As for the weekend ahead, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t absolutely psyched to share that we have NO plans on our agenda. With the promise of snow and ice in the forecast, we aren’t planning too much and I think we are way overdue for a slow-paced weekend with no commitments, so that suits me just fine. Weekends with no plans at all are some of the best weekends around here, so I am really looking forward to simply hanging around the house with my little family.
But before I sign off for the day, I must keep our weekly tradition alive and dive into your usual Things I’m Loving Friday post where we all chat about what we’re loving most each week. As always, feel free to chime in and tell me about something you are loving this week in the comments section.
Have a great weekend, my friends!
Things I’m Loving Friday
- Tuesday’s Burn Boot Camp Workout
This workout SMOKED me so naturally I loved it. It was a killer workout that challenged me to the max but I felt amazing when I left the gym. The workout was a pyramid workout that had us completing 50 reps, then 40 reps, 30 reps, 20 reps and 10 reps of the following exercises: Biceps curl to overhead press + Push ups + Bent over rows + 1/2 burpees (no push up). Between each round, shake things out with 50 jumping jacks. I wasn’t able to get through the whole thing (BBC classes are only 45 minutes and that includes a warm up + finisher), but it seriously pushed me in the best kind of way.
- Extra Cozy Slippers (and yes, I’m still wearing Christmas pajamas)
A couple of weeks before Christmas, I was browsing Zulily on my phone next to Ryan on the couch one Saturday morning. “Oh my gosh, they have my slippers!” I said aloud when I saw the beautiful pair of UGG Kestrel slippers I had been eyeing for a couple of months for nearly 50 percent off. (Yes, I totally called them “my slippers” simply because I loved them.) The look on Ryan’s face told me something was up and eventually he told me he already had the very same slippers wrapped up for me but that the deal on Zulily was better than the one he found, so I should probably scoop them up and we could return his pair and save the extra money. I felt bad that I ruined one of his Christmas surprises for me, but I DO love these slippers oh so much. I wear them every single day and they are easily the warmest and coziest slippers I’ve ever owned.
- Play Dates (+ My First Stroller Strides Experience)
One of my big goals for 2016 was to branch out and find a regular playgroup for me and Chase. I decided to get right to it and attended my first Stroller Strides class last Tuesday when one of my friends from Pure Barre invited me. I had a blast and walked away with plans to get together with three of the moms and our babies later that week. They are so much fun and now we’re signed up for story time with our babies at our local library next week.
I really hope to continue to find fun baby-friendly activities in our area and since I know a few of you out there have similar goals, I’ll try to share some of these experiences on the blog to give playgroup ideas to the new mamas out there! (And thank you so much to you guys for recommending both Stroller Strides and library story times to me! Great places to start!)
I feel like talking with other moms who are in the thick of the baby stage of life right now is so helpful to me, so I am trying to prioritize making it out to playgroups right now. It’s nice to be able to talk about all the challenges and joys that come along with motherhood in a non-judgmental environment. One of the moms I met last week has a baby two days older than Chase who is also far from sleeping through the night. I think I could’ve cried and hugged her on the spot for sharing that with me. I’m not aloooone!
- Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup Smoothies
It was freezing outside this week so you would think I would forgo my smoothie obsession… But no. This week I was all about chocolate peanut butter cup smoothies: Frozen banana + Creamy peanut butter + Cocoa powder + A handful of ice + Coconut milk. <—Emphasis on the peanut butter. Delish!
- Random Snow Flurries
(Wednesday’s snow pic via @queencitychic)
During our Wednesday small group meet up, I was so excited when Brittany pointed outside and said, “It’s snowing!” The weather didn’t call for snow at all on Wednesday, so it was a wonderful wintery surprise. Random snow flurries still excite me quite a bit since I lived snow-free in Florida for eleven years. I find snow so beautiful and the forecast is calling for a bunch of it today and tomorrow. It looks like there’s a winter storm warning in effect along much of the east coast, so please stay safe out there, my friends!
- Lorna Jane Giveaway Winner
Congratulations to Courtney G., the winner of the Lorna Jane giveaway! Courtney was emailed first thing this morning. Thank you so much to everyone who entered!
- Friday Flashbacks
Easy Lemon Dill Salmon: This healthy recipe for lemon dill salmon is incredibly simple thanks to a deliciously easy marinade that includes ingredients you probably already have on hand at home!
