Good morning and Happy Friday to you! I am checking in this morning after teaching a sweaty strength class and am feeling awfully ready for a relaxing weekend. I’m really looking forward to our Girls On The Run 5K on Saturday morning and Ryan and I are also hoping to find some time to spend on the lake if the weather is as nice as it is supposed to be this weekend. I hope some fun and relaxation awaits you as well!
Moving right along… It’s time to dive into your usual Things I’m Loving Friday post where we all chat about what we’re loving most each week. Feel free to participate in the comments section of this post by sharing something that’s making you smile below!
Let’s get to it!
Things I’m Loving Friday
- GOTR Surprise Baby Shower
Yesterday my Girls On The Run team and wonderful co-coaches completely blew me away when they threw me a surprise baby shower during our last practice of the season! I arrived at practice expecting us to celebrate the end of a fun spring season and walked into a classroom decorated with “It’s A Boy!” blue décor and was totally floored. My pregnancy hormones were apparently raging because I had to stop myself from crying. All of the girls gave me homemade cards and the most thoughtful gifts and I was, yet again, reminded why I love this organization so darn much.
- This Poem
Apparently our group of Girls On The Run girls love poetry because many of the cards I received had adorable poems in them about our baby boy and motherhood. The above card made me laugh out loud and also smile because I have a feeling this little sixth grader is wise beyond her years with those words!
He will bring you happiness // He will bring you sadness // He will bring you gladness // He will bring you madness
So adorable!
- Tea & Coffee Drawer
I cannot remember where I first got the idea to designate a kitchen drawer specifically for coffee and tea (I want to say it was from Tina?), but I love having all of our coffee and teas in one easy-to-access place close to the coffee machine. The drawer isn’t exactly well organized, but everything is easy to see since all of our coffee and tea is basically on display when you pull out the drawer. This is especially nice when we have guests visiting and they want to choose a new tea or coffee to try while they’re in town.
- Ryan’s Physical Therapist
Is this a weird thing to love? Probably. But she is so amazing! Ryan is meeting with a physical therapist two times a week to help with his recovery after his ACL surgery and I’ve been able to go to most of his appointments with him so far (mainly because he couldn’t drive himself at first). I was instantly impressed with his physical therapist’s knowledge and patience and cannot believe the progress Ryan has made in only two weeks. His mobility has improved greatly and he’s off crutches now which is incredible. Ryan has been religiously following his physical therapist’s advice and is great about completing the daily exercises she assigns him. We know his recovery will be slow and steady, but I really am amazed at all he’s able to do already. If you are looking for a fabulous physical therapist in the North Charlotte area, I highly recommend Heidi Smith, PT, of Saylor Physical Therapy.
- This Pregnancy Graphic
Before I got pregnant, whenever a pregnant woman would say how far along she was in terms of weeks, I’d find myself doing my best fast math to figure out her pregnancy length in terms of months. Twenty-six weeks? Just say 6 months! But then I became pregnant and quickly realized how different each week can feel! This graphic simplifies everything… and also made me gasp a little when I took the time to really think about the fact that I’ll be in my third trimester in 1.5 weeks! Whoa.
- The Start of Home Renovation Projects
Hello, dark purple bathroom! That not-so-lovely and oh-so-purple bathroom is one of three bathrooms we’re hoping to update before the baby arrives (if possible) and last night Ryan and I headed to Lowe’s to meet with a design specialist. We’re hoping to get the ball rolling on a few home renovation projects and have a lot to discuss in terms of cost, design vision, etc. but someone is coming out to our house next week to take measurements and help us get an idea of what we will be able to do. I can’t wait to get started!!
Question of the Day
- What is one thing you are loving this week?
I am loving your updates! We found out we are expecting just after you announced and it’s so nice to hear how you’re doing! Also, the Snoogle. It is my new BFF thanks to you 🙂
YES!!! The Snoogle seriously saves my sleep!! <3
The GOTR surprise is just the sweetest.
I’m stealing the coffee/tea drawer idea!
Call me crazy but I actually really like that bathroom and color…Haha!
This is my first Friday comment, but it feels like the right time because I got a job offer this week! My current job has a one-year term so I knew I’d be leaving in August, plus my husband’s career is moving him somewhere new. But I got an offer for a job in our new home area, and it’s such a relief! Plus this weekend we’re going to look at houses and maybe put in an offer on one! Exciting times now that things are coming together.
And the weather is gorgeous and has been all week. Things are good. 🙂
HOORAY!! Big congrats to you, Kate!!
How sweet of your GOTR girls!!! I have a boy nephew and he only brings me happiness 🙂 I was going to ask how Ryan’s PT is going! Glad to hear he is making lots of progress. I’m just over a week out and it really is crazy how much they have you doing afterwards! I’m hoping to start driving soon and am down to one crutch so far haha. Hoping his recovery continues to go smoothly!
