I have a feeling today is going to be a fast-paced day. My to-do list is hoppin’!
As they say, “A body in motion stays in motion. A body at rest stays at rest.” I figured a quality workout would get things moving for me this morning start my day on a productive note.
My workout included 20 minutes on the elliptical, followed by BodyPump. Today’s BodyPump class felt easier than usual, but not in the “I’m getting stronger” kind of way… in the “instructor hand-picked all of the easiest tracks” kind of way. At least the easiest BodyPump class is still a challenge!
After the ‘Pump, I took Sadie on a long walk around the lake near our apartment. It was beautiful outside this morning! Central Florida has experienced quite a few gray days with some rain this week. The dreary weather has greatly helped with the sweltering heat.
On our walk we saw lots of different birds, including teenage swans!
Aren’t they so cute in their awkward stage?
I wish I looked that adorable when I was an adolescent.
What? You’re telling me Umbros and Shoot Like a Girl t-shirts aren’t cute?
After our walk it was breakfast time!
Breakfast was oh-so-simple thanks to some prep work last night.
Uber chocolaty overnight oats!
This is the breakfast that almost never was because, once again, I ate it and remade it.
It seems like 90 percent of the time I prep overnight oats for breakfast the next morning, I end up eating them around 9 p.m. as an evening snack. They’re so good and seem to call to me from the fridge.
After making my second batch last night, I headed upstairs to bed immediately so I wouldn’t touch the soakin’ oats. It was the little engine breakfast that could.
I think I can, I think I can…
Fortunately batch number two survived the night and I topped it with frozen banana slices and a dollop of Greek yogurt before digging in.
Love chocolate in the morning!
Question of the Morning
- Was there a sport or activity that you really wanted to excel in but never quite did growing up?
Prior to high school, I wanted to be an amazing soccer player. I felt like all of my friends played soccer in elementary and junior high school (and wore those super-cool Samba shoes), but I never did.
Once I outgrew my tomboy phase, I wanted to be a fantastic dancer. Luckily downing a few cocktails makes me feel like I dance like Britney Spears now, so I don’t care as much anymore… Unless I’m watching So You Think You Can Dance, in which case I immediately wish I could pop, lock and drop it.
I always wanted to be good at soccer, because number of my close friends were awesome in middle and high school. It just never quite worked out for me. I was a tennis and volleyball girl!
I never- NEVER- played sports or belonged to a “team” unless you count dancing. By the time I got to high school, I was way too intimidated to try, and I never even knew how to play sports. Sad!
In high school I was realllly into cheerleading. I always wanted to be the amazing fly (girl at the top of the stunt- in case anyone wasn’t as obsessed with cheerleading as I was ;)), but it turns out I was better suited to stay on the ground. Guess being scared of heights doesn’t help…
I kicked butt in tumbling though 🙂
tumbling… something else i wish i could do. 🙂
oh and if it’s any consolation, i am always WAY more impressed w/ the cheerleaders who tumble than those at the top of a stunt!
Volleyball! I played volleyball all four years of High School, but was never really that good. I really wish I had tried out for Cross Country instead because as it turns out- I am a pretty good runner 😉
I always wanted to be good at soccer! My boyfriend and I even joined a co-ed soccer league just for fun last year! I bought pink cleats and everything. Needless to say I am still scared of soccer balls and I didn’t have very much fun playing because I was so scared of getting hit! I just ran around the field because I had no idea what I was doing! I was always a dancer, no need to worry about flying objects coming towards your head!
I really wanted to excel in track and field! I was actually out with a few friends last night and we were talking about this! We both made it to state level competitions, but the nerves were enough to just do us in and to make us race poorly! I feel like if I could have my brain now, back then, I would be able to mentally handle the challenges of track! Sigh…guess I’ll stick to my umbros shirts as well…maybe some jnco jeans or tommy hilfiger overalls as well 😉
omg! overalls!!! i had a pair. talk about droopy butt syndrome.
YES! And I am also a “pear” shaped girly and no amount of badunkadunk makes those look right…and they make butts look SO tall haha
Haha i don’t knownif there is a body type out there that could make overalls look good!
I really wanted to play volleyball in junior high but I would always close my eyes when the ball came at me. Weird because I played tennis, but I think I just felt like I had more control with a racquet. With volleyball, it was just me and the ball!
