It’s Friiiday and it’s also Date Night in our house! WOOP!
I am really looking forward to this evening because our hot date is part of my birthday present from Ryan. He planned a special dinner for the two of us followed by a night of improv comedy and I cannot wait! We have a babysitter lined up and I’m ready for some one-on-one time with my husband. I know date nights will be a little more challenging for us to sneak in after our little one arrives next month, so we’re trying to take full advantage of some couple time whenever possible right now. And maybe we’ll finally get around to narrowing down some ideas for baby names? We are still coming up blank on names for a baby boy or a girl (other than “Thomas the Train” – thank you, Chase) so hopefully something will call to us soon!
As far as other plans for the weekend, we don’t have too much on the agenda. Mother’s Day is Sunday and the only thing I really want to do is spend time with my family which shouldn’t be too hard since we don’t have too much on the agenda. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
Now onto your usual Things I’m Loving Friday shenanigans!!
Things I’m Loving Friday
- Preschool Mother’s Day Surprises
Just when I thought I couldn’t love Chase’s preschool any more, they outdo themselves! When I picked him up on Wednesday, I was greeted with the sweetest assortment of Mother’s Day surprises including a flower that Chase planted, a potholder featuring his handprint and a card with a handful of questions he answered about me. It was all adorable but my favorite part was definitely the card because his answers cracked me up. I think it’s clear I hype carrots up a lot in our house since he thinks they’re my favorite food and if he wants to confuse me for a 20-year-old, I’ll take it!
- The Family Next Door by Sally Hepworth
If you’ve read and loved any of Liane Moriarty’s novels in the past (Big Little Lies, The Husband’s Secret, etc.), I think The Family Next Door should be the next book on your must read list! While I would categorize the book as a “beach read” at its finest – gossipy but thoroughly entertaining – and it hooked me right away. The Family Next Door takes place in a picture-perfect small town and dives into the lives of neighboring families who all, on the outside, seem perfect but each harbor their own secrets. When a new woman moves into the neighborhood who doesn’t fit the family-friendly mold – she’s single, renting her home and has a seemingly mysterious job – curiosity is piqued and it becomes increasingly clear that there is a very specific reason she chose to live in this idyllic neighborhood.
- Limeade
With temperatures in the low 80s yesterday, I found myself craving something cold, sweet and refreshing to drink when Chase and I arrived home from the park. I ended up making a glass of limeade that was so ridiculously delicious. I’ve been all about citrus everything during this pregnancy so far so I probably shouldn’t have been surprised by how much this simple drink knocked my socks off but it was amazing!
I didn’t follow a recipe but simply combined fresh lime juice (I use this citrus juicer which makes it so simple to get lots of juice) with cold water, ice and a bit of sugar. I want to make it again soon with fresh mint added into the mix.
- Simple Mills Almond Flour Crackers
These crackers are a relatively new staple in our house! Chase loves them and I am a huge fan of the clean ingredient list. I’ve been using them to create mini snack plates with crackers, cheese and veggie or fruit slices and they’re always a hit.
- Comfy Activewear Shorts That Don’t Dig Into My Sides
I’ve been on the struggle bus with pants of any kind this pregnancy (with the exception of lululemon’s align leggings and Fabletics’ high-waisted capris) so I am beyond thrilled for warmer weather that allows me to wear shorts, dresses and skirts. Bring on the comfort… and the excessive sweating! (Pros and cons, right!?)
I am so happy that a handful of my pre-pregnancy shorts are working well this far along in my third trimester and sit comfortably under my belly and don’t give me some serious love handles. My current favs: Nike Crew Shorts / New Balance Impact 3 Shorts / lululemon Tracker Shorts / lululemon Speed Up Shorts (I like the 4’’ version for some added length) Hooray for shorts that don’t dig into my sides!
