Sadie is, without a doubt, the most famous Fagan in our household.
Just look at her little mug featured on the homepage of Garden & Gun magazine’s website!
I’m afraid she’s gonna get a big head. It’s very clear that she already thinks she’s queen of our house. Check out what happened within five seconds of me placing freshly cleaned sheets on our bed last week:
Obviously Sadie thinks the bed is better with a big pile of sheets on top of the mattress and sees no need for me to get all fancy and actually make the bed. With the way she loves to burrow, sometimes I think she’s part hamster.
So why was Sadie featured on Garden & Gun’s website?
A few weeks ago, at the urging of a blog reader, I submitted a picture of her in the Good Dog Photo Contest through the popular southern sporting magazine. I was shocked when I got an email telling me that her picture was selected as the winner in the Dogs at Play category. Sadie will receive a prize pack from the magazine for her little victory and I am pretty sure I know what she’s hoping will be in it…
We’re awfully proud of our crazy lady. She’s the Fagan family’s best shot at glory.
My biggest brush with fame occurred when I was in a local commercial as a toddler for the credit union where my dad worked. Talk about hitting it BIG. Ryan’s mega moment occurred when he was featured in his hometown newspaper throwing out a casting net at a local fishing show. Let me know if you want our autographs. We’re obviously on the fame train. Choo, choo!
My workout this morning was kickin’ thanks to day two of Tina’s Best Body Boot Camp. It began with 20 minutes of steady state cardio on the elliptical before I headed into the weight room to complete a leg workout that took me a little less than 40 minutes.
The leg workout didn’t use crazy-heavy weights but it definitely challenged me in a new way. Jello legs!
Breakfast = Bagel with cheese + Scrambled eggs with veggies
Question of the Morning
- What moment in your life has been your biggest brush with fame? Featured in the newspaper? On TV? Share!
Woo for Sadie :)! My “claim to fame” was being featured in Shape magazine (UAE edition)- they ran a story on my weight loss :)!
that’s awesome! congrats!!
Hahah YAY Sadie!! That’s so cool that she was chosen as the winner! When I lived in the Middle East, I did some modeling and promotional work. There was a new resort being built off the coast of the island I lived on, and I was in the commercials walking down the beach. There was also about a 5s shot of my legs and feet stepping into a pool. Not sure if they ever actually aired the ads once the resort was built, but I do have all the brochures still!
foxyyy ladyyy! very cool!
Your dad work for a credit union as a toddler? Starting young 😉
I was on MuchMusic (canadian tv station) once.. Went to a live taping and I was right behind the VJ’s the whole time! All I can say is I am NOT a natural in front of the camera… So awkward.
When I turned 21 I had a billboard in Orlando near UCF as a gift from my mom. Definitely not fame in the conventional sense, but it turned a few heads:) I still have the miniature of it!
Thats awesome! Yay Sadie… Claim to fame is my field hockey accomplishments in HS and college in the newspapers 🙂
I was a semi- finalist for the very first season of Big Brother. Other than that, I have done a few local commercials(I worked for a cable tv advertising company) and I was once on GMA in the 7th grade. Not quite famous but it was fun times!!
Big Brother is my FAVORITE!
Congrats to Sadie!!! 🙂 That is exciting! I was on TRL back in the day. I was on the street level and I was able to request a video and they showed me on tv.
my 8th grade self is extremely envious of you!
I LOVE your Sadie posts…I especially love how her expression in pictures matches the speech bubbles you put on there. Today’s totally cracked me up.
Congrats, Sadie!
This is random, but my sister and I were extras in the movie “Pearl Harbor”. We were living in Hawaii while it was being filmed (Navy family!), we showed up at a random casting call and got picked! The two of us are in the scene when the Japanese planes fly over some kids playing baseball. Thus began, and ended, my film career 🙂
That’s so cool!
My dad was an extra in “October Sky” with Jake Gyllenhaal. The movie was filmed in my tiny town in Tennessee!
Haha omgsh! I lovd october sky! 🙂 you guys have cool stories 😀
Congrats Sadie!
I was on Oprah when I lived in Chicago! It was Rachel Ray’s first show (and Cesar Milan’s). I submitted a question for RR online and was picked by the producers. They met me at a local store on a Sunday, filmed me grocery shopping and I got to ask my question on camera (tips and meals for cooking for 1 or 2). Then I got to go to the show and RR answered the question–she suggested chili. Chili, chili dogs, chili tacos, etc.
Congrats to Sadie! So cute! My brush with fame was actually quite annoying – I was involved in a “political scandal” for the campaign I worked for and I literally was getting called and emailed by reporters every 5 minutes for a week. Luckily, as with all news, something else eventually came up and became bigger news!
Yay for Sadie! My biggest brush with fame was my picture in the local newspaper when I was 12. I was playing the clarinet and the article interviewed me about the possibility of our school cutting the music program. I think my parents might have been the only ones to actually read it!
