Sadie is, without a doubt, the most famous Fagan in our household.
Just look at her little mug featured on the homepage of Garden & Gun magazine’s website!
I’m afraid she’s gonna get a big head. It’s very clear that she already thinks she’s queen of our house. Check out what happened within five seconds of me placing freshly cleaned sheets on our bed last week:
Obviously Sadie thinks the bed is better with a big pile of sheets on top of the mattress and sees no need for me to get all fancy and actually make the bed. With the way she loves to burrow, sometimes I think she’s part hamster.
So why was Sadie featured on Garden & Gun’s website?
A few weeks ago, at the urging of a blog reader, I submitted a picture of her in the Good Dog Photo Contest through the popular southern sporting magazine. I was shocked when I got an email telling me that her picture was selected as the winner in the Dogs at Play category. Sadie will receive a prize pack from the magazine for her little victory and I am pretty sure I know what she’s hoping will be in it…
We’re awfully proud of our crazy lady. She’s the Fagan family’s best shot at glory.
My biggest brush with fame occurred when I was in a local commercial as a toddler for the credit union where my dad worked. Talk about hitting it BIG. Ryan’s mega moment occurred when he was featured in his hometown newspaper throwing out a casting net at a local fishing show. Let me know if you want our autographs. We’re obviously on the fame train. Choo, choo!
My workout this morning was kickin’ thanks to day two of Tina’s Best Body Boot Camp. It began with 20 minutes of steady state cardio on the elliptical before I headed into the weight room to complete a leg workout that took me a little less than 40 minutes.
The leg workout didn’t use crazy-heavy weights but it definitely challenged me in a new way. Jello legs!
Breakfast = Bagel with cheese + Scrambled eggs with veggies
Question of the Morning
- What moment in your life has been your biggest brush with fame? Featured in the newspaper? On TV? Share!
Go Sadie! Julie, your dog is absolutely precious! I’m trying to convince my family to get a vizsla (we’re on a dog hunt) but so far they aren’t on board…oh well, they’ll come around 🙂
Sadie is adorable! I want a Vizsla so badly! I saw one this weekend and pointed it out to my husband, and he agreed that it would be the perfect pup. 🙂
Sadie is the cutest!!! That’s one famous puppy! No brushes with fame for me yet!
Yay Sadie!
My high school band was in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade in 1992, so that’s been my only brush with fame – finding my little band self dot on the television!
Way to go Sadie!
Good stuff? I’m on the TV news at least once a month for my job.
Bad stuff? I was on the cover of our Sunday paper. Bad because it was the most horrible close up of my face while running ever.
Pretty sure I’m only famous on my blog. And that our dog, Boyd, is MORE famous on my blog. Lol.
That cheesy bagel looks AMAZING for some reason!
And I sadly have no claim to fame.. yet! 🙂
I was in the local newspaper making a comment about how happy I was that the local post office was getting it’s own parking lot! I’m sure everyone in my home town remembers it to this day!!
I was about to say I don’t have a “claim to fame” completely forgetting that my story was featured in the SparkPeople cookbook and often look up to see an ad on SparkPeople and remember “Hey! That’s me!” Duh Amber, duh. Geez! lol
I LOVE Garden & Gun! Way to go Sadie, that’s a huge feat!
I’m not really sure if I’ve had any claim to fame moments that I can think of, but my mom was on a commercial for the restaurant attached to the Wild West Town back home and talking about their seafood buffet dinner. haha! We still like to give her a hard time about her “i had the mahi mahi, it was reeealllyy good!”
I went to a couple of tapings for Anderson Cooper’s talk show last season so my biggest claim to fame is being seen in the audience 😛
YAY! Congrats to Sadie!
My brush with fame was when I placed in the top 10 for my age group for a Marathon and was written about in a newspaper.
She’s a photogenic lady alright 😀
I was on TRL when I was 14. Jerry O’Connell kissed me
My brush with fame was when I sang Feliz Navidad on our local news. What can I say? If you’ve got it, flaunt it (hahaha).
I was featured on my business school’s website and then that article was showcased on all of the monitors around our main building. A very very small claim to fame!
Congrats to Sadie on her win! And I don’t think you give yourself enough credit, you are so well known in the blog world and have been featured on so many other sites! My claim to fame is being a LOFT girl and featured in their holiday online campaign and online denim guide! It was so much fun!