My friends over at POPSUGAR recently sent their latest POPSUGAR Must Have Box my way and it was such a fun package to open! The Summer 2018 box is practically overflowing with goodies and I’ve already found some big-time favorites. The Eberjay wrap robe is made of the softest jersey knit and the lightweight material is perfect for spring. I’ve been throwing it on over my pajamas in the morning before and love the luxurious feel! One of the more innovative products in the box is the Sphynx portable razor which includes a water spray bottle, shea butter shave bar and two razor blades. It’s perfect for a post-workout shave or for throwing into your duffle bag whenever you travel. (I’m planning to throw mine into my hospital bag when baby #2 arrives!) If you’d like to receive your own POPSUGAR Must Have Box, the code PBF5 will save you $5 off your first box! Thank you for the fun delivery, POPSUGAR!
- Mother’s Day Weekend Sales
Here’s a super short roundup of some Mother’s Day weekend sales that caught my eye:
Old Navy: Up to 50% off
American Eagle: 25-40% off all shorts (including my favorite TOMGIRL midi shorts – distressed denim shorts with a bit of a longer length that I love! You can see me wearing them here.)
LOFT: 30% off everything, plus an additional 10% off with code LOVEMOM
Anthropologie: 20% off everything
GAP: Up to 50% off everything plus an additional 20% off online with code YOUMAY (Time to get another pair of my beloved lightweight joggers!)
ASOS: Up to 50% off summer vacation staples (Trying not to buy these shorts since I know they won’t work with my belly but I LOVE them.)
- Potty Training Q&As: Submit YOUR Questions!
As you know if you’ve stopped by the blog over the course of the past two weeks, we’re in the middle of potty training right now! When I shared a little bit of insight into our experience so far, Colleen, a behavior therapist, left a comment on my blog offering to answer any specific questions about potty training little ones. Her comment immediately piqued my interest and I reached out to her to see if she’d be willing to do a big potty training Q&A session featuring some of my questions and some questions from YOU!
I know potty training is a hot topic and something a bunch of us are going through right now or plan to go through with our children in the future so if you have any questions you’d like me to pass along for an expert to answer, please leave them in the comments section of this post!
Here’s a little background about Colleen: “I have my M.A. in Marriage & Family Therapy and a post-master’s certificate in Behavioral Intervention in Autism. My educational training emphasizes the use of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) when working with children. I currently work part-time as a child/adolescent therapist. I previously worked as a behavior consultant and co-facilitated intensive potty training clinics for children with special needs. We used the basic principles of ABA while potty training, but all methods used can be modified for typically developing kids.”
- Friday Flashbacks
PB & J Overnight Oats (A gluten-free breakfast recipe that can easily be prepped ahead for a simple morning meal that tastes like a childhood favorite.)
Total Body Medicine Ball Workout (Your upper and lower body and your core will feel the burn during this workout that targets the whole body in a decreasing repetition format.)
Question of the Day
What is one thing you are loving this week?
Hi Julie! My husband and I have been trying to potty train our two-and-a-half-year-old son. We find that he is afraid of releasing the pee into the potty. Instead, he holds his pee in and waits until we put a diaper on for his nap or bedtime and then goes. Any advice about making him more comfortable to release on the potty?
I wish Colleen could come potty train my 3.5 year old daughter! Potty training has been somewhat of a failure for me for the past YEAR! I have tried every method imaginable, from rewards to the one described in the “Oh Crap” book and everything in between. My daughter will pee on the potty (after telling me she needs to go…we did get past me having to take her every hour or so), but she has a few quirks that we can’t seem to overcome: 1) She will only use the bathroom at home, notnon public or any other house, even if it means holding it for hours or ultimately having an accident, even when holding it is obviously unhealthy. 2) She will only go if my husband and I go with her…no one else can go, including Grandma or our babysitter. Again, she’ll hold it or eventually have an accident if my husband or I aren’t home, even though she is fully capable of going by herself (can undress, wipe, etc.). 3) She will NOT poop in the toilet. Yes, she poops once a day in her underwear, which is obviously gross and forces us to throw away panties after a few such incidents.
I have spoken to two pediatricians at the practice we go to. One just shrugged it all off, and the other said to keep trying, but that behavioral therapy could be an option if nothing else worked. Colleen, do you have any suggestions I could try at home (though I feel like I’ve tried them all!), or do you think a behavioral therapist is the way to go at this point?
Sorry for hogging the comments section! Potty training is just a source of great frustration at the moment!
