This week has been a little all over the place so far, but it’s been a good one. Chase must be going through some kind of a growth spurt because he’s been nursing like crazy, his naps have been off and he’s waking up in the middle of the night more than usual which is slightly draining. Thank goodness for coffee, right!? I figured I’d embrace the craziness and share a random post with you guys today by linking up with Amanda’s Thinking Out Loud Thursdays series.
Let’s dive right in!
Thinking Out Loud Thursday
- Half Socks
I’m hoping there will be another crazy person out there who does this so I will feel a little less strange… A month or so ago, I was walking around our kitchen and Ryan pointed out my socks and asked why I was wearing them half on, half off. I didn’t really think much of it and said it just felt comfortable. Well, in the days to come, I would randomly glance down and realize I was wearing half-socks AGAIN! ALL the time! Why do I do this!? I honestly have no idea! I would love to say it’s because they’re the perfect weight – cozy on my toes and without wrapping around my ankles, my feet have more room to breathe – but really I am at a loss and yet I can’t stop with my strange half socks! Ryan just laughs and thinks I’m ridiculous and I’m thinking there surely must be at least one other person out there who is a half-sock crazy, too? No?
- Missy Elliot’s “Work It” = Instant Workout Motivation
If you actually listen to the lyrics of this song, it’s wildly inappropriate but oh my gosh is it ever catchy! Something about this song always motivates me to amp up my energy during a workout and the minute I hear the beat drop and “DJ please pick up the phone…” I instantly want to dance which I can usually channel into pushing myself a little harder. This is one of my all-time favorite workout jams, without a doubt. I should probably add this song to my When All Else Fails Workout Playlist (aka the playlist I turn to when I need some serious workout motivation).
- Father of the Bride House AND Full House Home For Sale
Ever since Ryan and I went through the home buying process in 2014, we’ve enjoyed checking Zillow listings in the area as a hobby. We’re definitely not looking to move anytime soon, but for some reason we find periodically browsing Zilliow amusing! Well, this week I happened to come across two famous homes for sale thanks to Real Simple magazine and the nosy fan girl in me couldn’t help but get a little too excited to take a peek at their Zillow listings. Apparently both the Full House home and the Father of the Bride house are currently on the market. And great news… They’re both totally affordable at $4.15 million and $2 million, respectively. When I saw the Father of the Bride listing, I immediately emailed my family to see if everyone wanted to go in on the house together and move out to California since we’re all Father of the Bride superfans. (So far I don’t have any takers.)
- The Bachelorette
Who else is watching this season of The Bachelorette? Thoughts? I’m really enjoying this season more than others so far even though Chad is all kinds of crazy (and a little scary, to be honest). I like a handful of her guys, though I know enough not to get too attached to any of them since my opinions undoubtedly change throughout the season. So far my favorites are James Taylor and Derek. And am I the only one who can’t stop staring at Jojo’s teeth? Smile perfection, I’m tellin’ ya.
- Opening Two Of The Same Thing
File this one under “mundane things married people fight about” but I have a feeling this one may resonate with a few of you out there. Sometimes we will have duplicate items in our pantry. Two jars of coconut oil. Two jars of honey… You get the idea. It would make sense to completely finish one jar before opening the second, yes? One would think… but not if you are Ryan. With two identical jars of peanut butter sitting side by side, he’ll open the next one when a solid quarter of one jar is still remaining. It drives me insane! Do any of you do this? Whyyy!? Or do you have roommates/spouses/friends who do this? Does it drive you batty, too? I can’t handle it.
- Using Appropriate Gift Wrap?
Do you guys always use appropriate gift wrap depending on the occasion? I am the worst with this and last week I showed up to a post-workout Burn Boot Camp bridal shower for Chase’s beloved Miss Lindsey with a gift that was wrapped as if to scream “Happy Birthday!” I could’ve sworn I had pretty white paper in our gift wrap bin but when I went to wrap Lindsey’s gift five minutes before we were about to leave, all I had was a roll of Christmas paper and a roll of brightly colored polka dot paper. As long as the gift wrapped underneath the paper is decent, I think we’re all good, right!?
