Ryan headed out of town last night and won’t be back until Sunday (he’s off to Las Vegas with some of his best friends) and when Ryan first talked to me about his Vegas adventure I immediately had the idea to plan a mini family girls’ weekend with my mom and sister. Thankfully they were both immediately interested and kindly drove all the way from Jacksonville to Charlotte to spend time with me, Chase and Sadie this weekend. We have a lot of random stuff on our itinerary for the weekend but first my mom and sister are both dying to come to Gymboree with me and Chase this morning, so that’s where we are headed to kick off the fun!
But before I get too ahead of myself, let’s dive into your usual Things I’m Loving Friday blog post where we all chat about what we’re loving most each week. As always, I’d love to hear a little bit about what’s making you smile right now in the comments section.
I hope you guys have some exciting plans on your calendar for the weekend ahead or that you take things easy and relax at home if that’s what you need most right now. (<—That always sounds heavenly to me!) Have a good one!
Things I’m Loving Friday
- Wednesday’s Killer Cardio BBC Workout
Another killer cardio workout at Burn Boot Camp occurred on Wednesday morning and it was fantastic! I looooved the format and wanted to share it with you guys, especially those of you out there who work out with a buddy since it was a partner workout!
To complete this workout, partner one was the counter and would do the first exercise in each pair while partner two did the second exercise. Partner one would complete 50 reps of the first exercise while partner two did the second exercise for as long as it took partner one to finish their 50 reps. And then the partners would switch… So partner two would complete 50 reps of the first exercise while partner one did the second exercise. This went on for 50 reps, then 40 reps, 30, 20, 10 and then both partners ran outside for a minute or so before coming back inside and moving onto the next exercise pairing. It was a great workout and my friend Carrie and I had a blast working our way through it!
- Simple Throw-It-Together Dinner
On Wednesday night, I made a simple throw-it-together dinner that I wanted to share with you guys! All I did was toss 2 cups of cubed butternut squash (I bought it already prepped from the grocery store), 2 cups of brussels sprouts and 2 sliced apples in olive oil, salt, pepper and dried thyme before placing a few mild chicken sausage links on top and baking everything at 350 for an hour. It was such a tasty set-it-and-forget-it dinner. Easy dinners for the win!
Maybe I’m being overly paranoid, but I swear ever since I started drinking coffee like it’s my job (thank you, baby Chase), I feel like I’ve noticed stains on my teeth developing faster. I’ve been making an effort to circumvent perpetually yellowing teeth in two different ways. I already told you guys about my first one – I’ve been using my Koffie Straw daily! – but the second one is using Crest Pro-Health HD toothpaste every so often when I need a little extra help.
I first discovered it when I was pregnant and looking for ways to whiten my teeth that didn’t involve white strips (everything I Googled said to play it safe and steer clear of whitening strips while pregnant) and truly feel like this toothpaste works. I honestly see a noticeable difference every time I start using it for a couple of days in a row. I don’t use it as my primary toothpaste (it’s $12 so quite steep for regular toothpaste), but I do like to break it out whenever I want to whiten up my teeth a bit! Just wanted to share this here in case you’re looking for ways to whiten your teeth but aren’t a big fan of whitening strips.
- Moving My Diffuser Into My Office
I got a doTERRA diffuser for Christmas after falling in love with the smell of OnGuard essential oil blend at Burn Boot Camp. I kept forgetting to diffuse the oils I have due, in large part, to the location of our diffuser at the opposite end of our living room. Earlier this week, I moved the diffuser into my home office and have been diffusing wild orange essential oil every day since. Having my diffuser closer to me was apparently key for me remembering to actually use it. I know nothing about essential oils and what they’re really supposed to do (though I do think they’re intriguing), but right now I’m simply loving the citrusy smell of the wild orange oil in my office every day!
I know I’m probably WAY behind on the Bunmi Laditan fan club bandwagon, but I recently discovered this hysterical woman and could not stop laughing as I made my way through her Facebook page. I am pretty sure I am just now finding out about her because I’m a new mom and she just wasn’t on my radar before, but if you need a good laugh about anything and everything kid and motherhood-related, you HAVE to check her out. And definitely read the comments on her Facebook posts. She’s so witty and consistently makes me laugh out loud!
- Adorable Art Projects
Miss Lindsey, Chase’s Burn Boot Camp bff, is so creative with the kids and often does adorable art projects while the moms work out. I just had to share a picture of the handprint alphabet she’s in the process of making with you guys because it made me smile! Chase’s hand is claiming the “D” letter spot for “Dinosaur” which I told Lindsey is perfect since we constantly refer to him as our pterodactyl dino-baby!
- Friday Flashbacks
Three Breakfast Ideas for Chocolate Lovers (Three delicious and healthy breakfast ideas for my fellow chocolate lovers out there!)
Upper Body + Cardio Workout (Work your upper body and sneak in some cardio with this sweaty workout that my sister and I did together on vacation!)
Question of the Day
- What is one thing you are loving this week?
Those breakfast ideas for chocolate lovers is speaking to me 🙂 I am loving that wedding season is upon us, I am excited to see all my friends and family that we never get to see since moving to Florida! Have a great weekend!
omg I’ve never heard of Bunmi either—so funny!! Enjoy your ladies weekend–I know it’s probably much needed! I’m going to be having some sister and niece time this weekend too and i cant wait! When you use that toothpaste how many days days it typically take until you see the results?
Heather, I recently started using it and could tell on Day 2 (brushing 2x/day). It’s a bit more obvious now that I’m about a week in. And so far, it’s not that artificial white that some women have where their teeth are just unnatural looking. I’m pleased with it!
Bunmi is the mom behind The Honest Toddler – SO hysterical!! My “baby” is almost twelve so I can’t completely relate anymore to her or THT account but I still laugh out loud at her witty, sarcastic, mind. So hilarious!