I’ll definitely pass along your questions! It can be so frustrating! And I think the poop in the toilet thing is a really common obstacle. One of my closest friends is going through the same thing with her daughter who absolutely refuses to poop in a toilet. I’m curious to see what Colleen says about that one!
Very curious to hear suggestions on poop in the toilet. Just turned 3 year old and zero issues with training for pee and has had maybe 2 accidents since we started 4 months ago. While “training” over a weekend, he pooped twice but I think it scared him so much he now just holds it for nap/bedtime or asks for a diaper to poop. Everything I have read says don’t force it otherwise he will hold it, but it’s frustrating. He deals with constipation and holds it all day at school (8-5) and then usually needs a diaper when we get home. So curious to hear what she has to say!
I went through this with my son for a looooong time. He wanted to be standing and have a diaper on (I know, TMI) and my husband and I did not know how to get him to sit on the toilet! He was so good at the peeing in the toilet part! I’m dreading potty training my two year old. He isn’t talking and receives speech services. I’m wondering if I should wait until he’s able to communicate with me better, or try now. I’d love some advice, especially in terms of kids who aren’t yet able to say with words that they need to go.
yes! pooping on the toilet. My 3.5 year old will bring us a pull up and have us help her get it on. She will then stand up and bend over the couch or something, do her business and ask us to change her. ts so frustrating.
So excited to help! Can’t wait to answer all of your potty training questions! 🙂
Thank you again for offering to weigh in!!! <3
Potty training question: My almost 3 year old is COMPLETELY uninterested in using the potty. She knows when and how but refuses, despite trying a variety of behavioral techniques (I’m also a behavioral therapist). Even if we press the issue (gently and with encouragement) she becomes highly anxious for hours afterward and will pace, cry, and become disorganized. Videos, songs, books, surprises, behavior charts, and various rewards have all been unsuccessful so far. At this point I’ve taken a non-reactive approach and just act as if the bathroom is “business as usual” and don’t make a big deal about it all. Any tips??
My 5 year old son has special needs. He has been wee trained for nearly a year, but insists on putting on a pull up for more serious business. When he is done, he immediately asks us to clean him up. Luckily he never has accidents otherwise. Any ideas on how to get him to ditch the pull ups? Thank you!
Does he want to be standing up to go? My son was the exact same way…at 5 as well. It was my husband who finally said, “You are not getting off this toilet until you poop!” (when we were on vacation) and once he did it once it was easier to say, “You’ve done it before so you know you can do it.”
Thanks Sara. Haven’t done that yet. Trying not to pressure him because we’re petrified he will give up on the whole thing if we do, but I think you’re right. He likes to be standing upright. Appreciate your reply.
I know it can be so, so, so hard! Twice I tried refusing to put a diaper on my son when he wanted one (thinking he’d eventually go on the toilet…I even didn’t keep any in the house so I wouldn’t give in) but he’d just hold it until I’d freak out and put a diaper on him just so he’d go! My husband and I were sooo afraid he was never going to get it, but eventually he did. A mom in a facebook mom’s group I’m in just shared that her five year old daughter is refusing to poop on the toilet. I think people are afraid to talk about it sometimes, the older their child gets, but some kids are genuinely afraid and especially struggle with pooping on the toilet. I remember googling, “My five year old refuses to poop on the toilet” and I actually found a lot of stories.
Julie, I’d love to hear some suggestions about what to do when a child is older and refusing to poop on the toilet. I’m really hoping to not have as much trouble with my second son, but one never, ever knows. I want to be prepared just in case.
Ha ha! I have definitely googled “five year old refused to poop on the toilet”. It has been interesting to see that this is actually a common issue and we’re not the only ones struggling, but yes would like to get this sorted before he gets to big to wear pull ups! Thanks for your kind comment Sara. Happy Mother’s Day! ?
I just saw this comment! I got so behind in my emails! Thank you so much and I hope you had a very happy Mother’s Day too!!
