The princess…
And the pee.
No, not pea.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, my dog likes to potty all the time.
Sadie’s pea-sized bladder was the bane of our run today.
We set out to complete our usual five-mile loop, only my lovely running buddy decided she was going to pop a squat every half of a mile or so. We stopped at least 10 times for her to do her business. It was definitely more of a stop-start run than a fluid one.
I don’t mind stopping every now and then for Sadie’s potty breaks, but 10 times in less than 50 minutes felt a bit excessive. The air was also thick with humidity and I felt like every time we stopped, I started pouring sweat. For some reason the sweat doesn’t bother me when I’m running, but the minute I stop, I feel like the water works start and I am drenched.
Another thing I find odd? Where I sweat.
My face is literally soaked and my chest sweats like crazy, but my arm pits are completely dry. What gives? Apparently I need face and inter-boobie deodorant.
Post run, I came home and had one thing on the brain: Dippy eggs.
I topped one half of a toasted Thomas’ cinnamon raisin bagel thin with raspberry jelly and another half with a dippy egg and enjoyed my plate along with a cup of Greek yogurt and a hot mug of coffee.
Take that, hungry tummy.
Dippy eggs seriously rock.
Thanks so much for your positive feedback on last night’s fun webisode! Just in case you’re in a video-watching mood today, here are a couple past videos that have appeared on PBF:
- Rutabaga fries tutorial
- Ryan’s awesome shoulder move (Ryan’s video debut!)
- Goat cheese + honey dip demo
- How to cut open a pomegranate
- How to curl your hair with a straightener
Coming Up
Aaand get ready for the big announcement post later today! Now that things are all sorted out personally, I’m finally ready to blog about a big change that’s happenin’ in our lives.
OMG..the humidity was AWFUL this morning. We walked out to go to the gym at 5am & I was already sweating just walking to the car…gross! Looks like we will have rain this afternoon though.
Too funny about little Miss Sadie, & I love that top picture of her- she’s just so photogenic 😀
i opened the door to our apartment and felt like i got smacked in the face with the thick air. so, so humid today!
That’s my guess. 😉
Very runny eggs tho for someone who is pregnant…?
I agree – isn’t that a no no when pregnant ? unless she doesn’t know that – then sorry Julie!
Thats my guess!! 🙂
A new fur baby maybe?
except shes been drinking, unless that was “fake”
(hate when blogs do that!!)
I LOVE Sadie’s smile! I’ve gotta get on the bagelwich train!
The other day I was running on the treadmill and I don’t know if my gym is just not properly air conditioned, but my legs were dripped sweat into my socks….I never sweat from my arm pits either! So weird. Sadie’s bladder sounds like mine 🙂
Zomgggg are you moving out of Florida? Or better yet, giving Sadie a little sibling of either the fur or human variety (I will be happy with either) lol.
Inter-boobie sweat is the absolute worst. I was complaining just the other day, that I was sweating nowhere else except for my chest. It feels SO gross.
Our doggie has to stop a lot on any walk too. I think it’s just more of a calling card, you know. Just letting other doggies know they were there.
Can’t wait for the big announcement!
I feel the same way when i run! If i stop the sweat is running into my eyes and burning the heck out of them!
Yay I can’t wait to hear all about the big change!! I’m excited!! 🙂
I love that first picture of Sadie – she’s too cute. But I’m with you, in this weather, stopping is horrible, it’s SO hard to get going again! And I’m in the Northeast so I can only IMAGINE what it’s like in FL!
That egg looks amazing – and I LOVE putting jam together with egg. I tried it for the first time a couple months ago and I can’t believe what I was missing.
I say you’re pregnant. I was gonna say maybe you are moving out of FL but since you’ve been house hunting I dont think that is the case.
I am the exact same way. My face and chest sweat like crazzyyyy!
Talk about weird places to sweat: my shins?!
Sometimes, I have a separate towel that I bring just to soak up shin sweat. Guh. Ross.
Edge of mah seat for the reveal!
So excited for your big announcement! I’m a weird sweater, too. The grossest spot? My upper lip. It sweats like a champ. Ew!
