I’ll be sure to take you guys along for the ride both on the blog and via Instagram Stories, but before we head off to the airport, I wanted to pop in to share my weekly Things I’m Loving Friday blog post with ya! As always, please feel free to participate in the fun and share something you are loving in the comments section of this post.
Have a great weekend!
Things I’m Loving Friday
I’m pretty sure I’ve given this spray a shout out before because I’ve been using it ever since I fell hard and fast for rosehip seed oil. While I use it year-round, I love it even more in the summertime because it’s so darn refreshing. It’s 100% pure distilled rose water and helps restore and hydrate the skin. I love spritzing it on my face first thing in the morning, right when I get out of the shower and in the middle of the afternoon since a simple spray can make me feel refreshed and a little more energetic. I kind of want to get a bottle to keep in my car because I think spraying this stuff on my face after I’ve wiped my face with cleansing cloths post-workout would feel amazing!
- StrideBox Workout Feature
The team at StrideBox recently reached out to me and asked if they could share one of my workouts in their monthly fitness-themed box and I was so excited to see how it all came together when I checked the mail earlier this week! The company shared my 10 to 1 Bodyweight Workout which I suggested since it’s a travel-friendly workout you can do anywhere. It was so fun to see it included in the box along with a bunch of other fun active and fitness-themed treats including the deliciously crunchy Gorilly Goods trail mix and an ultra-light mesh storage bag that Ryan is psyched to use on his upcoming hiking trip!
- Rash Guard Hooded Sun Shirt
Chase’s rash guard was a gift from my father-in-law and it’s THE BEST. He got it at the Outrigger Canoe Club in Hawaii but the brand is Patagonia. We love it because Chase it in a bit of a hat strike at the moment but tolerates wearing a hood which helps protect his head from sun exposure. It saves us on super sunny days and offers SPF 50+ sun protection. Here are links to the 6 – 18 month sizes + 2T – 5T sizes but this rash guard sun shirt looks very similar is is available in a lot more sizes and colors!
- Burn Boot Camp Leg Workout
You guys know by now how I feel about leg day at the gym… Not my favorite. Sometimes a leg workout will surprise me and actually be somewhat enjoyable (like this one!) even if it is crazy hard and leaves me with Jello Legs for two days! Yesterday’s Burn Boot Camp workout was a tough one but I liked it because we never had to do an exercise for more than 30 seconds at a time. So much of fitness is mental and knowing I just had to make it through 30 seconds before the exercise would change made it easier to push myself without feeling like I wanted to quit every 2.5 seconds.
- House of Cards
The newest season of House of Cards is definitely captivating me and Ryan. The only show Ryan and I were watching together (Survivor) wrapped up a couple of weeks ago, so the release of season five of House of Cards on Netflix came at the perfect time! I didn’t love season three of the show but felt like it was picking back up in season four and now in the fifth season, it seems to be finding its groove again. We love this twisted show!
- PaleOMG’s Chocolate Zucchini Muffins
When Chase and I were at the library yesterday, a sweet woman referred to him as a “Little Cupcake” which prompted him to ask for cake ALL. DAY. LONG. Last night I whipped up a batch of chocolate zucchini muffins hoping I could fool him and that he wouldn’t noticed there was no icing on his “cupcake.” He seemed excited when I presented him with a “chocolate cupcake” but there was no fooling our almost-two-year-old. Chase seemed to like the flavor of the muffin but gave me the most confused look, followed by the words “Uh oh!” when I asked if he liked his cake. Haha!
I froze the rest of the batch of muffins since we’re traveling today but think they’ll be a great breakfast option for Chase (and me!) since he pretty much ruled them out as a legitimate dessert. (FYI, I followed Juli’s recipe but substituted peanut butter for the sun butter – not Paleo, I know, but we don’t eat exclusively Paleo so it’s all good – and the recipe made nine muffins.)
- Friday Flashbacks
Coconut French Toast Casserole (A tasty breakfast or brunch recipe that can be prepped ahead of time for a crowd-pleasing morning meal.)
