Happy Friday!
I am really looking forward to the weekend. We’re staying local again and I’m hoping to have a chance to see Divergent tomorrow. Ryan and I both read the book years ago and loved it, so I have high hopes for the movie. I hope it’s a good one!
Moving right along…
Here’s your usual Things I’m Loving Friday feature!
As always, please feel free to share something you’re loving lately in the comments section. I always love reading them! (Ryan and I just put season one of Game of Thrones into our Netflix queue based on previous comments on a Friday post from some of you. Thank you for the recommendation!)
Things I’m Loving Friday
- Blog Updates
I’m sure my fellow bloggers out there can relate to the happiness that comes along with this one! Whenever I update pages on my blog, I feel a sense of relief. I need to keep up with regular updates because when I let updating fall to the wayside, it takes an awfully long time to sift through posts to find content to use on each page to keep them current! Pages that were updated this week:
More updates to come!
Feel the buuuurn! For freeeee (if you have Amazon Prime)! I did another Ballet Beautiful workout this morning and it sure didn’t feel any easier. Since the counting in the workout can be quite redundant, I propped my laptop up next to the television so I could follow the workout on my computer while I watched a TV show I streamed from Netflix. It made the time pass by much faster and *kind of* distracted me from the burn I was feeling!
- Koozie Collection
Earlier this week, as I was organizing one of the cabinets in our kitchen, I realized Ryan and I are accumulating a small collection of koozies. Most of them can be attributed to the fact that my college girlfriends and I feel the need to make koozies to commemorate fun occasions. I love looking at our koozie collection and remembering some seriously fun times like SantaCon, Merri’s Las Vegas Bachelorette party and more!
- Health Magazine Feature
I owe a big thank you to Health magazine for including me in their latest issue. So thrilled! Thank you!!!
- Sweet Potato Chips
How many of these chips would one have to eat for them to be considered dinner? Because I think I came dangerously close to that line last night. So delicious!
I’m pretty sure I need to find this woman and make her my best friend.
- Runner’s World Heartbreak Hill Race Discounts
I recently added a fun race to my calendar! In June I will be flying to Boston for the Runner’s World Heartbreak Hill race weekend. I am planning on doing the Five and Dime race on Saturday, June 7. It will be my first time running back-to-back races (a 5K followed immediately by a 10K) and I can’t wait. Boston is such a vibrant city and race weekends are always so exciting. (I only wish I could bring Sadie for the two mile dog run!)
For running friends out there who would like to join me for the Five and Dime (5K + 10K) race or run the half marathon or hat trick (5K +10K + half marathon), Runner’s World is offering 10 percent off race registration with the following coupon codes for each respective race:
- Five and Dime (5K + 10K): blogpbfingers5&10
- Half Marathon: blogpbfingersHalf
- Hat Trick (5K + 10K+ Half Marathon): blogpbfingersHat
It will be a blast!
Past Things I’m Loving Friday Posts
Questions of the Morning
- What is one thing you are loving lately?
- Have you ever watched Game of Thrones? Thoughts?
I saw Divergent last night. It was really good and followed the book pretty well.
Glad to hear it!!
I completely agree- that woman who took all the pictures of hot men during her half is the BEST! I need to do that during my next half in 2 weeks haha!
Yes I looooove Game of Thrones!! Can’t WAIT for the next season 🙂
And lately, I’m loving the over-40 degree weather we’re having in Wisconsin! FINALLY!
i did a ballet workout yesterday too and you are not kidding about that burn. the movements look so simple and yet….haha. feeling it today but i loved it!
I am running the Five and Dime too at the Runner’s World event and, like you, it’s my first time running two races in the same day. Eeeek! Should be a blast, though 🙂
I’ll see you in Boston! I’m running the Hat Trick. Yay!
You’re going to have so much fun in Boston!! I miss being close to the east coast. Happy Friday!
My boyfriend and I are looking to get rid of cable, so that like you and Ryan, we watch the shows we want to watch instead of mindlessly watching whatever is on (and to hopefully get more physical activity). 🙂
My question to you is (and I apologize if you have already mentioned this and I just missed it) do you guys still own a TV or do you watch your Netflix shows on a laptop? That’s one thing we are trying to figure out – do we keep our TV or get rid of it? Just curious what you guys did. 🙂
We still have a TV! I definitely would not get rid of a television altogether because we really enjoy watching Netflix movies and shows together on a larger TV. 🙂 We don’t miss cable at all though, so I highly recommend getting rid of it!
