Good morning and Happy Friday to all of you out there! The anticipation of the weekend is upon us again and I’m pretty sure we can all agree that is something to smile about, right?
Sticking with Friday tradition around here, below you will find some things that I am loving this week. As always, I’d love to hear about something that is making you smile in the comments section of this post. Have a fabulous weekend!
Things I’m Loving Friday
- Bridal Shower Crafting
My sister’s bridal shower is tomorrow!!! My mom and I have been crafting away and having the best time planning for the shower and I’m excited for Leslie to finally be able to see everything!
- Hotel Sleepover with Merri
When I found out I was going to be in NYC for such a short amount of time, I was determined to somehow see one of my best friends who lives in the city while I was there. Merri ended up meeting me at my hotel late on Tuesday night for a sleepover and we curled up in the fluffy hotel bed and had the best time together doing absolutely nothing! The next morning, we took a 6 a.m. Soul Cycle class which is basically the most amazing spinning class in all the land. And then we followed up our sweaty workout with a cronut, which leads me to my next bullet point…
- Cronuts
Croissant + Doughnut = Cronut. And yes, it tasted just as amazing as it looks! Merri and I lucked out and were able to snag raspberry lychee cronuts from Dominique Ansel’s bakery without waiting in the infamous line that usually forms outside well before the bakery opens. The weather was wet dreary so the line was a lot shorter than it normally is and we took advantage of this and I fell in love with my cronut after one bite. I’m not sure whether this would even be feasible, but if I was getting married in NYC, I’d be awfully tempted to assemble a “cronut cake” for my wedding rather than a traditional wedding cake. Unreal!
- No TV
I really need to dedicate an entire post to this topic, but Ryan and I have been loving our decision to forgo both cable and basic television in our house. Now we only watch DVDs or Netflix movies. Or Downton Abbey online (okay, so I watch that one solo). I like this so much better because we’re watching TV with intention and not mindlessly staring at shows we don’t care about at all. It has been a great change in our house!
I’m not sure why, but I constantly keep a list of my top five favorite foods in my head. When I bite into something that I really love, I find myself wondering whether or not it deserves a slot in my top five food favorites. This popcorn is on the verge. Yes, I really do like it that much. It’s the perfect combination of sweet and salty. The milk chocolate is melt-in-your-mouth delicious and the buttery popcorn is just as good as the indulgent popcorn you get at the movies. We don’t have a Peterbrooke in Ocala, so I cannot help but buy it whenever I pass through the Jacksonville airport and enjoyed my little treat as I waited to board my flight to NYC on Tuesday.
Past Things I’m Loving Friday posts:
Questions of the Morning
- What is one thing you’re loving lately?
I’ve considered dumping cable in the past because I do have Hulu & Netflix, but I have a few favorite tv shows that aren’t available on free sites. I also would miss food network, I think. Probably what I should do is just cut back on what services I have. I will say that I definitely don’t mindlessly watch tv – I only watch planned tv shows or movies – but it would be nice to not have the cable bill!
We don’t have cable and LOVE it! The only channel I miss is HGTV, but you can watch a lot of those shows on
Hey! I love your blog! I’d love it if you could check mine out!
Crafting is so fun!! Such a stress reliever too 🙂 My best friend recently asked me to be her matron of honor, so I’ve got some serious craft brainstorming to do!
I stood in line for cronuts in August with my brother and the line was crazy but we were about 20th in line (which meant early morning) but it was worth it since one of us was getting over jet lag from Asia HAHA 🙂
Have a wonderful time at your sister’s bridal shower. I have no doubt it’s going to be fantastic! Can’t wait to see pix.
We don’t have cable either – just Netflix! We would have basic TV if an antennae worked, but a mountain near our house cuts off the reception, so Netflix it is! I agree, it definitely makes our TV watching more intentional and there’s MUCH less time in front of the screen. It’s better for Hunter too – the TV is so much for their little brains to handle at his age. I will admit, I do miss having the news on in the background or times like now with the Olympics on, but that’s OK!
We stream hulu+ and amazon prime through our xbox so we still get regular tv shows (just a day later) but we went without an antenna for a long time up until the London Olympics. Stinks you can’t get any reception!! Ours is pretty good other than when a plane from a nearby base fly’s over head.
