Our plans for the weekend look a lot like last weekend. We’re hoping to keep our family entertained at home and spend as much time as possible outside. It’s not lost on me how fortunate we are to be home bound during a beautiful time of year in Charlotte. Getting outside for several hours every day is saving our sanity right now! I’m beginning to wonder if, when all of this is over, there will be any worms left in our yard after Chase has ransacked every square inch of it looking for his favorite squirmy friends.
After a brief hiatus last week I am back today with my usual roundup of Friday favorites. These posts always help me take time to focus on little things bringing me happiness every week and I hope they do the same for you. I’d love to hear about something making you smile in the comments section!
Things I’m Loving Friday
Bird Nest
I know I’ve mentioned our boys’ love for birds before and the fact that we recently purchased another bird feeder for our front yard but I have some bird-related news to share that absolutely made Chase’s day. We officially have our first bird nest! Last weekend, we found a little nest on top of the wreath on our front door and when we lifted Chase up to peek inside, he was so excited to tell us there were three eggs nestled in the nest! We try to give the mama bird plenty of space but when we notice she’s not there, we check on the eggs when we can and it’s been such a fun little surprise in the midst of spending a lot of time at home with our bird friends.
@Upworthy on Instagram
If the news has you feeling down you need an upbeat, hilarious and often heartwarming account to follow on Instagram, check out @Upworthy. A friend shared this one with me this week and it’s been such a little ray of sunshine in my IG feed. I love the videos of people showing kindness during this crazy time and the funny videos also provide a much-needed laugh right now. It’s definitely worth a follow!
This is a book recommendation that is going to come along with a slew of caveats. I typically gravitate toward fiction but really enjoy reading the occasional memoir or autobiography. (Some memoirs I’ve really enjoyed include Educated by Tara Westover and Open Book by Jessica Simpson and I loved Andre Agassi’s autobiography, Open.) I cannot remember the last time I read a biography so when I talk about the biography I recently read about Kick Kennedy, some of my feelings may relate to how I might feel about biographies in general, but I just haven’t read enough to know for sure.
Kick: The True Story of JFK’s Sister and the Heir to Chatsworth popped up as a recommended read for me through Amazon and I was instantly intrigued because I had never heard of JFK’s younger sister and her life seemed very interesting. When I initially began reading the book, it feel so factual and straightforward and almost like the text you’d read in a school book. It took me a moment to adjust to the writing style in this biography but once I did, I was incredibly interested in Kick’s story and the Kennedy family. I admittedly don’t know a ton about the Kennedys beyond JFK as a former president and the fact that tragedy and scandal seemed to follow them around. As I read more about Kick, it was impossible not to like her and root for her and though her story ends tragically, I found her short life fascinating.
Homemade Bird Feeders to Deliver to Assisted Living Facilities
Earlier this week, my friend Jess reached out with the idea to make bird feeders to deliver to an assisted living facility in the area. There are so many layers to the COVID-19 pandemic and I feel so deeply for those who are not able to be with friends or family during such an isolating time. I thought Jess’ idea to make bird feeders to bring to a local assisted living facility was such a simple way to spread a little joy, especially since I know how much our family loves watching different kinds of birds stop by our bird feeders for a little snack. The boys and I collected pine cones from our front yard, tied a string around them and covered them in peanut butter and bird seed before wrapping them up and attaching an encouraging note + scripture.
Jack Ryan
I mentioned this show in my blog posts earlier this week but now that Ryan and I have made our way through the first season I felt like it deserves a spot in today’s roundup of favorites as well. This show came highly recommended to me by some of my friends from college and when they said it was something that many of their husbands and boyfriends also enjoyed, my interest was piqued since it had been way too long since Ryan and I found a show we were both equally psyched to watch. (I think House of Cards was the last one?) We were hooked after the first episode and every single episode of the first season was packed with action, suspense, twists and mystery. It was a great show to watch together since we would share our predictions and theories and I am already excited to begin season two!
