Right before lunch today, I went out on a special assignment to pick up cupcakes for a coworker’s birthday.
There I stood, face-to-face with an inordinate amount of baked goods at the Publix bakery. I selected the only non Easter-themed cupcakes I could find, salivated over the delicious-looking icing and checked out.
(Yes, I also bought the birthday boy a toy helicopter. Let’s just say my coworkers are easily amused. 😉 )
Since I still have another two days until I can fully indulge my sweet tooth, I bought myself a pack of Extra Dessert Delights mint chocolate chip gum instead of breaking into the cupcakes on the street corner.
Yeah, gum and cupcakes are totally the same thing.
Though it obviously can’t compete with real mint chocolate chip ice cream, the Dessert Delights gum is pretty fantastic in its own right. I don’t see this pack lasting through the work day that long. Yes, I really do chew that much gum.
Once I arrived back at my desk, I broke into my lunch which was very similar to yesterday’s meal.
Butter lettuce with carrots, celery, a veggie patty and balsamic vinaigrette dressing… plus an unpictured apple on the side.
I had to use up a bunch of the produce in our fridge before we hit the road this weekend. I can’t stand to waste food, so using everything in a big salad did the trick.
Not too shabby!
Back to work for a few more hours. I’m so excited for this weekend! We’re staying with my family tonight and I can’t wait to see my mom, dad and sister!
Quote of the Day
Before signing off, I have to share this quote that Vivianne left in the comments section of my morning post.
“Don’t live by the future because the future never comes.”
I absolutely think that dreaming and creating goals is so incredibly important, but we can’t forget to enjoy today, too. The journey to achieving our dreams is an adventure in itself and part of the fun! I must remember that as well!
To quote Kung Fu Panda, “Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That’s why they call it the present.”
P.S. The Fashion page was updated this afternoon!
what a great quote! I totally agree although it can be hard to live be all the time
mmm cupcakes me thinks that will be my easter treat! 🙂
I’m all about living in the moment, but I think it’s OK to discuss/plan/dream about the future! If you don’t know where you’re headed, you’ll never go anywhere 🙂
Your office definitely sounds like a fun place to work!
LOVE that quote!! Kung Fu Panda is wise 😉
My yoga teacher actually mentioned this in today’s practise about the importance of being PRESENT, and that really struck a chord with me, because I’m always looking ahead for the next thing, and not fully appreciating what I have…so you’re right, let’s have fun along the way!! 😀
OOOO you passed the ultimate test!!! congrats!! i seriously wnt to try that variety of gum! wish they sold it in the UK!
wow that quote is amazing!!!… that really gets me thinking!
Love the Kung Fu Panda quote 🙂
Thats soooooo mean they made you go pick up the cupcakes 😉 GOOD JOB at resisting! Only 35 more hours to go!!!
I totally agree with the “live in the present” idea — I spend so much time dwelling on the past or dreaming of the future — I need to see that life is good now and I need to enjoy it!
That is such an amazing quote. I feel that sometimes I’m too busy “looking forward” to something that is happening in the future that I forget to thank God I have today!
I love that quote! It made my day! 🙂 It is so true!!
That gum is actually good! I was SOO disgusted when I saw them come out! Then my friend gave me a piece and I was like WOW! These DO taste like the ice cream pretty much! and its so refreshing! Its okay! I’ve been known to go through a whole pack in one day! However I usually make a pack last two to three days! 🙂
That was pure evil that you were sent to get the cupcakes!!
That gum sounds pretty good though, I’ve never seen it in the UK though 🙁 if it’s still new in the US maybe we’ll get it here soon!
Love that quote too! Simple but so true.
Haha, I like the cupcakes and the toy, you seem to have a pretty nice job! What do you do exactly?
i work as the content team manager for a large website. 🙂 i write and edit website content and supervise a team of writers.
Oooh, glad you like that gum! I’ve never seen it in the UK but placed an order a couple of days ago on a site that sources American sweets etc and that flavour gum was one of the things I ordered! 🙂 (also PB&Co Dark Chocolate Dreams – cannot wait to try that either!)
Agree with living in the present too – having plans is great but it’s easy to miss what’s going on day-to-day. Having kids makes it even more important to me to focus on what’s going on around me – they grow up SO quickly!!
Hope you have a fantastic weekend with your family! 🙂
ohhh you will LOVE PB & Co, Dark Chocolate Dreams… it is like candy (but healthy candy!) !!!!!! SOOO good!!
aw I love that present – so cute!
I wish we were casual 24/7! We’re business casual, I work from home Thursdays (so WAY casual) then on friday’s it’s chill/jeans. So REALLY i’m only dressing up 3 days/week – can’t complain. And at least it’s not straight up business -ew!
I freaking love that gum (I was actually chewing a piece when I read this post!). The key lime pie one is also delicious.
Haha. I’m so with you on the gum-chewing. I can go through a pack of Stride gum in probably a day.
i am a gum fiend!!!!we’re talkin 2-3 packs a week here
Those cupcakes are making my mouth water too! Whew. Stay strong, girl!
What a great quote. It is so great to work at a casual office. I bet you are so excited for Sunday….Easter breakfast going to be cake???
