Good morning!
Easter weekend officially kicks off for me once I’m done with work today and I’m really looking forward to a laid back weekend in Charlotte. Part of me is a little sad we won’t be around family though… This is the first Easter in 11 years that Ryan and I haven’t spent at my mother-in-law’s house and I’m clinging onto the fact that we’ll see her next weekend. I will be missing her pineapple soufflé this weekend, that’s for sure!
Now let’s move right along to your usual Things I’m Loving Friday blog post where we chat about the things that make us smile most each week. As always, feel free to weigh in below in the comments section of this post.
I hope you have a great weekend! Happy Easter and Happy Passover to those celebrating out there!
Things I’m Loving Friday
- Sadie and The Snoogle
Last Friday I told you guys about my love for the world’s most amazing pregnancy pillow, the Snoogle. Well, someone else in our little family discovered its magical powers this week. Sadie decided to claim the Snoogle as her own and cracked me up the first time I glanced over at her as I was getting ready for the day and saw her all curled up inside one of the Snoogle’s wondrous nooks. I snapped a picture of her to share on Instagram last night and after clicking the #Snoogle hashtag, I had to laugh when I saw that 95 percent of the Snoogle pics on Instagram involve women’s dogs overtaking their pregnancy pillows. Sadie’s intense love for the Snoogle is apparently a widespread thing!
Yes, I am jumping on the Serial bandwagon months late, but I finally started listening to the addicting (free!) podcast earlier this week can I cannot stop. I’ve been listening to it in the car and on my walks with Sadie and find it so interesting. I’m only on episode five at the moment, so I’m still wrapping my head around whether or not I think Adnan is guilty, but I am finding the whole podcast very intriguing and highly recommend it to anyone out there who may also have waited to jump on the Serial train like me.
Looking for more podcast recommendations? Wait, Wait Don’t Tell Me (the best!) and This American Life are two of my favorites.
- John Mayer’s Room For Squares Album
Oh this album takes me back! I pulled it out of my CD case earlier this week after the song “3×5” came on my Dave Matthews Band Pandora station and I was hit with a wave of nostalgia. I remember listening to Room For Squares non-stop in high school as I scrapbooked on my bedroom floor. (So cool.) Meeeemories! I popped the CD in our kitchen CD player and have really enjoyed a little trip down memory lane this week as I listened to some of my old favorites!
How it has taken me this long to share this hair dryer with you guys, I’ll never know! I received this fabulous hair dryer from my mom for Christmas. She coordinated the gift with my friend Michaela as a surprise for me after I raved about Michaela’s hair dryer during my visit to her apartment in Denver last year. After using Michaela’s BaByliss hair dryer, I knew I needed her hair dryer in my life because it left my hair much smoother than a typical hair dryer. It’s the best! Michaela said everyone who borrows it when they visit her asks about it, so I know I’m not the only one who adores it. (It also has great reviews on Amazon.) If you’re in the market for a hair dryer that works fast and has amazing smoothing abilities, definitely give this one a try!
- Spring in Charlotte
It’s been a while since I’ve experienced a gorgeous spring season! (In Florida we were blessed with greenery year round, so it never really felt like we had a real spring to me.) Ryan and I have both commented on the beautiful budding trees every single day since things started to bloom around here. (I snapped the above picture in our front yard! Love!) I feel like fall gets all the (well-deserved) hype in North Carolina, but spring is definitely something to write home about. It’s so darn pretty!
I bought this lipstick through a sale on HauteLook without seeing the color in person and knew I was taking a gamble. I was in the market for a long-lasting lip color that was a little brighter than my usual light pink shades and whoa baby the Foxy color is bright! But it’s so, so fun! I wore it for the first time last Saturday (you can see the color in action in my 21 week bump update photo) and I must say this lipstick really does last a long time! Since my lips are naturally very pale, I need lip color that will stay on my lips for hours and this one definitely does! It is quite bright, but a handful of other colors are available in the Tarte Glamazon line of lipsticks as well!
Looking for a fast but still wonderfully festive recipe to share at an Easter get-together with friends and family this weekend? These Easter Rice Krispie Treats come together in a flash and taste delicious! Yum!
- Random Pinecone Heart
Sadie and I stumbled upon this random heart made of pinecones during our walk yesterday and it made me smile! (Sadie obviously found it quite suspicious and sniffed it out before deciding it was, in fact, trustworthy.) It’s the little things!
Question of the Day
- What is one thing that is making you smile this week?
I am loving the arrival of spring way up north here in NYC! It was a little nippy earlier this week, but it was 65 and sunny in Central Park yesterday and I got to run comfortably in shorts and see greenery and people enjoying the gorgeousness instead of ice and snow.
The weather has been decently warm and the sun has been out! That’s all I need! 🙂
My boyfriend bought my cats a bed shaped like a shark. It’s AMAZING. Smiles for weeks!
that sounds amazing!! ha!
