We all felt like we were part of an episode on the Discovery Channel! It must be dolphin mating season or something because we saw so many and they were all extremely active. Hubba, hubba!
Flipper and friends were jumping out of the water and everything but my camera timing was subpar and I didn’t capture any of the amazing jumps. Ah well!
Next up on the wildlife tour…
Ahhh! Shark! We saw a hammerhead shark. Yikes! Luckily it was a little baby shark (smaller than Sadie), but we were still a little freaked (well me, my mom and sister were anyway… Ryan & my dad jumped in to try and snorkle with the man-killer).
Fortunately we all survived the shark encounter and enjoyed our time on Beer Can Island (the island where we anchored the boat and explored).
Me, Ryan and Sadie
The Fam on the Boat!
Me and Mah Boyfriend
Dunkin' Donuts
Looks like lots of fun!! I’m not so big on sharks…though… 🙂
There is a beer can island in Minnesota also!!!