Hello from the floor of the Tampa airport!
I made it through security and am currently waiting for my flight to board.
Airport security is always a treat, isn’t it?
I’ve come to realize that a couple of things always happen to me when it comes to airport security:
- I am indecisive and switch lines. This inevitably leads to me choosing the wrong line and I end up waiting way longer than I would have if I would’ve stayed in the line I picked from the beginning.
- I get searched. Every time. One time I set off the beeper thing so many times around my chest that I had to explain to the guard that it was the underwire from my bra setting off the beeps. This was right around the time of 9/11 so there were a lot of military personnel nearby and the men thought this was hilarious. Hiiiiilarious.
- Unloading all of my crap in 2.5 seconds while people wait behind me stresses me out.
The woman in front of me going through security today used six bins. SIX. I was going to hand her another one to see if she wanted to ride through on the conveyer belt herself, but I thought that might be frowned upon. Plus, I figured she was probably as stressed out as I was about unloading everything faster than the speed of light so as not to anger the people behind us.
I am reminded of this cartoon…
Thank you, Pinterest, for exposing me to the most random things in the world that crack me up.
Since my flight is leaving out of Tampa, I am storing my car at my parents’ house in St. Pete to save money on airport parking. My dad was kind enough to drop me off at the airport and treat me to a father-daughter lunch on the way at the Vinoy Clubhouse!
I ordered a turkey BLT with a side of fresh fruit and it was fresh and flavorful.
I also made sure to drink a lot of water to keep myself hydrated for a day of traveling.
Time to board! Hoping to spend this flight finishing up The Paris Wife!
Oooh, your turkey BLT looks AMAZING! I went out to lunch with my mom, grandma, and a family friend today and we were talking about what a treat BLTs are. Makes me think of summer! There’s really nothing better than a BLT with a homegrown, juicy, flavorful tomato. Yummm. Have a good flight!
Gosh, I just hate the airport. Mostly because of the security – always such a pain. But, it is fun to go places that require a plane 🙂 so I deal. Lunch looks great!
At least lunch looks yummy 🙂
I hate feeling so rushed in line – no one can really go anywhere anyway, but I’m still hustling to get my shoes on n’ off
I can totally relate to the cartoon. 6 bins is so excessive, I think I would have passed her one for herself:)
I get sooo overwhelmed on the security line! That sandwich looks yummy. Have a safe flight!
This had me laughing so hard! My co workers probably think something is wrong with me!
Glad you have good reading material – key for airport time! I somehow never get searched – and always leave all my toiletries in my carry-on. 🙂
That’s the one thing I hate about airports – the feeling that no matter how fast I am, it’s just not fast enough! It’s so stressful..
I thought you’d like this airport security comic as well:
oh man, i feel ya on the stresses of airport lines! my driver’s license is such a pain in the butt to get out of my wallet, so that in itself stresses me out as i’m trying to get it out quickly to show it to the security people. also, love your desktop on your laptop! 🙂 and your sandwich looks amazing!!
I always switch lines…no matter where I am and I never, ever pick the right line!
I’m going straight to the fashion page to see if you’ve debuted those flats. I LOVE them!
Girl I have an awesome/awful story…we stayed up SO late on our wedding night (open bar at our reception until midnight then we went out to a bar with all of our guests until 3am) then we woke up at 7am to catch a flight. I still had my hair done (10000 bobby pins) and last nights makeup. Of course I get searched and practically felt up by the security and they asked me to take my hair down!! I told them I had just gotten married and it would probably take me an hour to get out all the pins, the ran this cloth over my head and went and tested it to make sure it wasn’t a bomb or something. Oh and to make matters worse…I threw up walking on the tarmac in Cabo…wonderful first day of marriage hahahah!
Hahaha that is an awesome story! A bomb in your hair?? And then throwing up haha. Too funny
What a crazy memory!! It makes an awesome story! 🙂
Hahaha that comic cracked me up! I hate when people are waiting in line and I feel pressured to go so much faster than I want to!
That cartoon is funny because it’s sooo true! But I love airports. All the hustle and bustle and people watching. 🙂
I got all my bags searched because I packed a (factory sealed) bag of PB2 and they didn’t know what it was and they were all suspicious. I explained what it was and they let me keep it, but not before taking out ALL the contents of my suitcase!
I HATE airport security. I get that they are just doing their job, but once they made me throw a tiny nail file, but let me keep a sharper, longer one…what?!?! Oh well…
Ugh getting through airport security is always stressful! I hate feeling rushed!
Can’t wait to read about the trip!
I traveled extensively for work in 2011 (75k miles of fun) and I think adding to the cartoon the annoying wait for all your stuff after the machine. Hurry up to get the stuff through, only to have to wait for the TSA guy to analyze it like it’s the lost land of Atlantis.
HAha you crack me up. I too hate security, but I never get searched, and I just try to ignore all the toe-tapping and stare downs from people behind me. HAH.
Yummy looking lunch! ANd yes, I too want to finish Paris Wife today……
OMG! I love the cartoon of airport security. Totally feels like that. Now I wear flip flops, slip ons or sandals when heading to the airport. Have a great time in Denver.