Oh my gosh, Room for Squares immediately takes me back too! My friends and I were obsesssssssed with John Mayer and ended up getting front row at one of his concerts before he was very big…I’m sure a bunch of 15 year olds is exactly who he wanted in the front row… not.
Oh my word John Mayer!! I was thinking about that CD this week. ‘Why Georgia’ is a classic!
Happy Easter
Anthroplogie is having an additional 20%?off sale items!! I went to town and found two dresses for 29.99 each originally 225.00!!
Happy Easter!!
You mentioned your DMB station on Pandora and John Mayer’s Room for Squares album. I LOVE listening to throwbacks from high school. Takes me back to the good old days, that’s for sure. I even created my own playlist on Spotify called Best of High School 1998-2002, which includes all my favorite hits from that time. And a few others too.
I might have to get a Snoogle myself, although I’m not pregnant. Sadie is on to something 🙂
That I just shared with family and friends that I am moving to SEATTLE this summer! So excited to join the West coast :).
PS. I want a Snoogle even though I am not pregnant…is that weird?!
Haha! Not at all– it’s a magical pillow 🙂
my dog (and husband) stole my bump best pillow any chance they got! Lol. I think my dog thought we bought it for her! I need to start listening to podcasts more often, I think I’ll try your suggestions!
Our Moms are similar in that my Mom coordinated with my sister-in-law to purchase a hair wand for me for Christmas that I had raved about heheh! Love it! And I don’t get to spend Easter with family now that I live in California either, but the hubby and I try to make it special on our own. I hope you have a wonderful weekend, Julie! 🙂
SERIAL! It’s actually better that you’re jumping on the bandwagon late, because now you can listen to them all at once without having to wait a week like we all did. That was PURE torture.
Yes!! I actually had that thought, too!
Cheers to Spring! We have tulips popping up around our house, which always means spring is here.
This week I am loving my new Moroccan Oil products. My hair has never been so happy!
I’m loving the arrival of spring too–the buds on the trees with the mountains in the back with a bit of snow on them is just the prettiest!
I’m loving that it’s general conference this weekend-such uplifting spiritual messages which is perfect for Easter weekend. <3
i’ve recently become such a fan of bright pink lip color as well! such a fun summer shade. i bought a lip crayon color stay thing for a trip to Miami in Feb and it was a huge hit — can’t wait to sport it more now that the nice weather is creeping in! spring in Charlotte must be gorgeous! i still have to get down and check out that city, as one of my closest friends in NYC is from there and raves about it.
LOVE THAT HAIRDRYER! i got it for christmas too and it’s one of those things you want to scream from the rooftops about. I also love when you post about lip colors because I’ve been searching for a color recently and need suggestions on brands so thank you thank you!
Isn’t it amazing!?!?
I LOVE Tarte’s lipsticks! Sephora’s brand of Lip stains are also incredible. I put one on yesterday when I got to work and it was still visible when I got home after running yesterday evening! It’s incredible!
Passing my glucose test! (the 3 hour one!)
Yayyyyy!! I’m already nervous about that one…
Failed the 1st one by only 1 point!!! I was nervous too since my sweet tooth has been out of control!
Check out After the Jump by Grace Bonney (creator of design sponge). She talks all about the creative world and blogging!
Haha, I love that Sadie loves your Snoogle! I guarantee you our yellow lab would go crazy for it if I ever get one. He loves any sort of pillow or blanket to curl up into!
Love the random heart of pine cones you found – how neat! So true…it’s the little things!
Happy Easter, Julie! 🙂
I love that lipstick! The formula is so great and it’s insanely pigmented. Love it!
I’m loving all the food I’ve been cooking lately- spring inspired dishes that have all turned out delicious! I found some recipes on Pinterest and I’m obsessed!!
If you’re looking for long lasting color I highly recommend Kat Von D Everlasting Liquid Lipstick. They’re magical and the colors are all really great. Just about the only thing it doesn’t last through (for me) is eating, but it doesn’t come off on my cup or the SO’s lips/face ever which is about what I need. They’re a bit pricey, but I’ve picked all 5 of mine up at Marshall’s or TJMaxx for $5-6.
Looking for this ASAP!
do you think that blow dryer would eliminate the need for a straightener?
I have used it without straightening my hair a number of times but I am so picky about my hair looking super-straight when I straighten it that I usually do still run a straightener through it… But the hair dryer makes it so I don’t have to be nearly as thorough!
I was featured in the Chicago RedEye this week so that has definitely been a highlight! I suppose the weather warming up is another. I’m looking forward to having a nice run outside on Sunday!
I have the babyliss titanium straightener and looove it! I may have to try the dryer next!
I had never even heard of the brand before I used Michaela’s hair dryer but I am so impressed!
I really enjoyed Serial when I listened to it over the Christmas holidays. There’s so many twists and turns!
I’m smiling because I get to spend some time today with friends that I haven’t seen for months. This visit is long overdue.
Hahah you’re just now getting on the Serial train?! It’s SO good!!! I can’t wait to hear what you think when you finish it!!! Enjoy!! We listened to the whole thing on Christmas break when we travelled to see family!