Question of the Day
- Share one random thing on your mind today!
- Bachelorette fans: Who are you rooting for right now?
Ugh! Yes, I totally hate when my husband will open a duplicate of something! It can drive me bananas.
Have fun in SC! Sounds super fun!
Um, seriously, did I write this blog post because it was spot on and I loved the randomness of it. ☺️
I do the sock thing in bed at the end of the day and rub my feet together to fall asleep. So weird I know. I’m also obsessed with Zillow. I get such satisfaction being able to look into homes in my neighborhood and all around me. It’s so nice to know when a house sold for what price, etc. I find myself looking at the houses on Zillow in my neighborhood when I’m walking my dog! I’m not looking to move anytime soon but love the ideas! My husband always leaves the kitchen cabinets open and it drives me crazy, but I try and pick my battles 😉
Okay so opening two of the same thing… I totally feel ya on this. It must be a guy thing because Isaac does this too! He wants to use whatever is the “freshest” whereas I want to finish the open container first. It drives me crazy.
I’m going to listen that song right now. I need some new songs to motivate me. Mine are all getting too old ha.
They make half socks! I needed some for some clogs, but ended up just cutting a pair of athletic socks in half! 🙂
Yes to the half socks! And I also never realized it until my husband pointed it out. He thinks it is the funniest/strangest thing, but I just don’t even notice it happening, and then when I do, it just feels comfortable 🙂 Love your blog!
I was SO excited when I saw the Father of The Bride house for sale. Not that I can afford it but I’ve always loved that house. It was fun to look at the photos on the listing and dream. There is a house in my neighborhood that looks like it from the outside. I keep hoping it will get listed for sale one day 🙂
Julieeeeeeeee!!! I am so excited to see you feel the same way about Missy as I do! I am getting married this summer and joke that the song list I submitted to the DJ reads “Any and All Missy”. (I joke but its actually true).
Oh I am soo on board with the ‘half’ sock, I used to do that before the days of ‘no show’ socks when I’d workout because I hated how thick they felt on my ankles but needed the cushion on my toes!!! Also so fun you got to meet Emily Maynard…that girl is popping out babies like crazy …lol…it was cool to see your snaps of the time you spent with her! Hope Chase did okay having his naps thrown off….I always worry about that but the kids seem more preoccupied with playing so it usually ends up okay!
I feel the same way about “Work It” – and then I was introduced to this version at a Schwinn training:
It is SO awesome and fun to use in spin classes!!
Please put a rash guard on chase!! It’s no coincidence that all the other babies you see at the splash pad are covered up! Protect him from the skin exposure please.
We have two and use them regularly and I always have him lathered in SPF 50 as well. Thank you for your concern. I’m absolutely concerned for his sun safety, too!!
I always do the half sock thing when im in bed, i hat cold toes but if im hot i will fold them down so i can have a breeze on my ankle and still warm toes.
I always just keep plain kraft wrapping paper and twine around for gifts and use it for everything. It always looks cute and festive, but you can decorate, stamp it, or add different ribbons for holidays.
Love that idea! Where do you usually buy it?
I wear socks like that all the time. My husband and I call them slipper socks. I swear my toes haven’t been truly warm since I was in the womb.
I just started watching the Bachelorette tonight, and can’t wait to see the newer episodes, I will have to remember those two names!
I do the half sock thing too! I get a lot of funny looks if we have friends over. Glad to know I’m not the only one!
I didn’t know the Full House house was for sale, too! If only I could with lottery in the next couple of weeks before that house goes off the market… Haha.
Definitely a Bachelorette fan here! I think my favorites so far this season are Chase, Derek and Luke, though I’m not going to lie, Wells has grown on me a bit. I’m so glad Chad is gone though (or will be gone after whatever drama goes down Monday night). He did not come across as a safe person!
So funny – I just watched Father of the Bride 2 where they sell the house and then get it back and I always think how could they sell that thing?! I’d love to own a famous house haha.
I wear socks like that ALL THE TIME …. you are part of the club!
I usually wrap my presents in aluminum foil bc you don’t even need tape and it’s way cheaper than buying tons of wrapping paper haha.