Hellooooo! It’s Friday and I am psyched! Hooray for the weekend!
As I was typing up this blog post this morning, I started looking back on old Things I’m Loving Friday posts. I was surprised to see that last week marked one year since I started sharing these posts. (I’m not technically on #53 this week because I missed a few weeks here and there in the beginning.) I feel like I just started this tradition on the blog a few months ago. Time flies, my friends!
This post is one of my favorites to write every week and I love chatting with you guys about what we’re loving! I’ve discovered lots of great things thanks to comments you’ve left on this post (House of Cards, yummy snacks, hilarious videos) and your comments always make me smile. Thanks so much for participating in the fun every week!
Let’s get to it!
Things I’m Loving
- Fall Decorations
I know a bunch of people freak out when they see holiday decor available in stores months before the holidays. I’m sorry, my friends, but I am the problem. It’s people like me who fuel the fire. I’ve already purchased autumn decorations… and Thanksgiving napkins. I can’t help it! I am a sucker for the holidays and I’m feeling especially excited this year since Ryan and I will actually experience real seasons!! Hooray for changing leaves!
No, I do not own this, but I do love it. How pretty! I adore stackable bracelets and think this one would look so cute (and inconspicuous) with other gold bracelets. And what a great way to hide a Fitbit in a much less obvious way! (For a cheaper way to hide a Fitbit, I found these “smart pocket” bracelets on Etsy.)
This was the first BirchBox sample I’ve ever received that caused me to buy the full-size version before I used up the entire sample. It’s fantastic and, hands down, the best lip stain I’ve ever used. My lips are not naturally pink and tend to just bend right into my face, so a stain that gives them a little color and lasts for hours is right up my alley. (It’s not nearly as bright as it looks!) Stainiac quickly became my favorite because it lasts, goes on like regular lip gloss and doesn’t immediately dry out my lips (<— my number one complaint regarding most lip stains). My fellow BirchBox beauty lovers also gave it rave reviews on the site, so I know I’m not alone in thinking this lip stain is the jam.
- Two Silly Vizsla Videos
Sharing these for the vizsla lovers out there…
Velcro Vizsla Doesn’t Want Her Owner To Read <—This is 110 percent Sadie.
How is it that all vizslas behave exactly the same? They’re so ridiculous and so, so awesome.
- Orange is the New Black
At the urging of many of you and my friend Leah, Ryan and I began watching Orange is the New Black two weeks ago. I am loving it (Ryan is “intrigued” but not as enamored as me). I find the show hilarious and just plain entertaining. Thanks for the recommendation!! (And FYI for those as curious as I was about the intro, the opening credits feature the eyes of formerly incarcerated women.)
Question of the Day
- What is one thing you’re loving this week?
Sky @ Blonde Freedom says
I’m one of those people who always acts so shocked whenever stores break out holiday decorations months in advance. However, I’m in love with those Thanksgiving napkins with the feathers! Where did you get them? I’m definitely going to have to look into trying that lip stain too.
Julie says
I couldn’t resist! They were $2.99 from TJMaxx.
Hannah FitnessBanana says
Definitely loving swimming in the lake after going for a run AROUND it. Awesomely refreshing! AHHHH!
Julie says
Swimming in the lake is the best!! Totally feel ya on this one!
Kelli says
Another pair of ToMs I purchased this week
Tracy says
Totally love this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y5JBR753Ypg&feature=share
Your posts from IDEA and BlogFest were great! Thank you for sharing all that information!
Jackie says
Love the napkins! I’m so ready for fall! I already bought an autumn candle from kohls!
Samantha says
I am actually looking forward to the weekend being over!!! I’m working the closing shift this weekend (7pm-3am) and I can’t say I’m looking forward to it. Plus a bunch of stuff is not working at work so it makes it a little more of a pain in the ass.
Julie says
Ick! I hope it passes quickly for you, Samantha.
Kelly Runs for Food says
I saw that Tory Burch bracelet last week and really wanted it! I don’t even have a fitbit yet, but it’s fine. I’m already super pumped for fall. Best season ever, I bet you’re psyched that you’ll have fall weather down in Charlotte!
Cassy @ Wine & Dine to the Finish Line says
Love OITNB! Tell Ryan to hold out until season 2. I didn’t love the first season as much as my friends did, but once I watched season 2 I was hooked! I watched the whole season within 5 days of it coming out, which is either a sign that the show is really good or that I need a better social life lol
Julie says
Awesome!! We are still on season one, so I’ll tell him there’s hope. 🙂 I am loving it!
Georgina Dench says
Yessss OITNB!! Started it after my summer classes finished and got through the 2 seasons in a week…
Julie says
We haven’t made it to the second season yet. Is it as good as the first???
Georgina Dench says
Yes its SO good! Can’t wait for season 3 🙂
Julie says
kristin @ W [H] A T C H says
i hadn’t seen that tory burch fitbit — brilliant! i’m loving yogaaaa this week.
Julie says
I KNOW! I’ve been saying Fitbit should make a cuter version that goes with “real” clothes for a while now! Love this one.
afterdinnerdance says
We just moved into a new house, so I went ahead and already put my fall decorations up instead of storing them in the basement 🙂 And I just checked out a Home Goods for the first time and almost bought half of their fall decorations!
