Despite feeling rather exhausted right now (thank you, Time Change, for killing any sleep progress we made with Chase this week), I am pretty darn psyched because we have more visitors arriving in town this weekend! Right when this blog post is published, I’m off to the airport to pick up Laurel and then my friend Merri is flying in town later this evening. Heck yes!! I am so pumped to have two of my best friends from college staying with us for the weekend!
(Throwback pic from 2011!)
Quality time with my two BFFs is definitely what I’m loving most today, but it wouldn’t be Friday around here if we didn’t come together to share more about what we’ve all been loving this week. Please feel free to chime in and share something that is making you smile this week in the comments section of this post.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Things I’m Loving Friday
- iCloud Photo Sharing
I absolutely love iCloud photo sharing! I have a few different photo streams set up with friends that we add pictures to everyday and love checking in with my best buddies! They’re like our own private group Instagram/Facebook account but you only see photos from people you really want to see photos from, so it’s a lot of fun! Plus, the photos we share are often ridiculous and make me laugh, so they’re a constant bright spot in my day. If some of your best friends live far away from you like mine do, I highly recommend setting up a group photo sharing stream!
A deal at Target totally suckered me into buying these vitamins (buy two, get a $5 Target gift card) and I’m so glad I fell for the marketing tactic because they are delicious and don’t include any artificial colors like so many other gummy vitamins. My doctor told me to continue taking pre- or postnatal vitamins and these are my new favorite! Gummy vitamins are where it’s at, baby!
- Zipper Onesies
Bless whoever created zipper onesies! Without a ton of tiny snaps to button, zipper onesies make nighttime diaper changes so much easier. I am a BIG TIME fan. (Chase is wearing this one in the above photo. Only $7!))
- Shopping For a New Phone Case
Now that I have a new phone on my hands (Hallelujah!), I am in the market for a new phone case. I’ve been shopping around all week but cannot seem to commit to one yet! Why does this decision feel ridiculously difficult for me? I’ve found a number of cases I love on Casetify (including all of the cases pictured above) but have yet to pull the trigger and buy one. It needs to happen soon because I feel like I am testing fate by walking around with a fragile, unprotected phone (that I did not purchase the insurance for…).
We had three chilly and rainy days in Charlotte this week and I decided the cooler weather meant it was time to bust out my Winter Dream tea! I try to save it for the holiday season since it feels like a festive treat and made myself two Winter Dream tea lattes this week. Oh so comforting!
- Friday Flashbacks
Easy Pineapple Souffle (A Thanksgiving Day must in our house. It’s not even kind of healthy, but it is totally delicious and a big-time crowd pleaser!)
45 Minute Boredom Fighting Cardio Workout (For days when you want to sweat but need to keep things moving!)
Question of the Day
- What is one thing you are loving this week?
Zipper onesies are a great idea!!! Don’t think I’ve ever come across them here!
Really??!!!!! Oh my goodness. I wouldn’t think of giving a new mom anything else (yeah yeah been there done that) the button ones are awesome for those 3 a.m. diaper changes!!! I will ONLY buy zippered ones.
And the time change, I am so with you, I think it was a design to mess up everyone’s head, it’s a total conspiracy against healthy sleep habits. It jams our family up for a week. But when you have babies, it’s truly awful. Whoever though of daylight savings doesn’t get any Halloween candy, for sure!
The time change totally KILLED us this week. We were up at 4:30 a.m. four days in a row (last night was a bit better) and Chase was just totally off on all of his sleeping (waking up a billion times every night, etc.). Since last night was a little better, I’m hoping he’s adjusting a bit and that this weekend will be better for sleep. Fingers crossed!
YIKES – that stinks :/
I will say though that as my kids get older, the time change is secretly awesome in the fall. My kids are 3 and 5, and suddenly we have an extra hour in the morning to get out the door to preschool, and they’re super excited to go to bed right after dinner.
So although it was a little hard getting up earlier, my mornings have been really relaxed.
EVERYTHING gets easier as the kids get older! So hang in there!
Have you heard of AliExpress? They have a TON of phone cases and they’re ridiculously cheap. Perfect for someone like me who doesn’t want to spend money and commit to one case for a long time 😀
I haven’t, but I will check it out! Thanks for the tip!!
