If you’ve been reading this blog for more than a month, you’ve likely picked up on my love for surveys. I think they’re so much fun to read when other bloggers post them because I always love learning more about bloggers and readers through the comments on the survey posts.
The “This or That?” survey first popped up on Paige’s blog and I thought it was a fun one so I figured I would share it with you guys today. Please feel free to play along in the comments section!
This or That?
- Run or Work Out in the Heat and Humidity or the Freezing Cold?
Freezing cold. After running the Women’s Half Marathon in intense heat last year, I’d much rather brave the cold! That race took it all out of me. Phew!
I think Sadie picks the heat.
- Have Washboard Abs or Flat Abs?
Flat abs.
- Dr. Oz or The Doctors?
The Doctors. I had the chance to interview Dr. Travis Stork for the blog before and he was such a nice guy. Big fan!
- Cardio or Strength Workouts?
Both in the form of circuit workouts! My all-time favorite.
- Cravings: Protein or Carbs?
Carbs. I’m pretty sure most of my food cravings revolve around sugar.
- Jillian Michaels or Bob Harper?
Bob! I respond a lot better to positive encouragement rather than yelling. I’ve heard Jillian’s workout DVDs are awesome though and would love to give them a try since she can’t scream in my face from the TV.
- Frozen Yogurt or Ice Cream?
Frozen yogurt. I’ve always preferred soft serve, so when frozen yogurt chains started to pop up everywhere, I was in heaven.
- Strength Training Upper Body or Lower Body?
Upper. Shoulders are my favorite.
- Protein Powder or Food with Protein?
Food with protein, though I love a good protein smoothie.
- Lunges or Squats?
They both suck.
- Sweet or Salty?
Sweet x 10,000.
- Workout Attire: Cute or Comfy?
Both, but functionality reigns supreme. After buying a pair of workout capris that slid down every time I started running, workout wear that does its job and stays put is the most important.
- Body Pump or Heavy Lifting?
BodyPump! My beloved. Oh how I miss you. Come to Ocala, please!
- Yoga or Pilates?
I haven’t practiced Pilates enough to really answer this properly and I have a feeling Pilates and I could be buddies. I guess I have to go with yoga as a default.
- Favorite Fitness Brand?
I typically buy whatever apparel is on sale, brightly colored and cute. Lately I am loving my Reebok gear!
The extra-long length of their seamless long bra top is ideal for my long torso!
- Running: Treadmill or Outdoors?
Outside. I’m still not sure how I managed to train for my first half marathon solely on a treadmill.
- Whole Foods or Trader Joe’s?
Sadly I’ve never lived within driving distance of Trader’s Joes, so it doesn’t get a fair shot. Whole Foods it is.
- Summer or Winter Olympics?
Summer. Diving, gymnastics, swimming, track and field… I love it all!
- Exercises Classes or Exercise Videos?
Classes. The energy of other class participants pumps me up! You know I’m a fan of Jazzercise!
- Steamed veggies or roasted veggies?
Roasted, without a doubt.
Questions of the Day
You tell me…
- Run or Work Out in the Heat and Humidity or the Freezing Cold?
- Strength or Cardio?
- Jillian Michaels or Bob Harper?
- Sweet or Salty?
- Exercise Classes or Exercise Videos?
I’d rather work out in the cold, but one downside is how my ears hurt! When I run in the cold my ear drums just ACHE, so I always have to wear dorky ear muffs. And I’m definitely cardio all the way…though I know I need to do more strength.
Thanks for sharing your answers! They were fun to read.
Nike and Under Armour make warm fleece no-slip headbands that completely cover your ears – they are wonderful! Even in single-digit temps.
Oh wow, great! Thank you so much for letting me know!
Me too!!! That’s my main problem when its cold. My ears hurt so bad and no one believes me:( so glad to hear I’m not the only one!!
You’re welcome! 🙂
Both! Circuits rule!
Bob. Oh, Bob.
Sweet AND Salty. Together. Perfection.
Classes without a doubt.
Run in the cold, Cardio but I do love strength too, Bob Harper!!! (also because he’s vegan!) ,Sweet definitely, pancakes all the way and classes, favourite being spinning!
Cold, without a doubt!!
I go through phases — right now I’m loving strength or circuit classes, but I never hate on a nice 3 mile run if it isn’t 90 degrees.
I don’t watch The Biggest Loser, but I always like Jillian Michaels in interviews… so Jillian!
Sweet AND salty! Salted caramel anything is my downfall.
Exercise classes for sure, BUT DVDs for my wallet 🙂 I live in NYC and my faves are all so expensive!
If my back wasn’t broken I’d be doing Jillian Michaels videos every day! They’re killer! It’ll be a long while before I’m back to those though, oh well 🙂
And my sweet tooth is colossal.. I have to reign that bad boy in!
