Before I disappear to immerse myself in fun time with friends I wanted to pop in to share your weekly Things I’m Loving Friday blog post with you guys! Every Friday we chat about things we’re loving every week and below you will find a short list of the things that are making me smile this week. As always, feel free to play along in the comments section of this post. Happy weekend!
Things I’m Loving Friday
You guys know by now I am all about facial wipes. They save me every day when I don’t have time to grab a shower immediately after a workout. When I saw these wipes on sale at Marshalls, I picked them up since I’ve really liked Alba Botanica products I’ve tried in the past. These wipes are fantastic and I absolutely love the smell. They smell like a mix of pineapple and coconut… Tropical bliss!
- ThredUp Baby Clothes
I’ve blogged a few times about ThredUp, a service I use to send in some of my gently used clothes for cash, but I recently used the site to buy some apparel for Chase the first time! I picked out a bunch of baby clothes for him and they were all adorable and cheap (typically under $8 for brands like Janie & Jack, Baby Gap and more). The quality was great on everything I picked out and I’ll definitely use the site for his clothes in the future. Just wanted to share this one with those of you who might be looking for affordable clothes for your kiddos (or yourself)!
- Booties
A few of you asked me about the booties I wore in a lot of our vacation photos, so I wanted to share! They’re from Zulily and were only $18.99. They’re comfortable and currently available on the site in multiple colors. I actually ordered them in black this week, too! Just search “Blue Berry Boot” and you’ll find them.
- Quantico
Have you guys seen this show? It debuted a few weeks ago but I’ve been slowly catching up and streaming it on my own schedule. I LOVE it. It’s definitely my latest TV obsession. There’s mystery, action, romance… A little bit of everything. I just hope that once the big mystery is solved, the show doesn’t reach for plotlines and get horrible like so many shows seem to do these days. Stay strong, Quantico!
There’s a new favorite dry shampoo in town for this girl. Living Proof dry shampoo is officially my FAVORITE dry shampoo ever. It won my heart last week and is seriously AMAZING. I used it throughout our mountain vacation and I’m pretty sure my mom and sister got sick of me talking about how much I love it. The company sent it to me to try after seeing me rave about my love for dry shampoo and, truthfully, I figured it would be like any old dry shampoo, despite their claims otherwise. Well, I was totally wrong and can absolutely see why it won the top Allure beauty award. It truly cleans your hair by absorbing oil and sweat and added volume to my roots while taking away the appearance of greasy locks (which is saying something since I have very fine hair that turns into a greaseball after two days). It’s not cheap, but it works better than any dry shampoo I’ve used so far so I figured it deserved a mention on the blog. LOVE this stuff!!
In a past Birchbox, I received a sample size of this Smashbox Full Exposure mascara. I save a lot of my Birchbox samples to use when I travel, so I just got around to trying this mascara on vacation last week and it’s awesome. I’m really picky with mascara (my favorites for the past few years have been L’Oreal Voluminous and Almay Get Up and Grow), so I was pleasantly surprised to like this one! It wasn’t clumpy and did a great job of making my lashes look longer and fuller. I’ll still probably stick to my drugstore mascaras due to the price difference, but this one was still a great Birchbox discovery.
I briefly mentioned my love for these things on Monday, but they deserve a shout out here, too, because they ROCK. They’re easy to find and somehow seem to stay in Chase’s mouth a little better than traditional pacifiers (mainly when he’s sleepy and not super wiggly). The Mango Monkey is our favorite, though we have the elephant and Chase seems to love holding its ears!
- Giveaway Winners
Congratulations to Crystal, the winner of the Blue Apron giveaway, and Jessica, the winner of the Ocean Spray hydration giveaway. Both winners were emailed first thing this morning. Thanks to all who entered!
Question of the Day
- What is one thing you are loving this week?
Happy Friday Julie!!
You are one busy lady with visitors these past few weeks, how fun! 🙂 I’ve been wanting to try ThredUp for awhile for my daughter and I think you just gave me the push I needed to officially try it out, it seems like such a good way to get quality kids’ clothing for super inexpensive prices.
Have a great weekend with your girlfriends!
This was a great post! Will have to try some of the products you posted! This week I am LOVING beautiful Baltimore fall weather. It is gorgeous and I just want it to stay this way forever! I am also loving reading The Happiness Project, thanks to your blog for the suggestion!
so glad you’re loving that book! it’s definitely one of my favorites!