I applied for this terrible dating show called “Elimi-date” on a whim about 9 years ago, and ended up being cast. It was ridiculous. Filming that was the longest day of my life. I was keeping it a secret from family because I was so embarrassed, but one of my aunts caught me while channel-surfing late at night and spilled the beans!
oh my gosh, i remember that show!!!!
I was an extra in the film Into Temptation and in a scene with Jeremy Sisto (swoon!) and Brian Baumgartner (Kevin from The Office). It was fun to watch them act and shoot. The back of my head really wasn’t in the film but whatever! My husband and I are also extras in the music video for Digging Deep by The Melismatics.
New to your blog, I’m loving it. Sadly, I have zero claim to fame. My HS prom photo was in the paper a few weeks ago. A photo that was over 10 years old. Woot. lol!
My dad is a part-time model and he used to be on the “Welcome To Austin” billbboard/sign at the airport. He had another family in the photo but I was famous by association as everyone for YEARS would always tell me they saw my Dad at the airport (this was when I was in high school). I loved it.
“We’re obviously on the fame train. Choo, choo!” Hahahaha, I almost spit my coffee out laughing at that.
My moment of fame was a couple of years ago when I appeared as an extra on the TV show Scrubs. I was visiting my brother in LA while he was interning for the show. One of the producers asked if I wanted to be in the episode they were filming that day. UM, DEFINITELY!
With my current job I have made the local paper a few times and am on the radio a few times a year. Surprisingly, I am never a fan though! I like being behind the scenes more!
awww Sadie! haha that’s so cute! My biggest moment of fame was when I was 10 years old… My mom brought me to this knitting class (idk why lol) and the local newspaper took a picture of me and this older woman… saying how excited I was to learn to knit. To this day, I still don’t know how to hahaha I was slightly embarrassed when I saw the paper 😉
Congrats Sadie!! When I was in elementary school I used to be in fashion shows in the Nordstrom in Annapolis. That was the beginning (and ending) of my modeling career haha!
When I was visiting DC for college, I was interviewed by CNN, and I’ve been featured in newspapers twice. Not nearly as famous as Sadie, though! Oh, and I definitely had a dream I bought a Vizsla last night…
I was in the local newspaper a few times in high school (academic related), but my biggest moments of fame included several appearances on the local tv station run by my high school. The appeatances included quiz bowl matches & Christmas caroling with my French class. Am I cool or what?!?…ha!
congrats to Sadie! Well its a tad embarrassing but I used to be a huge Tyra Banks fan, before Americas next top model went all weird. So a few years ago when she had her talk show my moms friend hooked a friend and I up with tickets to the show. They sat us down and left a spot between us, we were hoping it was for Tyra. Good Charlotte was on that day and they played there new song “rich and famous” at the time I hadn’t heard it. When they played Tyra came and stood between my friend and I and we had to dance and look all excited, I think I looked like an idiot because a. I didn’t know the song and b. I was dancing next to Tyra Banks! Needless to say it was aired on TV and a bunch of my friends saw us on it!
lol Sadie occasionally makes these old man faces that completely crack me up hahah. Reading through the comments, everyone has these awesome claims to fame, and I have ZERO! Maybe my big moment has yet to come :S
Yay Sadie!!!! that’s awesome!!!
My claim to fame was when I was in 5th grade. I was in a bunch of newspaper articles for raising over $600 for my area after a tornado went through and destroyed a lot of homes and trees and such!
haha Sadie is actually the best, she’s such a ham but so adorable! I have to tell you, this morning I made hummus scrambled eggs with veggies (amazing) and I joined Tina’s Best Body Boot Camp… so thank you for blogging and bringing both of these to my attention! Love PBF
I got on stage with Garth Brooks when I was 8 years old. We had floor seats, and so before we left, I wrote him a letter asking him to play “The Thunder Rose” meaning, “The Thunder Rolls”. My stepdad walked me up to the security guard and I gave him my note to give to Garth, he saw it, and told the guard to bring me back and put me on stage. Best moment of my life! I even scored a kiss on the cheek! I still have my wrist band, ticket, and pictures! My older brother was soooo jealous, especially since he told me I was silly for writing a letter in the first place!
I won a baby contest when I was young (3?) and ended up in a Clorox ad in Life magazine. My win inspired my mom to submit an application for me to be on…Barney. Fortunately I didn’t make it past being a finalist, or naturally I would have become one of those tortured child stars. Ha!
Julie, did you not watch The Bachelorette this season? I always look forward to reading your thoughts, and was surprised to not see any.
Oh, and Congratulations to Sadie!!!
I’m obsessed with Sadie… love her! So adorable 🙂
Try not to be too jealous but I was the team captain of my high school’s Scholar Bowl. I appeared on the local PBS channel answering trivia questions and bringing the team to victory! Haha jk. But I did get the first question correct!
“That would be the State of the Union Address, Ms. Patsy.”
I love Sadie! I have a dog with a similar (read:nutso) attitude. I have been on Family Fued-twice!