30 Minute Elliptical Workout: Sometimes the elliptical gets a bad rap for being an “easy” cardio workout, but by playing around with the inclines and resistance on the elliptical, you can walk away feeling like you got a great low-impact cardio workout! This 30-minute elliptical workout cranks up the intensity by simultaneously increasing inclines and resistance.
Question of the Day
- What is one thing that is making you smile this week?
Haha. Do you do what my husband never fails to do and buys all of the Christmas gifts I got him right before Christmas? I forever tell him ” Don’t buy anything before Christmas”.
Love those slippers!
Ryan totally did the same thing to me this year with two gifts!
Julie, how many rounds are you supposed to do?? I’m loving these bbc work outs with you!!!!!
Only one round!! It takes a lot longer than you think! And I’m so glad you’re enjoying the BBC workouts. They are my favorite!
st. louis got a few inches of snow on tuesday evening – which made for a snow day wednesday! it made a short week even shorter – i’ll take it!!
Slow-paced weekends at home are the best…doing the same thing with the snow in PA too! so funny about the pajamas I’m still rocking my christmas socks most days! 🙂
This week I’m loving hot chocolate with cinnamon sprinkled on top…so yummy!
I”m loving my smoothies too! Sometimes I have to talk myself out of them because I know how cold it will make me! Warm weather needs to come so I can wish for it to be cool again!
I started back to graduate school this week, so it’s nice to have a routine back! I’m buying a blender today so that I can start enjoying smoothies again. I’ll definitely be making a peanut butter cup smoothie!
Good luck to you! I hope it’s not too stressful!
I love dill and keep finding myself attracted to recipes using it so i think I better get some in my cabinet PRONTO!
Other than that, what’s making me smile this week is that it’s (finally) FRIDAY and I hope to have a low key weekend as well and get in some good hang time with the boyfriend. 🙂
high five for a chill weekend!
chocolate and PB cup smoothies are always on my agenda, so delish!
I wear my Christmas pajamas year round so I think in January you’re all good, girl! I mean isn’t one of the lessons Scrooge learned was to keep Christmas in his heart all the year and the lessons they teach? So that is my excuse for wearing Cmas pj’s in June! 🙂
heck yes! 🙂
Girl, you are not alone. My babe is about 10 days younger than Chase and isn’t sleeping thru the night. Sleep is do developmental, that they will get there when they are ready. I keep thinking that when he is older the sleepless nights will be such a distant memory and I will wonder why I ever stressed so much about it. All you can do is set up good sleep habits now, and he will get it. He is happy and healthy and that makes you a rockstar!
I’m jealous of your slow-paced weekend! I’m excited for the day my husband has a new job (hopefully soon!) and we have a more normal schedule. On another note, look into My Gym. I started taking my daughter there at 11 months, and I wish I had done it earlier. It’s basically a “fitness” class for little ones. She loves it and so do I!
I refuse to give up my smoothies even though it’s below freezing here in Washington DC. We are supposed to get a lot of snow this weekend too. So I am kind of excited to have no plans and just hang around the house for a few days. I just hope we don’t lose power because they’re expecting high winds. Stay safe and warm this weekend!
I am so ready to get snowed in this weekend up here in PA. I’m making a spicy thai beef stew in the crockpot and I’m looking forward to curling up by the fire and watching a Game of Thrones marathon haha.
We just got 4.5 inches of snow this week, and it was crazy. We’re in the Midwest, you’d think that a little snow wouldn’t be so crazy for us, but people weirdly forget how to drive when the snow comes down. Stay safe and Warm!
Oh my gosh I need that smoothie back in my life, it’s been a while since I made it. Definitely will be making it after Pure Barre tonight :). Also – random – but I bought the rose hip seed oil off amazon that you recommended and am LOVING it, so thank you for that!
I’m totally loving the snow in Asheville today!
I love killer workouts like that one! I always walk away feeling so great. I can’t get enough smoothies in this week either. For some reason, I have been loving icy cold smoothies this winter (very unusual for me)! My go-to is a dark chocolate peanut butter smoothie with chocolate protein powder, cacao powder, cashew milk, banana, and peanut butter. It tastes decadent!
I’m smiling about really hitting my running goals this week!