Run or Work Out in the Heat and Humidity or the Freezing Cold? Yikes… cold I guess. I’d rather always be cold than hot- you can always put on more layers!
Strength or Cardio? Probably cardio just because I’m still not sure what to do with all of those machines! I’m into the free weights, but I need to try some of your circuit workouts!
Jillian Michaels or Bob Harper?
Bob for sure! I agree- I’m into positive reinforcement as well! Plus he just seems like such a sweetheart.
Sweet or Salty? My cravings are usually surrounding chips, but when I have a sweet tooth- I’m usually craving chocolate and you better get out of my way! 😉
Exercise Classes or Exercise Videos?
Classes for sure!
Run or Work Out in the Heat and Humidity or the Freezing Cold?
Cold, for sure. Humidity kills me. I don’t know how you can live in Florida and run outside.
Strength or Cardio?
I’m with you – circuits. I love a combo of both. Steady state cardio bores me and so does a super weights session.
Jillian Michaels or Bob Harper?
I’ve never watched the biggest loser, but I’m not a huge Jillian Michaels fan.
Sweet or Salty? Both. Separate and combined!
Exercise Classes or Exercise Videos?
I’m an a group class junky. I admit it.
Run or Work Out in the Heat and Humidity or the Freezing Cold?
Freezing Cold, at least the running warms you up which is not what you want in the heat.
Strength or Cardio?
Strength, I love a free weight room over cardio machines any day.
Jillian Michaels or Bob Harper?
Bob, I too can’t really deal with the screaming in the face and yelling, if I wanted that I would have joined the military.
Sweet or Salty?
sweet of course
Exercise Classes or Exercise Videos?
Videos, I’m that awkward person in the back tripping over her own two feet, I’d rather only have my dog and cat witness that fiasco.
i hope your having a good time on O’ahu!
You added the ʻokina!! YES! 🙂
haha well i live here and thats how its spelled… 😉
Heat. I am such a baby when it comes to anything cold!!
Like you said-circuit workouts!!
I don’t watch their show, but I know I would prefer Bob…I would probably punch Jillian in the face and then face my fate of getting my ass kicked by her haha.
SWEEET all the way. of course on the TOM I want everything, so my husband will make Homestyle popcorn and I will eat plain M&M’s with it….OMG.
Classes for sure. I buy DVD’s thinking I will do them bc I can’t afford a membership, but I don’t get motivated because everyone is already in amazing shape vs going to a class where there are all shapes and sizes and I can relate more.
p.s. I just started following your blog in the last few months and I am obsessed. If I can’t read them right away I always make sure and save them to read later:)
I loved doing this survey too.. Jillian > Bob & sweet > salthy!
Run or Work Out in the Heat & Humidity or the Freezing Cold? Probably cold unless it’s slippery & snowy because I’d just eat it.
Strength or Cardio? Strength; particularly circuit training.
Jillian Michaels or Bob Harper? I don’t watch Biggest Loser but love Jillian Michaels DVDs; they helped me get back in shape after having my twins.
Sweet or Salty? Mmm, both!? 😉
Exercise Classes or Exercise Videos? Classes before…but videos now, post-kids.
I trained for my first half-marathon in Boston in January. Now that I’m training for my second in Tennessee in August/September, I’m really missing the cold temps. Heat and humidity just suck it out of me. I almost passed out running yesterday,
Run or Work Out in the Heat and Humidity or the Freezing Cold?
Heat and Humidity. I am always cold and it takes a lot of work for me to sweat so the heat and humidity make me feel like I am getting it done!!
Strength or Cardio?
I much prefer Strength training. But I also stick to circuit workouts mostly! So fun!!
Jillian Michaels or Bob Harper?
Bob. Hands Down. Jillian annoys me to no end. I tried her DVD and had to mute her after just a few minutes.
Sweet or Salty?
Yes please! The combo is better than either on its own!
Exercise Classes or Exercise Videos?
Classes. I push myself way harder when other people are around. It a competitive thing.
Great idea for a post by the way!! =)
1) Run or Work Out in the Heat and Humidity or the Freezing Cold? THE COLD! I’ve been training all summer for races and I hate it. I’m waiting for the Fall chill air to arrive. Can’t wait til January though…so cold! <3
2) Strength or Cardio? Even though I'm a big runner and i love cardio, I kinda love strength a little more because I feel stronger!
3)Jillian Michaels or Bob Harper? Bob Harper.
4)Sweet or Salty? Hard one….but I have to go with sweet.
5)Exercise Classes or Exercise Videos? Exercise videos, I love the Tone It Up girls, BexLife, Blogilates, PurelyTwins plank videos, FitSugar, etc. They make everything available right here for me in my own house!
Cold for sue – You can do something about being cold…put more clothes on. You can’t really do anything about being hot…you can’t go naked.
Circuit traing is the best! It usually moves too quickly for your brain to figure out if you are doing strength or cardio.