I have a potty training question!!! My son is 2.5 and a few months ago was interested in the potty so we didn’t push it but offered every time we changed and he was into it and started doing really well! Peeing on the potty but NEVER pooping. He put the brakes on hard core when it came to pooping. We tried rewards, toys, the promise of big boy underwear, even watching for poop signs and rushing to put him on but he just flat out refused. Now he seems to have lost interest in the potty altogether, wants nothing to do with it. Did we cause this by pushing the poop thing too hard?? How do you get a child interested and not scared of going #2 on the potty??
Julie do you like the name Broc for a boy and Maren or Korrin for a girl?! My husband and I just started talking about names recently even though we aren’t trying to start a family quite yet and it’s fun! Have a great date night.
All of those shorts look super comfy… and are cute, too!
Happy Mothers Day!!
I am so happy that Colleen offered to answer some questions. Right now, my 3 year old son is regularly going Number One on the potty but refuses to go Number Two and goes in his underwear. This has been going on for roughly two months. We have tried placing him on the potty on regular intervals but nothing is working. We tried explaining to him that its okay to go on the potty and never scold him for going in his underwear but he is still having a hard time. Any advice??
Hi Julie! Happy Friday!! I literally tell everyone I know about the align leggings haha I just feel like it needs to be known! But on the topic of shorts, my current favs that don’t dig in are the Print Racer Run Shorts from Athleta… give them a try if you need any more for the summer, only $39! Enjoy your date night!
Ohh! I’ll look for them! And aren’t the align leggings the best thing ever!?!?! One of the women at lululemon said they have a “maternity cult following” — haha!!
Try Kinder for baby names, it’s a tinder app for baby names, you swipe based on if you like it or not and your husband can do the same. It’ll show you ones both you and your husband swiped yes for.
My question: my daughter will be 3 in August and basically potty trained herself right at age 2 (I know how lucky I am!), but is nowhere close to being potty trained during the night. She wears a pull-up and it’s always soaked. At what point should we work on that, and then how? I know we can limit beverages close to bedtime, but otherwise I’m not sure if we will need to wake her up, or is she naturally is going to start waking up when she’s a bit older? Thank you!
Wondering the same thing about my almost 4 year old!
We’re in the same boat over here with nighttime, but my child is almost 4. Any recommendations, Colleen would be great! Thank you. ?
I’m excited about the potty training Q&A so I’ll submit my question in the hopes it makes the cut! My daughter was well on her way to being potty-trained (no accidents for 2+ weeks) and then her 2 year molars started to cut through and she REFUSES to use her potty. Could those things be related? I don’t want to push her if she’s not ready but I also want her to be potty trained!
Potty training help!! My just turned 3-year-old boy has been pee potty trained for close to a YEAR, but STILL will not poop in the potty. He will hide the second we look away and go in his underwear (or on the floor, or outside on the grass). It doesn’t seem to bother him one bit to have poop in his pants. After months of having to clean disgusting poopy underwear sent home from his daycare each day, I have finally started to put a pull-up on him when I know he is going to poop. I feel like we are giving up and making backwards progress. We have tried lots of things, but any advice is appreciated!!
My potty training question: Our first attempt at potty training with my two year old daughter didn’t go very well. We had her in underwear and a potty nearby for easy access. She would pee on the floor, we’d clean it up and then a few minutes later, she’d pee again. One time, it was 4 pees in a span of 15 minutes. She wouldn’t sit on the potty when we timed it. She would fight it so we didn’t force it on her. My question is, did I try too soon? What else can I do to make it a pleasant transition for my daughter because it gets really frustrating and I know it’s not her fault…
About potty training- I have an almost 10 month old little boy, so potty training was nowhere on my radar. Until in a mom group I heard of moms setting potties out between 12 and 18 months just to let their little ones sit on the potty for fun/getting familiar with it. What are your thoughts on this? Any advantages or disadvantages?
Ooh, I have a question! My 3.5yo finally started regularly using the potty, but only when we tell him to go. And even then sometimes we’ll ask, he’ll say no and then have an accident 5 min later. Is there anything we can do to help him with telling us when he needs to go?
