Quesadilla for lunch!
When lunchtime rolled around today, I was quite hungry.
My morning snack didn’t do a very good job of holding me over, so I was ready to eat!
I made myself a quesadilla with chicken sausage, squash and mozzarella cheese and served it with a side of reheated roasted green beans that were left over from last night’s dinner.
As I ate my quesadilla at my computer, the unplugged version of Eric Clapton’s “Layla” came on my Pandora station. In place of “Laaaaaayla” in the chorus, I found myself singing “quesadiiiiiiiilla.”
Someone send help.
I think I started inserting random words into songs after Ryan and I started dating. He does this quite frequently and we’ll often have song lyric wars on long car rides where we’ll change original song lyrics into silly lyrics that often poke fun at the lovely Sadie.
She’s an easy target.
Speaking of Sadie, I found this old picture of her this morning and it made me laugh out loud.
She looks like she’s 95 years old and just took out her dentures.
Sadie is a dog of many looks.
My three favorites are:
- Feeble Sadie
- Life Couldn’t Get Any Better Sadie
Whenever someone asks to see a picture of Sadie that has never met her, I like to show them Old Man Sadie so they think I own some kind of a mongrel.
Question of the Afternoon
- Does your pet have a bunch of different looks in their arsenal? Any favorites?
Milhouse’s #1 look is sad beagle eyes. He can get whatever he wants with them. Pictures here: http://www.brie-fit.com/2011/09/beagle-eyes/
1. that picture just melted my heart
2. i LOVE that your beagle’s name is millhouse! that was my aunt’s beagles name, too!
When my boyfriend is out of town on business I frequently text him pictures of our pup and her various faces with captions. My favorite is the “woe is me” look-as in “come home soon life is so hard without you. I’m soooo sad”
My roommates and I do the same thing! His last name is Grundy, and because his last name has the “e” sound he can throw it into almost any song. Examples include: “So call me Grundy” and “Teach me how to Grundy”. The list goes on and on!
HA! Sadie’s name is the same way… it’s too perfect and too easy!
haha I love feeble Sadie!
feeble sadie is my favorite. 😀
Sadie is such a cutie pie!! seems like she has many different faces – i like the “life couldn’t get any better” one! haha
not old man sadie??? 😉
Lunch looks delightful! I want a “quesadiiiiiiiilla” now! 🙂
Oh heavens do our animals have different faces! It cracks me up- daily!
My boyfriend’s favourite thing to do is to play his guitar to a familiar tune and then he replaces all the lyrics to be about things that are currently happening… like how I’m staring at him like he’s crazy or how I look really embarassed by him. Thankfully he usually only does this when it’s just us around, otherwise the embarassment face wouldn’t be just a joke!
You had me laughing out loud with your quesadiiiilla. Elsa (my cat) has a million faces but the most common ones are “I’m a 100% realxed” and her crazy-look.
Hahaha old man Sadie is classic!
haha! That’s exactly what I thought when I saw that photo–an old woman/man without teeth 😛
Whenever my husband says a stupid joke, my dog stares at him and gives him a ‘REALLY?!’ face. No Joke!
sadie gives me that look when i start to dance… and then she wants to dance too, but her “dancing” is more like bodyslamming into me. 🙂
LOL! Dogs have no shame.
That quesadilla looks delicious!!!!
These pictures of Sadie just crack me up!!! My dog Laney has many faces too, but they are usually more like the “I’m so pathetic” face, or the “If you take one more step toward my bone, I’m going to attack your face” face, or even the “I’m just so excited I can’t seem to keep my tongue in my mouth” face!
Sadie is so cute! My favorite look is the Santa Clause…
HA! i totally didn’t expect that little hat! too cute!
our husky Mila really has the “insolent teenager” look down to a science. my hubby doesn’t like her standing near when we’re eating on the couch, so he’ll say “quit begging!” and she knowsssss she’s supposed to either lay down or back up. when she finally does one of the two, she’ll stare at both of us with this look of complete contempt. i swear she’s worse than an ACTUAL teeenage girl.
crap…definitely meant to post the direct link to the picture, not the album…
so cute!!! if you don’t want that link public, just let me know though and i can delete it! 🙂
eh, it’s okay. it’s an old photobucket album i never use anymore, but i wasn’t sure how else to show you the picture so i uploaded it. everything else is set to private, so i don’t mind the internetz world swooning over such a beaut of a pup 🙂
I love it when my kitty sits right by the couch and stares at me like “is that boyfriend of yours going to move off the couch cause I’m getting really sleepy and want to snuggle.” She will seriously sit there for a good 30 minutes until I grab a blanket and put her on my lap. Her eyes are so heavy and darling. It melts my heart.
haha i love sadie’s looks. our yellow lab has many looks too… my favorite is his crabby look. it just cracks me up every time. if we ask him to move or something he groans and just looks at us like we’ve lost our minds.
I love her “Old Man Sadie” look. I have a male pit mix named Harrison and when he’s looking especially feeble and pathetic I call him by his nickname which is “Sally.” haha
hahahahaha I love that you call him Sally! That is hilarious!