Have you tried the key lime version of that gum? I chain chew it when I’m studying. So freaking delicious…though I think a slice of the real deal would still be better 🙂
Ahhhh — “chain chew” — love your term there, it kills me! Gum can do that to ya, esp tasty flavors 🙂
Ahh…I know exactly what you guys mean. Yummy gum can become a problem, mostly for my wallet….I go through packs of gum way too quickly. I need to cut back.
I love the quote about the present being a gift…it’s so true and such a good constant reminder to live for today!
OMG! That pug puppy is adorable! My Winston looked just like that when I got him!
I love that mint chocolate chip gum! However, after chewing it for a while it does make me feel sick. Ick. Butter lettuce is my favorite kind of lettuce!
Oh, and I love that quote from Kung Fu Panda! Such a cute movie! 🙂
You have some serious will power! Though that gum does look pretty fantastic 🙂
Thanks for posting my quote, Julie! I’m so flattered and I’m glad you liked it (:
Unfortunately living in the moment for me right now consists of finals week, bleh! Soon it will be summer though (;
That is my absolute more FAVORITE flavor of gum of all time. And if I had a pack of it right I don’t think it’d last the evening! Soooo good.
That really is such a great quote. I used to always say how much I was looking forward to things in the future. But my dad would say “Don’t wish this day away. Enjoy it.” 🙂
LOVE that quote! So true.
Thank the good Lord I’m not the only one who has a gum problem…er…obsession/addiction. I go through a pack a day at least, hah!
Love those extra dessert gums.. they totally help out my raging sweet tooth! I live off of gum!
Your office sounds like a blast 🙂
Is the extra gum good? Everytime I see it at the supermarket check out I’m tempted to try but kinda grossed out at the same time. Haha.
I totally agree! For the past three months I’ve been focusing on moving to DC, but it’s actually helped me to stop and enjoy the present more. Before I know it, my life will be totally different than it is now and I want to know I enjoyed this portion of it to its fullest!
You should try the Key Lime Pie version of that gum. So good!
No joke, I literally just came back from the grocery store with a bulk pack of mint chocolate chip gum in my bag. I have an oral fixation when I’m studying and it helps me not eat an entire bag of chips!
ENjoy the present!!!
Cupcakes…. yum!
I feel “obligated” to inform you (as kindly as possible) that if you started Lent on Ash Wednesday (or the day after, as our youth group did), your 40 days were technically up on Monday or Tuesday. If you’re following the Catholic or even Lutheran calendar, weekends (or at least Sundays or something) don’t count. (Which is dumb in my opinion, because Jesus never took a break from His fasting in the desert.) Technically Lent goes from Ash Wednesday to Palm Sunday, the Triumphal Entry, as I understand it. 40 consecutive days. If I’d gone from Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday, it would’ve been around 46 days. But good for you for going all the way ’til Easter! 🙂 I know I was super excited when Tuesday morning rolled around and I checked Facebook… 😛 (Except now Facebook has changed again and it irritates me…) Although I could’ve been done on Sunday or Monday morning, because I started the day before Ash Wednesday…
Also, love the quotes! 😀
Sounds like you have a really awesome work environment!!! 😀
Hope you have an awesome weekend, Julie!
Having a great office environment makes all the difference! Glad the gum was able to satisfy your craving!
that is such an interesting quote about the future. just another reminder we must try to remember to live in the present moment and be mindful of what IS. not what could or should or might be.
I’ve heard that quote quite a few times, and each time i hear it… it always sets my head straight.
Not being exactly where I pictured myself to be in life (ie fulltime job) causes me to sometimes wish for/think ahead to the future, and what it’s going to be like. Although times are tough for me budget-wise, that’s really the only thing that is weighing on my head right now… and it’s peanuts compared to what other people have going on in their lives. Nowadays I’ve gotten a lot better at waking up with a smile on my face and just enjoying the day as it comes at me. There’s no point in worrying about the future as it makes the “gift” of the present not as enjoyable
Oh my gosh! That quote is great. I think it’s just about finding a happy medium. I have to admit though, I am constantly finding myself getting wrapped up in my future. I like to think it’s just because I have big aspirations and lots of drive, but it’s important to enjoy every moment!
I think that can be kind of hard in college, because the goal (graduating, internships) are so apparent!
Such a great topic. 🙂 thank you for sharing!
I gave up sweets too and totally caved last night while baking 🙁
I used to be ADDICTED to gum, but do you ever find it makes you feel kind of bloated after chewing it for a while? And I think I need to try this flavour; mint chocolate anything holds a special place in my heart.
Yeah I do, but I power through the bloat. 😉
Oh man, I had those Dessert Delights for the first time a couple of weeks ago and it is love. Yeah, it’s definitely not the same thing, but it’s close enough to be fine by me! Unfortunately, I have a funky jaw that really enjoys painfully popping in and out of joint every now and again, and regularly chewing gum aggravates the condition so gum has to be a once in a while thing for me 🙁 But MAN is that gum AWESOME.
Its hard to appreciate time when your in school or working in a not so great job. Whenever I find myself wishing the present away, I know I need to change something in the present. However having future goals is essential. I think its a balance…like eveything else..
Hmm, I had wondered about that gum..
I seriously used to chew a pack of gum a day. I had to stop chewing it for a while to break my addiction!!
that’s my favorite kind of gum!!
That gum is my favorite! I go through packs like crazy.
Love that gum. Have you tried the key lime pie version? That is my favorite!