Guess who is the most excited that I will now be working from home?
Off to celebrate!
Living a Life Fueled by Healthy Food and Fitness
by Julie 98 Comments
My name is Julie and I am a full-time blogger, new mama, fitness enthusiast (certified personal trainer and group exercise instructor) and food fanatic (mostly healthy... but also not-so-healthy) living in North Carolina with my husband, dog and baby boy. Thank you for visiting Peanut Butter Fingers! I hope you enjoy little glimpses into my life and have fun trying the sweaty workouts I frequently share and making some of my favorite recipes along the way!
So excited for you! Riesling is the best way to celebrate!
That’s like a tripod of perfection. I’m pretty sure if you show that picture above of you and Sadie you’ll for sure get freelance work…I wouldn’t say no!
Julie, your post this morning made me decide to start my own blog, today! I’ve been thinking about it for some time, and this morning after reading about your giant leap of faith I thought “What the heck, I’m writing a blog post!”. I have 2 posts under my belt and am hoping for many more! Good luck girl, I’m sure you’ll do awesome!
Yaaay! Hope you fall in love with blogging as I did!
I could only imagine! My dog would die if she realized I was never going to work! I’m not going to lie, I would enjoy that a lot too!
oh she is SO excited to be your co-worker! SO cool 🙂
Hilarious captions–love them!
Also, Relax Riesling is the BOMB! But I’m sure you already know that 🙂
I just want to commend you. The decision you made is a really difficult one, but doing what will make you happy is first and foremost! 🙂
So very excited for you, and I’m inspired by your strength and guts! Congratulations, Julie. I know you’ll enjoy having more time with Sadie!
Rielsing, such a great choice, one of te best ^^(and I saw sex and the ciry 1&2, not bad either!). Have you got any plans for your new work?
So excited to see where this next huge chapter of your life takes you, I’m sure you will do so well at whatever you put your heart and soul into like your blog. Sadie won’t know herself having you around alot more!
Hhahahahaha I love all those comments under the pictures of sadie! 🙂
She’s gonna be the best co-worker ever 😉
Congratulations on making such a big move! My husband and I just moved to Switzerland in January for his job, and it was pretty nerve-wracking. Some days I miss my old life, but I keep telling myself that I’m getting an opportunity that a lot of people will never have! The same applies to you – so many people could never be able to, or would never have the courage to pursue a career that is a little bit “outside of the box.” Your blog is one of the few that I follow daily because your writing and approach to life is encouraging and uplifting. I just started my own blog to document our life here in Switzerland – not expecting it to go anywhere big, but just really want to have a place where I can share experiences and photos of what my new life is like here.
So excited for you that you’re doing what you really want to do! (Also excited for little Sadie… she is going to be thrilled to have you home every day!)
HAHA! I love you do Sadie talk!
hahaha”lets gchat side by side!” oh sadie, what a goof! i’m not gonna lie, I am SO excited that you’ll have more time for blogging! I LOVE reading the blog! 🙂
I smiled the whole way through this post!!!
I bet Sadie is going to love you being home more. Bless her!
This may seem random and doesn’t relate to your post at all (congrats again btw!) But i wanted to share with you something I ate that I think you’d love =)
Yesterday’s breakfast was a toasted 100% thomas whole wheat english muffin (it’s soo doughy and yummy), smear of almond butter unsalted (or PB), drizzle of agave nectar and sprinkle of honey.
it was so so good I hope you try it!
Aaaw congrats!!!!!! 😀
Sadie is adorable as always!
Congrats again to you!! Love Relax Reisling! The Polka Dot is good to and try Dr. L (Loosen), the best German reisling ever!!!
You and Sadie are a perfect match!!! Too cute!
Have a wonderful day!
Sadie makes me smile 🙂
I love this! Sadie really is going to be so happy! 🙂 I am so happy for you! 🙂
I have been a quiet stalker… I mean, reader… of your blog for some time now. I am so amazingly happy for you that I just HAD to comment. Your post from yesterday gave me goosebumps. You are an inspiration, that’s quite obvious from the tons of comments you have received. I’m a new foodie/health blogger and you have given me motivation and strength to put myself out there. Thank you, Julie!
P.S. While I was reading your past posts, I saw that one of your possible honeymoon destinations was Naples, FL… That’s where I live! Very cool 🙂
Congrats on the new career path! I can’t wait to see more Sadie pictures since you’ll be with her most of the day! 😉
I’ve been a reader for awhile now and your blog is one of my favorites. So happy for your life change! I recently quit my corporate job to start culinary school – I know how scary it can be to take the plunge. You go girl! 🙂
omigod, Relax Riesling + SATC = best night ever!
Love this post! LOL!
Julie, congrats on your new career path–I’m sooo excited for you!! <3
Hi Julie!
First, and foremost, you are truly an inspiration. I have been a PBF reader since september and look forward to reading your blog everyday times 3, sometimes 4. My best friend introduced me to your blog and explained to me how we are so much alike and gets a kick out of our similar characteristics. I had never read a blog before and soon became addicted. I enjoy your upbeat attitude and beautiful writing. This blog has helped me get through long days at my not so wonderful job. I have found myself sneaking my phone and tuning into your blog during the work day. Its awesome!
When I read your post yesterday about quitting your job to pursue your passion it made me teary eyed at my desk. It was so inspiring and its wierd because the past two days I have met some of the most inspiring people that brought so much joy to my heart in a matter of minutes, on top of reading your post. Its the sign I have needed from God and the reassurance that I need. I am about to leave my family and friends here in Florida at the end of this month and move to Nashville. I have been wanting to do this for a long time and over a month ago I decided to take the leap of faith. I made my company aware of this and told them I want a transfer, but now I may just put my two weeks in because I loathe my job. Its not me at all and I knew this from the day I was hired a year ago. I still manange to keep my outgoing personality, outgoing!! I wont let it get me down, no way jose!
Your blog has been my way of escaping for even a few minutes a day to laugh out loud and feel inspired. Whenever I get silent my boyfriend, Alex knows that I am on PBF. I have had an itch to start my own blog, but always had the exuse of I work 55+ hours a week, need time to workout and spend quality time with Alex. He has told me numerous times he would support my blog and now that we are moving it would be awesome for my family and friends to be able to know whats going on with my life. We were laying around last night trying to come up with names for the blog. SO fun!!
Sorry if this is really long but I have only commented on your blog once or twice and felt the need to get this out of my system. You rock! I feel that if you can make at least one person a day smile, you are doing something really great and you make a lot of people smile. You have so many followers and supporters and its amazing how a blog can change your life. I love blogs and when i get mine up and running I want my blog to reflect the optimistic and inspiring personality of yours, Julie. If you have any advice that would be great! my email is up top.
Keep being yourself because you are awesome and so brave. You will only continue to do great things with this blog!
PS: the secondly part of this novel is Sadie is a lucky pup to work with her momma!
“Let’s make up dances to show Daddy when he gets home.” I almost spit out my cereal reading that. You are so funny.
Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 The "Let's g-chat side-by-side" one made me LOL.
Congrats! Your dog is so cute.
Sadie is the cutest!!! I love the captions 🙂 congrats!!!
Agree! But I think all of your readers are really excited for you, too. It’s always a leap of faith, but it’s usually worth it!
You’ll do amazing-xoxo, Mk
Cute dog! I love its face,hahahha