I think jumping lunges are making a run at burpees for the most brutal exercise on the planet.
In today’s Best Body Boot Camp lower body tabata workout, Tina paired jumping lunges with a lunge/squat combination exercise with only 10 seconds of rest between the two. During the workout I was cursing Tina, but afterward I wanted to give her a hug because the workout was tough yet doable and 10 times more entertaining than a basic leg workout.
My fellow boot bampers, did that combination kill you or what!?
(If you’re a Best Body Boot Camp fan or have been wanting to try it out, rumor has it that one of the Healthy Holidays Giveaway Week giveaways just maaaay include three free entries into the next round of BBBC!)
When I arrived home from the gym, I made myself a strawberry banana protein smoothie for breakfast.
In the mix:
- 1 frozen banana
- 1 cup frozen strawberries
- 1 spoonful cashew butter
- 1/2 cup honey Greek yogurt
- 1 scoop GNC vanilla cream protein powder
- Unsweetened vanilla almond milk
See ya in a bit with an awesome giveaway! If you’re in the market for some new shoes and workout apparel, I think you’ll love today’s giveaway!
December Book Club
With 66 percent of the votes, the winning book for the PBF December Book Club is…
We’ll be discussing this book on the blog on January 7. Happy reading!
Question of the Morning
- What exercise do you think is the most brutal exercise on the planet?
While jumping lunges make me die a little inside, burpees still win the honor of the most horrific exercise in the whole wide world.
My least favorite is pull ups!! ARRR!! They stink!!!!!!!!!!
I love jumping lunges! I have nicknamed the “Leaping Limas”, after one of the characters in a childhood novel I enjoyed. However, I despise box jumps, crab walks, bear crawls, and moving planks! Also excited about the book. I think I may take advantage of a Barnes and Noble sale and purchase it asap!
I did jumping lunges in my morning workout today too! Wow, painful but they work!
I absolutely LOVE burpees. LOVE them. The more you do them, the easier they get!! My least favorite move is a mountain climber!
I just got an email saying “What Alice Forgot” is ready for me to pickup at my library! So excited to finally read something along with your book club. I’ve been meaning to participate. Sooo excited!
AGREED! Burpees and jumping lunges – wowwweee. when I even read bloggers who went on a burpees spree, it makes *me* ache of pain! So effective though!
I agree with you on the burpees and jumping lunges but also bear crawls…I hate those things!
I totally agree with you! Squat jumps followed by jumping lunges has go to be the worst for me!
Jumping lunges and high knees get me every time…I totally dread them in my workouts but know they’re good for my body!
Squat jumps are right up there for me with jumping lunges!
I’d take burpees over jumping lunges ANY day! It’s a totaly love/hate relationship with them for me.
I love reading about your workouts! It’s really motivating 🙂 I’m finally getting back into the gym today after taking a break for the last almost 3 weeks due to a badly bruised rib. I figured I would be better off just taking a bit of time off to heal so I didn’t hurt myself worse. I’m so excited to finally get to see my new gym! Step mill, here I come!
I think burpees are the devil, but they do the trick! And it’s fun seeing my strength grow after doing them for a few weeks!
As much as I hate Burpees, I think I mihght hate superplanks more!
Weight Burpees and Bulgarian Lunges always get me but I love em both!
Burpees and side planks!
SUCH an awesome book….She’s very funny- I’m actually reading another book of hers right now. Enjoy!
I would definitely put lunge jumps up there as one of the toughest exercises especially if super setting with another leg exercise. Most people find burpees hard but I love them. I’m currently doing a burpee challenge for the month of Dec. You start at 50 burpees on dec 1st, then add one each day until Dec 31 st (dec 2nd 51, dec 3rd 52, dec 4th 53, etc.) Its great, you should try it.
My least favorite move is the 100 from pilates. YUCK! I actually love burpees and jump lunges! Is that sick or what?