YES to zipper onesies. I remember when i put my son in his first, I thought, who on earth decided snaps were a better alternative? After that it was zippers all the way. When they get squirmier, it’s even more of a Godsend!
I have NO idea why snaps seem to be the standard!? Zippers ALL THE WAY!
Well, the snaps make it easier when just undoing a few for a quick diaper change, especially when it’s cold. But the zip from top down is good for that as well. Personal preference and wiggliness of the lil one…
Amen about the onesies. Why do they not all just have zippers?!
That phone case on the right is SO CUTE. Buy it! Also, I love iCloud Photo sharing. I have a handful of streams I started with different groups of friends from trips and such still going strong. It’s so fun to look back on memories and not have to download all of the pics onto my phone. Have a blast with your girlfriends this weekend!
I loooveeeed that phone case too. I might even get it for myself. So cute 🙂
Those iPhone cases are beautiful! Right now, I have a plain, basic one, but after seeing these, I will definitely have to look into them!
I need a new phone case. Mine is falling apart. Love those designs. Will have to check them out!! Happy Friday!
Be careful with the casetify cases, they’re pretty but not protective. I’ve had iPhones for 5 years and the only time my screen ever smashed was with one of those cases on. Incipio makes sturdy cases that are cheap on Amazon much more durable which may be helpful with a little one around the house!
oh no, really!? their website makes the seem so durable… but I suppose their own website would! thanks for the tip!
As a person who makes a living studying broken glass, let me say that the glass on your phone is always susceptible to breakage. Don’t drop it, that’s the best way to protect it 😉 You get better protection if the case covers the edges of the glass. The pink glittery one is pretty 🙂
I just came here to write this!! I ordered a case from casetify for my iphone 6 and it was around $35 dollars. it felt SO CHEAP i never used it! But they are REALLY pretty…unfortunately it also didn’t look as good in real life 🙁
I love that glitter Iphone case! Do you have the link to it, I can’t find it on the website.
Wow, where do you get that tea? looks amazing! Target?
This week I’m loving baked pumpkin oatmeal 🙂
I love those cases! They’re so pretty. I do NOT need a new case but now I kind of want one.. 🙂
This week I’m loving a cocktail that I found from a beautiful mess- bourbon with cider and lemonade. So simple and refreshing for fall!
Just a little tip 🙂 I ordered a Castetify case for my new iPhone 6 because I was drawn to the pretty watercolor flower design and as cute as this case is, it makes your phone very slippery (more than it already is!) And from someone who has never broken a phone in her entire life, this case caused the phone to slip out of my hand two separate times so yes, I shattered and replaced the screen TWO times. Definitely a bummer because the case is so cute. But not worth it!
This week I am loving the Girls on the Run program! I coach down here in Jacksonville, FL. I would have never heard of it if it weren’t for you! The season is flying by!! I can’t believe our practice 5K is in less than 2 weeks already! Such a fun program and I am so happy you shared it!
How cute is Chase in that zipper onesie! I LOVED those things when my kids were babies. And they look so cute and cozy in them! As for the time change-yuck. They really messed us up too with bedtimes and nap times. You wouldn’t think that ONE hour could throw things off so much. I came to dread the time changes and started being proactive when that time would roll around to try to lessen the effects. I would adjust the naps and/or bedtimes to account for the change. Sometimes it helped, especially as they got a little older. Harder to do with young babies! Need to try those vitamins. I was eyeing them the other day and thinking about trying. I really dislike swallowing big vitamins! Have a great time visiting with your dear friends, Julie!
That tea sounds really good! It also reminds me that some of my favorite holiday teas should be back! (Or at least SOON) But otherwise, it’s just been a really good week and I have no complaints…I’m kind of loving everything! 🙂
That tea sounds awesome! I definitely want to try it. I’m really loving Tazo’s Chai Pumpkin Spice and the Celestial Seasonings Coconut Thai Chai right now!
I only had a few sleepers when my little girl was born in newborn size, so when I bought more, they were zipper and I haven’t gone back to the buttons! I’ve kept them for when I put her in one during the day or the extra in the diaper bag but goodness t hey are annoying to button and she always gets mad! haha Have a great weekend!
