It is absolutely blowing my mind to think that we have an almost THREE year old on our hands. HOW!? Chase officially turns three on Sunday and we will be celebrating with lots of cake, sprinkles, balloons and toddler fun. My parents are also back in town through Monday morning and will be celebrating Chase’s birthday with us which will make this weekend all the more special!
We kicked off celebrating our birthday boy early yesterday evening with a pool play date party to celebrate Chase and his BFF Claire’s birthdays together (they’re four days apart) and it was an absolute blast. (And, go figure, the giant dragon and unicorn pool floats we thought they’d be scared of were the biggest hit with this birthday duo!)
The best part of the party for me was watching Chase have a ball with his friends and I will definitely share more details about everything soon since I want to document it for my own memories as well! (The second best part about the party: It was super low-key and very easy to plan.)
But now let’s mooooove on to your usual Things I’m Loving Friday fun! As usual, I’d love for you guys to chime in and tell me about something that is making you smile this week, too!
Things I’m Loving Friday
The President Is Missing by Bill Clinton and James Patterson
If you enjoy political suspense books, add this one to your summer reading list! I’ve been reading The President Is Missing for weeks — WEEKS! — because I am just too tired to read more than a few pages at a time these days but I am allllmost done with this book and it’s so, so good. We’re talking good enough that I am seriously mad at myself each night when I’m too tired to read more than a few pages without my eyes feeling heavy.
The book is captivating from the beginning as a threat on the United States looms over the head of the President. As the story unfolds, a traitor in the cabinet is revealed and the President must do his best to protect his country from the most serious form of cyberterrorism while simultaneously questioning those around him as he tries to figure out who he can trust within the White House.
I am on a HUGE bandana kick right now which you maaay have noticed if you follow me on Instagram/Instagram Stories. I’m telling myself bandanas are the perfect way to distract from my ridiculously greasy hair these days (in addition to my beloved dry shampoo — that stuff is LIFE).
My favorite bandanas to wrap around my head are from Madewell (they’re the best length and stay in place better than other fabrics I’ve tried — a handful of colors are currently 40% off with code SHORETHING) but I recently ordered a bandana SCRUNCHIE and it is pretty much the jam.
The scrunchie is great for top knots and days when I want to add a little flare to pulling my hair up which happens basically every day around here right now. The scrunchie is wrapped in the bandana fabric and the two ends have tiny wires in them so you can mold them to stick out whatever ways you’d like and have them look all cute and messy without really being a mess to deal with and re-do a billion times. The only con: The bandana is on Amazon but it’s not part of Amazon Prime. Amazon Prime and I are BFFs so I didn’t know how to handle the more-than-two-day wait for my scrunchie.
Did you guys know Stitch Fix recently unveiled their styling service for kids!? Hooray!!! I’ve been a fan of Stitch Fix for years and still regularly use the service myself so when I saw that they were going to offer fixes for children, I was pumped! My friends at Stitch Fix offered to style a box for Chase to try out and I knew he’d have fun with the experience so we were both excited when his first fix arrived on our doorstep this week. Watching Chase critique the clothes they sent his way was absolutely adorable. Spoiler alert: He wanted to keep everything but the flip flops which he said “didn’t feel good on his toes.” The t-rex shirt was his favorite and he immediately walked it upstairs and put it away in his dresser to “keep it safe.”
From a style standpoint, Chase’s stylist did a great job of taking into account everything I mentioned when I created Chase’s style profile and his first fix and included a great mix of play clothes and some nicer items. (I absolutely loved the little plaid shorts but they were too big in the waist for Chase.) We ended up keeping a Hanna Andersson zip-up hoodie, a comfy pair of Hanna Andersson gray play shorts, the t-rex top and a Hurley tee from his first fix and cannot wait to try it out again!
Milkadamia Macadamia Nut Milk + Creamer
I am always intrigued by the latest nut milk options on the market and tried out Milkadamia’s macadamia milk and creamer for the first time last week after the company sent me a few cartons to sample. It was SO good and I will absolutely be buying more of this in the future! Milkadamia’s macadamia milk reminded me the most of cashew milk but with a more mild, creamier taste that worked well in everything from smoothies and oatmeal to coffee and chia seed pudding. The unsweetened vanilla was my favorite flavor for everyday use but if you’re looking for a coffee creamer that tastes like dessert in a cup, you must try Milkadamia’s macadamia fudge creamer. Holy heaven in a cup! It’s made with macadamia milk, organic cocoa powder and coconut cream and made my morning coffee taste like such a treat!
Friday Flashbacks
Chicken Sausage Sweet Potato Bake (Still a go-to recipe in our house and a wonderfully simple one-dish weeknight meal.)
Flying with a Baby for the First Time (I just booked a flight to Florida for my sister’s baby shower next month and found myself re-reading these tips from my first travel experience with Chase!)
Question of the Day
What is one thing that is making you smile this week?
Have a wonderful time this weekend celebrating Chase’s 3rd birthday. My little (not so little!) girl turns 3 next Sunday. Gah! With the newborn (who turns one month next Thursday) around I totally relate to the “days are long but years so short” thing right now!!