I hope your recovery goes well, Megan! I was honestly SHOCKED at how much his PT had him doing at his first appointment — it was incredible. She really does help encourage him and give him confidence. Wishing you the best!
Injuries have been the story of my running life for the past two years or so, and I’ve spent a lot of time in PT as a result. I LOVED my PTs – all of them. They were always so helpful and patient! If I did “Things I’m Loving Friday” during my PT stints, I’m pretty sure my PT would’ve shown up on all of them haha.
That shower and poem oh my I would have cried.
Really loving the warmer weather- not so much the allergies that have come with it.
Having a family gathering in Philly next weekend and can’t wait!
What a sweet baby shower surprise! That poem was darling and oh, so true. Enjoy your weekend….mine will be a busy one packing for vacation!
ooh sounds exciting! hope you’re going somewhere fun!!
I am loving that pregnancy image as well! So helpful! I am completely with you and never understood why pregos wouldn’t just say how many months they were, but every week is SO different!!! OH the things you learn once it’s YOU!
Hi Julie! That’s so sweet about your Girls on the Run, and also awesome you’ve found a good PT for Ryan. Home improvement projects? Something I’ve never done as a renter in the City, but one day … best of luck to you with that! Hope you have a wonderful weekend! I’m heading off to teach BODYATTACK.
My friend is coming down to Austin from Dallas and we’re doing a Spartan Race tomorrow! I’m pretty pumped…but we agreed to take it nice and slow to avoid injuring ourselves. Also – Mother’s Day! Lunch or dinner with the fam sounds like a good way to cap off the weekend.
One thing I’m loving is Ryan’s PT’s OFFICE! Hahaha. Too cute! That poem is hysterical, too.
That GOTR baby shower is just the sweetest!! And I love that card…she is very very wise beyond her years, haha! Motherhood is the best thing ever but dang there are some hard moments…But then your baby will do something cute or amazing and you forget all the hard stuff. <3 <3
That chart is SO accurate for me…I was def pregnant with my 1st until 42 weeks!
I have a coffee/tea drawer too! It’s the best!!!
that surprise baby shower is too cute!!
Ahh how exciting about renovations! Josh and I just found out we have the possibility to move into a bigger apartment with a private terrace just down the block (owned by the same management as our current apartment), and I’m kind of freaking out but super excited for all the decorating possibilities!
That surprise baby shower is the sweetest!! Nothing means as much to me as a homemade card! <3
I am excited for a relaxing weekend with my husband. We are expecting next month so tomorrow night, we are going out to our last “fancy” aka expensive dinner as a family of two! 🙂
The poem is so cute!! I have a coffee and tea cabinet which is pretty similar. I have so many and they take up a whole shelf haha
I am loving that it IS Friday… hello weekend. And the amazing weather we’ve been having! I am finally motivated to go for morning runs again before work, and mostly because I can do it in shorts and a T-shirt. 😉
AND I’m loving your thredup rec! I made $70 on my first bag and already ordered my second to get rid of old lulu stuff. You’sa rockstar.
woohooooo!! glad it worked well for you, too!
I’m loving the enthusiasm and giving hearts of my students. I work at a high school and we are hosting our area’s (Treasure Coast of Florida) GOTR 5k tomorrow. I cannot wait!!! I moderate a healthy living club and the girls (and a few boys) are so excited to volunteer with the middle schoolers. We even have a water jump on the course for them. I would not have looked in to getting involved with GOTR if you hadn’t mentioned it on your blog.
Happy Friday!!! I am an assistant coach for Let me Run here in Charlotte and we have our 5K next weekend! I am in the Physical Therapist Assistant program at CPCC and Heidi came and taught a lab for us on hip/knee rehab last week – she is so awesome!! You can truly tell she has a passion for her job, Ryan is in great hands! She’ll have him back better than ever!
totally agree!!! she is amazing!
I’m loving that Spring actually seems to be coming to Chicago! Yesterday it was sunny and 80. The next few days are cooler and may rain, but it’s getting there!
Such a sweet shower from the girls! And I’m so glad that Ryan’s doing so well post-surgery. I know those things can take a while to recover from, and I can’t believe he’s already off crutches! PT must really work 🙂
I love your tea and coffee drawer – there’s one in my kitchen, too! My flatmate and I used to have an entire tea cabinet when we lived in London, which made a lot of visitors tell us that we’d “gone British” 😉
That my nursery furniture arrived yesterday! Huge relief that it came sooner than the backordered date!! Now it’s time to fill the dresser drawers & hang pictures on the wall!