I’m loving a weekend with my family in Pittsburgh- including a gender reveal baby shower for one of my college roommates- I’m thinking it’s a girl but can’t wait to find out!
I need to check out that FB page, looks hilarious! Also, I really want an oil diffuser now. I see them everywhere and despite people trying to sell me essential oils every 5 minutes I have no idea what any of them do. As long as it smells pretty, who cares, right?
Have a great girl’s weekend!
I am headed to New Jersey to see my Mom and sister next week. So excited, my sister is getting married this June and we are having her bridal shower. Enjoy every moment of your weekend with your favorite ladies.
I’m loving the beautiful spring weather we’re having up here in PA after it SNOWED last weekend! Happy Friday 😀
Thank you so much for the toothpaste tip!! I too feel like since becoming a mom and drinking coffee like a fiend my teeth aren’t looking quite as bright as they used to(this could all be in my head but who knows). I’ve been trying to avoid the white strips route as well but didn’t want to spend a lot on a toothpaste w/out an honest review of it. Thank you for the advice, I’m definitely planning to try because unfortunately my coffee addiction isn’t going anywhere anytime soon!!
I am loving the fact that my husband is home after a week-long business trip. My 10 month old slept horribly the whole time he was gone (which meant I got no sleep)! She was fine as soon as he got back. How does Chase fare when his dad is away?
The thought of doing 50 (heck more than 20) 180 jump squats is terrifying.
This week I am loving being back on my (modified) clean eating plan. I just feel so much better! Four months of vacations, parties, weddings, and celebrations really did a number on my eating/ fitness.
Going off of your action of moving your essential oil diffuser – I moved some flowers from the kitchen and into the living room where they would be more noticeable. And I have been loving the slight shift! They are so vibrant and they have perked up the room with their vibrant orange. Such simple changes in the house make all the difference 🙂 I need to look into essential oils, too, so good reminder.
i’m loving being in budapest. i get to take weekend trips to paris (easter) and prague (next week).
I’m loving the finally-springlike weather in NYC, lots of fun food treats, and a weekend to finally “relax” after being out of town for several and several more coming up!
Yes! Literally just discovered Bunmi yesterday after following Honest Toddler on FB & Twitter for years. I am so obsessed w her humor & honesty.
I’m always looking for easy dinner ideas, so that looks great and I love that it’s all in one pan…yay for less dishes! Have a wonderful weekend with your mom and sister!
Xo, Kristina
The alphabet hand prints are too sweet. I love that the kiddos are having such a great time when you get in a workout!
Have a great weekend with your mom and sister!! I am going to spend time with my sister this weekend too!
Definitely pinning the chocolate-y breakfast ideas!! I’m looking forward to catching up on blog stuff and TV shows this weekend – it’ll be a low-key one for me 🙂
Aw, enjoy your girl time with family this weekend! That’s the best! xo
Drinking regularly from straws will cause lip wrinkles later in life. Not worth it. Ditch the straw and deal with whitening your teeth now.
Bunmi Laditan sounds amazing. #soblessed Have an amazing weekend with your mom and sister! I think I will take my mom for a hike this weekend! The weather in Maryland is supposed to be amazing!
Bunmi is HILARIOUS!!!! She just kills me!! Have so much fun with your mom and sis this weekend!!!!
I have you on snapchat and the one thing I thought was “wow, she has really white, nice teeth!” 🙂
OnGuard is a good one to fall in love with. It’s meant for keeping immunity up! Brittany’s mother in law sells Doterra, and I swear upon the OnGuard in diffuser and pill form! You’re gonna have one healthy office. 😉
That hand alphabet is the cutest idea ever!!! Have a great weekend with the girls!
I hate to be the bearer of bad news….but as a dentist I have to tell you that whitening toothpastes are terrible for your teeth. They whiten with abrasives so they remove precious enamel (the protective white part of your teeth). Whitening strips are a great way to go (when not pregnant or nursing) because they whiten by cleaning out the stain from the pores of your enamel instead of stripping away layers. Your teeth are gorgeous though:)
The handprint animal pics are so creative! Love!
You’ve sold me on the straws, ordering them now! I am a big coffee drinker and am SO self conscious about coffee stains. Thank you!
Wild orange is my favorite doterra oil! I love adding it to my water bottle for an afternoon pick me up. So glad your mom and sister are there to have fun with you this weekend!
You’re wise to invite your mom and sister to visit while Ryan is on a Guy’s Adventure. It’s good to take care of yourself while Ryan is, too. 🙂 I will keep that as a good idea when/if my hubby and I have kiddos.
I’ve been loving HIIT! They’re SO killer and they get me sweating like crazy every single time!
A little past Friday, but I’m loving Three Wishes by Liane Moriarty! You said you weren’t super into The Last Anniversary, and I totally agree. Three Wishes reminds me more of her other books – I recommend it!
Yum! Chocolate! Must try soon!
I am also going to give that toothpaste a try. I like whitening strips, but they are time consuming and I tend to forget to do them regularly.
I have been using Yound Living orange essential oil on my toothbrush at night when I brush and have noticed a huge difference! Just wamted to give you a more healthy alternative. I am pretty sure those whitening toothpastes are terrible for your teeth! P.s. I drink too much coffee thanks to a five year old and two year old. 🙂
Those art project are adorable! Such a creative way to make their hour all the more fun while you’re burning those cals.
Great dinner, too! We often do a similar meal, but I’ve never added in the apples. I’ll have to try adding that additional level to the meal.
Thanks for sharing. 🙂
XO, Jessica
I love Bunmi and her Honest Toddler posts, too! Bunmi is also my sister in law’s name – it is a Nigerian name, so that makes me love her even more 🙂