This week has been a little all over the place so far, but it’s been a good one. Chase must be going through some kind of a growth spurt because he’s been nursing like crazy, his naps have been off and he’s waking up in the middle of the night more than usual which is slightly draining. Thank goodness for coffee, right!? I figured I’d embrace the craziness and share a random post with you guys today by linking up with Amanda’s Thinking Out Loud Thursdays series.
Let’s dive right in!
Thinking Out Loud Thursday
- Half Socks
I’m hoping there will be another crazy person out there who does this so I will feel a little less strange… A month or so ago, I was walking around our kitchen and Ryan pointed out my socks and asked why I was wearing them half on, half off. I didn’t really think much of it and said it just felt comfortable. Well, in the days to come, I would randomly glance down and realize I was wearing half-socks AGAIN! ALL the time! Why do I do this!? I honestly have no idea! I would love to say it’s because they’re the perfect weight – cozy on my toes and without wrapping around my ankles, my feet have more room to breathe – but really I am at a loss and yet I can’t stop with my strange half socks! Ryan just laughs and thinks I’m ridiculous and I’m thinking there surely must be at least one other person out there who is a half-sock crazy, too? No?
- Missy Elliot’s “Work It” = Instant Workout Motivation
If you actually listen to the lyrics of this song, it’s wildly inappropriate but oh my gosh is it ever catchy! Something about this song always motivates me to amp up my energy during a workout and the minute I hear the beat drop and “DJ please pick up the phone…” I instantly want to dance which I can usually channel into pushing myself a little harder. This is one of my all-time favorite workout jams, without a doubt. I should probably add this song to my When All Else Fails Workout Playlist (aka the playlist I turn to when I need some serious workout motivation).
- Father of the Bride House AND Full House Home For Sale
Ever since Ryan and I went through the home buying process in 2014, we’ve enjoyed checking Zillow listings in the area as a hobby. We’re definitely not looking to move anytime soon, but for some reason we find periodically browsing Zilliow amusing! Well, this week I happened to come across two famous homes for sale thanks to Real Simple magazine and the nosy fan girl in me couldn’t help but get a little too excited to take a peek at their Zillow listings. Apparently both the Full House home and the Father of the Bride house are currently on the market. And great news… They’re both totally affordable at $4.15 million and $2 million, respectively. When I saw the Father of the Bride listing, I immediately emailed my family to see if everyone wanted to go in on the house together and move out to California since we’re all Father of the Bride superfans. (So far I don’t have any takers.)
- The Bachelorette
Who else is watching this season of The Bachelorette? Thoughts? I’m really enjoying this season more than others so far even though Chad is all kinds of crazy (and a little scary, to be honest). I like a handful of her guys, though I know enough not to get too attached to any of them since my opinions undoubtedly change throughout the season. So far my favorites are James Taylor and Derek. And am I the only one who can’t stop staring at Jojo’s teeth? Smile perfection, I’m tellin’ ya.
- Opening Two Of The Same Thing
File this one under “mundane things married people fight about” but I have a feeling this one may resonate with a few of you out there. Sometimes we will have duplicate items in our pantry. Two jars of coconut oil. Two jars of honey… You get the idea. It would make sense to completely finish one jar before opening the second, yes? One would think… but not if you are Ryan. With two identical jars of peanut butter sitting side by side, he’ll open the next one when a solid quarter of one jar is still remaining. It drives me insane! Do any of you do this? Whyyy!? Or do you have roommates/spouses/friends who do this? Does it drive you batty, too? I can’t handle it.
- Using Appropriate Gift Wrap?
Do you guys always use appropriate gift wrap depending on the occasion? I am the worst with this and last week I showed up to a post-workout Burn Boot Camp bridal shower for Chase’s beloved Miss Lindsey with a gift that was wrapped as if to scream “Happy Birthday!” I could’ve sworn I had pretty white paper in our gift wrap bin but when I went to wrap Lindsey’s gift five minutes before we were about to leave, all I had was a roll of Christmas paper and a roll of brightly colored polka dot paper. As long as the gift wrapped underneath the paper is decent, I think we’re all good, right!?
Question of the Day
- Share one random thing on your mind today!
- Bachelorette fans: Who are you rooting for right now?
I would love to live in the FOTB house, wouldn’t it be fun to slide down the banister like she did in the movie! my random thing is anytime I workout before 6am I stop at Starbucks on the way home. I’m not sure why, it’s just my thing. Ha!
I always wear my socks like that, especially when it’s warm out. I am loving the Bachelorette this season too. I think the guy I really like is Chase, I can’t keep track of all their names, I don’t know how they do it!
