In keeping with Friday tradition around here, it’s now time for your usual Things I’m Loving Friday blog post where we chat about the small things in life that make us smile each week. Below you will find a few things I’m loving and I’d love to hear a little bit about what you’re loving right now in the comments section of this post.
Hope you all have the best weekend!
Things I’m Loving Friday
- Stitch Fix Sweater
I snapped this photo of this sweater to share on Snapchat back in December when a few of you asked me about it during a random Snapchat video and meant to give it a shout out here as well because it is, without a doubt, my favorite Stitch Fix find of the season! The brand is Madison & Lola and I adore the mix of knit, faux-fur and suede fabrics. It’s incredibly comfortable, cozy and warm and I’ve found myself reaching for it again and again ever since I received it in my November Stitch Fix delivery. (After some searching, I found the vest version of this top on for only $20!)
- Meghan’s Baby Sprinkle
Yesterday morning I attended my first-ever baby sprinkle for my friend Meghan who is expecting her second boy in early February. My friend Laura – aka our resident Martha Stewart / The Hostess with the Mostest – hosted the sprinkle and it was absolutely gorgeous. It was a kid-friendly sprinkle which was so fun since most of us met after our babies were born and now they’re all crazy, mobile little toddlers. We had such a nice time chatting over a delicious spread of food (I think I ate my bodyweight in chocolate mousse dip) and I am so thrilled for Meghan and the upcoming arrival of baby Casey!
- Real Matches
Okay I know this is a very odd thing to highlight but it really does make me happy so I figured why not include it!? As you guys know, I am a candle-loving fiend. I light a candle on my desk almost every day and feel like it really helps me relax and get into the working zone during Chase’s naptime. For some reason the process of lighting my desktop candle with a real match makes me smile. I love the smell of the smoke and wood and the crackle of the match as the flame springs to life. File this under little things in life that bring me big joy!
- Homemade Cards from Melanie
My friend Melanie gave me the sweetest holiday gift when we got together for a play date with our little ones earlier this week. She personalized several different colorful cards with cutesy sayings on the outside and my name on the inside and I thought it was just the most thoughtful gift! So creative, bright and fun!
These bars are SO GOOD. If you like beef jerky but sometimes find it too tough/chewy and want a little more variety when it comes to flavor, you must try these bars! The kind people at Mighty Bars sent me a few of their organic grassfed beef bars to sample and they totally blew me away. The cranberry and sunflower seed bar is my favorite and was the perfect portable travel snack during my trip to Pennsylvania last weekend. I’ve also been keeping one on hand in Chase’s diaper bag in case a hunger emergency strikes so I don’t find myself downing a baby food pouch or a smashed day-old peanut butter sandwich in the car which has sadly happened a time or two.
- Around the Web
Food: Coconut Cream Pie Overnight Oats / Healthy 3-Ingredient Dinners / Artichoke Leek and Mushroom Parsnip “Fried Rice”
Fitness: Superset Pyramid Timed Workout / YouTube Workout Videos To Do At Home
For New/Expectant Mamas: One of my best blogging friends, Gina of The Fitnessista, recently released the advanced version of her 12-week comprehensive Post Baby Bod plan and right now she’s offering both the original and advanced Post Baby Bod plans for the price of the original plan! Gina’s plan includes 12 weeks of easy-to-follow workouts and takes the guesswork out of developing a fitness routine post-baby. The plan safely progresses from one four-week module to the next. The first module focuses on establishing a fitness routine after medical clearance to resume exercise, and gradually builds up to high intensity interval circuits and dedicated core training.
- Friday Flashbacks
Easy Marinated Pork Chops (This recipe is a family favorite in our house and is the perfect combination of sweet and savory. With only six simple ingredients, it’s an easy dish you can prep ahead of time and cook in a flash for a delicious weeknight dinner!)
20 Minute Boot Camp Workout (A fast-paced workout with lots of different exercises to keep boredom at bay!)
Question of the Day
- What is one thing you are loving this week?
I am obsessed with that sweater! I remember searching all around for it after your Snap with no luck but I’ll be ordering that vest right now! Thanks 🙂
Good luck finding a sitter!! Sounds like a fun weekend!
This week I’m loving incorporating exercise back into my day and getting my baby on a schedule. Exercise really does boost your energy and mood and I’m happy to be back at it!
Enjoy your weekend!!
I love any reason to get together with girlfriends, esp ones that are mama’s. Sprinkles are a great idea! And those bars do sound delicious! Where did you find them? I don’t mind jerky, but don’t normally eat it as a snack.