Around the Internet
Food: Healthy Tuna Salad (I made this for lunch this week and it was great!) / Cinnamon Roll Monkey Bread / The Best Banana Cake / Veggie-Packed Sheet Pan Breakfast
Fitness: Quick Mini Band Workout / At Home Workouts
Weekend Sales: Up to 40% off Nordstrom best sellers: KIDS: These Fluffy Chick + Easter Bunny Baskets are all kinds of adorable / Love this pastel tie-dye windbreaker for little girls / VANS High-Top Sneakers / Tucker + Tate Rain Boots FOR HER: 5 Pack Assorted Scrunchies (love the color combinations) Zella Live-In High Waist Leggings (I’ve had these for years and the quality is great) / Spray Dye Sweatshirt (great for cozy days at home right now)
Friday Flashbacks
10 At Home and Travel Workouts (This roundup is filled with bodyweight-only workouts that do not require any equipment. Perfect if you’re looking to work out at home right now but don’t have access to a ton of weights, bands, etc.)
Healthy Meals to Make for Others (Just in case you’re looking to deliver a meal — in a social distancing-friendly way — to someone struggling right now!)
Question of the Day
What is one thing making you smile this week?
Thank you so much for keeping your blog posts as normal as possible!
It is nice to have something to read that is energizing and refreshing and not solely focused on the current circumstances! Please don’t change a thing!!!
Hope you have a wonderful weekend!!!
Right now, I’m reading The Antidote for Everything by Kimmery Martin and I’m enjoying it so far. It’s a bit of a controversial topic, but it definitely has been giving me a distraction from all that’s currently going on. She’s a terrific writer, as well.
This book is next on my list!! I loved her last book so much so I have high hopes!
I love your posts, especially your Friday Favorites! Whenever we discover a nest on our front porch, I too get excited. Last year I watched them go from eggs to little baby birds, & it was fascinating. I think kids allow us to remember how magical this world can be & to see all the wonder rather than think of adulthood as mundane. ? The bird feeder treats were a wonderful idea! I told my husband about you loving Jack Ryan, but we don’t have Amazon Prime. Darn. We’ve paid for it & had trials, but it became so expensive for us. I may look into it again. Thank you for adding some brightness to my day!
Did you read The Kennedy Debutante? I forget if you’ve listed it before. It seemed right up your alley with a love of historical fiction based on a true story. Kick Kennedy is the centre of the book and I’m about 100 pages from finishing and so far it lines up pretty closely to what I’ve read on Wikipedia. But maybe she’ll get her happy ending in this one?!
Not sure if you’d want to read it after the bio, but I’m definitely liking it so far.
My husband and I rarely have TV shows we both like but we’re super into The Blacklist. I think we’ll try Jack Ryan after, thanks for the recommendation!
Something making me happy at the moment is sitting on the couch with a cup of coffee, about to finish my book. Something rare for me because while I rise early I’m usually exercising or at the barn, this is a nice change ?.
What a funny place for a bird’s nest! (And a little precarious! I would worry about it slipping off in the strong wind gales we get here!)
I’ve taken meals in to a few families during this time, and I’ve found that soup/chili + rolls or breadsticks is usually a good (and easy) combo too, though now that it’s warming up, that might not seem as palatable. I’m always looking for good take-in meals though, so thanks for sharing!
I just added Kick to my list of books to read. Thank you for suggesting it!
Making me smile is getting ready for a new job Monday! I’ve been self employed with one main contract for a year and felt a downsize coming when this virus started. God provided and I got an offer on a Tuesday and got the ”your contract is ending” note Wednesday.
So very blessed and happy to be going back to a full-time role with a company I admire!
Oh, how exciting that you have a bird’s nest with eggs! I hope they all hatch into healthy little baby birds. You’ll have a great view of Mama taking care of them if they do. And that is so incredibly sweet of you to put together bird feeders for the assisted living facility <3 That warmed my heart so much.
I honestly get confused as to what is graphics you posted and what is ads on your site. I keep thinking you are posting about ways to get must out of your fridge.
I love the bird feeder for assisted living residents!! My grandparents are currently residing in one and I know they love notes from the sweet kiddos! Especially when they are unable to see their families!
Thank you for continuing to post. Your Friday Favorites are something I look forward to each week. It’s nice to feel somewhat normal these days! I have been interested in the Kennedy family for a long time and read so many books about them. Kick’s story has always been my favorite even though it is so tragic. This book is new to me, can’t wait to check it out!
Super random question – do you have kindle unlimited? And if so, is it worth it? 🙂