I like him too! The one who brought her “snow” and mittens when he didn’t get a date that week. Super cute!
I do the half sock thing!! Oh my, I thought I was alone hahaha. I only wear them that way when I wear socks in my slippers though. I also recognize the gift wrapper problems.. A couple of weeks ago I wrapped a friend’s birthday present in Easter-themed gift wrap because it was all I had, hah. Luckily she thought the bunny’s were cute.
Do the socks not just fall off though??!
Ha, I do that with slippers! Drives my husband crazy because I blow out the backs of them.
Also, the Amityville Horror house is up for sale if anyone dares!!! That book ( yes, it was a book first when I was a kid) scared the crap out of me for years!!!
Omg I can’t believe that house is for sale! I LOVE Father of the Bride. Totally affordable for sure 😉
haha you’re getting off good if it’s only two, we have had up to a half-dozen jars with just a lil peanut butter at the bottom. he doesn’t like washing the jar to put it in the recycling, so he starts a new jar. lol i just realized that there’s a jar of peanut butter waiting to be washed in the picture of my otherwise clean kitchen that’s on my blog right now.
actually our baseline is two, because now we have his and hers peanut butter. whatever happens in his peanut butter drawer, stays in his peanut butter drawer…
I’m loving this season of the Bachelorette! So far I like Jordan a lot!! I did start following Alex on snapchat and he is pretty funny, but he lets Chad get to him too much!
I ALWAYS open two (or three) of the same things! This is pure accident because I enjoy making recipes and always forget to check the fridge or pantry to see if I have what I need!
I am obsessed with the Bachelorette this season! I really liked JoJo in Ben’s season so I was pumped when she was chosen. Chad scares me too (oh my gosh!), and I actually really like James Taylor too! He is so funny and sweet and would make the best husband! I also like the guy who went on the yoga date with her (I can’t remember his name?!), but he seems to have a lot of chemistry with her. Also, side note, Evan kind of creeps me out and needs to go lol!
I actually went to college with James Taylor! How funny is that??
OMG “Work It” is my go to karaoke song when I’ve already put a few back 😉 So fun!
I totally did that with wrapping paper recently but I actually purchased it on purpose for a baby shower, totally not realizing it said Happy Birthday on it. I suppose it was sort of fitting, but I had no idea until I was wrapping the gift the day of and I was like ummmm whoops. The paper was so cute otherwise though!
I heard about the father of the bride house!! I want to buy it–i loved that movie! I’ll chip in with you if your family is still a no-go hahaha.
I am like that with gift wrap too–as long as its wrapped and doesnt wildly say MERRY CHRISTMAS im good!
No joke, my husband just opened a THIRD jar of marinara sauce last night. The other two are still half full. HUUUGE pet peeve. Whhyyyyy??
love “work it.” i’ve had a major early 2000’s flash back moment with j lo and gwen stefani on my running mix. thank you james cordon carpool karaoke!
Ha! I would have to admit that I am like Ryan, because I too am likely to open a new duplicate item as opposed to using the one that is already in use. I will try to shed some light on why, in hopes of helping you two work this out in case Ryan and I have similar motives (I am assuming you can tell that this is something my boyfriend and I quarrel about as well).
First of all, I might just not even notice that I am forgetting about the in use duplicate item, so there’s that. “Fresh jar of peanut butter, nice!!” Second, I hate finishing things. I don’t know why (just like you’re not sure why you keep wearing half-socks, I guess, haha) but I just hate using up the last of something. You have to work so hard to get the last of it out, and all that peanut butter all over your hands in the process.. *shivers* Living with other people, sometimes I figure if there’s just a little bit left (read: a good amount of peanut butter, oops), they won’t mind finishing it and I can just go ahead and get started on that fresh new jar!
…Come to think of it, this is a terrible habit whatever the reason and Ryan and I should do something about it.
My family and friends know that whatever gift I give isn’t going to be in the appropriate gift wrap. I hoard gift bags so someone might get a birthday/Christmas/etc in a baby shower bag or wrapped in whatever paper I have!
My husband does the half sock thing! It’s because he hates wearing socks, but his toes get cold all the time. You are not alone!
Ohhh – in my house, it’s ME who opens the second jar of whatever. Or container of yogurt. Or carton of milk. I have no idea why. I think it feels more satisfying to scoop from a full container?? And I just figure the other one will get used up soon anyway…no, I have no good reasons!