Hey Julie! I have a question for Colleen. My daughter will be 3 in July, and we potty trained her this past February. She picked it up super quickly and did so well. She even got the hang of going number 2 within about 10 days, and she’s been a pro with that ever since. However, for the past month, she’s regressed terribly, and we cannot figure out what happened. The trouble is it doesn’t seem like she cares. We’ve tried reminding her a bunch of times, we’ve tried incentives again, we’ve even tried some consequences (like not getting to wear dresses, which are her favourite). I’m sort of at a loss because some days, she’ll do well, and then other days, she couldn’t be bothered to stop doing what she is doing. Any suggestions???
My son will be 3 in July and refuses to even try to use the potty. I’ve heard you shouldn’t push them into potty training, but then again I don’t want a 4 year old that still refuses to use the potty!! My question is if you should force them to try or if they really will try to go on their own? We have tried candy, toys, bubbles, etc to get him to even try to go, but he won’t. He’s very strong minded in general, but I know he knows when he has to go and I don’t know what to do! I am very interested to hear any and all potty training suggestions and ideas!!! Thank you!
Oh potty training. My 3 yr old son will bring us a diaper so he can be changed, he tells us when he poops and needs to be changed. He will NOT sit on the potty. We have portable potty, but he’s too big for it now and we have a seat the sits on top of a big kid. I have showed him his fun new underwear. We’ve talked about going on the potty. We have two books about potty training that he reads all the time. He watches me all the time on the toilet (#momlife). I’ve showed him the rewards he’ll get if he goes on the potty. Nothing. He does not want to use the potty. I’ve tried to tell my husband that our son needs to watch him in the bathroom, but he’s not into it. Colleen, any suggestions for getting him to at least sit on the potty ? I just don’t know how to start!
To add to the gender guessing game, we waited to find out also, but all I craved was all citrus all the time. I made my husband go out and buy me grapefruit juice when we were out on more than one occasion. I had a little girl 🙂
Can i get a rough estimate of your limeade ingredient ratios?
Your Insta story with Chase making the Limeaid was the cutest! His sweet voice brought the biggest smile to my face!
Thank you, Kelli!! <3
Hi Julie! I have a potty training question for you. Did you have any trouble getting Chase to go #2 in the potty? My daughter will tell me she needs to go, but trying to get her to go in the potty wrecks everyone’s day. ALL. The. Tears. As soon as she gets off the potty, she’ll immediately go in her pull up. It’s almost like she’s scared. I have no idea how to change this!
Hi Colleen and Julie! My son is 22 months old. We are having issues with him taking off his diaper overnight, almost every night (despite snapped onesies, pants, sleepsacks-he gets it all off). During the day, he will often point to his diaper, indicating he wants to be changed. My problem is that he’s not very verbal, and I don’t believe he has the cognitive skills to anticipate when he needs to go, he just knows that he has gone. Any suggests are much appreciated. Cleaning up a poopy crib every morning needs to stop.
Thank you!!
we put our kid’s sleep sacks on inside out and backwards once they learn to take them off. Have ya’ll tried that? I’ve also heard of putting zippered pajamas on backwards (just cut the feet off or buy footless ones.
Chase has been taking his diaper off at nap time and peeing in his crib lately! I don’t know what’s going on with this but just wanted you to know we’re in a similar boat!
Enjoy date night!! I’ve been living in Target’s c9 champion shorts lately in a size bigger than normal and they are SUPER comfy, and super affordable!
My question: is it better to start potty training with a mini kid toilet or just go straight to the big toilet with the insert thing so they don’t fall in? Thanks! My daughter is only one and a half so we haven’t really started thinking about this yet, but she has been telling me when her diaper is dirty.
Hello! Thanks for the shorts recommendations heading into nicer weather running and I am excited to wear shorts!
Potty question which I assume is a repeat from many others but, my 2 year old is scared to poop on the potty. She does great with pee but is just nervous to poop which means she usually goes in her underwear or a diaper. Thank you!
Potty training:I have b/g 2.5 year old twins. My girl seems ready to train, she consistently goes pee on the potty several times throughout the day at daycare, and will tell me a lot of times when she is peeing or pooping in her diaper (usually with a look of distress). My boy on the other hand seemed interested a few months ago, but has since lost interest and never wants to sit on the potty. He isn’t afraid or anything, just indifferent.
So my question is: Do I try to train them at the same time, or just focus on my girl first and then my boy later when he is more interested?
