I don’t think I’ve been this happy it’s Friday in a while. It’s almost vacation time, baby! I am so ready for a weekend away with Ryan and cannot wait to relax, explore and soak up quality time with my favorite person. I will definitely miss Sadie though and I feel like she senses we’re leaving soon because she decided to be extra cute and cuddly in bed this morning. (When it comes to me being pregnant, Sadie is clueless, but when it comes to us leaving her, she can smell it from a mile away.)
A weekend vacation on the horizon is, without a doubt, what I’m loving most today, but it wouldn’t be your usual Things I’m Loving Friday post if we stopped there! It’s time to share a little more about what we’re all loving most this week and I’ll kick things off below.
Feel free to participate in the comments section of this post! I always love reading about what’s making you smile every week!
Things I’m Loving Friday
- The Husband’s Secret by Liane Moriarty
This book is a great summer read! I finished it on Wednesday night and was thoroughly entertained the whole time. The Husband’s Secret centers around a letter Cecelia finds from her husband containing his darkest secret that says it’s only to be opened upon his death. She finds the letter while he’s still living and from that point on, the book is filled with twists and turns that make it a very intriguing read. I previously enjoyed Liane Moriarty’s What Alice Forgot and just ordered Big Little Lies off Amazon, so I’m looking forward to diving into another one of her books soon! (And thanks to your recommendations, I’m also planning to borrow The Girl On The Train by Paula Hawkins from my mom ASAP.)
If you love a cappella as much as I do (or even if you think it’s “just okay”), you must listen to this rendition of “Chandelier” by Twisted Measure, a co-ed a cappella group from Elon University. Rachel emailed me a link to this video and I’m pretty sure I blasted it throughout our house four times before 7 a.m. this morning. It’s gorgeous.
- Talenti Caramel Apple Pie Gelato
I feel like this gelato flavor should be renamed Snickerdoole because it reminds me of the most incredibly delicious Snickerdoodle cookie. It’s creamy and packed with wonderful cinnamon flavor. This teeny pint didn’t stand a chance in our house this week and, between me and Ryan, was easily inhaled in one sitting. It’s so darn tasty and I think it would be fabulous paired with a hot slice of apple pie for a fabulous summertime dessert. Just had to share this one for my fellow ice cream lovers out there!
- My Latest LE TOTE Delivery
A few weeks ago, I blogged about my first delivery from LE TOTE (<— affiliate link!) that the company sent me to try and I ended up signing on for another couple months of the service because I thought it was great. (FYI, they’re apparently launching maternity wear soon, too. Love this!) Well, my second tote ended up being awesome and I wore three of the five items to a cook out with friends last Sunday, including a flowy navy dress, feathery gold necklace and gold cuff bracelet. I’m not ready to send this tote back just yet because I’m hoping to wear the dress and jewelry again and still need to wear the skirt and green top I received, but it was a great delivery.
- ESPN’s 30 for 30 Documentaries
If you have Netflix and love documentaries, I highly recommend ESPN’s 30 for 30 series. The documentary series features 30 films from some of today’s finest directors and focuses on issues, trends, athletes, teams, rivalries, games and events that transformed the sports landscape from 1979 to 2009. Though I’m not the biggest sports fan who ever lived, I really love these documentaries because they’re so much more than just a story about sports. (‘The Two Escobars’ is the documentary that initially hooked me, if you’re looking for a place to start.)
- Jimmy John’s Pickles
GIANT pickles from Jimmy John’s are speaking straight to my heart right now. Ryan brought one home for me the other day and I’ve been dying to go back and get another one ever since. (Yes, I realize I am a walking pregnancy stereotype right now.)
- Blueberry Lemon Almond Crunch
This snack = So delicious! I initially tried these almonds when my buddies at CVS sent me a bag, but I’ve since bought two more bags and cannot get enough. Nuts (and almonds, specifically) are one of my favorite grab-and-go snacks and the refreshing lemon flavor in this crunchy treat is so unique and offers the perfect pop of sweetness when I’m craving something sweet and tangy. It’s just a little challenging not to eat the whole bag in one sitting!
For my fellow White Plum fans: White Plum is offering an awesome giveaway on their site right now! One winner will receive a free summer wardrobe worth $1,200! The giveaway is open through June 8 and you can enter here. Happy shopping!
A couple of weeks ago, I worked on a delicious recipe development project for SheKnows and Ryan and I fell in love with these barbeque chicken tacos! Below you will find a little preview of the post and you may find the entire recipe here.
Tacos are an almost-weekly dinnertime staple in our house.
My husband Ryan and I love experimenting with various taco recipes and will often veer away from traditional tacos in favor of something new like Thai-inspired tacos with peanut sauce or fresh fish tacos with mango salsa.
With summer right around the corner, Ryan will inevitably want to start throwing barbecue sauce on top of everything, so earlier this week, I decided to beat him to it and created a new-to-us taco recipe that included tangy barbecue chicken. Hello, barbecue chicken tacos!
This recipe came together in no time at all and was a huge hit in our house. It’s one I’d feel confident serving if a group of friends came over for dinner this summer because when you pair slightly sweet and tangy barbecue sauce with creamy ranch dressing, you cannot go wrong! (Click here for the full recipe!)
- Interior Define + OGX Beauty Giveaway Winners
Congratulations to Ali N. and Nicole, the winners of the Interior Define and OGX Beauty giveaways! Both winners were emailed first thing this morning. (Also, I absolutely loved reading your giveaway entries on the OGX Beauty giveaway. Your stories about the last time you felt like a bad ass were awesome. Love you guys!) Thank you so much to all who entered the giveaways!