I love the house (at least, the exterior) from Father of the Bride. So lovely and stately. I would never have the energy to clean it though, which is what I remind myself whenever I start wishing our house were larger 🙂
Ok the opening two of the same thing? My husband doesn’t do that, but it’s probably the only thing on the list of mundane things married people fight about that he doesn’t do. Seriously. My husband will open a new milk and leave the trash on the counter. And leave his towel or dirty laundry on the floor. ALL THE TIME.
I MUST give a gift wrapped in the appropriate gift wrap! I don’t know why, it is totally silly but I cannot help it.
OMG! I always wear my socks like that and my husband things I’m crazy. Thank goodness you do it too!
Half socks: Totally do that. I have even thought about cutting my socks in half and using the band the stretch around the back like a sandal. And Ryan thought YOU were crazy!
Opening the same thing: Okay, if that happened consistently in my house, I’d be hiding the same item so he’d be forced to use the first one. That would make me ragey. LOL
Wrapping paper: I must wrap with appropriate wrapping paper for others but for Christmas I tell the Mr to use Christmas wrapping paper for me. It drives him nuts but I am such a Cmas paper hoarder if I don’t use it, it’ll never get used in my lifetime!
I totally get the half-socks! I never wear socks now except in winter, but I used to do it all the time too. I think it has something to do with the elastic part irritating the skin if worn for several hours.
As far as gift wrap, I usually manage to avoid wrapping presents if I can. For my friend’s baby shower, I gave her a diaper bag and filled it up. I got my friend’s son legos for his 5th birthday and just kinda stashed it to the side of the present stack – he didn’t care.
Polka dots could totally be for a baby shower too!
And my boyfriend and I are both finish-the-jar people, but growing up my mom would ALWAYS open a new one if the old one was less than half full. Butter, or soap, or anything!
Bachelor/Bachelorette superfan right here!! First, so envious that you are going to an event with the best bachelorette ever: Emily! I love her down-to-earth and grounded attitude (not to mention her amazing style). Have so much fun! Second, I’m rooting for Chase and James Taylor right now. Hope we get to see more of both of them!
Random thought: my coffee is just not doing the trick today! Might have to have a bit more today to be awake for my girl when she’s up from her nap.
As for the half sock thing, when I took dance classes in college we used to wear our socks like that, but I have no idea why?! It’s pretty comfy though!
I buy one giant roll of gift wrap from Costco and use it for all occasions. I try to make sure it’s a neutral one that goes with everything. But people always know what gift is from me.
I will go halvsies on the Father of the Bride house with you — it’s my favorite movie of all time!
Well I will be stalking your Snapchat today because I love Emily Maynard!! Best contestant by far. This season my favorite is Alex although I have to see more of him and JoJo together. But he seems sweet and funny!
Father of the Bride home = goals, for sure!
Laughing because in my marriage, it’s ME who opens jars before the first one is finished. I like to think it’s because I hate getting peanut butter all over my hands trying to scrape the bottom of the jar, but I don’t think that’s the whole story, ha!
Something so satisfying about opening a brand new, untouched jar of anything. My husband HATES it!
I love James Taylor too! Of course, she won’t pick him because they never pick the “nice guy.” While I’m not guilty of opening multiples of food, I am guilty of buying things we already have. For some reason I always think we’re out!
I totally do the half sock thing too, sometimes after a workout or if my feet are too hot. I like Chase and Jordan on the Bachelorette!
Love Emily Maynard’s style. The Father of the Bride House is fabulous and totally affordable. LOL
HAHAHAHA oh man I am cracking up over here. First – I totally do the half sock thing. Second – my boyfriend is always opening a duplicate and it makes me insane! Or worse, he BUYS a duplicate over and over, right now we have 2 half gallons of OJ in our fridge and we don’t even drink OJ! I just have to laugh.
Oh and I ALWAYS use the “wrong” wrapping paper. Whatever. Just be happy it’s wrapped.
I do the half socks too and it drives my husband crazy! I think I like that it gives my toes extra wiggle room especially in some of my smaller socks.
I love Father of the Bride and that house!
And I suck at wrapping gifts in appropriate paper. I figure it’s the gift that matters and I am going to be wrapping gifts in baby shower bags for the rest of my life…
Oh my gosh, Julie, I am the guilty one here!! If there is a nearly empty peanut butter jar, I will open the new one every time! I always end up making oats and dumping them in the almost empty jar, but it takes me a while to get around to using it. It drives my husband crazy, and we always have a couple of nearly empty PB jars hanging out in the pantry. He can’t seem to put his clothes in the laundry hamper though, so I guess it evens out? 😉 We don’t even get aggravated about these things any more, but it is hilarious that you mentioned that today. Random thought of the day: my baby needs to take a nap so I can unpack!! We just moved yesterday, and the chaos of everything is driving me abolish tell nuts, lol. Thankful for coffee and sunshine today!