So I was just thinking about our koozie collection last night! We tend to pick these up while on vacation because we forget to pack them. It’s great to look at them and remember all the great times we’ve had on vacation whether it was just us or with friends!
Haven’t seen Game of Thrones, but totally want to! We are hooked on Scandal and The Walking Dead currently!!
lol those hot men / selfie pictures are hilarious! and i’ve been loving frozen salted caramel greek yogurt bars!!!
I can’t believe you’re coming to Boston! My best friend and I go to Boston University and have been religiously following your blog for a year. My BFF is a marathoner and I’m running my first 5K (the BAA pre-Boston Marathon 5K) in April.
Thanks for the daily positivity, pics of Sadie, and generally inspiring blog 🙂 Good luck on the double race weekend and maybe we’ll see you!
Thank you, Laura! Good luck at your 5K!!!
Those sweet potato chips are the best! They sell a big bag of them at our local wholesale store and I could seriously eat the whole bag is just a few days. SO addicting!
I hope they bring those sweet potato chips to Australia they sound great. Big congratulations on being featured in that magazine, what an awesome awesome achievement 😀
I’m loving The Following I’ve just finished season 1 in a week. Oops. I need to try and watch Game of Thrones again I watched the first few episodes but found it a bit graphic / violent.
I’m currently reading and loving Divergent.
Oh gosh I’m not good with bloody/graphic movies or TV shows. We shall see how this goes!
Loving our Soda Stream machine. We never use any flavors, but it keeps the carbonated water flowing in our house and I love to jazz it up with things like frozen berries, lavender simple syrup and herbs like thyme! I may not have had more than two glasses of non-carbonated, un-fancified water in weeks.
I LOVE those chips<3 To go along with your post yesterday, I'm loving the Fekkai heat protectant/hair serum. I look like a freak most of the time bc I walk around sniffing my hair.
Hey Julie! I’m thinking about signing up for the Heartbreak Hill half! I live in the area and I’ve been looking for a race to train for this spring! Do you know how long the coupon code is good for? I have a few things I need to sort out before officially signing up. Thanks so much and have a great weekend 🙂
I will ask and get back to you!
It is valid until the race sells out!
great, thanks Julie!
Things I’m loving- my 5 month old crawling 🙂
Me and my hubby are OBSESSED with Game of Thrones. We literally have a countdown going for the new season starting next month.
Awesome!! Ryan is actually the one who seems most psyched to watch!
I go to Boston College so I live right on Heartbreak Hill! Make sure to check out the Heartbreak Hill Running Company in Newton (it’s on the racecourse)– such a cute store. Have fun in Boston!
Sounds like a plan!!
There are a few shows on Netflix that you and Ryan should watch. It’s hard for my husband and I to find shows we want to watch together (since I watch a lot of Bravo), but here are some that we’ve enjoyed as a team: Breaking Bad, Orange is the New Black, Mad Men, Californication and Friday Night Lights (this one is older, but oh-so-enjoyable). Happy streaming!
Thanks so much for these recs!!!!
Thank you so much for sharing about the Ballet Beautiful on Amazon! I’ve been trying out some Jillian Michael’s workouts via Amazon to mix things up and I’ve been wanting to try a Barre-type workout but was too embarrassed to pay to go to a class. This will be perfect to try out!
Hope you love it!
i’m running the hat trick!!!! woohoo!
I live in Boston and am so bummed I’m going to be in DC that weekend!! Have a great time, enjoy the city and I’d recommend going to the North End and getting a bajillion sweets at Mike’s Pastry when you’re done 🙂
I live in Boston – also running the Five & Dime! See ya there 🙂
So exciting!!
I wish I was at home to take a picture and post our koozie collection for you! We have a whole cupboard full of them. I just can’t bear to part with them. Wishing I was close to these awesome races! Someday I’ll make to the Heartbreak Hill Festival.
I’m reading the first Game of Thrones book. I’m so lost but my hubby (who watches the show) keeps telling me to truck on, apparently it’s really good!
Love the girl taking pics of hot guys during a marathon clip, thanks for sharing.
I love coozies we have a fun collection too!
Yay I just signed up for the Five & Dime race! I hope I get to meet you at the start!!
Awesome! That would be so fun!!
i LOVE those Food Should Taste Good chips. have you tried the Jalepeno tortilla chips by them? They are SO good. and I’m not even a huge spicy-flavor fan. love them.
LOVE that woman and her selfies, so cute. I was volunteering the Chicago marathon with a couple friends and we started writing down bib #s for really cute guys… haha. Sadly I did not end up stalking any of them.