Congrats to Sadie! And PS: I love your blog! Been a lurking follower for a while now. One of my dad’s best friends owns a pizza place, I was in their ads as little girl, and my mom still has the original clipping magneted to the fridge!
What an AWESOME picture of Sadie! So much personality! Our cat does the same thing when I make the bed; he loves wrestling with the sheets while I spread them out on the bed, and he cuddles up in the just-out-of-the-dryer pillowcases. 🙂
Umm when I was 5 years old my kindergarten class sent letters to soldiers overseas, and my picture was on the front page. I remember my mom bought about a million copies and sent them to all our family and friends. Thankfully I was only 5, so it was still cute and not obnoxious!
Congratulations to Sadie! That’s the cutest thing, and I hope her prize has lots of treats!
Hmm…when I was in track in high school there was a photo on the front page of the paper from the beginning of a race where I was being tripped and it’s mid-fall!
The funny thing is, they pulled that picture out again a couple months ago (12 years later) and it was in the paper! It was highlighting a local girl that’s going to run in the Olympics and she was part of the clump of us!
My claim to fame is that as a 1 year old I won a “cutest baby” contest. 27 years later and that’s still the closest I’ve ever come to fame, ha.
My aunt worked for Nickelodeon and I was on Figure It Out once! I was the girl at the end of the show when they “randomly” pick an audience member to come on stage to guess. It was so much fun and I felt famous 🙂 My family was also asked to do Double Dare 2000, but we were on a family vacation sadly so we couldn’t do it.
Aw haha congrats to Sadie!
Congrats Sadie 🙂 What a big day for her!
Aww Sadie was obviously destined to be a star!
My biggest “brush with fame” has to be carrying the Olympic torch. The opportunity was given to me bcuz I was part of this group at my school where we did charity stuff etc. Our group got to go to these “VIP” things (the Prime Minister was there one time and I may or may not have flipped out of excitement) and it was surreal.
At the time of carrying it, I was BEYOND honoured, but to be truthful, I didn’t realize the signifigance of the torch. When we were carrying it, we were getting honks at by cars, and my response was to run faster to get out of their way. Turns out they were just excited to see the torch *sigh* I was relieved to hear that.
It was DEFINITELY one of the best moments in my life.
I don’t guess I have ever had a ‘brush with fame’ but I do travel and speak. Mostly to smaller audiences 100-500 people. My favorite is speaking to High School girls. There is so much I want them to know! But I do get recognized some times. “Aren’t you that girl who…..” “Yes, that was me.” I do some crazy things to get my point across!! =)
bahahahahaha I love your dog so much.
When I was a wee one–probably like 4, 5 years old–I had to go to some work function with my mom. Bored out of my mind, I crossed my arms and laid my head down on the table (you know, like how you would sleep at a desk or something). Someone snapped my picture and the picture just took off. My mom works at a hospital, and for a while the picture hung in one of the halls at the hospital (now it hangs in our basement). But more than that, someone decided to use my picture for the hospital’s ad campaign for childhood immunization, so they put my face on a BILLBOARD with the tagline “How can you look them in the eyes if you don’t immunize?” Hahaha. The picture appeared in a separate ad in the newspaper a couple years later. That was the beginning and end of my modeling career haha.
haha I’m not sure… I did have a photo of my dancing around the maypole (we celebrated May-Day at the school I went to growing up) on the back of Kansas City’s social magazine… i was horribly embarrassed yet all my mothers friends sent us extra copies so we’d have more… one woman framed it and sent it to me… Lol so about 1% of the KC population saw it.
Congrats, Sadie!! Hoping she gets all the chicken jerky she desires :).
I guess mine would be in the current Washingtonian magazine. My kettlebell studio is featured, and the pic is yours truly, front and center (whether I like it or not! haha) At least my name wasn’t used :).
You haven’t mentioned your Bachelorette finale thoughts!
When I was a senior in high school, my sis and I met a couple of her friends in Hamburg, Iowa for their annual popcorn festival. They had a karaoke contest that I entered and I don’t know if I won (didn’t stay that long), I did get my name and picture in their paper. Also, I was on my college’s website for a few years for having a totally awesome dorm room. 🙂
I’d say my biggest claim to fame thus far was being on the Today show back in January. I met Joy Bauer, the RD on the show, when she came to Pittsburgh for a cooking demo. She encouraged me to submit a question to her nutrition segment, and I got to ask it live on the air!
In fourth grade, I was in a huge photo in Time magazine for being seated behind a presidential candidate during the 1996 campaign. Our whole fourth grade curriculum was structured around the primary, since in New Hampshire, it was a pretty big deal.
That’s about it though–no real big brushes with fame for me!
How cool! I wish my pup Kirby entered! She looks so majestic.
The only person I know ever to have been on TV in my family is my dad. Someone stole his wallet…so he called the local news station’s “crime-stopper” team.
Aww congrats sadie! I met the prime minister of the netherlands and met shia lebouf! 🙂