Temperatures in Ocala reached the low 80s today. We’re relishing the gorgeous weather!
I cannot tell you how fantastic it feels to be able to step outside and not immediately start sweating.
Since Ryan and I wanted to eat dinner outside today, I didn’t want to make a meal that was too warm. While 80 degrees is cooler than usual, it’s not exactly chilly, so I figured an entrée that was nice and cold would be fun to eat by the pool.
I made simple seafood salad subs by combining imitation crab crab meat with light Miracle Whip (don’t hate!), mustard, sweet relish and chopped red onion.
Served with a side of roasted green beans.
And then Ryan and I shared a bag of peach rings for dessert. Mmm.
I never used to think peach rings were that good until Ryan got me hooked on them. I think they taste best when they’re slightly stale, a little hard and extra chewy.
Speaking of stale food, my mom loves stale Peeps!
Did you know that they make about two billion different kinds of Peeps annually? The things you learn when doing a Google images search…
The Worst Halloween Candy
All this candy talk has me excited for Halloween! Now that we live in a real neighborhood, I’m hoping we’ll get trick-or-treaters this year. I’ll be sure to pass out erasers, pennies and pencils.
Just kidding. Puh-lease. We’ll definitely be handing out toothbrushes. I mean candy. C’mon! I’d give away ice cream if I could.
When I was a kid I was all about 100 Grand bars (a rarity), Almond Joys (no one else liked these, so I got them all) and KitKats.
The worst candy? Definitely Bit-O-Honey.
Runner up: Weird gobs of peanutty goo wrapped in orange and black wax paper.
People who pass out that candy should be fined and then their taste buds should be thoroughly examined… along with their souls.
Does anyone actually like that stuff?
I definitely agree with your worst candy choices…but my Dad loved them…so they never went to waste after Halloween. If he tried to still a Reese’s, however, there was a temper tantrum involved 🙂
I remember one woman down the street would give out dried prunes. Seriously??? Who does that?
I absolutely love Bit-O-Honey! I’m with you on disliking the peanutty candy wrapped in orange and black though!
I knew by the age of six which houses were handing out crap candy, and which ones were handing out King Size bars of the good stuff. I had that route down to a science!
Gotta agree with the bit-o-honey candy. Nasty. I also was not a fan of sugar babies/daddies. Major Almond Joy fan though. We don’t get a lot of kids in our neighborhood so I buy the big chocolate bars. Last year I think we got a total of 10 trick or treaters. Four of them were middle schoolers w/no costumes, and pillow cases. Hopefully the four of them won’t be back this year. Never knew a group of teens could make me feel uncomfortable, but they did.
I HATED when people gave out pennies! No kid wants that on Halloween. I agree with the gooey cnadies! Yuck
I will trade you all my 100 Grands for all of your Bit-O-Honey ANY day of the week!
I like bit-o-honey candies 🙂 Those other ones are gross. I always liked getting chocolate or Dots. I’ll make sure to have a big bag of bit-o-honey candies waiting for you on Sat 🙂
anyone else really hate dum-dums?? such a candy disapointment- why so small??
I love stale Oreo’s ::AMAZING::
Stale peeps are the best! Only way to eat them 🙂
I used to hate when they gave out those weird tootsie rolls. They were all really strange flavors that I never heard of before. They went straight to the trash!
That seafood sub looks delicious 🙂
I’m not a bit-o-honey fan at all. Or Almond Joy. Or Mounds. Or really anything with coconut.
Reese’s PB Cups are the way to my heart. I could eat an entire bag in a sitting, and would, even if it made me feel sick. My brother would give me those and I’d give him my Three Musketeers. Not because I didn’t like them, but because I liked PB Cups WAY better. Unhealthy obsession? Maybe. It’s probably for the best that my condo complex doesn’t have a ton of kids in it…I’d probably eat one PB Cup for every one I gave out. 😉
Oh I love Bit-O-Honey AND the weird peanut butter bog things – but I don’t buy them cause they’re terrible for your teeth. So yummy. I really hate the stale peeps or even the fresh ones. Yucky. There aren’t too many candies I don’t like, but if it has chocolate and/or peanut butter – its a hit (except for Snickers – Double yucky)
Guilty…totally love both of those candies!
Ughh those are both nasty. Reese’s all the way!
Bit o Honey is the BEST! I keep a stash of them in the car at all times for emergencies 😉 I really dislike the “weird peanutty gobs” though haha
The WORST is that pink gum that is rock hard and comes in a little wrapper.
Remember when our parents went through our candy to make sure there were no razorblades hidden in them? I was always convinced that if there were any, they’d be found in that gum.
I loove stale peeps as well! Last year, a friend and I were talking about stale peeps and she let me know that she pops hers in the freezer. I highly recommend it! It gets them nice and firm/crispy as if they were stale, but the flavor stays fresh. Yumm 🙂
I LOVEEEEE stale peeps. It is the only way I eat them. One year, I wondered what happened to my peeps that I had opened to get perfectly stale. When I found out my dad threw them out because they were hard as a rock, I was so MAD! They were probably perfect and stale, just the way I like them.
P.S. I saw the comments about the peeps in the freezer. I’ve tried it, and it is not the same, not even close!