That poem is the cutest!
This is an off-topic question about Ryan actually – mostly because I am curious… is he doing any kind of upper body workouts while he recovers from his surgery or is he enjoying all the time off from the gym? I’m always curious how people find ways to keep moving (if at all) during injury recovery. I have a hard time sitting still so I feel like I’d get caught grabbing weights and doing upper body stuff while the injury heals. 🙂
he is!! but they’re definitely waaay scaled back from his usual workouts. he’s mostly using bands and the dumbbells we have at home. no big adventures out to the gym just yet!
How thoughtful and sweet of your GOTR group! I was dying laughing at that poetic card – how adorable is that?!
A quality PT is so crucial in a solid and quick recovery. I’m so glad you guys have had such a great experience! You spend countless hours with them and it makes such a huge difference on recovery, so I can definitely see why it’s something you’re loving so much for your husband!
How sweet of your team to through you a shower. That seems like a really awesome organization. <3 Even more random than you loving Ryan’s physical therapist, I love the office! It’s vibrant.
It was so sweet of them to throw you a shower 🙂 That poem is darling. Have a great weekend, Julie!
My wedding dress! I had my final fitting last night and it fits like a glove. Only 36 days till the big day!
oh my gosh, you’re so close!! congratulations!!
How sweet of the team to throw you a shower! It looks like you got some great baby gifts. 🙂
I love your coffee/tea drawer. That is so smart! My K cup/tea bag cupboard is a mess, so I’m thinking I should do the same!
I’m loving being on the beach in Florida to dog/house sit for the next week while my parents are on vacation! Rough life! And I got to tell my parents in person they’ll be grandparents this fall which was extra special!
That is sweet of your GOTR team! I got engaged in March and when I shared it with my GOTR team at practice shortly after, they congratulated me by giving me an energy award and making up a cheer for me. Our GOTR 5K is tonight and I hope it doesn’t get rained out!
The little shower is the CUTEST. I love the card so much!
love the idea of a tea/coffee draw – right now I have bags of tea and coffee in different drawers and shelves in the kitchen.
I love the idea of a tea and coffee drawer! Also loving the fact that there’s some Marylou’s coffee in there….MY FAVORITE!!
I got a new job offer on Monday and quit my current job on Tuesday! It’s been such a weight off my shoulders and I feel a million times better! That’s my favorite thing this week!
so happy for you!!
Wow, your purple bathroom is the exact same color as my purple bathroom! It’s our main bathroom, and the previous owners were apparently nuts for it, and I am decidedly NOT nuts for it. I’ve always wanted to paint it, but other rooms took priority. It’s such a specific color of purple, too.
Good physical therapists/doctors are worth their weight in gold! Glad Ryan has a good one.
Your talks about heading out onto the lake (in your new boat) are bringing me all the feels – I was raised on lakes (MN), with fishing and boating and the like every summer. My dad had a two different boats while I was growing up, and we used them all the time. So many memories, so much fun.
Happy Friday, and have a good weekend. 🙂
haha apparently our previous homeowners would be BEST friends 🙂
If I could post a picture, I’d show you. I showed my husband your post and he said, “wow, that’s it. That’s our bathroom color.”
I am loooooving Shakeology!
I’m loving that it is finally flip flop weather!!! I hope you plan on posting before and after photos with your bathroom remodels! Have a great weekend 🙂
That is quite the tea collection!!!
That weekly counting also goes for after the baby is born too…there is such a difference between 7 weeks and 9 weeks it doesn’t always feel justified to say “2 months old.”
Happy Friday! I can’t wait to see / hear about your bathroom renovations! My husband and I gutted the main floor of our house and re-did the living and dining rooms, and the kitchen. We’re slowly doing other rooms, but our main bathroom is my nightmare – bright pink walls and white marble… Have fun with the design meetings!!
Oyy that poem is too cute! Kids come up with the freaking cutest little sayings and poems. If only my brain could work that creatively at times lol!
I love that pregnancy graphic! Even now that I’m pregnant I hardly know what to say to people because saying I’m 27 weeks sounds annoying haha Thanks for sharing that!
Also, how sweet of the GOTR group to throw a shower for you!
The surprise baby shower is so awesome!!!
I love fresh fruit pops! I had the molds for so long and never knew quite what to do with them. So I started saving any leftover fruit especially the sweet ones and just put it in there and froze them. No sugar or anything else added. They came out great. The watermelon ones I think are the easiest ones cause it’s already sweet and so full of water it was a no brainer.
Those cards are the cutest! I am hoping for a homemade card for Mother’s Day from my daughter (with help from my husband, of course).
You’ve got an intense tea and coffee drawer. I retired coffee this week in favor of tea.