The rushed feeling is always the worst in the winter – at least for those of us who live in the frozen tundra (Chicago). Coats, scarves, bulky sweaters and boots are no fun to tear off in .2 seconds!
I loved the Paris Wife. It even made me decide to pick up an actual Hemingway novel for fun. Enjoy 🙂
I traveled to Disney World from Washington State with 2 kids when I was 33 weeks pregnant. They wanded me at the Orlando airport for like 15 minutes before our return flight. It was ridiculous. I held up my arms and said (in the style of Jerry Seinfeld) “ladies and gentleman I implore you” and no one even got it. No wonder you are harassing me if you’re not a Seinfeld fan. Hrmph!
ha ha, never thought about not being the only who feels that way because of having to put all your crap in tubs so fast. Glad i’m not alone!
I dont even travel very often and I hate the airport! Have a safe plane ride!
I just started The Paris Wife – I’m liking it so far!
I don’t mind airport security. I would rather make sure only safe things make it on the plane!
I’m sitting in the Tampa Airport too!! I’m on my way back to Ohio from Key West!
Have a safe flight Julie!!! And so much fun with your friends! 🙂
I’m about halfway through The Paris Wife.
I’m not really getting into it for some reason.
I keep thinking that reading a book from Hemingway’s perspective would be more interesting.
Anyhow, have a nice trip!
I get stressed going through security too. I had a traumatic experience a few years ago.
When I was going through security in Frankfurt, Germany, one of the ladies pulled me a side and “patted me down”. I felt violated! My friends thought it was hilarious. They joke around saying it was the most action anyone got the whole trip 🙂 Hope you have fun in Denver!
when i was coming home from china this summer i was detained after going through the “naked scanner” and they took me into a little room and asked me “if i had metal in my pants” LOL i was so freaked out (because i didn’t want to miss my flight!) that i was like.. “look lady- i don’t have metal in my pants and I’ll gladly strip to prove it!” haha after a quick pat-down i was free to go. but seriously.. metal in my pants??
My first overseas mission trip was this way!! I was super nervous being in so many different countries and then on top of that I had to get undressed! Not really, but you feel that way. My passport picture is super outdated and on our way home the chic behind the counter said I was fat in my picture and she asked me if I had a more recent picture! I was PMSing and by the time we got set down I was in tears!! Did I mention I was the only female on the trip? 🙂 Ahhh good times.
I am totally having that sandwich for dinner!!
happy Friday!!
have a fun trip! i LOVE flying, but going through security and the “sense of urgency” gives me anxiety, like we’re all being shuffled in.
Have fun on your trip! That’s annoying about getting beeped. I just realized that it’s been so long since I’ve traveled by plane, the last time was before I wore underwire bras (age 11!). Gosh I live under a rock! I love Pinterest too. That little cartoon was from this website theoatmeal.com that is HILARIOUS! 🙂
that picture cracks me up!!! I love the airport which is probably really weird!
So excited you are coming to Denver. I live in the area and it’s awesome!! Hope you have a wonderful time here!! 🙂
I just finished The Paris Wife today and I loved it!
I can totally relate to the bra setting off the detector at airport security. It happened to me on a business trip when I was entering Canada. I kept beeping and beeping and beeping until the guard realized the issue. Then he called out (in front of everyone in line AND my co-workers), “It’s OK! It’s just her bra, people!” SO embarrassing.
Hahaha!! That cartoon is adorable! LOVE IT! And the story about your underwire bra setting off the metal detector – priceless! 🙂
Phew! I’m glad it isn’t just me that freaks out when it comes to getting threw security!! I always thought everyone else always looked so calm and collective and it was just me!
I always get searched too! It never fails. 🙂 Safe flight hun.
Totally get stressed out every time I have to take things off on the airport security line to put in the buckets! I feel your pain! Note to self: no belts and slip on shoes next time I travel
Safe flight!
I know what you mean about being stressed when you have to put everything on the belt! I always feel like I’m the annoying girl who takes forever. Have a great time in Denver!
Gotta love those body scanners at Tampa. I have family in the Tampa area so I am constantly traveling through that airport. I had to get new bras just for those stupid body scanners. Gotta love Victoria’s Secret. Have fun in Denver. I got sick from the high altitude when I was in Colorado. Drinking lots of water helped (tip came from a CO resident familiar with high altitude sickness).
I love turkey BLT’s! Are your snakeskin flats from LOFT?
nope. i got them from ruelala – the brand is bacio i believe. 🙂
I haven’t traveled via airplane since 2006 but heard it sucks these days. I laughed out loud about handing the woman in front of you another bin. 😉 Have a fun trip!
My brothers wedding reception there was metal detectors that my bra kept setting off talk about embarrassing. The security guys thought this was hilarious and finally just said go through. No one else apparently experienced this issue.
I laugh every time I see that cartoon on pinterest. It is so true! I am practically ripping my shoes off my feet every time I go through airport security.
Airport security stresses the hell out of me, even worse when they make me take off my shoes…and I recently had a pedicure. Once they refused to let me take fro yo through, which meant a head freeze- no way I was chucking that baby out!