I hear you on the phone case. I feel like I have been shopping for one for months! And I never knew about the iCloud Photo Sharing. I will have to look into it.
I am loving the hot cup of coffee in my hand (I am tired this week!), and that it’s almost a month until I get to fly home and spend a whole month with my family over Christmas and New Years. I haven’t seen them since February, so I am excited!
YES to the zipper onesies! I remember those days 🙂
One thing I’m loving this week is chamomile lavender tea at night before bed. I’m tapering for a half marathon on Sunday, and so I’ve stopped drinking any alcohol this week (I usually have a glass with dinner at least three nights a week) and I’ve noticed that by cutting out the wine and drinking the tea instead I’m sleeping so much better.
Actually that makes me kind of sad, because I love wine. BUT… I love how well I’m sleeping and how prepped I feel for this race 🙂
Yes zipper onesies are great but do you know what is even better…. zipper onesies that zip from the top down instead of bottom up. It makes diaper changes even easier since you don’t have to unzip them completely. I found some a target (you really have to search for them). These are AMAZING! (I have a girl so these are the ones I have but I am sure they have ‘boy” colors)
I love the floral phone case! I never knew you could selectively share photos through iCloud. That is such a cool feature! This week I am loving the warm weather so I can run outside before it gets unbearably cold!
You are totally on a roll with visitors and vacations, Julie! So fun! My new iPhone is walking around naked too, so I’ve also been looking for cases. I need to decide soon! Have fun this weekend! 🙂
Oh girl! You need to get a case STAT! Just get a cheap $10 one temporarily. The iPhone 6 Plus is super sensitive. I’ve always had iPhones and never once had any cracks. Two weeks after getting my Plus, it cracks. 🙁
I love my Trina Turk case from Best Buy. It’s stylish and protective.
Chase is the cutest! That smile is a heart melter!
This week I am loving my crock pot! I love it always but when the weather is cooler (it was 30 degrees this morning!) thowing a yummy meal in the crock pot to cook while my husband and I are at work is so nice! This week I made Meatballs which we served with roasted sweet potatoes and veggies. I also made beef stew which was a huge hit! This morning I threw all my chili ingredients in the crock pot so we can have it as soon as we get home. This time of year calls for lots of soups and stews! Also, on that same note I am loving crock pot liners! They are amazing and I always buy them in bulk when they are on sale to have on hand!
Sounds like you are going to have a fun weekend with friends! It is so nice you stay so close with all of them!
Yay for friends coming in town! I will be out of town the next 3 weekends in November for a wedding/friendsgiving/and family thanksgiving so this weekend I have a lot to do! Cleaning, laundry, organizing, food prepping– so I don’t have a lot of mess to clean up during the week.
OMG, that picture of Chase in the bouncy is the cutest thing I have ever seen! My son is 16 months now and it’s pictures like that that make me want to have another one!!
I had the phone case all the way to the right that you have pictured for my iPhone 6 when I first got my phone and it did nothing but destroy my phone! (dropped it a few weeks later and my phone completely shattered.) you might want to considering something like an Otter-box if you want the full protection, or now I have Speck from Target and it’s a great product :). A little on the pricey side but definitely worth it, especially if you don’t have insurance.
get the mint and gold iphone case 🙂 LOVE IT
SO fun! Loving all your friends coming to visit!
This week, my favorite thing was being able to see one of my best friends from college on a work trip out to Columbus. I don’t travel much for work anymore, and in the few trips I do take per year, I love to be able to enjoy a little personal connection with old friends and family, too. It helps to feel a little closer to home. 🙂
You totally reminded me that I need to get a new case! About time! I’m loving my new pecan turtle coffee!
My vote goes for the flower case 🙂
You might also like this one: Rifle Paper Co. Mint Flora iphone Case I’ve the pattern at paper source and anthropologie and it’s really cute in person.
I am also in love with zipper onesies! Now if only I could find a zipper onesie that zips from the bottom up, that would be ideal!!
One of my current baby favorites for my 3.5 month old is the Bendy Ball by Baby Einstein. He will just sit there and laugh for hours as I shake it in front of him. He is also learning to grab onto it, he just can’t hold on for very long yet!!