What I’m loving….binge watching Hart of Dixie. Thankful for seeing the recommendations in here 🙂
Have a great weekend, and happy early birthday to Chase!
Absolutely! Every day feels like 5,000 hours but then I look back on the week as a whole and I’m like “WHAT!?! Where is time going!?” And don’t even get me started on how fast the YEARS are going by with these little ones! <3 Love that we have kiddos of such similar ages and hope you have fun celebrating your sweet girl next weekend!
Oh and YESSSSS to Hart of Dixie!!! Current fav for sure! Does it kind of remind you of a Hallmark show b/c I totally get that vibe from it… and I mean that as a (super cheesy) compliment. 🙂
Wow!! Chase is getting so big, it’s incredible. The pics of them on the floats are too precious!! Happy Birthday Chase!
You always have the BEST book recommendations and will definitely be checking this one out. Thank!
Ummmm, the pic with the bandana scrunchie could NOT be any cuter. Love love love that topknot on you! But seriously…what DID we do before dry shampoo?? I hope the inventor is living their best life on an island somewhere because they deserve it!!
I gave your blog a shout out on my first Friday favorites post last week….I would love for you to see! 🙂
Hope you guys have a fun weekend!
Hahahaha! Your comment about the dry shampoo/island made me laugh out loud!!! So great!!! And I’m off to check out your post now!
Just commenting back here because I tried to leave a comment on your blog and it just disappeared!!! Just wanted you to know just in case it may have gone into spam! Anyway, I loved your post and so appreciate the shout out — I also majorly share your needle phobia 🙂
The one thing that is making me smile this week is that I am starting to feel my baby girl move more and more in my belly. My pregnancy has been a rollercoaster but it will all be worth it in the end.
Glad to know the President is Missing is a great read (I saw it in Target multiple times but didn’t know if I should pick it up) and am looking forward to trying Stitch Fix kids when my little one is here.
YAYYYYY! That’s SUCH a good feeling when you can finally feel your little one move. Wishing you TONS more baby kicks and a very healthy pregnancy/delivery. So thrilled for you, Bri!!
How is this #243??! I always look forward to your Friday post and I remember when it was the first one. Happy Birthday to your “little” boy! We’re getting ready to take our almost 2.5 year old to a trampoline park for the first time, that’s what’s sure to make me smile this week!
I’ll have to add The President is Missing to my list of books that I want to read. We have a similar taste in books because I’ve read a few that you’ve recommended now and I’ve really liked all of them. Keep the book recommendations coming!
Happy birthday, Chase! He looks like such a little grown-up person 🙂 Congrats to all of you for a big deal, THREE years! You all look wonderful! Have a great weekend with family!
Happy Birthday, Sweet Boy!!!!!!!!!
Julie, I am trying to read your shirt — take me to pancakes? paradise? Nanadice?
p.s. sent a present from Amazon to you: then found out it was being sent from China so NO idea how long it will take to get there. Or that they would not include a “this is a gift for you” card … hope it gets there before Ryder grows out of them.
Julie, you are just glowing! I’m sure you are tired because the newborn phase plus having two kids is exhausting but you just look sooo happy! Even during the most difficult part of the beginning of your journey to having Ryder, I knew one day you’d be here. A super happy mom of two! And I knew you’d make it here because I had already been down the same road myself (my boys are now 7 and 2.5!). I am just so, so thrilled for you! Chase’s party looks adorable and I can’t wait to see more pictures! Those floats are amazing! Do a lot of your friends have backyard pools? I found your blog when you were pregnant with Chase and I was pregnant with my rainbow baby. I can’t believe I have been following you for over three years but your blog is my favorite! I can’t wait to try the creamer you mentioned!
Prettiest mama. Happy Birthday weekend Chase!
Perfect timing on your book recommendation – I am just finishing up “The Perfect Couple” and just like you keep falling asleep before I can finish the last few chapters. I always love your book recommendations and needed a new book! Have a great weekend with your family celebrating Chase’s birthday!
Happy Birthday to Chase! I love your shirt in the above picture, where is it from?!
thank you! it’s betsey johnson and i got it online from nordstrom rack –>
Oh thank you for linking those headbands and scrunchies I’ve been loving them when I see you on Instagram. And HAPPY HAPPY Birthday to Chase! Hope you have a great weekend continuing the celebration 😉
Happy birthday to Chase – sounds like fun weekend ahead!!
I remember you mentioned you also love the Align pant from Lululemon so wanted to share – I recently ordered these leggings ( from American Eagle’s Aerie line and they are HEAVEN! Just like the Align pant in feel but literally 1/4 the price (so I don’t feel bad about actually working out in them!) I hadn’t been to AE in YEARS and am about 10 years above their target demographic, but don’t let that deter you 🙂
oooh! thank you for this tip!!!!
Chase’s birthday looks like so much fun!! Everyone keeps asking what I want to do for my birthday, and I have no idea, but sitting in a pool on a dragon floatie might be at the top of my list hahaha.