That quesadilla looks delicious!!! Your dog is so cute and funny!
I’m craving roasted green beans now! I love Sadie’s looks!
Harold (our dog) has many looks, as well. My favorite is his pure bliss look with an open mouth smile and squinty eyes. It’s amazing!
Haha Sadie is hilarious.
Mmmmmmmmmmm I wish I had some green beans right now, weird as that sounds. I bought a GIANT bag of frozen ones from Trader Joe’s a few months ago and it lasted me forever!
Haha! I love that first picture of Sadie! She sure is a ham! I always make up songs and different sayings with my family dog Oliver. The name Oliver makes him an easy target. 🙂 He has some very funny facial expressions too.
My dog has the doggie smile, the pathetic “nobody loves me” face, and sometimes she just looks straight majestic!
Love doggies 🙂
Bahahahaha I love your dog. She seems like quite the character.
My dog has perfected the I-know-I-messed-up-please-don’t-hate-me look for whenever he does something he knows he’s not supposed to do. He looks so funny that I usually stay mad for about .00001 seconds before I start laughing.
my favorite look for my dog looks very much like “life couldn’t get any better-sadie” i love it when it looks like they’re smiling!
My dog has so many!!! This is my current favorite: http://preview.tinyurl.com/7sm5wrt
My heeler smiles! She will actually show her teeth and smile just like a human it cracks me up!
In middle school when 98 Degrees song “I Do” came out I remixed with the names of all my crushes. I was so cool.
Koda is a girl (vizsla, of course) and we always joke about her being an old man. In fact, the voice we use as Koda’s actually sounds like an old man. Is that to much info? You know, confessing that we make up things for our dog to say?
nope, we do the same thing with our dogs. own it 🙂
Such cute photos of Sadie! Makes me miss my doggy who is at my parents’ house even more!
That lunch looks reallllly yummy!! Sadie is such a cutie–I love that you love her so much. It’s awesome 🙂
My dog has a very sassy look that she gives when I won’t give into her demands to play fetch 🙂
I have an english bulldog, so he constantly has the “I hate my life” look on his face! He has a pretty darn good life, so he’s not fooling anyone!
Aww I LOVE these! These made me think that you should try submitting some here… http://cuteoverload.com/. I bet Saidie’s would be the funniest/best!!!
i love sadie pics- my dogs have many faces! One of my favsss!
Aww she’s just so sweet looking!! She just seems like she’s the happiest dog ever. 🙂
That looks tasty! How did you cook the squash before you added it or did you cook it?
Oh and by the way, I just recently found your blog when googling how to cook spaghetti squash and I’ve been hooked ever since. Your blog is really helping me get out of the food rut I’ve been in lately. Love it! Thanks!
So funny! One of my favorite pet looks is what I refer to as “sleep head face.” This is when my dog is sound asleep and something wakes him up abruptly and he looks around with sleepy eyes and one side of his mouth smooshed in – like he has snaggle tooth or something. It’s so cute. Also, my husband is always amazed at my ability to fit the words “fuzzy snuggly” into any song, which I in turn sing to my dog. I tell him not to hate on my freestyle skillz 😉
*SLEEPY head face!
by coincidence i was listening to layla today….but the original plugged version. i requested it from my internet radio station…’cause i love the long ending so much…
Sadie definitely has some personality, doesn’t she! Haha. I love the feeble Sadie face.
Your quesadilla looks so good. What kind of chicken sausage do you use, and where do you find it? I can never find it at my grocery store, and I’ve really wanted to try it since I’ve seen you use it on here.
My dog Sam has a particularly handsome look that we call “regal” 🙂 haha
Haha! This cracked me up! All of Saidies looks are adorable! My dog does this too, sometimes he will look like a little puppy and sometimes like an old man!
My dog likes to get sassy with hats: http://jessiebearwhatwillyou.wordpress.com/2012/05/12/home-sweet-home/
As far as faces, he’s got an awesome (both hideous and adorable) snaggle tooth that sometimes sticks out even if his mouth is closed. hilarious.
My pup Halle has a million different looks and she’s the funniest dog on the planet but my friends make fun of me all the time for putter her name into every song. Im the 20 year old weirdo that loves singing to my dog and I call them Halle Songs. Her favorites are Oops Halle Did it Again and (Theme from) The Halles. (Oops I did it again and the theme song for The Monkeys).
My Cooper would love to play with Sadie though she surely would out-play him (he’s a golden retriever). Doggy facial expressions certainly tell all!
Are those La Tortilla Factory tortillas?
My dog Spot can crack me up with his different looks. My favorite is his grumpy face below:
Also his super-duper happy face:
I love your Sadie posts!!
Hopefully you can see this…our vizsla is known for her priceless faces. This is one of my all time faves- my mom sent it to me titled “buncha goofy pumpkin heads”. Her expression is totally the same as the pumpkin next to her 🙂
My dog, India has MANY looks too. She’s got the:
* I am so happy to be a dog-dog look
* I am a human at heart-dog look
* I would sleep all day and do-dog look
My favorite being when she smiles. It’s like her gums get stuck to her teeth while she’s panting. SO freakin’ cute!