In 5th grade I decided that I wanted to start playing softball after seeing how much my brother loved baseball. My parents bought me all the equipment and I started practicing and playing on a team and everything was okay until I got up to bat for the first time. Most of the girls had already been playing since they were 5 years old and threw the ball super hard! First pitch..Boom! Hit me right in the helmet. The rest of the season I dreaded softball and then quit. I guess it’s not as easy as it looks! 😉
aw! i know what you mean though about feeling like you’re “behind” – it’s ridiculous how that in FIFTH GRADE you can already feel like you’re behind and not good enough in a sport. i felt like all my friends had been playing soccer for YEARS by then.
I always felt this way in gymnastics – I wish I would have stuck with it though!
Coordination has never been one of my strong points…I pretty much envied any athlete and their ability! 🙂
Tennis and golf have always interested me!
haha yes with the awkward phase!
I was never very good at soccer bec I had poor eye foot coordination. THough I worked on it was a good rugby player in college. I’m the same way with chocolately oats they are just too good to wait to eat! 😛
Good luck with your to do list! 🙂
I always wanted to excel in a team sport but I never did because I never wanted to stay at school longer than I had to, haha. Practice was always after school but I always wanted to leave ASAP!
Those teenage swans are cuties!
Definitely basketball– unfortunately it just didn’t happen. I was a cheerleader so at least I got to watch my friends play basketball 😉
I love cold oats too!! I would have to say track/running. I loved it so much, but I was a little bigger in highschool so it was much harder for me to become quicker. After high school I lost weight and running became alot easier for me. I still love to run today, but I have come to realize I will never be an olympic runner 🙂
I was a cheerleader, lacrosse, player, and tennis player… but I really wish I could have played softball. It’s such a fun sport to play as you get older! So many teams to join in the local community. Alas, I shall watch from the bleachers
We have baby ducks all around by us and they’re SO cute. Now I’m excited to see what they look like as teens – haha.
Those swans don’t seem too far off from how I was as a teen 😉 Braces, gawky, uncoordinated – i do not miss those days!
Horse-riding! I was so into it when I was younger and it was my whole life.
Ever since I moved to the city and the stables I worked at closed I haven’t been able to do it 🙁 If you’d told me a few years ago I wouldn’t be horse-riding I wouldn’t have believed you.
Those oats look so good! Oh, and the ducks are adorable!
I wanted to play on my high school’s basketball team so bad. I liked shooting hoops and I was never that amazing of a player. I wanted the chance to play though. Unfortunately, I was very big into acting and singing and all of those activities conflicted with basketball practices. Oh well 😉
I was a dancer and never had much time to do other things. I always wished I had played soccer or tennis!
Definitely soccer! My dad played semi-professionally in the UK, and I know he was dying for me to be good at the game like he was. I played on a team for a while, and they stuck me at goalie, but it didn’t really work out! 😉 A lot of the girls I played with ended up playing in college, so I was really out of my league!
Oh well, can’t win them all!
I totally always wished I could dance, and still do or sing! I think it stems from my love for musicals! Too bad that I am really clumsy and don’t have anything close to a singing voice!
growing up all of my friends were on the competitive and select soccer teams and i wanted SO bad to be good…but i sucked. i wasn’t even one of the better players on the rec team…lol.
but then when the olympics would come on i’d wish i were a gymnast in the summer years and would have killed to be an amazing figure skater in the winter oly’s. sadly, i have no coordination at all!
I played volleyball, field hockey, and ran track. I wish I could have been good at long and triple jumps…my track coach always pushed me to do them and I always sucked so bad!
I do wish I could play basketball. The first time I ever played I didnt even dribble the ball, I just took it and ran down the court. So embarrassing. I still cannot dribble a basketball and walk or run at the same time. Uncoordination at it’s finest! 🙂
I always wanted to be good at tennis and cross country! But it wasn’t until my junior year that I started running, and I kind of wish that I started it earlier. But I guess it’s good that I didn’t get too drained from running in high school, since I probably wouldn’t love it so much today.
I so badly wanted to be good at softball and basketball, but I was awful at them. I was way better at dance than I was in team sports, which is weird because dance takes just as much coordination!
I always wanted to be a gymnast! In Elementary school, I’d turn on the “Simpsons Sign the Blues” tape and make up gymnastics routines in my living room. Wearing a unitard, of course! How did my parents not think I was weird?!
*Sing – not sign! 😉
I really never played any type of sports and yes, I felt like I absolutely missed out! I was an anxious kid (still true as a grown-up!) so when I tried out for the swimteam, I choked (not literally) at try outs and it scared me off. Same with track and cross country. Now, I’m a runner and sometimes my head still gets in the way but I’m in the best shape I’ve ever been in and that’s saying a lot! Still, I’m never going to win a marathon or even run in one but I feel great about where I am and that’s super important!