My legs can go forever, but I find those yoga/pilates “sit up and then lie back down in 10, 9, 8, etc” moves to be absolutely brutal. One or two is fine… but when an instructor wants you to do upwards of ten in an hour it gets really brutal.
Especially when they want your legs hovering at the same time!
I would waaaay rather do burpees than jumping lunges! Unless they are burpee pull ups, weighted burpees, or any other awful variation of the already less than desirable exercise!
I would LOVE a pair of shoes that don’t slip, I always struggle with my Nikes and mountain climbers…so please put me down for the shoes!!
I’d have to go with jumping lunges…I don’t actually mind burpees all that much!
I have a love/hate relationship with burpees, especially the one legged ones, I hurt just thinking about those. They are so brutal, but I do love them. 🙂 Jumping lunges are pretty rough too.
I love tabata workouts and jumping lunges. Although, I agree they are brutal! Sounds like a great workout!!
I love difficult exercises!!! Makes me feel like I have acomplished something great when I am finished! My favorite difficult exercise(s) is core work on the Bosu!!
I love those shoes! I have gone through three pairs of shoes this year as I started my health journey – I have a pair now that are TOO BIG and I keep slipping on the workout floor for Zumba and other classes I love!
I have to agree both are quite brutal!!
After a body pump class, I loathe nothing more than lunges.
Burpees don’t rank too highly on my favorite exercises, either. 😉
Burpees are the worst! I used to despise doing them in volleyball practice during high school. So brutal!
I actually DESPISE mountain climbers… my shoulders and hip flexors wear out before my lungs and legs do and it’s so frustrating!
Jillian Michael’s likes to incorporate jumping lunges into her workouts.. I’d have to agree, extremely brutal! But also, not as brutal as the “partner burpees” my kick boxing teacher used to torture the class with: in between push-ups at the bottom you’d have to high five your partner doing the same thing. It was awful!
I’m totally with you. Burpees are horrific.
Burpees suck. I’m literally scared of them. I always think I’m going to fall and >splat< my face over the ground.
Oh no, jumping lunges win it for me. They are KILLER.
jumping lunges are the worst! I hate lunges, but I force myself through them.
I just finished “What Alice Forgot.” Really really good.
Jumping lunges are by far the worst. I hate lunges of any kind so when you add jumping into it…killer!!
Burpees for sure. I avoid them like the plague. I think they are the number one reason that I haven’t tried Crossfit! (Well, that and the cost ;)! )
Push up burpees definitely kick it up a notch. I actually enjoy jumping lunges..I may be crazy haha.
I would have to agree with jumping lunges…although after the last phase I hated burpees pretty badly so I think they’ll still top the list for me. But yes it did! And she made the workout go by quickly!
Jumping lunges do suck but I believe burpees are the worst. I remember trying to avoid any Crossfit WODs that had them in them. LOL
I’m with you, Julie! It’s a toss-up between burpees and jumping lunges…paired together it sounds like hell on earth to me.
That rumor about 3 entries to BBBC is outstanding 🙂
Burpees are incredibly difficult!!! By the time I finish a set of Burpees, I feel like I weigh 1,000 pounds!
Push to plank ….ugh hate it
I am SO with you – burpees = death. High-low/up-down planks are another exercise that I hate but I do because it’s good for me (I usually do them when I’m totally winded from burpees, LOL).
I used to dread plyometric lunges, but I’ve found that they’re easier if you swing your arms forward and back in sync with the jumping. Now that I can tolerate them, I’m back to making them harder by using a medicine ball. So. Much. Fun.
Jumping lunges are the worst! They kill me every time! In the best way possible of course 🙂
I agree with burpees and jumping lunges as killer exercises. Another one that is definitely on my love-to-hate list is renegade rows. These look so simple, but OMG!! If you’ve never tried them, give them a shot. 😉
I love that book! Very entertaining!
That’s the book that I choose for my December book club choice. So far everyone is loving it! Hope you do too!