Koda’s bladder is ridiculously small, too, but now that I’m preg, I sympathize 😉
ew, i get the upper lip thing too!
You could try spray deodorant for your chest?
My face always gets bright red, like really red! not cute at all! lol
And Sadie is adorable! My parents neighbor has the same breed of dog as you and her name is sadie too! So weird!
Can’t wait to hear the big news 🙂 It is WAYYY humid today here, just broke a sweat going out to get the paper and put something in the mail!
Lol yea, I also sweat a LOT on my face and chest. My face gets seriously gross, and I miss running in the gym with a towel to wipe all that nastiness off.
I have a big problem with stopping and starting up again when I run. If I have to start running after a pause, I always feel heavy, like I’m dragging my feet along even though they don’t want to move 🙁
Can’t wait to hear the announcement!
Can’t wait to hear the news!!
I wonder why Sadie feels the need to pee s much?! Our family dog used to need to go to the bathroom ALL the time. I think they took him to the vet and they have him some meds to clear up an infection!
i wish I didn’t sweat under my arms. It is the first p lace to sweat.. and can be embarassing in regular clothes!!
I can’t wait to hear the news!! 🙂
It’s really hot and humid here in PA too. Yesterday it was really sunny and then all of a sudden it would start pouring out of nowhere! It happened the entire afternoon/evening. Weird weather!
My HEAD sweats the most. It’s awful! I have to shower after a workout, no matter what! My face and chest get pretty bad too, and actually my shoulders are far worse than my pits. Meanwhile my roommate looks as fresh as can be after any workout…so weird how we all even SWEAT differently!
Our dog thinks that she’s a boy and must mark her territory. So 10 times to pee on a walk is pretty normal. Plus she does a “fake pee”, where she pops a squat and pretends to pee, but I don’t really see anything going on. Silly puppy!
I am a serious face sweater. I feel like a swamp beast within 5 minutes of working out! I guess it’s good for you though? Give me face deoderant any day!
So glad that I run with my dogger on a wooded trail that allows dogs and people to get along – ie. off leash. The ability to have Belle running within a few meters of me and not constantly have to stop or pull on a leash is BEAUTIFUL!
oh that would be wonderful!!! i would love to be able to run w/ sadie off leash. i’m sure she’d love it, too!
I am SUCH a face and chest sweater!!!! But same, my armpits are usually dry! I am definitely also in need of some face/nunga deodorant. Someone needs to get on this.
OMG i’m the worst with waiting! I need to know everything right away haha 🙂 But my guess is that you might be moving out of Florida? I can’t wait to hear! I also don’t sweat under my arm pits thanks to some heavy duty deoderant, but my face, back, and stomach are always completely drenched in sweat. BTW you were so cute yesterday on that webisode! You seem like a really down to earth, friendly, and funny person 🙂 Wish I could meet you!
I don’t think you’re pregnant…. but perhaps you bought a house, or found a great place to move?!?! I’m so excited to hear what it is!
It’s funny that you mentioned the whole sweat thing, because the other day I was discussing with my spin class how my nose doesn’t run at all when I’m out running, but it seems like I have to blow it ALL the time during spin! So weird! PS watched your interview from yesterday with Meghann and Katy – awesome job!
Air you can wear.
Ughhh the same thing happens when I run during the summer. I get so sweaty on my face that it just drips into my eyes. So attractive.
Haha, that silly Sadie just kills me. 🙂
I feel like I’m the exact same way! I sweat in the weirdest places when I run! It grosses me out sometimes, but then I get over it and just keep running!
I am the same way, as soon as I stop running for any reason the swear just starts pouring! I have to hit the shower as soon as I get in the door to prevent this!
Oh man, I’m totally a face sweater. So gross. I’m lucky my dog pops a squat as soon as we get outside and that’s it. He doesn’t even lift a leg, which I thought most male dogs do??
I’m training for my first marathon and I’m finding that the humidity is my worst enemy…not my legs! I couldn’t imagine running in must be SO hot!
As for Sadie…too funny 🙂
Have a great Thursday!
