into the pages of The Hunger Games. Though I may have doubted your recommendations at first, you guys got this one right. What a riveting read!
I felt like there wasn’t one part of the book that dragged. Though Ryan and I did find it a bit predictable at times, it was suspenseful, creative, thought-provoking and exciting to read.
I don’t want to get too much into the plot since I know some of you are planning on reading this book, but I will say that Ryan and I both enjoyed the book and can’t wait to read the next two books in the series.
And now I just have to share something hilarious that happened last night as we were reading The Hunger Games.
R-Rated Warning! Skip to “Workout” if you’re averse to sexy talk.
Ryan had the best reading aloud line flub of all time. As you know, we take turns reading different chapters aloud to each other, and Ryan read this line… “Peeta was warm beside me,” like this… “Peeta was warm inside me.”
I perched up on my elbows in bed, and said “What!?”
When he realized what he said we could not stop laughing! Now that would’ve been an interesting turn of events!
This morning Ryan and I woke up and laced up our sneakers to head to the gym. The minute we walked inside, I really didn’t feel like workout out. At all.
I went to the cardio room, starred at the machines, and headed upstairs to the loft and considered doing a plyometric workout.
Nothing really appealed to me, so I hopped on a treadmill and told myself I could just walk on an incline and chill out.
Once I got going, my workout mojo picked up a bit and I ended up completing this awesome 40-minute workout:
I highly recommend trying out this workout on a day when you’re just not feelin’ the gym. The alternation of incline walking with running in the beginning picks up the pace of the workout gradually. By the time the faster running occurs, you’re warmed up and in the mood for some sweatin’!
Since Ryan’s workout took a little longer, I also completed 10 minutes of easy cardio on the elliptical while waiting for him to finish.
After our respective workouts, we headed home for breakfast.
Breakfast came together into a flash thanks to smoked salmon and my new favorite cream cheese. I topped a toasted whole wheat bagel thin with the creamy spinach artichoke cheese and the salty smoked salmon.
Sadie just about passed out when I gave her a chunk of smoked salmon to eat. She was like a rabid dog, she loved it so much.
I actually got this smoked salmon from a holiday gift basket delivered to my bosses at work. Apparently no one wanted it, so I scooped it up! I love smoked salmon but never buy it because it’s ridiculously expensive. What a nice treat this morning!
Now it’s time to shower, get dressed and entertain the pup. We’re debating over a trip to the dog park or to the farmer’s market with Sadie.
Only time will tell!
HAHA at least ya’ll weren’t reading aloud to a group of teens 😉 they would’ve never let you live that one down. Glad you’re enjoying the book 🙂
Mmm smoked salmon is SO good! It’s very expensive, but so worth it…I would’ve nabbed it too! 🙂 Enjoy your day!
Hahaha! NIce slip up, Ryan!
I’m so impressed that the two of y’all can get up early on a Saturday morning and workout together…now THAT”S love. 🙂 Have a great day!
Just found your blog and love it! I’ll definitely be coming back!
And your breakfast looks delish! So jealous! 🙂
Haha! I can just imagine the giggles. I know Peter & I wouldn’t be able to stop laughing either. I remember I made some faux pas like that when we were reading our marriage devotional for our pre-marital counseling together. We almost cracked up when we got to that topic in the required sessions with our pastor.
I just made smoked salmon! it’s fairly easy to do!
Hahaha! That is hilarious! Now that will be a inside joke with the two of you forever! I love when litle things like that happen and you can have jokes just between the two of you. So cute! Enjoy your Saturday!
Hahahaha! That’s too funny.
I totally feel the same way on days that I don’t want to workout but do it anyway. In the end, it’s always worth it and you end up getting into it about 10 or so minutes after you’ve started.
That salmon looks DELICIOUS! Too funny about the beside/inside slip. We all know boys heads are always in the gutter!
“Apparently no one wanted it”
o_O what kind of people do you work with?????
Thats so funny Ryan didn’t even notice he said that and you noticed right away! Haha I ‘m a total chic lit fan so I have been putting of reading this but I think I’m going to pick it up after your suggestion!
I only buy wild smoked salmon at TJ’s. I can get it for $4 there, and it’s delicious!
hahahahaha. too funny:)
Best reading flub of all time. OF ALL TIME. *kanye shrug*
hahahaha that’s hilarious…i gotta say, sex jokes are the best when you’re married!