Question of the Day
- Share one thing you’re loving this week below!
Disclaimer: I’m proud to partner with CVS/pharmacy as one of the “Gold Emblem Abound Trail Makers” this year and am being sponsored by CVS/pharmacy for my Trail Makers posts and activities, but all opinions expressed are my own, and all product claims or program details shared should be verified at CVS.com or with the appropriate manufacturers. Thank you, as always, for your kindness and support!
Liane Moriarty books- so good!
Lately I have been loving the John Favreau movie “Chef”. It’s on Neftlix and about a food truck and it’s awesome.
Will definitely pick up some talenti apple pie! I’m still sad about ben and jerry’s oatmeal cookie chunk being discontinued.
Loving Vega protein powder!
So Mya the pup (my step daughter’s dog) turns 1 today, and my husband and I are throwing her a birff-day party tonight. Our family has a tradition of gathering for birthday dinner, so we thought it would be fitting to throw a backyard bbq and bonfire for the family and invited all of the furr-cousins to come play and celebrate with Mya. We have LOVED having Mya in our lives, and the past year has been filled with many hikes, cuddles and a camping trip just last weekend! There’s been a few times that Mya may have moved in with the hubbs and I, and that would be okay. But my step has been strong in keeping her pup hers, and I’m pretty proud of her for stepping up to the responsibility. (She’s 19)
So anyway – in about 4 hours, there will be a dozen humans and a half a dozen pups invading my home, and it will either be the BEST birthday bash ever …. or I will be in a dark closet with a bottle of wine! Wish me LUCK!
I just passed my NASM exam this morning so I would have to say that’s my highlight!
have a blast in Charleston! i’m going in June for the first time so i’m excited to read what you think of it/your recs. i read Big Little Lies last year and thought it was an easy read, but haven’t read anything else by her. my best friend just read The Girl on the Train at my lakehouse last wknd and loved it, so i’ll have to get into that at some point. that gelato is way too good, i agree! love a capella so i’ll have to check that video out.
I listened to that a cappella cover yesterday and I am so obsessed!!
Liane Moriarty books were the first thing on my Friday Faves post this morning too!! And incidentally, you were totally what inspired me to start doing a ‘recent favourites’ style of post because I always enjoy reading yours so much! Have a wonderful weekend 🙂
I pack my bag and put it in the car the day before I leave … it psychs out the cats 🙂
I’m loving THE WEEKEND! It’s already here, woo hoooooo!
Ahhhh 30 for 30s are awesome. E60 is excellent as well. Highly recommend: http://espn.go.com/video/clip?id=12920829
I usually love a capella, and these singers are obviously very talented, but I gotta say that I really prefer the original Sia version. I feel like the song is about release, and Sia’s song really conveys that to me more. But it’s always fun to discover new music, so thanks for sharing!!
I just put The Husband’s Secret on hold at the library.
I’m about halfway through ‘Sweet Little Lies’ right now and I’m absolutely loving it! It sounds similar to ‘The Husband’s Secret’ with a lot of plot twists. Have you ever tried the Sea Salt Caramel Talenti gelato? It’s amazing!
BOOM CHICA POP popcorn. Holy flavor explosion! Sweet & spicy is unexpected and yummy!
I am absolutely LOVING that it is the weekend and we can relax and enjoy the nice warm weather (pool time)!
I am also going to start My Husband’s Secret in the next few weeks! 🙂
I love hearing you are happy! Have a fantastic time on your trip and enjoy this quality time. My cat is just like Sadie, the minute she sees a suitcase she is instantly sad. Hopefully the time will pas by quickly for Sadie but it will linger for you. Have a fantastic weekend, Julie!
I just read that book two weeks ago and loved it too. Oh and the 30 for 30 documentaries are awesome!! The first one I watched was The Two Escobars! Hah!
holy f*(#@$&. that acapella arrangement. mother of jesus, angels are singing straight from heaven. can’t think of the last time i heard of something so pretty .
YAY! Twisted Measure is from the college I went to – Elon University. Such a great version of Sia! I’m so happy they are being recognized in the news!
OMG Liane Moriarty!! I adore her. I’ve read them all, and I have to say that Big Little Lies was my hands-down favorite! Enjoy!
I’m loving short races lately — 5ks, 10ks, I would do two a week if I had the time and money 🙂
That’s so cute about Sadie. My pets can always sense when something’s different, too.
Love so many things on this list but that Gelato flavor is the best!! Definitely have devoured a pint in one sitting…not my proudest moment haha. You have got to try the oatmeal raisin cookie flavor too, its to die for!!
I LOVE the pickles from Jimmy John’s – haven’t had them in forever!
Christina | http://www.cuddlepill.com
I bought The Husband’s Secret after reading your blog (last week?) and I am hooked! I’m probably about 3/4 through and it is SO GOOD! It’s a very intriguing premise and I have such a hard time putting it down. Cannot wait to read Moriarty’s other books! Thanks!
Jimmy johns does have awesome pickles! And if you’re a salted caramel lover, try the Talenti salted caramel. SOOOOOO freaking good! I am going to check out the flavor you recommended too…after I finish the 2 pints of Ben and Jerry’s in my freezer!
I started reading “The Husband’s Secret” the other day and can’t put it down. Made a prediction to my husband about what was in the envelope & just found out I was right!! Crazy stuff!