Hi Julie! I have some very similar slippers that I am always wearing. I got them initially as “dog-walking shoes” for the cold morning and nights because they have a firm bottom, but they are worn much more than that! It’s great you’re finding mommy friends around town. Stay warm and enjoy the free time this weekend! 🙂
Those slippers look soooo cozy. I have been loving my slippers lately too but they are just some flimsy ones from Target with a crazy pattern. Have a nice, relaxing weekend!! <3
Awesome list! I too am hoping for a nice and quiet weekend. It’s all I want! 🙂
You are not alone with a baby not sleeping through the night! It is so hard when people tell you about their little one that slept through the night at 7 weeks. I just wanted to cry. I will tell you that there is light at the end of the tunnel. He now sleeps through the night (11-12 hours) and takes a 3 hour nap. The thing we did was started to not associate feeding with sleeping. That seemed to help over time. I would also put him in his crib awake so over time he learned to self soothe during the night if he woke up. I read the sleep training articles from the troublesome tots website for some specific advice.
Flying with a little one: I flew with my son by myself for the first time when he was 7 months old. I brought the iPad and had the peekaboo barn app on it. He loved it. There are a lot of peekaboo apps that he still loves now at 20 months. Don’t get on the plane when they announce that parents with small children can get on. My little guy likes to move around and I wanted to limit the time we were cooped up on the plane. Check you stroller at the gate, use a back pack for your diaper bag and bring a towel to lay down on the gross changing tables in addition to your changing pad or just change him at the gate away from others(that is what I did). Give Chase a bottle or feed him during take off and landing so he is swallowing which prevents his ears from being bothered. I bought some new books and toys that he had never seen before and brought them on the plane. I have always been lucky and sat next to understanding people. You can bring liquids etc. since you have a little one. You can opt out of going through the scanner as well. Good luck, I am sure it will go great!
Hi Julie!
I’m a longtime reader but first time commenter. 🙂 im a certified childbirth educator with some extra training in healthy infant sleep (and a mom to an almost five month old so I’m right there in the trenches with you). Just wanted to let you know that the sleep thing is totally normal, albeit frustrating. Babies at that age, especially breastfed babies, often may need a couple nighttime feedings. Now there might be a few gentle tweaks you can make to get his initial stretch of sleep to be a bit longer if that’s something you’re aiming for, but otherwise he will grow out of it in time. Just hang in there! You’re doing a great job!
Is it 50 reps of each individual exercise aka 50 curls, 50 fly, 50 burpees? I love this and am pinning it for the future!
Yes!! It’s killer!
Yay for no plan weekends!!! I am totally in your boat with that excitement! I have a hair appt tomorrow morning but that is pretty much it!
Stay safe in that wintery weather!! We have had some bitterly cold days but not so much snow. Maybe a couple inches total for the winter which is not a lot for Kansas City!
I’m still wearing my Christmas jammies too. And socks 🙂
I tried an aerial yoga class thi week. I loved it because I didn’t realize how strong I was! I am still sore from it. The one thing I didn’t like was the feeling of vertigo after the class was done. I think I need a dramamine if I take another one.
So excited you tried Stroller Strides! I’m an instructor for a branch here in Lexington KY! I’ve been with them since my little guy has been about 3 months and it has been a life saver!
Yum, that salmon looks good!! And so does that smoothie! I’m still drinking my morning smoothie even with the cold weather approaching too. Those slippers look super comfy!! Stay warm!
Looking forward to seeing my friends puppy later today and going to see sisters or the mockingjay in theaters, pretty chill weekend planned! Also going to try your salmon recipe, sounds whole 30 approved. Have a good one!
I’m so excited to try that BBC work out, thanks for sharing! Hopefully one day they’ll come to Philly.
This weekend I’m excited to get snowed in with homemade bloody marys and something delicious cooking in the crock pot!
Salmon sounds lovely!!! I’m a salmon addict!!! I’m loving my bright pink nails…finally went and got them painted!
I have definitely been in a smoothie mood lately too. Your smoothie looks delicious. Would you please give me the measurements? Thanks.
Hi Jema! I don’t actually measure it out but here are some approximations: 1 frozen banana, 1 handful of ice, two spoonfuls peanut butter, 1 spoonful cocoa powder and enough coconut milk to get everything going in the blender without it getting to “soupy.”
Do you use any particular type of coconut milk?