I’m so jealous on the smoked salmon…I’m the only one in my house that loves it so I don’t buy it. I only get it when we actually go out for breakfast on vacations.
Your breakfast sandwich looks wonderful!!! I love smoke salmon.
Your breakfast looks fabulous! I haven’t seen that flavor of cream cheese before!
oh how i miss salmon!! that workout sounds great! i need to do things other than just running nonstop on the treadmill!
Haven’t had any Freudian slips yet when my husband and I read together. lol!
Haha, I wouldn’t have been able to stop giggling 🙂 It’s cute that you two read together!
Thanks for posting your opinion of the book. One of my New Year’s Resolutions is to read a book a month. I actually already read one this month and am looking for my next read! 🙂
I love smoked salmon too. I’m convinced that appetizer seafood like cocktail shrimp, smoked salmon and crab cakes are the best kinds!
omgosh! I don’t think I could stomach salmon in the morning!! I mean, I can’t even stomach it at night! lol
Have a great weekend Julie!
mmm smoked salmon with cream cheese on a bagel is so the way to go 🙂
After seeing your thoughts of the book…I am putting it on my “to be read” list!
I just recently tried smoked salmon for the first time and was surprised that I loved it! Breakfast looks delish!
I love “flubs” when reading or talking aloud. Makes things a little more interesting, ya know?! Glad you enjoyed the Hunger Games. I’m still waiting to get my hands on the third one!
LOL! First off, I am definitely trying that treadmill work out. Secondly, that breakfast sandwich looks absolutely delish. Thirdly, I am madly in love with peanut butter so I had to read your blog! Good thing I did 🙂
Smoked salmon is soooo good 😀 That looks like a yummy brekkie!
“Sadie ate it like a rabid dog”… Oh my goodness, I can totally relate!
We took Happy to the dog park today to celebrate one of the neighbor pup’s 1st birthday, and when we got there, one of the girls handed out doggie-cupcakes for all of the dogs to eat. Well, I think they were a bit frozen (it was like 35degrees outside) so when I unwrapped it and gave it to Happy, she nearly choked on the thing because she didn’t want to take the time to bite it into pieces. I kid you not, she nearly swallowed the entire cupcake whole before I could get it back out of her mouth! I literally thought she was going to choke. I had to break it into pieces for her myself so she wouldn’t try to swallow it whole again.
I swear, this dog acts like she’s never seen food every time she’s fed! My guess it’s from all the competition at the shelter. Just had to share!
Funny stuff!
Oh I hope you went to the farmer’s market. I wanna see what you bought and ate while there!
I just got ‘The Hunger Games’ series from my Aunt to read! I’m so excited to start later tonight! : )
Thanks for sharing the workout. I can’t wait to try it out next week! 🙂
oh my goodness…i’m drooling over your breakfast.
I just finished that book and it’s awesome. Today, I bought the other two books in the series and I can’t wait to read them!
There’s a CNBC special called the facebook obsession thats been playing. I just watched it tonight, and it was good. It went a little into the untold part of the story, and it also talked about the future of facebook. It was crazy. You should watch it sometime if you see it on!
I’ve been curious about Hunger Games – I think I’m going to add it to my must-read list or maybe when it’s my turn to choose a book for the book club I’m in, I’ll select that one! Sounds like a page turner.
I did this workout today on the treadmill. SUPER sweaty = ‘s super awesome! I love these incline/interval workouts. Keep them posted!! Thanks!
My friend and I did this workout today on the treadmill and it was killer! We pin your workouts onto pinterest and then take pictures of them on our phones so we have them… I went back on your blog to read about it after we did it and I thought it was hilarious you titled it 40 min lazy girl workout!! Love your intervals though thanks so much!
For the pace, do you mean on a scale of 1-10 or is it literally 6.5 = 6.5 miles an hour.
Wow – I go to the gym 2-3x per week and run/walk 2 miles (sometimes more)…after reading that this is called the “lazy girl workout” I guess mine is the super duper lazy girl workout as I do my walking at 4.0 and run at 5.2 or slightly higher. Even when I’m in a good routine, I simply have not gotten to a point where I have the stamina or wearwithall to run much faster for longer periods of time. 🙁 Oh well…despite my super duper lazy girl workout, I finish very sweaty & feeling like I got a great workout and the lbs are melting off.