Thank you for reminding me of Thred Up..I’ve been meaning to sell a bunch of my clothes and completely forgot what the website is. THANK YOU! I’m also loving Quantico so far, but I also hope they start answering some questions and tying up loose ends. I hate when shows just want to get more seasons so they keep you guessing! Have a great, fun weekend!
Wubbanubs are amazing!! Williamhas the elephant and the giraffe! Today I wrote a post on what not to say to a pregnant woman – I collected stories from mommas and they are HILARIOUS! Definitely loving those!
My daughter was absolutely obsessed with her wubbanub until we decided to cut it around 18 months old. Cutting it left me with tears in my eyes, but she (thankfully!) didn’t seem to mind to much. She’s almost two and still carries it around everywhere with her!
Definitely going to try that dry shampoo! I love Klorane dry shampoo but like to change it up every once and a while. I found it a little cheaper on Ulta’s site! Have a great weekend 🙂
Klorane was my fav before this one! It’s great, too!
Ooh I’ll have to check out Quantico. I’ve seen the previews and it seems like my kind of show. I’ve been traveling for work all week, so I can’t wait to get home and catch up on Scandal!
I bought those wubbanubs for my cousin who is about to have twins, they are soo cute! Batiste dry shampoo is my newest fav because it comes in different tints to match your hair color!
I am shaking my head enthusiastically yes to everything on your list today!! Wubbanubs are the best things ever, and I just ordered a ton of clothes from ThredUp for my little guy. I got the cutest baby Merrells and some Ralph Lauren shirts for a fraction of the price! And I think I will have to order those boots – they’re so cute!
Great recommendations this week, Julie! I actually just threw the WabbuNubs into my Amazon cart for Christmas gifts for my friends that are new moms!!!! YES! Two babies are checked off of my list 🙂
So this weekend the hubs is competing in his first ever Mountain Bike Race!!!! So exciting, but he wants me and our pup to go and cheer from him. Since it’s mountain biking we will be at the start/finish line and basically waiting for two hours until he finishes. And rain is in the forecast. The pup is a high energy type, so this will be interesting. I discovered these bully sticks, and Mya LOVES them! It can keep her occupied for at least an hour of chew time, which might be helpful if we are hanging in the back of the car while it rains.
I LOVE dry shampoo!! Thanks for the reminder that I wanted to throw that in my gym bag this morning! Eep, that could have been bad! 😉
I’m loving that it’s FRIDAY and hoping to use the weekend to catch up on a bunch of things (including SLEEP) and just relax!
I MUST try that dry shampoo!
I have been wanting to start watching Quantico…I am glad you are giving it the thumbs up (for now)!
I’m kind of obsessed with Quantico too… I can’t figure out who to trust! Good stuff!
I’ll have to try that dry shampoo too!
Have a great weekend!
I have heard great things about the Living Proof Dry Shampoo several times over the past few weeks. After finding it on your weekly Things I’m Loving Friday post I decided to give it a shot. I just ordered some for myself. I can’t wait to try it out!
Hope you love it!! It really is the best dry shampoo I’ve tried so far. 🙂
Those booties are adorable! Also, wait until you see Chase in overalls. Seriously, baby boys in overalls are my all time favorite thing. (not in a creepy way!)
How fun to have your friends come and stay for the weekend! I love seeing good friends still keep in touch even when they live far away! Enjoy your weekend with them!
This week I have been loving the weather here in Missouri! It was in the upper 70s which is perfect for me. I am also excited that next week it will be in the upper 50s/low 60s. I am a sucker for cool weather especially after a very hot summer!
I am also loving that my husband and I have been really good about meal prep and not eating out as much. We are pretty busy with work and he goes to school as well but I have made a list of all the dinner options possible and on Saturdays we choose what we want for the next week and I buy everything for all the meals. Eating at home saves us money but also gives us more quality time together working in the kitchen which I have really enjoyed!
Have an amazing weekend!!!
I hadn’t asked about the booties but I’m going to order a pair now, they’re adorable and look so comfy cute for fall! I am loving all things pumpkin this week 🙂
I am obsessed with all thingf ALBA , especially those facial wipes! I buy them whenever I find them at TJs or Marshalls! They also carry a 10-pack, which I use for travel.
Quantico! I thought my parents and I were the only ones who liked it. I can’t wait for Sunday nights now. 🙂
Have a fun weekend!
Ha! I bought the travel size, too!
I’m heading to Marshall’s and hoping they have those wipes. I need new ones and don’t want a bunch of bad stuff in them so these would be perfect.
This week I’m loving Oil of Oregano. It’s helping keep a cold trying to infiltrate at bay. It really stinks when you’re letting it dissolve under your tongue morning and night but it instantly opens everything up. My ginger and green tea mixed brew also really seems to help too!