Plyometric Leg Workout (A strength-plyo leg workout that will make your hamstrings, glutes and quads burn!)
Question of the Day
What is one thing you are loving this week?
Have fun on your trip to FL! That StrideBox looks super fun and so awesome they used one of your workouts. I’m a teacher and today is our LAST DAY OF SCHOOL! So that’s what I’ll be loving alllll day =) Happy Weekend Julie!
WOOHOOOOO! Hope you enjoy ever second of your summer break!
Have fun on your trip! I love how cake became the theme of the day. My son is the exact same way. If he hears the word chocolate, cake, or cookies it’s pretty much guaranteed will be enjoying one! This week I am loving croissants and my gratitude journal.
Love that you have a gratitude journal! <3
Have a great time with your family! I am loving the kiddie pool in our backyard this week – seeing my 8 month old in a swim suit with his little belly hanging out kills me 🙂
SO cute! Baby bellies are just the best!
Safe travels!! I love house of cards I cant wait to start the new season! I was slightly disappointed with last season so I’m hoping this one picks up a bit! This week I’m loving family bringing us dinner while I’m awaiting baby girl’s arrival any day now!
Gap makes a good hoodie rashguard too that my little hat protestor will tolerate!! Enjoy your time at the beach!!!!
Ooh! Thanks for the tip!
Safe travel and enjoy Florida! I’m sure your family is just as excited to spend time with you as you are!
There are so many subscription boxes around now- its hard to keep up! Love them though! Its fun to find new things to try! Have fun in Florida, Julie!!
What a fun roundup! I’ve been wanting to start House of Cards!
It’s a great show but definitely give it a few episodes to get going! We actually stopped after the second episode the first time we tried watching it but I’m so glad we gave it another shot! It’s addicting!
I have a little boy the same age as Chase, and he has also been asking for cake since we just celebrated his big sister’s birthday! He’s been walking around the house muttering “mmm…cake!”
Haha! Love that! 🙂
Have fun in Florida! I bet your family is super excited to spend a whole week with you guys! QQ, I’ve read reviews that the Rose Water spray doesn’t have a good smell. What are your thoughts on it?
I hope you and Chase have a wonderful vacation, and get to enjoy quality time with your family!! Safe travels!! Can’t wait to read all about it! Xoxo
I’m loving my new Rothys! They are so comfortable and worth the $$. Have a fun trip!
I’ve been hearing the best things about those shoes!
well, if you want to try a pair, here’s $20 off, http://rothys.refr.cc/marghopkins. for you and your readers, happy to share. They’re machine washable. I think that’s pretty cool. Anyway, hope sharing a code doesn’t overstep, just sharing, so others can enjoy too 🙂
haha, Chase’s response to the undercover muffin is hilarious! So sweet! Today I am loving an early (4:45 am) 9 mile run with friends and time with my sweet mama and sisters! Fridays are the best. Hope you have a wonderful visit with your family, Julie!
I hope you and Chase have fun on your trip to Florida. And Ryan’s camping trip sounds like fun too.
Today I’m loving that it’s a bit cooler here in Calgary. We had a crazy storm come through last night with lots of wind, rain, and thunder, so it’s nice and cool this morning. As much As I love summer I need a break from the heat every now and then.
I’m loving Kashi chewy nut butter bars- coconut cashew macaroon flavor! If anyone can recreate this recipe…It would be you!! I could eat the whole box!! Enjoy your trip!!!
That bar sounds amazing!!
I am glad to hear that House of Cards picks up again after season 3, I loved the first two seasons, but kinda stopped watching mid season 3. I will have to give it another try.
Season three was pretty awful!! We almost quit during that one, too!
Chase, I’m right there with you: zucchini muffins are delicious but NOT dessert! LOL. That is so funny!
I’m loving season 3 of Better Call Saul! I stopped watching House of Cards midway through last season. I should try to catch up.
Have fun in FL!