Julie says
Congrats on the new house!!!!! And I’m a fellow Home Goods addict right now. 😉
Anele @ Success Along the Weigh says
I saw the howling pup at the alarm the other day and thought of you!
This week I’m loving that projects are starting to come to the end stage of our main floor remodel. I’m so over it! HA!
Meredith @ The Cookie ChRUNicles says
I am loving that my Pure Barre DVD’s that I ordered arrived today! I can’t wait to try doing the routine at home. And I do love that Tory Burch bracelet. Sure makes wearing that contraption more stylish!
Livi says
I am loving all the pumpkin decorations popping up! I <3 fall!!
kbrackmann says
There is someone near where I work (because I see them all the time) that drives a car with the license plate “9VZSLAS” and everytime I see it (like yesterday) I think of you…although I can’t imagine the destruction 9 Vizslas could cause…
Julie says
oh my gosh!!! they are probably smothered by dogs ALL THE TIME. 🙂 one vizsla is needy enough… I can’t imagine 9! I would so love to meet that person and play with all their dogs though!
Linz @ Itz Linz says
Breyers birthday blast ice cream – I ate a carton this week!
Brynn says
I am loving all things fall and cannot wait for the change in season and college football!
Julie says
Heather says
I’m loving bootcamp workouts outside this week, I started my first group class this week! We met all Jack Block park in West Seattle, gorgeous views of downtown!
Julie says
sounds like a blast!
Liz says
It’s funny you say Vizslas all act the same because I have a Border Collie and I can totally tell when a mixed breed has some Border in them! Which btw, DON’T look up Vizslas on Pinterest unless you want another one! I made that mistake and now I’m considering getting Cora a friend 🙂 Have a great weekend!
mary @ minutespermile says
i recently tried out Fabletics, a fitness apparel subscription company that’s sort of like stitchfix, but with more input from the consumer end, i think. my first outfit came with a ton of discounts — i got an awesome pair of capris, a cute top, and a sportsbra for $30! insanely good deal. i canceled my account after, but was tempted to stay subscribed cause everything was so cute and high-quality! plus kate hudson is a co-owner, and she rules.
Amber @ Busy, Bold, Blessed says
I’m NOT ready for fall! My bday is next weekend… can’t we just enjoy summer until then? Ok thanks lol. I looooooove OITNB, I think my husband was skeptical at first but now he loves it too.
Alex W says
I am so with you on holiday decorations! I am a huge part of the problem. I am known to have my christmas tree up before Thanksgiving. I just love the feeling of Fall and the excited atmosphere of the holidays!
Something I am loving this Friday are weekends with my parents, They live a little over an hour North of us and today after we get off work at 5 my husband and I are heading there to stay the weekend! It always feels good to get away for a little bit 🙂
Have a good weekend!!
Amanda says
I’m loving this post: https://www.facebook.com/MichaelBerryFanPage/photos/a.363467236699.163471.115017781699/10152321771941700/?type=1&theater
Good reminder that we all just have to have a good laugh at ourselves sometimes =).
Alisia says
I am obsessed with Orange is the New Black. I watch it with one of my good guy friends and he isn’t as into it as I am. Also, I adore fall so I love walking into stores and seeing all of the decorations.
Yayan says
I’ve been obsessed with Dior’s “Addict Lip Glow” balm. It somehow makes your lips look naturally pink!
Can’t say enough good things about it!
Courtney @ Sweet Tooth, Sweet Life says
I’m loving that Tory Birch Fitbit Bracelet!. Ohmygosh, I NEED one of those, like, NOW!
xoxoxo 🙂
Emily M says
I just tried the Stainiac lip stain from my BirchBox last night…I am in love!! Probably my favorite sample I’ve received thus far…I also received a hair conditioning spray this month that is really great. My Stitch Fix this month was so spot on as well…thank you for always recommending such fantastic products/services!
Ashley @ My Food N Fitness Diaries says
I am going to miss Utah’s fall season SO much this year. It was easily my favorite season when we lived there. Similar to Florida, there aren’t the regular seasons here in Phoenix. It’s still hotter than heck right now, so it’s hard to imagine fall being right around the corner!
We started watching Orange is the New Black a few weeks ago too. Now that we’re into the second season, I’m getting into it a little more, but I wouldn’t rank it as a favorite show. I still have a difficult time getting past all of the nudity and crude stuff! Haha.
I need to check out that lip stain! I have similar lips – they don’t have much color to them, so a stain would be nice!
Megan @ Piece of Kake says
I just started Orange Is The New Black last week and I love it! I can’t get Mat to watch it but it’s quickly becoming one of my favorite new shows!
Skinny Fitalicious says
I definitely need that Tory Burch bracelet. I’m sure it uber expensive though. I’m loving my H20 audio for listening to my ipod when I swim.
Erin @ Her Heartland Soul says
Happy Friday!
I’m going to need to check out that lip stain. I have small lips and they blend into my skin too! I’d love to have a color that lasts on them!