Have a great weekend!
I found them by the checkout counter! Hope your Marshalls has them, too!
YES QUANTICO! I am obsessed, too! And you’re the first person I “know” to talk about it! I can’t wait to see what happens next…
I feel like no one is talking about it yet either! Glad you’re a fan, too! Loving it so far. 🙂
You are on a roll with family vacations and now visitors, Julie! So awesome! I hope you ladies have a lovely time together. 🙂
I’m totally obsessed with Quantico. I have been streaming it will riding my indoor bike trainer (extra incentive to do it) and I really like it. Keeping me on edge that’s for sure!
Thanks for sharing where you got your booties! I just ordered a pair myself. Yay!
Happy Friday! Hope you have the best weekend with your girlfriends!
Have you tried the new show on NBC called Blindspot? Oh my goodness, I am obsessed, as well as several other people in my office. It is our first topic of discussion on Tuesday mornings!
Thanks for the boot info. I have been searching for brown booties that aren’t crazy expensive.
I’ve been loving booties a lot lately! They’re easy to dress up or down. It looks like I need to try that dry shampoo! Have an awesome weekend with friends! <3
I love those booties!! super cute! I’m loving the new pumpkin spice almonds!
Wubbanubs are so cute! We had the doggie but my daughter never really got into pacifiers. Which I cursed at the time but at least I never had to wean her off them!
I love the Yes to Cucumbers face wipes. And the fact that it’s sunny today after 4 days of straight rain.
How long does that dry shampoo last you? I can usually go a month with one of my cheaper versions but I’d spend more if you think it lasts at least as long as the others.
Ok, I didn’t even notice the booties before. But now that you mention them, they just might be the thing I”m loving this week. I only own running shoes and stylish boots. But booties, now this is a game changer. I love the price tag too. I’ll tell my husband to thank PBF for this most recent purchase in my future. lol
I’ve never tried dry shampoo, but apparently it sounds like I should. Since I can’t stand not washing my hair daily, maybe this dry shampoo stuff will help out. Is it a spray or more of ‘powder spray’? Or nothing like that at all?
I’m completely hooked on Quantico too!
Your family is adorable! I am enjoying Quantio and I can’t wait until the next episode.
I’ve heard that dry shampoo is awesome! It’s been on my list to try once I run out of the bottles I have. Have a great weekend!
I’m all about the alba face wipes. I use them before I teach my Pure Barre classes to take off my makeup aaaand to clean my face right after taking class (#sweatsweatsweat). They have an added bonus a lot of wipes don’t have — toner and moisturizer in them, too!
I need to scour TJ Maxx for them. I always get mine at Tarjay.
Happy Friday, lovah!
I love booties on other people but I always feel like they make my legs look stumpy…granted I am just 5ft 1 so it wouldn’t be hard 🙂
I love Living Proof!
I got a sample of that Smashbox mascara from Sephora but it weighs my lashes down. I have yet to find a mascara where the formula isn’t too heavy for my lashes. I love Living Proof shampoo, ill have to try that dry shampoo. Do you use it between washes or just for extra volume? I have long fine hair that gets super oily as well and i have to wash my hair daily.
What a steal on those booties…they are super cute! Have a great time with your girlfriends, I understand how precious that time can be when you live in a different location from all your friends!
Pentatonix on Netflix… It goes behind the scenes of their tour!! Soooo good!
I tried living proof dry shampoo once and absolutely loved it ! Just wish it was a bit more affordable 🙁 #studentbudget
FYI the link to the dry shampoo is incorrect… I almost ordered the wrong one! The link takes you to the shampoo, not the dry shampoo. Thanks!
I’m loving our new prime minister in Canada, Justin Trudeau!
I really don’t like ThredUp for regular clothes, but I am loving it for baby clothes too.
I’ll have to try the facial cleansing wipes! Usually I use Yes to Cucumber facial wipes as a quick fix after a run before a face pack (on while I stretch!) and showering, but am feeling like a change! I love Alba Botanica’s Cocoa Butter body lotion. Sinks into dry skin! Have a great weekend catching up with your friends!
I love your “Things I’m loving Friday” posts so much! <3
My BF and I just started watching American Horror Story! It freaks me out but I keep watching haha.
So bummed. I was excited to see your rec on a good dry shampoo because I’ve been needing one. I bought the one you posted using your affiliate link and it arrived today, but it is just regular shampoo! It wasn’t cheap, either. I wanted you to know so you can correct your link for other readers.