I love slightly stale peach rings too!!! Sour Patch Kids steal my heart, though. Especially the red ones. 🙂
Worst Halloween candy? I think you hit the nail on the head with Bit-o-Honey. Ewwie!
LOVE Bit-O-Honey! I stock up at Halloween ;o)
Those candies are the worst! I’m so excited for Halloween this year becuase I actually live in a house in a neighborhood and not in an NYC walk-up! I can’t wait to pass out candy 🙂
Although, two years ago, we were in Louisville staying at a friends house and he passed out twinkies which were a big hit.
I’m late to this party, but I LOVE bit-o-honey! Have you ever roasted peeps- like over a campfire, instead of marshmallows? YUM!!
Peach rings and peeps = gross
bit o honey = magical
SO good! I’m surprised you don’t like them. They’re kind of Peanutbuttery even!
Examine their souls made me LOL! Omg, best thing I’ve read in a long time.
I hate milk duds because they get stuck in my teeth, but they are totally yummers.
I’ve never had bit o honey… blessing I guess?
Nutrageous was my favorite Halloween score 🙂
I’m with you on those weird chewy, waxy-wrapped candies. What kid ever wanted those?
Side note: my sis loves stale peeps too! She likes them so much that we actually put holes in the boxes, let them sit for a month, and then shipped them to her in the mail. Made her day 🙂 I personally hate the things, but they’re REALLY fun to put in the microwave. If you haven’t tried it, please do!!
I was always an avid reese’s and york peppermint patty stealer, i would have traded any and all my candy for just one of those : )
Stale peeps are the best!!!!!! O’m’gosh all my friends think I’m crazy. Maybe because I like them really stale. I’m talking a year old. My mom always bought peeps at Easter and then gave me the last year’s peeps. They’re chewy and you can eat a whole row without feeling sick.
I love Almond Joy’s! I always found it weird that people didn’t like them. All for me! 🙂
Growing up we’d always pass out OTTER POPS. They were always a big hit! That would definitely go over well if it’s so warm for you guys in Florida!
Last year was my first year in a house, and I got way over excited to pass out Halloween candy. I bought way too much and ended up just dumping handfuls in the little kids bags. We still had candy around the house until Christmas!
Ha – all of this reminded me of Lewis Black’s candy corn rant (which I totally agree with):
The worst thing about Halloween is, of course, candy corn. It’s unbelievable to me. Candy corn is the only candy in the history of America that’s never been advertised. And there’s a reason. All of the candy corn that was ever made was made in 1911. And so, since nobody eats that stuff, every year there’s a ton of it left over. And the candy corn company sends the guys to the villages and they collect out of the dumpsters all the candy corn we’ve thrown away. They wash it!! They wash it!
I’ll never forget the first time my mother gave me candy corn. She said, “Here – Lewis, this is candy corn. It’s corn that tastes like candy”. [high pitched sound] This tastes like crap! And every year since then, Halloween has returned and I, like an Alzhiemer’s patient, find myself in the room, and the room has a big table in it, and on the table is a bowl of candy corn. And I look at it as if I’ve never seen it before. “Candy corn”, I think. “Corn that tastes like candy. I can’t wait”. Son of a bitch!!
Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups are the best, followed closely by 100 Grand, but I can’t eat 100 Grand anymore. Stupid gluten hiding everywhere. But I can still eat up Snickers and M&M’s too. Mmmm candy 🙂
hahaha Julie I love that you’re going to fine people’s SOULS made me LOL. Yes those strange nameless candies should be banned.. I don’t even know what type of ingredients they used to whip up that stuff. Basically, feed others what you yourself would like to eat! good rule of thumb 😉
Bit O Honey is my favorite candy!!
Love, love, love Bit O Honey!!! Seriously, I can’t understand anyone NOT loving them. Definitely one of my most favorite candies in the whole world. Have you tried one recently??
Oh I hated that weird candy that was in those orange and black wrappers! So sick! I loved tootsie rolls, which were also not super popular, so I got all of those by trading for the kitkats and coffee crisp with my sisters!
Oh wow I think the Bit-O-Honeys are delicious!!
I like both, lol.
There is a Peep store in Baltimore with hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of peeps.
Oh my gosh, my grandparents had the nasty orange and black wrapped globs of peanutty goo at Halloween! I had forgotten than until now. Hehe….!
Any chocolate candy to me is gross, bring on the cinnamon bears <3
I’m late to the party, but I HAD to comment because this post made me happy. Love that you mentioned my two least favorite halloween candies growing up!! I also can’t believe this many people LIKE bit o’honeys! Also, where do those orange and black candies even come from?? I’ve never seen them at the store.
The best part about Halloween was trading with my brother after a long night trick-or-treating and seeing what we both got in our pillowcases.
My mom loves stale peeps too! How funny. Every Easter I buy a pack for her two weeks ahead and open them up so that they will be the right amount of stale for Easter.
this is so late but i-creepily-remembered this post when my boyfriend told me what his mom ended up handing out this year—GUSHERS. she legit went to costco, bought a case(or pallet, which i find to be a more awesomely insane option)of gusher boxes, and handed out the individual packets. i was so speechless, those are the best things ever! and they’re almost a real food!
…totally gonna marry into this family.
My step dad LOVES the Mary Janes. So gross. I actually like the bit-o-honey but like it in that I would eat it but it’s not my first or fifth choice! lol