Hey friends! How are you doing? I hope my American friends out there enjoyed some good food and fun times with family and friends on Wednesday. We had such a nice time celebrating the Fourth of July even if the almost-three-year-old member of our crew wasn’t feelin’ his pants for our red, white and blue family photo.
We lucked out and were able to spend the holiday with my parents (more on that below) and it was definitely the highlight of my week. As far as the upcoming weekend is concerned, we don’t have any concrete plans on the agenda right now which is how things are going to be around here for a while. I have a feeling our weekend will include a lot of pajama time mixed with plenty of baby and toddler cuddles and that sounds great to me.
Before I’m off to unplug and enjoy the weekend, I wanted to hop back into the swing of things and share a Things I’m Loving Friday blog post today! Below you will find a short list of a couple of things that are making me smile this week and, as always, I’d love to hear a little bit about something you’re loving this week as well.
Have a fantastic weekend, my friends!
Things I’m Loving Friday
- Family Time on the Fourth of July
I felt like one lucky lady this week with my parents in town. Ryan went back to work a week after Ryder’s birth and having my family in town has been a huge blessing during this postpartum time. They’ve been incredibly helpful with Chase and Ryder and I’ve loved their company. (I’m still crossing my fingers they’ll move here eventually but I don’t like our chances since they love the beach so much!) Seeing my parents with their grandsons is the best and while most of our time has been spent around the house, we managed to get out a couple of times this week for short walks around the neighborhood as well as a Fourth of July celebration at Birkdale Village.
We also let Chase stay up late on Wednesday night so he could watch his first-ever firework show and he was ALL about it! The first big bang of a firework scared him a bit so he held my hand throughout the whole show (a surefire way to melt my heart) and we all talked about which fireworks were our favorites. His enthusiasm for the firework show was contagious!
- Hart of Dixie
I briefly mentioned this show in Monday’s blog post but now that I am about halfway through season one, it’s safe to say I am ALL IN. Grey’s Anatomy was my go-to nursing show after I had Chase and while I know I won’t be able to binge watch nearly as much TV this time around with a toddler in the mix, I have no doubt Hart of Dixie will be my primary source of mindless television entertainment when I need to rest, nurse Ryder or relax with a sleepy baby on my chest.
The show is sweet and easy to watch and follows Dr. Zoe Hart as she moves from New York City to Blue Bell, Alabama, a small town where she inherited part a family medical practice. It’s entertaining without feeling stressful and almost feels like a summer beach read come to life. If you haven’t seen this one already, definitely check it out on Netflix if you’re looking for something binge-worthy this summer!
- Organic Chocolate Coconut Clusters
My friends at ALDI sent me a package of some of their newest summer coconut goodies and I instantly tore into these organic chocolate coconut clusters. I ended up polishing off the entire back in 24 hours (I blame breastfeeding hunger) and couldn’t get enough of the sweet and crunchy snack. The combination of toasted coconut and rich dark chocolate and pumpkin seeds is heavenly!
One of my favorite blogging friends started a podcast last month and I am LOVING IT! Gina, aka The Fitnessista, is such a wonderful wealth of knowledge about all things health and fitness and her podcast is a great balance of entertaining and informative. I’ve listened to every episode (I loved the one about postpartum fitness) and find that the length is perfect for a nursing session or a quick walk. Check it out if you have an interest in health, wellness and fitness!
The sweetest blog reader, Jennifer W., sent us such a thoughtful gift after Ryder was born and I had to mention it here because it is so creative! The wood baby block is personalized with all of Ryder’s details – his birthday, height, weight, etc. – and is such a sweet keepsake! I already put the block on display in Ryder’s nursery and think it is so unique and beautiful. Thank you so much, Jennifer!
Question of the Day
What is one binge-worthy show you’ve been loving lately?
What is one thing that is making you smile this week?
Long time lurker here – congrats on the new addition!
Also — I love the shoes you’re wearing in the red white and blue photo. What brand are they?
Thank you!! They are slip-on Converse Chuck Taylors! I got them on Zappos a few years ago —> http://bit.ly/2u99TR3
What a fun time you guys had. I am so glad you’re all adjusting well to Ryder. Has Ryan’s mom met him yet? I’m sort of sporadic in my reading and may have missed it. Anyway, enjoy a fun filled low key weekend!
Hi Heather! Not yet but they just planned a visit and will be here in less than two weeks!