I feel like our Netflix line-up is TOTALLY full right now, because Orange is the New Black and Bloodline also came back, but I think we’ll dig into the latest House of Cards first. That’s so cute Ryan took Sadie hiking. I hope you and Chase have an amazing trip to Florida! I’m going in August to see the fam and can’t wait! 🙂
Hi Julie! The one thing I’m loving is that all my boys are starting to play together! My 9 month old is really starting to get around and we can’t wait to go to the Orlando Science Museum again! The last time we were there they re-did their whole museum with a new jungle gym and water play area. It was amazing. I’m looking forward to taking my baby to play with his brothers there!
It’s the Orlando Science Center, not museum 😀
Oh how I love coming here for leg day ideas 🙂 I’m loving the sunshine! I feel like the east coast has spent the majority of the first 6 moths of this year with clouds! It’s awful!
Have fun in Florida! I so miss it there and family time.
I’m with you… my husband and I also LOVE the new season of House of Cards! It’s one of my favorite shows. There have definitely been some twists this season.
Safe travels to FL! Your ‘hat strike’ comment made me smile! We are not the only ones! My 15mo has been on hat strike since 9m or so, but will do hoodies as well! So weird! We are also on hairbow strike too, but we will do headbands! We haven’t had a haircut yet and I really don’t plan one anytime soon, I wish I could rationalize with her how the bow will hold her hair out of her eyes. Oh well! The strike continues!
Silly question – the workout from Burn Boot Camp – do you do 4 rounds of each pair of exercises in a row, or just 4 rounds of the whole workout? Thanks!
4 rounds of each pair of exercises in a row!
Such a great time of year to visit Florida! I was down in Tampa for my brother’s wedding last October and was so busy that I didn’t have much time to relax and explore. I hope to go back soon.
I am currently loving the fact that I got a new job after being laid off since January!
My son always wore a sun shirt. He’s 14 and this year I wasn’t able to find anything like that for him. But it seems so much safer than the sunscreen.
Hey Julie! Those muffins look delicious! Just wondering if you would ever just give your little man a cupcake? I know there are times when both my little ones are asking for cupcakes as well, and I make sure to go to the nicest bakery in town if we’re talking cupcakes haha! (Momma can’t resist having one either)
Absolutely!!! Chase loves cakes and cupcakes! I just pick and choose when and where and since we weren’t out and about near places that sold cupcakes on Thursday, I didn’t want to make a batch of cupcakes just for Chase at home and went the muffin route!
I love these little roundups! I should start incorporating them into my blog schedule too. I’m super curious about rosehip seed oil, and especially that spray you mentioned with rosewater. It gets H-O-T here in DC, and I would imagine it’d be so refreshing to spritz on your face after a long day of walking around. I also need to hop on that House of Cards train, like now.
I have some rose water I purchased from one of the Asian supermarkets here which I’m going to decant into a spray bottle for a toner/ refresher spray or mix it with a few other oils and see what happens. It’s so cheap too!
Have a great time in Florida and looking forward to hearing all about it 🙂
if chase wanted a cupcake why not get him the real sugar and fat laden thing? he’s tiny and could use the calories. not every snack has to be healthy, he’s a kid. it is sad to me that when he wants a cupcake he is given a paleo muffin.
He definitely gets his fair share of sweets but I didn’t want to make an entire batch of cupcakes for him on a random Thursday night. As for the calories, the Paleo muffins likely had MORE calories and fat than a cupcake would (with the exception of the icing), but with healthier ingredients and I knew I could freeze them for future breakfasts for Chase. Plus, we had two zucchinis on hand that were about to go bad, so it was a win-win. I don’t feel like we’re making Chase miss out on the pleasures of being a kid by giving him healthy food with sweets in moderation.
Hi Julie! These muffins look delicious and I am excited to try them! I love when I can sneak some veggies into my baked goods. 🙂 Just curious – since I see Paleomg’s recipe is for a loaf, how did you alter the baking time since you were making muffins instead? Thanks!