Zipper onesies are lifesavers in the middle of the night! No snaps to fight with!!
Spotify is my love of the week, I can’t figure out why it took me so long to get on board with it!
Zipper onsies all the way! I refuse to buy any PJs with snaps.
I love all those beautiful iPhone cases! Mine is boring black.
I’m praying for a restful weekend for you and Ryan! In between the three phone cases you showed, I really like the floral design in the middle. My vote is for that one. I need to try out that winter dream tea. It sounds delicious!
What type of chair/seat is sweetie pie Chase in in the zipper onsie picture? And do you and him like it?
It sounds like you have a fun weekend planned. Girl time can simply be the best.
Your pineapple dish reminded me of a seemingly odd recipe one of my cousins makes – it sounds strange, but it really really good. Be brave and give it a try! It is really delicious, IMO.
I am SOOOO not a Winter Dream fan but I have a full tin of it. If you send me your address, you can have it! (You can even creep me on fb and ig to make sure I’m real first ha!)
I am loving volunteering at my daughters school today for Grandparents Day. So nice to see the excitement in both theirs eyes. Wonderful day.
Zippers onsies are nice. But I really really loved those ‘bag’ ones. It’s like what Popeye and Olive Oil put on Sweet Pea all the time, you know? Those were so nice. Life saver. Just didn’t work well after they start crawling.
I’m so ready for festive teas! Where did you get that one from?
I’m also curious because I remember you being dehydrated while pregnant – what did you drink besides water? Did you drink tea? I’m currently 12 weeks pregnant and already dehydrated. I need to check with my doctor yet but I’m not sure what teas are ‘safe’ to drink.
I have the same issue with phone cases! Because the phone case pretty much serves as your permanent accessory. The choice has to be right! Haha, have you look at etsy? They usually have some really cute ones.
I LOVE CASETIFY. For all my phone cases, it’s all I use now. You do know you can create your own phone cases from their website/app by just uploading your photos and then it will be super personal. I love how easy it is!
However, the case that you create is plastic and is only covering the back part of your phone, so you may want more protection than that. 🙂
That workout looks awesome! I need to save that one 😀
Chase is so adorable! I’m loving the coffee time I got to spend with my mom this week.
SUCH a great idea to share pictures!! I second the praise of zipper onesies – I sure don’t have the coordination to button all those buttons when I’m half asleep.
I am loving that my Air Force grandson will be arriving in the states on Monday for a 4 week leave. He is currently stationed in Japan and we are so looking forward to seeing him. The last two years he has been home in December, but this year we get to celebrate Thanksgiving with him.
You little man is quite the cutie. And yes this time change really rattles the little ones for a bit. Thank goodness they are pretty resilient.
I love Ollie vitamins! Their packaging totally sold me and they are super tasty which is helpful because I’m terrible at taking vitamins. Love all of those phone cases! It makes me want to change mine – I have had a koala shaped phone case for a few years now – ears and all 😉 and that tea looks amazing! I will have to look it up. Also, Chase is probably the cutest baby ever. Love the onesies. And it makes me so happy that you get to see your friends so often! I moved to Dallas a few years ago and all my closest friends are in Houston or in different states and I never get to see them as much as I would want to.
Totally loved the zip up onesies!! As a mom of an 11 month old boy (Also named Chase!) I strongly reccomend the life proof case. Before you know it Chase will be interested in grabbing your phone- dropping it- spilling things on it- etc. I remember thinking that won’t happen to me, and then Chase dropped my phone in its old cutesie case on our hardwood floors- and we had a cracked screen! That’s when I heard about life proof (and moms obsessed with them) and got on board. Highly recommend! (I sound like I work for them, I promise I don’t haha)
Love zipper sleepers…I always end up buttoning the sleeper off by one button each time….also if you love sharing photos you should try LifeCake app….it puts your photos in chronological order, you can do photos and videos and if you shake your phone you get a little slideshow! You can invite as many people as you want and it’s soo neat to scroll through and see your baby from birth to present day and how much they’ve changed!!! We have family across the US so it’s nice for them to see our little guy grow and anyone can add photos of your little guy too (if you want them too! )