I’m loving my new Nespresso. No surprise here that coffee is topping my list during the week of the fku and colds sweeping through our house!
o0o0o bookmarking that post baby bod program for later!! I’m actually terrified to light real matches–I always buy those big wands so I’m far away from the flame haha!
I’m obsessed with candles too. I just found some awesome ones at Target that I love!
I hope you guys have a fun kid free dinner out.
This week I’m loving my thermal tumbler. It’s been super cold and snowy here (roads were a mess for the first half of the week), so being able to take a hot chocolate or apple cider with me to school has been a pretty fun treat. I need something to keep me warm!
In love with that sweater and just bought the vest version per your recommendation! Thanks for being my style guru!
<3 Hope you love the vest! I honestly wear that sweater once a week right now!
I love the smell of matches too! If we go to a restaurant that has free matches by the door, I grab a massive handful and shove them in my purse. Candles are my weakness…. but I typically find really awesome deals at places like TJ Maxx, Home Goods.. Even the dollar store sometimes have candles that do not disappoint!
Makes me smile? Feeling my baby boy move. It just started about a week ago (I am 19 weeks) and I just love feeling him in there. I think he is napping right now but I just drank some coffee so hopefully he will “wake up” soon!
I laughed at the ‘real matches’ but can totally relate! This week I’ve been loving starting my morning with a cappuccino and spending some time reading before starting the day. Enjoy your weekend… fingers crossed that you’ll find a sitter! 🙂
New reader here – enjoying the blog, especially the toddler-friendly muffin recipes!
I’m loving this amazing NC January weather! Do you have a trail recommendation for lake norman state park? We’ve never been. I have a 3 year old and 11 month old, so would need a trail wide and flat enough for at least the single (and possibly double) all-terrain stroller. Thanks for any info!
Hi Anne! We typically do the lakeside trail and it’s wonderful but not stroller-friendly because there are SO many roots and it’s quite narrow. I wish I had more tips for you but we’ve honestly only ever done that trail because we love it so much! I am not sure if there are paved/stroller-friendly paths but I would think there probably are since there is a campground right there!
all of st louis has a snow day today in anticipation of some crazy ice storm we’re supposed to get, so i’m loving the time off work (just not the weather lol)
Never heard of mighty bars!
I am loving this Florida weather! Went to the pool yesterday!
If you love candles and matches, you must try to WoodWick candles! The candles have a natural wick made of organic wood so it makes the sound of crackling fire as it burns! Our condo doesn’t have a fireplace so I light these candles all the time and it makes it feel like a small fireplace on our table haha! My favorite scent is vanilla from there and they sell them at Target!!
I LOVE those candles!!! We have one in our bathroom right now! I need to pick up another one for my desk. They are so cozy!
One thing I am loving this week are these homemade muffins I created on Tuesday. They’re made with egg whites, oat flour, protein powder, and vanilla. That’s it. They’re DELICIOUS warmed up with crunchy PB + iced coffee first thing in the morning!
I’m attending a sprinkle this weekend as well. Can you write a blog about how to find a babysitter that’s not family? My babe is 14 mo and we still don’t have one. The whole idea is really overwhelming me still.
Oh man! I SOOOOO feel for you. It was honestly WAY harder than I anticipated and more stressful than I imagined finding the right person we felt comfortable leaving Chase with at first. Right now we’ve had good luck asking the women who work at our gym’s childcare and Gymboree (who thankfully already have a rapport with Chase) and have also used a good friend’s cousin. I love this idea for a blog post though, especially if other readers can weigh in because it seems like people all find babysitters in different ways!
What I’m loving right now is to wear Compressions sleeves in my legs when I get home at night. It feels so comfy and relieving.
Love your jacket:)
Does Laura have a blog or instagram? I’m obsessed with entertaining and would love to see what else she does.
She actually doesn’t have either! 🙁 I should REALLY ask her to guest post sometime! She honestly blows us away every single time she hosts anything… even the most casual get-togethers!
Yes, doing a guest post would be great. I’d love to know where she gets her ideas from.
I have those same candles! I love them!
i LOVE the smell of matches! they should make candles with THAT scent!
This week I really loved having our two snow days. Although, the kids have to make them up later on this month, it was fun having those days to spend together as a family an enjoy our Winter Wonderland before it melted away.
I love using real matches too! Anthropologie has cute ones – I know it’s easy to grab free matches from restaurants but these were a great impulse buy (and reasonably priced for anthro)