I wanted to be an all star cheerleader….. I was overweight in high school when I was a cheerleader so that simply wasn’t going to happen. However if I were to do it now, I’d probably be really good at it, I gained a drive for fitness now that I’m older.
Haha I’m glad I’m not the only one who needs to practice restraint around overnight oats the night before! I used to wish (and still do) that I could play an instrument, either the guitar or piano!
I love the pictures of the swans! 🙂 I always wanted to be really good at basketball. I went to so many bball camps and all of my friends played. I was never that great at it though, I think being 5’2″ had something to do with that. 😉
Looks tasty! As a kid, I did competitive swimming, basketball, and soccer. My dad used to compete in swimming in the paralympic games, so he (and I) really wanted to do well on the team I was swimming for. Well, the social side was awesome, but the swimming…. I got a little sick of it. Things went much better with basketball and soccer though!
I always wished I was good at gymnastics! My sister was sooo good and could flip but I could never even pull myself up or bend backwards haha, it was pathetic!
I played a LOT of sports – basketball and cheerleading, karate, gymastics…and of course football and kickball at recess in school. I may not have been the best at them but I am pretty athletic and competitive so the effort I put into it made up for my lack of technical skill, lol. I always did wish I was a better basketball player – I played with the boys, so I had quite the challenge!
I have to make my overnight oats right before bed or I devour them too! 🙂
Aw, I HIGHLY doubt you were an awkward teen 😉 Those overnight oats look so good but I know mine would never make it to breakfast either. I’ll have to try them one day.
Mmm…that breakfast looks delicious! So funny that you almost always eat it the night before – easily done, my friend, lol! 😉 And I can totally see why – who wouldn’t want to eat that!? 🙂
Those swans are so cute – we saw some at the weekend too and their awkward stage is so cute and fluffy and delicate!
Hmmm…I always wanted to be good at tennis – my parents encouraged me to play at school – but I was just terrible. My hand eye co-ordination is non-existent… and backhands & serves are the hardest things ever! 😛
I tried soccer… the ball hit me and knocked me out cold on the field. Not my thing apparently LOL. I did dance classes however – and pretended I was Britney Spears, although, my dancing is slightly whiter than it should be hahaha I just embrace that now 🙂
All 4 years of high school I played volleyball and loved it. I was good, and I made the varsity team as a junior, which was not easy at my school. But I always wanted to be better. I guess it would have helped if I didn’t complain about practices all the time…? 😉
Easiest fix to eating your overnight oats at night.. is making them again!
I love the big beaks on those swans!
In middle/high school – I had to choose between soccer and basketball. I chose soccer .. but still played basketball.. just not as competitively. Looking back, I wish I had concentrated on basketball!
Love the idea of using frozen banana slices rather than just normal ones – probably a nice treat on really hot days. I’m guilty of the exact same thing – prepping a meal for the next day but eating it before nightfall! Ops.
I always wanted to play tennis, but I love playing volleyball and they were in the same season. I don’t regret playing volleyball over tennis, but I do wish I could’ve played competitively.
I never learned how to do a cartwheel!
Being the giantess of the school (I was 6′ tall by the time I was in 9th grade), I was always pretty jealous of the tiny soccer girls who raced around the field. And since I struggle a bit with hand eye coordination, I couldn’t quite hold my own with the too cool for school lax girls.
Luckily, volleyball and basketball were meant for me, and by the time I was a senior, I felt like a rockstar of volleyball that other little girls looked up to!
I played soccer my entire childhood but was always secretly jealous of the lacrosse players. I really wanted to play that, probably because it was a “newer” sport for woman and seemed so bad ass. ha!
I wanted to be an awesome dancer and softball player. My dad always told me to tryout but I never thought I was goo enough. And apparently after 12 years of studing jazz and tap dancing I still suck.
Umm… the answer to that question would be: ANY sport!! I just wanted to be good at something, but I wasn’t. I was a cheerleader, but not even a good/athletic cheerleader… just the one who can wave pom-p;oms around and smile a lot! 😉 That’s why I’m loving running now… I feel (somewhat) athletic for the first time in my life!
I wanted to dance but I just wasn’t any good at it 🙁
I grew up dancing but always wish I was even better.
But I’ve also wished I could be a bad@ss diver! Or gymnast..
I always sort of wish I had been into gymnastics…I am 5’1″ and always think that I would have been the perfect size to be a gymnast!
I have always loved rowing buy since I didn’t live anywhere near a lake that couldn’t have happened growing up. So fun though!