It really does feel good to do some much needed blog updates! Even if nobody really reads my blog…LOL. So exciting that you were featured in the magazine. 🙂 You are going to have a blast at the RW race in Boston. I went to the one in Bethlehem, PA in October and it was such a good time!
Enjoy your weekend!
hehe that is girl is everywhere it’s so funny!! When the superbowl was here I acquired so many koozies because they kept giving them away everywhere.
Ahh! Divergent! A friend gave us movie passes as a thank-you gift, and I am TOTALLY dragging the husband to see “Divergent” this weekend! Even though he did all the dog walking to earn said thank-you gift, I’m picking out the movie. That’s how it works, I think.
I want to be the hot-guy-marathon-selfie girl’s best friend, too. That’s awesome.
OMG I laughed hysterically the other day when I read the hot runner selfies on buzzfeed. Too funny!!!
The story of that woman is hilarious! How in the world did she manage to do that?
Oh fun!! I wish I could go to Boston for that race weekend!!! It will be so much fun!!
Game of Thrones is my jam! I’m so excited for it to come back. Be preared to be little confused by allllll the characters with weird names. Also it’s pretty gory. Sometimes I have to look away. But man is it sooooo good!
OMG that selfie woman… I can’t. I started following her Insta account (along with 10 million other people) because those photos are just a riot.
Yes for getting blog work done! I just got a whole new redesign from Kendra at Swoon Designs after seeing your design! You’ll have to come see my site! I’m so happy with it. That’s what I’m loving this Friday. 🙂
Game of Thrones is THE best show on television. I cannot wait for the new season in just a couple weekends!!! I actually got into the show last season, season 3, and was totally confused but still loved it. You know a show has to be good if you obsess over it and don’t really know what’s going on simultaneously, haha. All the plot twists and the amazing characters just completely suck you in. Word to the wise: there is a lot of nudity! I feel like the nudity actually overshadows the violence, but I’m not a good judge because blood doesn’t really bother me… If you are OK with all the nudity then you will probably really enjoy the show!
Ooooh it’s an HBO show, right!? I didn’t even think about that!
Yeah, it’s an HBO show. It starts to tone down a little bit around mid-season 2, once the action starts to intensify. 🙂
If a guy did that during a marathon to unsuspecting women reactions would be so different. I hate those double standards.
Those sweet potato chips are SO good! Yum & thanks for updating the pages 🙂 Needed some new music!
I’m loving Divergent this week, I’m going to see the movie tonight!! I’m late to the party – I jsut read all three books in the last 2 weeks but I loved the story, can’t wait to see it come to life in the movie!
Things I’m loving today…….
The song “All of me” by John Legend, great, great song and the Coconut Almond Kind Bar I had one about an hour ago and I so want another 🙂
I love that song, too. He has such a beautiful voice!
I’m scary obsessed with Whole Foods butterscotch pudding right now. I’ve been having it as my Friday morning breakfast treat lately and seriously look forward to Friday AM every week!
I wish there was a Whole Foods near me!
thank you for the code, julie! i’ve been meaning to pull the trigger on signing up for the RW race and just haven’t gotten around to it, but i’m glad i did now 🙂 i will be running the hat trick! see you there!
haha, the 13 selfies thing is the best!! definitely made me smile
I am a huge fan of FSTD’s chips! That’s great you’ll be running in Boston! I would love to make it, but still recovering from plantar fasciitis. I’m really bummed because I’m local and it sounds like a bunch of my favorite bloggers will be there. Good luck and enjoy! It’s a beautiful time of year in Boston.
I read all the books a while back ago and loved them. I had been counting down days until the movie for what seemed like forever; it was sooo good, there were a few things that me and my sister thought we different but I still loved it.
Oh! I see a KD Koozie in there!
Love those sweet potato chips. Reminds me to restock next time I’m at the grocery.
Bahaha I had not seen the buzzfeed article about that girl at the NYC marathon! She is awesome!! Do you mean that Ballet Beautiful can be streamed for free with Amazon Prime?! I’ll have to try it out!!
I have an excessive koozie collection too! I love em!
My husband and I rented Game of Thrones after a friend of our finished all of the books and recommended it. We finished the first two seasons in about a week – could not stop! Unfortunately, it is not streamed on Netflix, so we had to rent it (but very well worth it). There is some pretty graphic content, but the story line is amazing and sucks you in. Give it a couple episodes, as there is a lot to learn about each character and land! House of Cards is also highly recommended. 🙂