Hello from the floor of the Tampa airport!
I made it through security and am currently waiting for my flight to board.
Airport security is always a treat, isn’t it?
I’ve come to realize that a couple of things always happen to me when it comes to airport security:
- I am indecisive and switch lines. This inevitably leads to me choosing the wrong line and I end up waiting way longer than I would have if I would’ve stayed in the line I picked from the beginning.
- I get searched. Every time. One time I set off the beeper thing so many times around my chest that I had to explain to the guard that it was the underwire from my bra setting off the beeps. This was right around the time of 9/11 so there were a lot of military personnel nearby and the men thought this was hilarious. Hiiiiilarious.
- Unloading all of my crap in 2.5 seconds while people wait behind me stresses me out.
The woman in front of me going through security today used six bins. SIX. I was going to hand her another one to see if she wanted to ride through on the conveyer belt herself, but I thought that might be frowned upon. Plus, I figured she was probably as stressed out as I was about unloading everything faster than the speed of light so as not to anger the people behind us.
I am reminded of this cartoon…
Thank you, Pinterest, for exposing me to the most random things in the world that crack me up.
Since my flight is leaving out of Tampa, I am storing my car at my parents’ house in St. Pete to save money on airport parking. My dad was kind enough to drop me off at the airport and treat me to a father-daughter lunch on the way at the Vinoy Clubhouse!
I ordered a turkey BLT with a side of fresh fruit and it was fresh and flavorful.
I also made sure to drink a lot of water to keep myself hydrated for a day of traveling.
Time to board! Hoping to spend this flight finishing up The Paris Wife!
OMG I am crying from laughing so hard at that cartoon. Seriously, that’s me, I always get SO stressed, and panicky, so glad to feel like everybody else does too.
Another travel story that you don’t need to hear: On the way back from Paris during collage, my passport dropped out of my back pocket into the toliet. I was still in college. Luckily, was able to retreive it and made it back to the states.
Oh yes, the joys of airport security! I hate having to put EVERY SINGLE THING into those bins.. ugh!
Hope you had a great trip!! 🙂
Completely agree about the stress of airport security! It seems that, at least for the last couple of flights I’ve made, that I always choose the line where you have to do the full body scan. The bad? The line takes forever. The good? I’m becoming quite the pro at the position, I no longer feel like an idiot when I have to put my hands behind my head…
Hope your flight wasn’t too stressful and have a great trip!
I agree! Such pressure they put you under!
That airport cartoon is hysterical! I feel the same way, and the security line is probably the thing I dread most about flying. Hope you had a safe trip!
I agree – it stresses me out how you have to hurry so you don’t hold up the line through security. Noone wants to be “that person” that holds everyone else up.
Airport security sucks! I have 2 toddlers and now it’s 100 times worse – especially when there are business people behind us that are trying to rush us. So stressful!
Nice computer background 😉 So cute- Sadie & her glasses.
Hope you made it there safely, and enjoy your trip!!!
That cartoon is hilarious and so true!!! Thanks for the laugh and I hope you have a safe flight and fun trip.
Julie your shoes = adorable…..where’d ya get them? Your outfits are always so copy-tempting!!!!!!!!!!!
thank you! i got them from ruelala. they’re bacio flats!
Ahh the stresses of airport security!!! I was the same way this afternoon. 🙂
Oh man… I definitely feel similar!