Aw Sadie!! My little girl (Holly) was one of the featured Good Dogs in the field & water category! Proud parent haha:)
So proud of Sadie!!! Way To Go!!!
I used to run an evening radio show. I’d play requested songs and make fun of the teeney-boppers who called in to request the same stinkin’ song all the time. It was so fun!
I also used to voice-over ads for Deluxe, inc. before the closed their branch here in Flagstaff, AZ.
I made it on the front cover of the November issue of Nationa Education Association-Alaska as part of a montage of 1 inch photos from the NEA Fall Conference attendees. Maybe we could exchange autographs??
Congrats to Sadie! Writing for our Milwaukee paper has been my biggest brush with fame…so I’m still waiting 🙂
When I was a baby, there was a big heat wave, and little pudgy baby me was on the front page of the newspaper, sitting on the beach in my bathing suit, eating a Pacman ice cream pop from the ice cream truck!
I think my mom has it laminated somewhere!
Try not to be jealous, but I was our town’s Newspaper Princess (sponsored by the local Tribune newspaper) in our annual parade when I was about six. The title came with a crown made out of newspaper and streamers and a ride on the fire truck waving to all my adoring fans! I didn’t smile the entire time though because I was upset I didn’t get to catch candy like everyone else!
I don’t think I’ve ever been in the newspaper or on TV! Maybe I’m a little bit boring?
My brother was on the local news when he was about 12 for a story on snowboarding. Pretty sure his line was something like “Yea!” when the newscaster asked him if he was having fun.
That’s basically as famous as my family gets. 🙂
I’ve won two cooking contests and been in paper but most “famous” for being on a national CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corp) news broadcast being interviewed re: effects of environmental toxins causing endometriosis.
But seriously Garden and GUN?? WTF????
Well my grandpa is a famous director (I live in Croatia) and I got a part in his latest movie.. But it didn’t make me famous :/ (I am on IMDB though 🙂 ) My backside has been in quite a few commercials haha since my uncle produces so I’d show up on set and they’d ask me if I could “just stand here” or “walk over there” and I’ve been on the news twice for personal training stuff.. Basically I’ve met a lot of people but nobody knows who I am hahaha
A few years ago, my work sponsored a wagon pulled by 6 Clydesdales in the Calgary Stampede parade and they tricked me into riding in the wagon. I had to dress like a cowgirl and wave to the crowd for 4 hours. I was caught on tv as we passed the media cameras. I’m pretty much a star now…
A few weeks ago my husband and i were shopping at Sams Club and we stopped at one of the sample tables to buy some muffins. Well this employee spots us at the table and asks if she can take a picture of us holding a box of muffins. So we said sure. We never found out what the heck the picture was for but i like to think somewhere is a picture of me holding a box of muffins and inspiring millions to do the same.
Singing back up for the group First Call like 20 years ago!
Yay for Sadie! So this might be a totally dumb question but how did you get your cheese slice to fit your bagel perfectly? With the whole and everything! Yes the little things in life entertain me.
I’m an Australian girl living in London and when the awful floods hit my home town in Aus in January 2011, I was interviewed on the BBC News channel about how my family were holding up (our house went completely under) and the effect it had had on me being so far away from home. I have never been so nervous in my life!! A live interview, in the studio, with NO briefing of what questions they’d be asking/what camera to look at. Deer caught in a headlight much!? All I could think though was “stuff this up and your Mum’s going to send you the bill for 10 years of speech and drama lessons!!”
A huge congrats to Sadie! We are in the same boat. Our dog was featured in Men’s Health last year – a fit and healthy dog representing Eukanuba! Her head got big for a while too and it didn’t help when our vet posted the page of the magazine in the window of her office … then everyone was talking about Coaly 😉 But now we’re telling her she needs to get back out there and book some other appearances to bring in the big money, haha!! Our other dog, Hailey, who was raised as a show dog until she didn’t grow tall enough to compete as an adult, thinks it’s all ridiculous. She tells us she’s used to the spotlight. Oh dogs … what would we do without them?! 🙂
You have a beautiful Vizsla! Congratulations to her for winning! I grew up with one and she was the best, albeit hyperactive, dog ever. 🙂 Ours was a bit taller than she was supposed to be and a whopping 65lbs. I love your blog, and the Sadie pictures; so glad I found it!
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