Tarte has the best products! I have one of their eyeshadow palettes and it’s the best. Already added the hairdryer to my Amazon wishlist. 😉
Always, Anita
I might have to get Dixie her own snoogle… Sadie looks like she’s loving it 🙂
Serial is so addicting… I listened to it nonstop all the way through for 3 days. I might need to make those Easter rice krispies this weekend!!
Omg now I want to follow that pillow hashtag purely to look at cute puppies and kitties all snuggled up! They’re adorable!
My dog is obsessed with my Snoogle too! I feel like half the time I have to fight her for it, because she’ll get all curled up in it and fall asleep, and (like mother like puppy daughter) gets very grumpy when you try to wake her up! I feel like I need to hide my snoogle until I’m ready for bed so she wont steal it!
AHHH, Room for Squares is the BEST! Poor Palatine didn’t know what was coming when I blasted that one coming down the street in high school, ha!
I’ve actually been listening to Jason Mraz “Live at Java Joe’s,” John Mayer “Heavier Things,” and Michael Jackson Pandora for my workouts. ‘Cuz I’m new school like that. 🙂
On a side note, a tradition I started a few years ago when I was away from family for Easter was called Orphan Easter, and we’re bringing it to Denver now that we’ve moved out here. It’s basically that we all dress up in our Easter best and have a brunch potluck with other friends that weren’t able to head home. To be fair, the tradition semi-changes year to year, but the intent remains the same. It’s just nice to be surrounded by people you love, even if it isn’t your traditional family. (I wrote about our traditions here in case it’ll spark any ideas. 🙂 > )
Enjoy the holiday weekend!
yessss! Serial is AMAZING! I listened to the entire podcast in about a week with my suburb to downtown Chicago daily commutes. Then I got my entire office hooked on it! So happy you’re listening to it! You’ll LOVE it!
this spring weather is totally making me smile! i could definitely go for some rice krispie treats…
That pine cone heart makes me happy! And I’m wondering whether I need to start listening to Serial, too… everyone is hooked on it!
Oh man, it has been SO long since I listed to Room for Squares. No Such Thing is still such an awesome song. Is John Mayer even still making music?
I have the same hair dryer. It’s life changing.
Going swimming today made me happy! And I’m excited for Easter.
Walking with my dogs and how they play tag or chase. I love how they run for the joy of running. Makes me smile watching them enjoy life.
I am loving all the pretty flowers popping up in my yard! The person who last owned our house must gave had a green thumb! I wish I could say the same- I tend to kill plants!
These two videos made me smile this week. I’m so happy I found the parody video this week and looking to more parodies by these ladies!–1HajsVyfk
And this “Mime through the times” video is hilarious.
I am going to have to look into that blow dryer. Mine is so loud and I can’t blow dry my hair with baby guru#2 asleep.
I jumped on the Serial bandwagon during our long roadtrip last month and finished the whole series. I was super bummed when it was over! No spoilers!
Hi Julie! Thank you Sooo much for the hair dryer reco! I just BOUGHT it! I have been dealing with frizzy/wavy hair my whole life and am hoping this is a good fix! I hate blow drying AND straightening, then making beachy waves– too many steps!
Also, I hope this doesn’t sound creepy but had to share. I had a dream that I was invited to your baby shower and the whole time I was there I it felt like a dream but I was there and meeting all of your friends! Ha! I guess the fact that we drove through Ocala for vacation and I read your blog daily, it worked it’s way into my dreams! Anyway, I just had to laugh.
I took your suggestion on the hair dryer and IMMEDIATELY went to Amazon and purchased my very own! I can’t wait to get it to use. I’ve never understood why my Hair stylist can get my hair so smooth!
Congratulations on the baby as well!
I will be interested to see how you feel about the Snoogle at the END of your pregnancy! By the time I got to the end I felt like I never wanted to even look at that thing again! Not because it wasn’t a great pillow, it was definitely a lifesaver for me, I think it just became my scapegoat for my anger about not being able to sleep towards the end of pregnancy, haha 🙂 So funny that you mention the Room for Squares album, it has recently made a huge resurgence into my life too! Memories!!
I jumped on the Serial bandwagon recently. I finished it, and want to listen to it through again because I’m still not convinced one way or the other. I’ve been talking about it nonstop, and I’m itching for the new season to come out!
Charlotte is so gorgeous!! I am loving the beautiful flowers and trees here in Utah as well 🙂
Yes! Thank for reminding me about John Mayer -No Such Thing. Seriously the best song!
I had Spring break so I’m loving baby snuggles!!!! I’ve let my 13 week old nap in my arms every day <3 Our pup has been happy to have me home more too.
btw – Sadie will love ALL the baby gear, I'm sure! My pup claimed the boppy pillow as his & likes to do puppy-tummy-time on her mat…
I love lots of podcasts but two favorites right now are Gravy (history, people, food, South) and Sugar in the Raw (you WILL laugh).