I did this workout yesterday morning cause I had saved it when you posted it on Facebook. It was GOOD! My shoulders and abs were feeling it! I convinced my hubby to do it last night and he loved it too. I love sharing a good workout. Also, so glad you tried Stroller Strides. Before we moved out of state I participated in our local group and loved it. The Mom’s Night Out’s are really fun too. Ours did a Body Back program for after baby that I LOVED! Great support in getting into better shape after baby.
I’m so glad you liked the workout! It’s definitely a shoulder smoker.
You are so not alone with babies who do not sleep through the night. My daughter didn’t until 9 months (and that was only because we finally had to do some sleep training–she was waking up 8+ times a night!!) and my three-month-old son is still waking up at least 4 times a night. You won’t always be this exhausted! (I keep reminding myself of that, too….)
Those slippers look amazing! I am totally going to do that elliptical workout one day when my Braxton Hicks contractions are super bad and I can’t run. It sounds like an excellent workout!
Thanks for posting about the Stroller Strides class! I clicked the link and found out there are several Fit4Mom groups around me! I’ve been looking for something new to try 🙂
I’ve been making peanut butter cup Shakeology lately… I’m in looooove!
I’m always loving salads and smoothies! The peanut butter cup smoothies are great!
Love the intense workouts! They always make you feel accomplished …and call me crazy but I love the burpees! That peanut butter cup smoothie looks to die for. Must try it tomorrow!!
I’m loving the BBC workouts you post! I wish we had something like that where I live. I’m also loving a Retwined candle that my Aunt got me for my birthday and short work weeks! Woop woop!
I live in WA state and we have a program here called PEPS (Providing Early Parenthood Support) that’s linked up with the cooperative (co-op) preschool program. I joined PEPS when my older daughter was almost 1 and then transitioned to the co-op with her and now she’s 3 and has a 1 year old sister. I never would have made it as a mom without the friends I made and support I received through those two programs. Mom friends just get it!!
I’m so glad you’re finding playgroups to be a part of!
Love love love stroller strides! I started doing it around the time My son was 3 months. The group of moms and kids are so fun and the instructor is amazing. We’ve done some really fun moms night outs too!
Excited to try the elliptical workout!
Sara | Lipstick, Lattes & Lunges
That Burn Boot Camp workout sound SO tough!! Especially the pushups – yikes.
The snow is definitely making me smile this week – especially because it is giving me an excuse to stay in on a Saturday night and just truly relax,
Love the workouts! Thanks girl!
I am totally jealous that you’re getting more snow there than we are in Massachusetts! Something that has made me smile this week is our monthly date night that was yesterday. For Christmas, I gave my hubby one pre-planned/mostly pre-paid date nights to ensure that we have our time together since quiet weekends are a rarity around here. Thank you for sharing those workouts, will be good to do if/when we get snowed in next!
My ‘baby’ is 2 and doesn’t sleep through the night, you are certainly not alone!! It’s normal and natural for babies to wake in the night. It took me ages to realise this but its true, babies are smart, they wake for good reason.
I’m feeling your sleep deprivation! My baby girl turns 5 months in 2 days, and she has yet to sleep through the night. I feel like she was a breeze even as a newborn compared to this last month, where she started not staying asleep on her own at all and nursing every 1-2 hours all of a sudden. Before that she had gotten to a point where she would typically wake up to nurse twice a night (sometimes only once!), and go right back to sleep in her crib. Now she only sleeps longer on top of my chest and I need to stay pretty upright. I feel like a zombie after “sleeping” in my nursing chair pretty much for a month. First I thought it was just jet lag as it started when we got overseas to spend the holidays with my family, but it’s been a whole month now. I read about a “4 month sleep regression” and it seems pretty spot on, and despite my aversion towards sleep training we are getting pretty close to doing it. I guess when you get tired enough you will try anything to get a little rest in order to be the mom you want to be during the day! I read that consistent daytime naps help too. Which my baby is not good at either. Ugh! Anyways, there’s not much that her gummy smiles don’t fix, and I guess, this, too, will pass.
Air travel was NBD for my baby. She happened to get hungry just as we were about to take off and land, so I nursed her, and she never complained. She is a happy baby when not tired or hungry, so the rest of the flight was not a problem at all with a 4 month old since she’s not moving around yet.