Hart of Dixie is such a feel good show! I just started Body of proof on Hulu and it’s really good!!
Ooh I’ve never heard of that one!!
It is not okay for Chase to wear just underwear outside. He is old enough that he understands consequences. No pants, no going out of the house. I am a speech pathologist and work with kiddos his age. I get the tantrums and frustration, but this is a safety issue. I am not writing this to judge (I let me daughter get away with so much….), but a 3 year old in underwear is worrisome for many reasons.
I see your point and I think this was honestly the first time we let him wear just his underwear outside of the house because we were just going to watch fireworks at the little beach on the lake near our house. Definitely not the norm around here!
I agree. No pants inside the house is one thing, but no pants in a public place is a big NO. it isn’t cute. It is definitely a safety issue. I know you like to think the best of people, but there are perverted people everywhere. Why put Chase in their line of vision.
I truly didn’t even think of it this way (naieve, I know) but it’s not something we will do again.
Hi! I’m a social worker and just wanted to chime in here. Though I understand that some of these comments are well-intentioned, I wanted to say that in my professional opinion you did not put your child in danger here. This was such as sweet post about a fun day, so I do not want to be a downer in the comments section, but being in a public place in underwear is not a situation that exposes children to predators. I’d be more than happy to share info on how to protect children from predators if any commenters would like that – sadly, these horrible things are typically done by people whom the child knows and trusts, not random strangers. These terrible things do NOT happen from being at the beach in your underwear at the age of 3 under the supervision of parents. Okay! I hope this was okay to say here! You are doing a great job, momma!
Thank you for saying that. I was thinking the same thing (as a licensed counselor).
Thank you for sharing your perspective, Renee. I really appreciate it. <3
Geeez Lisa! Take a chill pill.
Sorry for wanting to protect a child from pedophiles. I’ll be sure to take that chill pill now.
Living our lives under the scrutiny of strangers is never easy. I have no doubt Julie posted this picture because she thought it was cute. I think while your comment is a great reminder, may have been worded a bit harshly. Let’s remember to love and support one another. You know… the lessons we are teaching our kids.
Thank you so much for this comment, Jacki. I absolutely love blogging and sharing my life and connecting with others online but it can be tough sometimes when I feel scrutinized on a daily basis. It can make me want to pull back and share nothing which isn’t at all what I want for this space. Thank you for your kindness. <3
So sweet! My little one was up for the fireworks because they were so loud and he couldn’t sleep….cant wait for the day when we can watch them together…
I binged Heart of Dixie when I had Jace a year ago! I am currently binging One Tree Hill. So good!
Something that makes me smile: watching my little one’s personality come to life is amazing! he is a year and a half and watching him explore and see things for the first time is so cool! Watching his imagination in action is just amazing. Plus he’s really starting to give me kisses and hugs and try to hold my hand and it just melts my heart! Kiddos are something else!
Watching their imagination in action is so fun!!
Oh man, I LOVED Heart of Dixie! It’s so dang cute and I unabashedly binged it a few years ago. George & Wade! *fans self*
I LOVED hart of Dixie!!!! It’s oddly addicting
Oh my goodness, what a sweet keepsake! Such a creative idea that I am totally going to steal the next time I need a unique baby gift for someone 🙂
I’ve been following you for a LONG time (aka way before any babies were in the mix), and I am just so happy for you and your family with your newest edition. Children are such a blessing (that I have been unable to have thus far but I am still hopeful that it will happen). You and Ryan are great parents, and I can just tell that Ryder and Chase will have a lifelong bond. Brothers are the best!
I hardly ever comment but just wanted to pop in and say hi for once 🙂
Thank you so much for your sweet comment, Colleen! I really appreciate you following along!!
One thing that makes me smile is getting to see wedding pictures! I got married two weeks ago today and coming home from the honeymoon this week we got to see a ton of pictures. I loved reliving the day.
Also, no plans for the weekend is making me happy! Hoping to relax and regroup.
Aw I love Hart of Dixie! Perfect light show for summer! On the other end of spectrum, my boyfriend finally convinced me to start watching The Wire…but we also watch The Bachelorette together so win/win 🙂
Have a great weekend!
My husband got me into The Wire and I’m completely addicted! I never though I would like that type of show. He’s still refusing the watch The Bachelorette with me though 🙂
Congrats! I had my daughter on 6/6 and just started binging The Bold Type during nursing sessions, it’s very light and easy to watch, would also suggest Younger.