Humidity is a way of lift for me, running in Trinidad — just to get in a nice 3 miler at 545 am and you look like you jumped in a pool – but humidity is GREAT for your skin! Gotta look at the positive side!
Can’t wait for the surprise….I love surprises! 🙂
My dog does the same thing! I thought it wasn’t supposed to be as bad with female dogs, but she doesn’t know she’s a girl apparently.
I pretty much peed myself laughing at this post! Hales does the same thing though…and when I try to get her to start back up running after a potty break, she gives me the “momma please” face.
Did you get Sadie when you were still in school? Was it hard for her to be by herself when you were working full time? I really want to get a puppy but my boyfriend and I both work full time, so we’d have to get a dog walker or something along those lines.
we got sadie a year after i graduated. i was working full-time, but my job was less than a mile from where i lived, so i was able to come home and walk her at lunchtime. it made it REALLY nice for potty training! i know a lot of kids would LOVE to be a dog walker! i’m not sure where you live, but maybe a teenager in the area could help?
Thanks! I’ll definitely have to look into it…or move closer to where my job is so I can run home in the middle of the day! Knowing me I’d probably end up running home every hour just to see the puppy. 🙂
We take our dog to doggie day care during the day! It’s not for everyone (i.e., anti-social dogs) but our dog absolutely loves it. They even have a web cam where we can check in and see him playing with his friends. Don’t know if they have anything like this where you’re from…
Sadly they don’t in my neighborhood, I’d have to take the puppy on the train to get to the closest one. Definitely something I’m going to keep in mind though! Thanks!
Sadie is so cute! Even though she was a peeing machine this morning :).
That’s exactly how I feel about stop/start running! Once you stop you’re a GONER!! My husband’s dog is a PAIN to run with for the same reason. If it’s a serious run, he stays home!!!!!
Ooh I love big announcements! Can’t wait. I hope you found a house!
Mmmm…runny yolks are the best…especially over a mess of food. I’m the same when it comes to sweat. So weird!
Girl, I hear ya on the sweatiness. I’ll be honest…in high school, my armpits used to sweat like CRAZY. But now, they’re dry as a bone, and all of my sweat comes pouring out of my face, chest, and back.
Either way, it’s still sweat, and it’s still gross. 😉
Man! I have to go to work in like an hour and won’t be home until just in time for SYTYCD, so I was going to be good and catch up on my blogs this morning so I could stay off the computer tonight…but I don’t think I can wait until tomorrow afternoon to hear about this announcement! Can’t wait! (For the record, I think it’s a new mouse-free place to live).
My back and face get all sorts of sweaty and it’s disgusting. I don’t really get inter-boobie sweat, but I have to say that that’s gotta be one of the funniest phrases I’ve heard haha.
Yuum!! I had a dippy egg today too! 😀
I sweat from my head a lot! My hair is always drenched and I have issues with sweating into my eyes so I have to bring a towel or washcloth for my runs. Yuck!
At least it’s Sadie and not you with the pea sized bladder, because it would be awkward if you had to pop a squat every 1/2 mile! hehe
I hope you found a new place! One without mice, that is!
Boobie sweat = MOUNTAIN DEW! lol I get that so bad!
Mountain dew! I love it!
This weekend I jokingly pointed out the bf’s butt sweat (I get lower back sweat but no butt sweat) and he laughed that I get boob sweat. I remind him that the boob sweat is in large part caused by the bra size (34D) that he doesn’t usually complain about. He shut up.
HAHA! Yeah that exact thing happened to me! He’ll take my 36D’s with my boob sweat and he’ll like!
poor ryan has to deal with my boob sweat and i have little hills, not mountains. hill dew? does that work?
Awesome breakfast, totally worth the stop-start run…
Can. Not. Wait! To read your big announcement. Part of me thinks baby?!?!? 🙂
I would love to have a dog I can run with! I think I need to get Niko on a Pooch 2 5k plan 😉 haha!
Excited for the big news:)
My dog pees like crazy too, but I’m convinced she just does it to mark..she thinks she’s a boy.
Hmm, are you preggers? If so, we can be preggers twinsies 😉