I’ve been potty training my daughter (2 years old but will be 3 in a few months) for the last month and a half. She has done great with the pee, no accidents and is even able to sleep through the night for 12+ hours in panties, but she still has not pooped o the potty. She seems terrified to poop on the potty, and is still pooping in her panties. We’ve tried encouraging her, giving her an IPAD and having her sit there for hours, and even watched her till she’s cleching her little booty and we can tell she really has to go so we’ll plop her on the potty, but she still wont go! HELP!!!!!!!
Hi! My 3.5 year old has been potty trained (pee) for about 10 months but we still struggle with poop. He withholds it or will only let out little turds at a time and ends up pooping 5-6x/day (tmi? Haha). Pediatrician suggested miralax which we have tried but I really don’t want him on that long term. We have tried positive reinforcement, negative consequences, etc etc. nothing seems to encourage him to let out a normal bowel movement. Help!
Oooh, I’m on the lookout for some new shorts for summer. I love the lululemon ones! So cute.
We are in the midst of potty training as well… daughter is really good with pee, but poop is an issue. I look forward to your post with all the Q&A’s!
Have a good mother’s day!
Having not started down the potty training road yet other than buying a potty, and having my son used to it, my super specific and easy (ha ha) question is….. “How???” Like literally, how do I even start this other than asking “do you want to go on the potty?” So overwhelmed!
I just started reading Then She Was Gone by Lisa Jewell yesterday and I cannot put it down!! I think you would like it!!!!
Also, I like Tyler or Brady if you have a boy (the names of my two boys – ha!) or Ella for a girl! 🙂 Ella Grace sounds so nice with your last name! And Chase and Ella sounds so cute too 🙂
My daughter is almost 4 and has been potty trained since 2.5. She still occasionally has accidents because she refuses to stop what she’s doing to go pee. I can see she’s doing the “potty dance” so I casually say something like “if you have to use the bathroom you can stop what your doing and then come right back to it.” I used to sing the Daniel Tiger song but it stopped working. Sometimes she listens but she often fights me on it and then has an accident, or if I don’t see it or don’t say anything then she has an accident (it happens 5-ish times a month). Just wondering if there is a way to address this or if I should let her work it out naturally? I’ve heard I should have her clean up the mess but I’m not sure if that’s cruel or effective? Thanks so much for your help and thanks Julie for facilitating this Q&A!
I love the name Kate for a girl, and the social security administration just came out with the list of most popular baby names in 2017, so maybe you want to take a look (Liam is so cute!! I’m also a fan of Abby! Not pulling these from the list, I just like them!)
Date night sounds fantastic, I hope it’s wonderful. I’ve got to get a date night on the calendar with my own hubby. Btw, hot tip: try an escape room! They are SO much fun, and last year, me and my husband had a double date with one of my good friends who was expecting in just DAYS from our date night. (No lie – we went to the escape room on May 21st, and she had her dimple-cheeked little boy on May 25th! She was anxious right before the birth of her 4th child, because of some previous woes, and so she wanted to keep her mind OCCUPADO!) We all had a blast.
Love this post as always. Happy Mother’s day, Julie. 🙂
Not a potty training question! How do you get the books you read – are you buying all of them?!? I can borrow them for my kindle from my library, but the selection isn’t the greatest and there’s usually a long wait, especially for new books.
Happy Mother’s Day Julie, wishing you the very best! ❤️
I am very glad for the potty time talk! My 2.5 year old isn’t really into it yet but we offer and he accidentally went #1 a couple of times but hasn’t learned to go when he means to. He also drinks a lot of water during the day so night training will be a bear. We just need general guidance about when to start training/how to know if he is ready and what the heck to do!
Funny, I’ve just been wondering about a potty training issue here. We trained my strong-willed son at 26 months and during the process, I was SO stressed, but of course in hindsight over the course of a month he figured it out for the most part. He wore diapers for naps for another year and now, he still wears a diaper at night and he just turned 4. Is this okay? Sleep has always been a struggle for him, but once he’s
finally asleep, he sleeps hard. He’s only woken up with a dry diaper maybe 6 times in his life. Do we push this, or just let it be? We did try waking him up twice a night when our daughter was born 9 months ago (since we were up anyway) and he would sleepily get up and pee and then still wake up with a wet diaper so we abandoned that after about two weeks.