The Handmaid’s Tale on Hulu is super good!
Also, I loved Shameless, which is on Netflix.
I started watching Hart of Dixie on Sunday and made it halfway through the first episode before I needed to do something else, but I agree it’s similar to a summer read. I’m glad you’re enjoying it! I was debating whether I should get back into it or not, so we’ll see. My husband and I are currently watching White Collar (it’s on Netflix) and I really enjoy it! It’s a crime / mystery / comedy.
My boss gave me that same block letter keepsake for my second baby that was born in April and I LOVE it! It’s definitely something I want to gift to other mamas because I think it’s so cute and unique.
I hope you have a great weekend Julie and are soaking up those newborn snuggles!
Totally agree!! Keeping the block in the back of my mind for a gift idea, too!!
The Bold Type, Younger, and Girlfriends Guide to Divorce are all light, fun, and binge-worthy!!!! Belated congrats on your beautiful addition from a long time reader 🙂 Your family is precious and beautiful!
Thank you!!! Are all of these on Netflix?
Younger is on Hulu if you’re interested! It’s a ton of fun and focuses on the book publishing industry which is fascinating!
Sorry to butt in, but how are you watching the new season? It’s not on Hulu and I refuse to pay $1.99/episode on Amazon for it. I am dying to watch the new season!
I’m watching on TVLand.com. They have full episodes but it requires a cable subscription login. I borrowed a friend’s login! I refuse to pay that much per episode too 🙂
I listened to Gin’a podcast about hormones, it was awesome! Excited to listen to more episodes. Happy Fri-yay!
Me too! I’m curious to read his book now!
I LOVE that block idea! I just bookmarked to order one for my little guy hahaha. Glad you guys had a great fourth! I think it’s such a fun holiday that gets overshadowed!
Awww that block is so cute! What a sweet gift!
So funny about Hart of Dixie I watched it the first three months of having my twins I was obsessed! I think Everwood is a sweet show and binge worthy it’s on Hulu.
i somehow still have not listened to this podcast but i’m definitely downloading it today!!! and hart of dixie used to be one of my favorite shows a few years ago – i dropped off after season 1 but i may need to revisit it! have a great weekend 🙂
Love seeing you and your precious family. Your smile is contagious!
I love Hart of Dixie. So cute! You will enjoy it! I just finished The Bold Type. It is on Hulu and current in season 2 on the Freeform channel (I think.) I am also rewatching Gossip Girl. I am a 40 year old woman reliving her youth! ha
My boys came back from a week with their dad and that has me smiling! Also, my son got a fish hook in his hand on the 4th and thankful no major issues after!
Enjoy your weekend and time with your beautiful family!
You have a beautiful family.
I hope we can have a second baby soon too.
I’m smiling this week because I live abroad and we got to come to the US from Asia to visit family for the month of July. I’m so happy to see everyone
So many good binge shows. I loved Hart of Dixie!! A few other good ones: Friday Night Lights, Heartland, Drop Dead Diva, Parenthood (which I’m currently watching).
As for binge-watching, I’ve been hooked on Bravo’s Southern Charm, lol. There’s just something about those Charleston accents! 🙂
Also, the girl on the cover photo for the Netflix show totally reminds me of Ashley from A Lady Goes West, lol! Rachel Bilson, maybe?!
Life with two little boys look good on you – congratulations!?
Such a sweet family and I loved your instastories this morning ?
I have no show to share.☹️
BUT I am LOVING the Freedom app! Does anyone here use it! I am addicted to scrolling on social media ? So I got the Freedom app and have been living life again! Just wanted to share for anyone else who finds themselves checking FB/IG a little too much.
I’ve never heard of this app! What’s the gist of it??
It’s for people who are addicted to their phone. You schedule “freedom sessions” and it basically locks you out of the sites that you are addicted to during that time. I have it just block the internet all together. It’s sad that I need this…but I do. Sigh. But I really like the app!
Loved Hart of Dixie! Many shows can make me cry (Parenthood, This is Us) so I like having a go to “beach read” type show that won’t! I need a new one in fact. Your babies are all so cute! Hope you have a nice, mellow weekend with lots of cuddles!
I am bingeing on The Crown! I’m going to England in a week, so I’ve been trying to set the mood 😉 I’m halfway done with season 2 (of 2).