Leslie @ Life Begins at 30? says
I have that sample size lip stain too. Thanks Birchbox! 🙂 OITNB is fantastic and I love it; however, the fiance never got into it. I just watch by myself now.
Linda @ Fit Fed and Happy says
I am LOVING organ meats this week actually. They’re not as gross as you think!
Also, I want to get into Orange is the New Black but I’m scared I’ll be so hooked I can’t stop!
Brittany says
1) I’m right there with you on the fall stuff. I haven’t bought any decorations yet, but I did buy an apple pumpkin car air freshener today at BB&B.
2) I love that Tory Burch Fitbit bracelet. I have a Fitbit but never wear it. I think this wold inspire me to.
3) Orange is the New Black is great! Isaac and I finished season one earlier this year but now we’re hooked on watching Breaking Bad so the second season of Orange is the New Black is on the back burner right now. Oh man, getting addicted to series that are on-demand is not good for my sleep. Last night we couldn’t stop watching Breaking Bad and ended up watching 3 episodes and going to bed a midnight. haha.
Elsie@SharingHealthiness says
I’m so ready for fall because it is my birthday! Plus who doesn’t love Halloween? All that candy! Ha.
I absolutely love that Tory Burch Fitbit Bracelet. It is amazing how sport is blending in with fashion. I’d swear some of my workout clothes could easily fit as “normal” or “working” clothes.
Erin @ The Almond Eater says
Ahhh I love OITNB and am so upset that I have to wait so long for season 3! I’ve also been overly excited for fall lately…. I just want everything to be pumpkin flavored ASAP.
Stacie @ SimplySouthernStacie says
I am the problem too! I was at Target yesterday and so disappointed that there wasn’t any fall stuff out yet. Get with it, Target!
slimsanity says
We looove OITNB! We finished season 2 in one week 🙂
aladygoeswest says
My husband and I just finished season two of OITNB and now we’ve gone back to watch all the seasons of Weeds. We always have a Netflix-offered series to watch in the evenings together, which is time I look forward to.
I’m loving the fact that I get to go home to visit my family and friends in Florida in just a few short days for Labor Day weekend. And today, I’m off to try out Barry’s Bootcamp and then teach BODYPUMP later. Love a little fitness in my Friday:)
Lauren @ The Bikini Experiment says
Love that Tory Burch Fitbit! So stylish. Enjoy the weekend!
Jennifer says
Thank you!!! I thought I was the only one who got happy when fall decorations started coming out. Fall/winter is my fave time of the year so I always get super excited to see fall stuff because it means the best time of the year is near. I get even more excited to see Christmast stuff, even if it’s only September 🙂
Amy says
I am loving bully sticks and Kongs stiffed with treats and peanut butter for my Vizsla baby who was neutered last week and is supposed to stay “calm” (ha!) for 7 more days. Love those videos. Vizslas are the best 🙂
Lauren says
Fall equals football so I agree with you to bring it on! With heat index near 100 today in ATL I’m ready for cooler weather!
The thing I’m loving MOST today is that my husband is home! He’s been doing up and backs for Dallas for a while and he got home early so I get him for 3 days this weekend! With a relaxing weekend on the boat and lake planned I’m very happy to hang with my best friend!
Y’a’ll are welcome any time to join us at the lake!
Rachel says
Wow I’ve been following you for more than a year? Time really does fly! I remember the first Friday post!
My bf and I tried to get into OITNB and we felt the same as Ryan: intrigued but didn’t love it. However, after we decided collectively that we didn’t want to watch it, I watched a few more on my own just out of curiosity…and then discovered my bf was secretly watching too! Guess we were more into it than we thought haha.
Beth @ Running with the Sunrise says
I’ve been eyeing the Tory Burch Fitbit jewelry, too, but I definitely don’t have the money to spend on it. Marathon training has made my piriformis very tight and angry, so this week I’m loving my foam roller and pigeon pose. And Boston creme flavored Greek yogurt. Hope you have a great Friday!
Emily @ twodesigncents says
I haven’t seen Orange is the New Black, but I did catch an interview on NPR with the woman that wrote that memoir that inspired the show. It was a really interesting interview, very smart woman. Cheer to you for being able to celebrate changing seasons!
Kalynn C. says
I love all of your vizsla posts and stories! So much so that I’m seriously considering getting one the next time I get a dog!
Rachel says
My husband and I just started watching Orange is the New Black too! We are already on episode 8 of season 1. I agree, he is not quite as into it as I am, but generally we both love it! It’s my mission to plow through all of it before Fall shows start. Usually I get turned off by things that everyone is raving about because my expectations are then set so high. This one is spot on!
I also love the opening credits. Another great song by Regina Spektor!
Jessica G. says
I am in love with the mini pumpkin garland you posted a picture of above, where did u find it??
Love your blog!
Mila says
The Balm’s staniac was the first full size Birchbox product I purchased too!! But for different reasons, it’s my favorite blush!! It gives you the most natural “i just went running” flush and it has the most amazing staying power, especially in the crazy humidity i’ve been experiencing lately it outlasts any blush! Highly recommend it for that as well 🙂