Absolutely nuts** I’m not even sure how that auto corrected to abolish tell, bahaha
wrapping paper tip : use the other side!!
they are almost all white 🙂
works every time, unless you buy two-sided $$$$ paper!!
Accessorize with bow, twine, etc…
i always have the same wrapping paper problem. I finally bought brown package paper and a bunch of different kind of ribbon when it was on sale. now i can dress it up or make it fun using the ribbon and I always have paper for any occasion.
I was a dancer for a majority of my life and many girls at my studio did the half-sock! Depending on the style of dance a lot of times we were rehearsing barefoot. The sock always helped give some protection from the floor and help with turns but having the heel out provided some traction and for some reason was generally less annoying?? I never do it these days in “normal” life but too funny to see it pop up on your post and so many commenters do it too!
My mom and I want the Father of the Bride house, too! Love that movie. With wrapping paper, I often buy craft wrapping paper and then jazz it up with pretty bows. Works for every occasion, and though I do occasionally miss fun holiday-specific paper, it simplifies life a little. And yes to finishing a full container of something before you open another one, though I’d give a pass for nut butter, since I sometimes eat that out of the jar…. 🙂
Have fun in SC! Looking forward to hearing about it!
I also love Missy Elliott and have a few of her songs in my running playlist! It always amps me up to keep going, run a little farther or push a little harder! Sometimes I find myself mouthing the lyrics in silent as I’m running haha!
Fun, random things that I pay attention to… the outside of the Father of the Bride house in the movie (just the front) is actually a different house that looks similar in Pasadena (the outside of the house they used is GORGEOUS, but a little more quaint looking.) However, the one in this listing, including the outside was also used in the movie “Guess Who” with Ashton Kutcher and Bernie Mac.
And now everyone knows that I’m a huge Father of the Bride nerd. but hey, there are worse things, right?!
I met Emily Maynard when she was still with Brad down in Austin. Such a sweetheart – hope you have so much fun!
XO, Jessica
I love the Father of the Bride house!! And that movie!
ha ha, I loved this post! It would drive me insane if my husband opened a new jar of something when the old jar was right there. Seems like everyone has to have a few quirks! Example: even though I don’t do socks half on/half off, I DO have this thing where I have to have “indoor shoes” and “outdoor shoes”. Like, it’s a big deal for me if people wear their outdoor shoes in the house – I can’t stand that! (Now that I’m touring homes heavily, I feel vindicated, because there are well-worn dirtier paths in other people’s homes where you know people did not take off their shoes! Our house has none!)
Wow, Emily Maynard!! I can’t wait to hear more! Big Bachelorette fan here!
I saw that the Father of the Bride house was for sale too, and *I* want to buy it! lol Let’s arm wrestle! lol I’ve loved that house forever. The kitchen! Swoon! I love the quote that says, “All I really need is 600 million dollars.” Yes!
Fun post. 🙂
I LOVE Luke. I think he is so precious and down to earth and sweet. I like Derek too. Can’t wait for next week!
This is the first season of the bachelorette that I’ve watched since Emily was the Bachelorette! I thought I would love Desiree but the first couple episodes were blah so I stopped watching both shows until my sister said I had to start watching Ben’s season. Anyways, I feel like Chad was fed lines honestly. He may be a crazy guy in real life, but the kinds of things he was saying just sounded contrived. But I am enjoying JoJo. James Taylor is adorable but she won’t end up with him. I also really like Derek and Chase.
Along the lines of the pantry double opened items, it drives me CRAZY when my significant other doesn’t get all the air out of a bag before closing it. It takes up SO much PRECIOUS space!!
I think the polka dot paper is fine for a shower. I have a roll of leopard print wrapping paper that I bought at Christmastime from Target one year. How does leopard translate to Christmas? Anyway, the leopard paper has served me well the past few years. I’ve used it for a bridal shower gift, my niece’s birthday party and two graduation parties this past weekend.
I have also wrapped Christmas presents in Hanukkah wrapping paper. It was on sale at Target and cheaper than the Christmas paper. Jesus was a Jew, so, it works. #noshameinmywrappingpapergame
I live in Pasadena and walk by the house everyday :). I’m super lucky!
Pretty sure the opening two things is a guy thing … it’s like, they can’t help themselves …
Opening two of the same thing – that would drive me insane!! I don’t even like to have two items of the same category open at once. For example, two bags of chips. Even if they’re different varieties – pretzels and doritos, for example. You should finish one before opening the next! Otherwise one or both would go stale before you can finish both bags.