I watched the first season of Hart of Dixie and likes it. But I cannot, as a native South Carolinian (& current Charlottean!) handle the bad southern accents on that show! Everyone tries to “drawl” the heck out of it—and Hollywood seems to think there is one brand of southern accent! I find Jaime King’s accent unbearable lol!!
I wish I could have seen this yesterday! I was stuck on the couch all day with a horrible cold and desperately needed a show to binge watch! I will have to give Hart of Dixie a try some time.
Hope you are feeling better today!
Hart of Dixie!!! I watched the whole thing a couple/few years ago on Netflix and just started watching it again! Love that show! I definitely binged watched through season one and am ready for season two!
I loved Hart of Dixie! It was the perfect “escape” show from the real world. I just finished binge watching season 2 of The Good Fight – it’s soooo good! What’s making me smile is that BOTH my husband and I are off for 2 weeks (it’s our first actual summer vacation together in 12 years!) and we can enjoy day trips and family time with our two boys. Have a fantastic weekend!
thank you so much for the podcast shout out, friend!! i’m so so happy you’re enjoying it. it’s been so much fun to put together!
that picture of your little guys together = pure perfection. i can’t with ryder’s baby legs. SO so cute.
have you watched shameless yet?? we’re OBSESSED. it’s fun because tom likes it as much as i do, so it’s one of the rare gems we can watch together 🙂
hope you have a wonderful weekend!
We just finished Parks and Rec! I know, so old but it was our first time seeing it and it was incredible! So hilarious- it constantly had us laughing!
Each time a new season of The Bachelor or Bachelorette starts up, I think I’m so over this, I’m not watching this time. And then I watch the entire season :-). It’s the only thing I’m watching right now. Lol.
Loved to see your TILF pop up today! I am loving a friends trip/babymoon to Denver this weekend (although I’m currently up at 2:45am dealing with pregnancy rhitinitis and shortness of breath….thank god for blog reading to distract me).
Hart of Dixie sounds cute. I watched big little lies recently and while not the most relaxing show it is GOOD!
I hope you enjoy your trip!!! That sounds so fun! And I really hope you get some relief from some of the harder aspects of pregnancy. <3 It's obviously a huge blessing but it can be really tough sometimes, too.
Nicely said?
parenthood and brothers and sisters! Both awesome. Parenthood is great to watch with Ryan. Brothers and Sisters is a bit more dramatic and less ‘real’
I’ve been binge watching Hart of Dixie since you mentioned it and I love it! I’ve also been binge watching 90 Day Fiancé, just because I find it so interesting!
I rarely have time to binge watch shows anymore (1.5 yr old boy) but I have been loving watching Grey’s Anatomy after my son goes to sleep! I know I am sooo late to the game, but so happy I started watching. My husband and I also binge watched Friday Night Lights after my son was born 🙂
We received a wooden block exactly like that one after my son was born and I absolutely love it! It’s the best keepsake and we’ve even moved it into his “big boy” room. Such a thoughtful gift!
I read through all the comments and can’t believe no one seemed to mention RIVERDALE! It’s a high school, crime/mystery melodrama based on the Archie comics, features post-pubescent Cole Sprouse, and is SUCH a guilty pleasure. The characters are all outrageous and the first season definitely feels like a grown-up Scooby-Doo.
Your family is beautiful! I hope you’re enjoying life as a family of 5 (with Sadie) and that the transition with a newborn and toddler is going smoothly. Whatever you do, you are doing your best! Mamas need to stick together and support one another because it is a wild ride!
Thanks for the podcast reco – I’m definitely going to listen to the one about hormones since mine have been absolutely CRAZY during this pregnancy…17 weeks to go!
I love that block idea. I have gotten baby blankets for my best friend when she had her kids with the name, date and weight. Looks like you guys had a fun 4th as a family. Enjoy the baby snuggles.
Hi Julie,
Thank you for your inspirational website! I am recently 12 weeks pregnant and really love you style of clothing. I am currently starting to figure out my maternity wardrobe and I don’t want to go overboard with the ruched tops. I will definitely need them but I am also looking for cute casual t-shirts for postpartum. When you want something loose but not necessarily in your maternity t-shirts. I know you write about the t-shirts you like but what are your recommendations for this? Thank you again for your blog!
Hi!! I LOVE Victoria’s Secret PINK v-neck tees for postpartum! I actually wore them pregnant, too (they were just obviously tighter) and made sure to order them in 2 sizes up from my normal size. They’re the best!!!