I’m loving mason jars & the endless possibilities that come along with them! Have you seen the book Desserts in Jars? So cute!
That cronut looks divine!!! I’ve been loving the soundtrack from the Disney movie Frozen lately! Love that Idina Menzel 🙂
Ummmmm… you should have a CRONUT giveaway!!!!!!! ;D
I can’t wait to read your post about no TV! It’s been something my husband and I discuss all the time but never have the guts to do it. We really rely on DVR to watch the shows we do care about since we never have the time to watch our shows when they are actually aired.
I love TCBY coffee frozen yogurt. It was National Fro-Yo day yesterday so I went to get some. It’s so good although I don’t know how I crave fro-yo when the high yesterday was barely above zero. Ha! What can you do besides get some!?!
How are you going to watch the olympics??? hehe
I am loving MYSELF lately! I know it’s a bit of a nonconvential answer, but it is true. It’s right up there with TCBY frozen yogurt.
I recently wrote a blog post on my past/story and have gotten such great feedback from family and friends on facebook. I love inspiring people and would love to spread the word around more. Thank you!!
I can’t wait to read all about Leslie’s bridal shower! I’m planning a bridal shower for my best friends and love reading/seeing ideas!
Peterbrook’s Chocolate popcorn! I get it in Orange Park every summer. SO good. and that cronut looks woooonderful! Happy bridal shower Leslie! 🙂
I”m loving all your crafting because it’s keeping me inspired for all the showers/bachelorettes coming up for my friends!
I can’t wait to see what you have planned for your sister’s bridal shower! Would you mind doing a recap of what crafts you and your mom have been doing? I am a maid of honor for my best friend’s wedding and looking for ideas!
Cronuts????? I NEED ONE!
My husband and I talk about giving up TV all the time too, but we are HUGE college basketball fans. Does Ryan watch sports? That is they one thing we think we’d miss.
We gave up cable a long time ago and we stream TV through the xbox using hulu+ and amazon prime. We also get Netflix dvd’s. At times I’m tempted to get cable, but then I hear the cost and there’s just no way!! Once you realize you can go without it there’s no turning back.
I love Soul Cycle! I’m just loving that it’s the weekend, I am not feeling well at all and just need to rest.
Do you happen to have any posts with college tips? Or do you know any blogs with them?
Looking forward to your no tv post!
I got rid of my cable too! I got an Apple TV for Christmas so I watch Netflix on that. The only downside is I kinda want to watch some of the Olympics, but o well.
The one thing i’m loving lately is snow days! My university started school a few weeks ago, but we’ve had pretty much a wee of snow days total since then so it feels like school has hardly started yet!
I love that we don’t have cable either! We will either watch Netflix, one of our own movies we own, or stop at the Redbox on “movie nights”. We like not having to deal with commercials!
I’ll be a bridesmaid for the first time this summer and I cannot wait! Love your bridal shower crafting :).
I also got rid of my cable and I’ve been so happy with the decision — watching my favorite shows is now a treat, and something I do with intention! It’s crazy to think how much time I used to waste watching mindless TV.
Here’s my post about some things I’ve been loving lately:
We didn’t have a TV for two years and it was glorious! We really didn’t even miss it, since we still had Netflix & the other avenues for watching that you mentioned. After awhile though, my husband really missed the sports he used to watch so we caved and got a TV again. The intentional watching has stuck, luckily 🙂
We got an antenna and can watch the Olympics for free 🙂 and then we have a ROKU to hook up Netflix to our TV. Its great and we really don’t miss cable at all- we are more intentional with our watching now.
I can’t wait to hear about all the crafting! Prepping for my own wedding in the fall I’m always looking for good ideas!
Not sure how often you come to Tampa, but I think it’s the only other place in the US to get cronuts. They have them at a bakery/restaurant called Piquant in Hyde Park Village in Tampa. Just a tip!
I’m loving that I was able to go on vacation last week! Scott and I headed to Miami to go on a cruise to the Bahamas. Sadly we got home to the freezing MN weather last friday. It was so amazing to be in the warmth of Florida though!!!