Hello! We recently potty trained my daughter and she has been doing amazing at home but really struggles when we are at friend’s homes or out to eat. We prompt her more in those scenarios but she pushes back and does not want to go. But then, 2 minutes later will have an accident. We have also tried being more laid back to take the pressure away, but she still pees just as much. Any tips? Thanks!
Hi Kelly! Just chiming in to say this is my current struggle with Chase, too! He’s great at home but doesn’t want to go often when we’re out and about and seems WAY more interested in everything other than the potty. He’ll do well when we run errands and when I am totally on top of him with asking, but if we’re on a play date he’s wayyyy too into the other kids/playing to think about the potty and will tell me he doesn’t have to go when I ask only to have an accident 3 min later!
Nothing is worse than activewear shorts that are just WAY too tight and give you that muffintop look. Lately I have been loving those kind of looser activewear shorts too! WAY more comfy than anything more skin-tight. They’re great for running as well!
Limeade sounds right up my alley now that the weather has warmed up!
You recommended a book a bit back about something along the lines of girls on a bus/train witnessing a possible crime and then someone goes missing? I can’t for the life of me find the title by searching your blog or google as I can’t remember exactly what it’s about. What is the title & author again?! Thanks in advance! Love reading your blog!
The Girl on The Train? The movie is really good!
Joanna, thank you so much!
The book you are talking about is I Am Watching You by Teresa Driscoll not The Girl on the Train. Although, it’s a great book!
Sarah, thank you! Haha, too many good books to read. I’m adding them both to my list! Thank you, ladies!
Yes! I Am Watching You!!
Potty training question:
My daughter is 3.5 years old, and she has been pee pee potty trained for well over a year. She still waits to poop in her pull-up at night. She battles constipation every now and then, and she has done so ever since she turned 1. She has gone poop on the potty at least 10 times in the past year, but that’s about it. Any advice because I feel like I have tried everything!?
Hi Julie and Colleen! Potty training problem for almost a year! I started PT my then 2.5 yo son Aug ’17, he’s now 3.5 yo and flopping back and forth between doing great and having accidents! He does #1 and #2 in the potty but sometimes he has accidents. Sometimes the accidents come 5 minutes after I’ve praised him (practically a party!) for going potty! I’ve tried everything, stickers, candy, rewards, “racing” him to the potty, etc. Sometimes he tells us he has to go (whether home or public) sometimes he doesn’t. I started PT him about 4 months before his baby brother was born. This started from the beginning though and he didn’t have a bad regression after baby was born. It’s just the back and forth, just when I think he’s PT he has an accident. He’s always been in pull-ups, I just don’t know why he will do his business in the potty and then later decide not to! Thanks for any advice!
My almost 3yo girl has been trained on #1 for a while but we are still struggling with #2. She has always had some issues going, so it can be a 30 minute process before she actually has a movement, and sometimes she tries very hard but nothing happens until later the next day. She can’t really just think “ok, my body says I need to poop now” and then go to the potty and get it done like she can with peeing. I’m not sure how to help her!
Hi there! My 2.5 yo showed signs of being interested in the potty back in December. In January we tried the boot camp style PT and it failed miserably with tears from everyone. We put the potty away for a bit bc it also was creating some anxiety when she saw it. Since then, when she asks we let her sit on her little little whenever she asks and as long as she’d like to sit. The problem with this is she will do this for a LONG time. She will sit on the potty then get up and say shes done then run back and try again. Im talking over an hour sometimes. She’s never gone in the potty once yet. And when you tell her okay we are all done it turns into a huge tantrum. She will also request “panties” and I let her run around in them with the exception of nap or outings but she inevitably pees her pants and then is enormously disappointed in herself. She started daycare just recently and I am hoping she gets over her stage fright by watching the other children but I don’t know how to make it a more pleasant experience at home (we’ve tried stickers, treats, iPad, praise, etc). Any suggestions?
The Family Next Door has been added to my library list. It sounds really good!