I also love the bandana scrunchie! So cute!
Have a great weekend celebrating Chase!!
Can’t believe he’ll be three this weekend! That means we’re just a few months away too! AH! LOVE those pool floats – my in laws have several of those huge ones in their pool and they all have fun names and the kids LOVE them, like borderline obsessed with playing on them. They take up most of the pool they’re so big but it’s totally easy entertainment!
They sell those bandana scrunchies at Target, too. My daughter and I share them! 🙂 HBD to Chase!
Happy birthday, Chase!! Those floats are too cute! I also love the bandana srunchie. I must get one! As for what is making me smile: I heard my baby’s heartbeat for the first time on Wednesday. It made all of the sickness and exhaustion worth it. Best sound ever!
Happy birthday, Chase!! They grow up so fast, I can’t believe how fast time goes by! My nephew Gio is going to be 5 next month and I am so wanting to turn back the clock to when he was a baby. Haha. I hope you have a wonderful weekend! Xoxo
All your sweet family of four (minus Sadie) pictures are making me happy! Love it! Happy birthday to Chase!
I don’t know how you deal with greasy hair. My hair gets greasy after one or two days and when that happens, I feel like I have to wash it immediately, lol. It’s hard, too, because my hair is not super thick, so I think the dry shampoo only works for so long. Even when I had two kids under the age of 2, I would make my husband watch the kids every night after work so I could shower. Not sure how many times I actually blow dried it in those early weeks!
Hope you have a great weekend celebrating Chase!!
Ha! I know it’s weird but right now it’s not about the time to wash it … but taking the time to style it is another story! For some reason I actually like a little grit/grease in my hair from a texture standpoint because the flyaways stay put better when I pull it back so it’s a weird fine line between getting it dirty to the point I like it and really NEEDING to wash it!
Just went and ordered those scrunchies. SO CUTE! but also overly sad that there’s no Prime shipping
Right!? What is this madness!?
Happy birthday weekend, Chase! He is looking like such a little man in these pics!
Did you ever try StitchFix for maternity clothes? I feel like you mentioned it on the blog before but can’t remember.
Also, speaking of books – you need to sign up for Amazon First Reads if you don’t do it already! It comes with the Prime membership and you get to choose 1 free Kindle book per month from a selection of 6. Sometimes they even have pre-releases, like this month I got Beautiful Exhiles which is a new historical fiction release told from the perspective of Ernest Hemingway’s 2nd wife (reminds me a little of The Paris Wife which I know you reviewed on here before). Check it out!
Have a great weekend celebrating Chase’s bday with your fam!
What! How have I never heard of Amazon First Reads!? And I loved The Paris Wife and will have to check out Beautiful Exiles. Thanks for the rec!! As for your Stitch Fix question — I really liked their maternity stuff a lot! They did a great job of nailing maternity staples for me (layering tanks, leggings, comfy pullovers) and I’d definitely recommend ordering one or two fixes while pregnant!
Happy Birthday to Chase! I hope he has a wonderful day!
Thanks so much, Melissa!! Hope you have a fantastic weekend, too!!
Chase and Claire are the CUTEST of bffs and it must give you and Claire’s family such joy to have little ones with such a great bond. It’s so adorable. Happy birthday to Chase, and to Claire! The dragon/unicorn floats are a huge win. Love it. Also, they have the cutest, happiest grins when they’re together! They’re livin’ their best lives! 🙂
It’s fun to see scrunchies makin’ a comeback! I love that there’s wiring in the one you’re wearing, I must check it out! (Plus I have the same feels you do about Prime.) You know what I miss? Banana clips. From the 80’s. I don’t even know if you can buy them anymore, but they were cool.
Have a great birthday weekend, hope it’s a good one!
I’ve been noticing your bandanas and they’re so adorable! I was on a kick not long ago, and I think it needs to make an appearance because this California heat is NO JOKE. One thing making me smile this week are the cute little chipmunks that are all around in my new neighborhood! We didn’t have those in D.C. and seeing them scurry around is honestly too cute for words. – Kaitlyn |
Ah I always forget Chase and I share the same birthday! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Happy Birthday Chase! Sully turned three on the 17th and it was so emotional to see how fast they’ve grown up!!!! What a fun party!
Also I’m on the scrunchie train and feel like I need more of them in my life every since Kaitlyn Bristowe started rocking them on her instagram!!
Hope you have an amazing weekend celebrating that special boy!
Happy birthday to Chase!
Totally unrelated to this post, but I recall that you had issues with your frozen breastmilk with Chase. Did you ever find a way to freeze your milk without it tasting bad? Scalding it each time seems like a lot of work! I’m having the same issue. Thanks!
I’m so sorry you’re going through that!!! I didn’t find a solution last time and haven’t tried freezing my milk yet this time around so I’m not sure if the issue will be the same. And I totally agree about scalding it — such a pain!! If you happen to find anything that helps, please let me know because I’ve heard it can happen again if it was an issue the first time around. And I’ll definitely share if I find anything as well!
he is very cute, happy birthday!
thank you!!! <3