Jillian Michaels!! Bob is too soft.
Salty – tortilla chips and salsa are my favorite snack!
Classes are great because you have so many people motivating you to go harder!
Cold (minus ice and snow…i’m from Calgary, Alberta, Canada)
Circuit training all the way…love it and makes the time fly
I like Bob…but yes he can be a bit soft.
Salty – salty for sure. I could have 10 pds of chocolate in the house for years but pretzels watch out!
Fun survey!
Hope your day in Hawaii is awesome!!
1) Run or Work Out in the Heat and Humidity or the Freezing Cold?
-the cold! The heat makes me feel tired quicker
2) Strength or Cardio?
-I enjoy strength more but I do more cardio
3) Jillian Michaels or Bob Harper?
-not sure
4) Sweet or Salty?
5) Exercise Classes or Exercise Videos?
Ahh, a nice survey. I truly enjoyed reading yours, and somehow it made me crave autumn/ winter. Running in the cold, eating oven roasted veggies an autumn evening with candles on the table, the crispy air…
Anyways, here’s my participation:
Run or Work Out in the Heat and Humidity or the Freezing Cold? -Freezing cold, no doubt! Growing up in Sweden might do that to you but I’m not very good at supporting the heat.
Strength or Cardio? – I wish I did more strength but somehow I enjoy Cardio workouts so much more.
Jillian Michaels or Bob Harper? -Jillian Michaels, I find her inspiring (and have no idea who Bob Harper is, sorry).
Sweet or Salty? -Depends on the situation, I think I’m a 50/50 but if I had to make a choise it would be sweet.
Exercise Classes or Exercise Videos? Exercise videos, I’m a shy girl when working out.
Cold, definitely. I’m a complete wuss in the heat. I live in Wisconsin, though, so no surprise there!
Strength! I loath cardio.
Jillian. I think I’m one of the few people that responds really well to being yelled at.
Salty. Always. I will always choose French fries over chocolate.
Classes. If it’s just me in my livingroom I don’t have enough motivation and usually quit early to lay on the couch.
Cold for sure, and sweet x 10,000. I’m only a recent cardio-loving convert. I still LOVE the feeling of pushing a weights set to failure.
I think you need to become a body pump instructor. 🙂
Run or Work Out in the Heat and Humidity or the Freezing Cold?
Heat…but I don’t live in an area that touches your humidity and heat. On the other hand our cold is always VERY wet and it plain stinks.
Strength or Cardio?
Strength in terms of “working out.” I will always be a hiker first.
Jillian Michaels or Bob Harper?
Bob Harper. I only know of him through STUFT Mama, but he seems like a great guy.
Sweet or Salty?
Sweet. I could live on dessert.
Exercise Classes or Exercise Videos?
Classes…who knew?! (This is a new thing for me).
Oh girl you need to try pilates!! It is amazing. I much prefer it over yoga.
Fun survey!
Run or Work Out in the Heat and Humidity or the Freezing Cold? Freezing cold, because you can warm up. It’s way harder to cool down. I live in Vegas. I’ve been sweaty since May.
Strength or Cardio? Cardio.
Jillian Michaels or Bob Harper? Jillian Michaels.
Sweet or Salty? Sweet. I don’t like salt.
Exercise Classes or Exercise Videos? Classes. I’d rather have company than go it alone.
1) Run or Work Out in the Heat and Humidity or the Freezing Cold? **definitely freezing cold… i just moved to SC from Ohio and not being able to run outside in summer is kiiiilllllinnnggg me!!!
2) Strength or Cardio? **i LOVE running, but i LOVE having defined muscles as well sooooo both?!! :)))
3) Jillian Michaels or Bob Harper? **Bob for sure!
4) Sweet or Salty? ** salty all the way, but i do have a huge sweet tooth, so something sweet & salty would be fab
5) Exercise Classes or Exercise Videos? **neither, i enjoy doing my own thing at the gym by combining some workouts from Oxygen/Jamie Eason/etc….
Definitely would rather run in the cold! You can always wear more clothes…not the other way around 😉 can’t wait for fall!!
Cardio! I totally slack on strength training because I hate it (I know it’s necessary, though…)
Bob Harper most of the time but I think there is a time and place for the stern encouragement of Jillian Michaels.
I love both salty & sweet but I think I crave sweet more often.
Exercise class! I definitely am more likely to push a little harder when there are witnesses 🙂
& Trader Joe’s FTW!!
Love running in the cold! Def cardio and def sweet 🙂
1. Definitely working out in the freezing cold. Texas heat is too much for me!
2. I love cardio. there are so many things that you can do!
3. Jillian Michaels or Bob Harper?
Bob. Jillian drives me insane. Her workouts are good, but she never shuts up on the DVDs. Hah.
4. Sweet or Salty?
5. Exercise Classes or Exercise Videos?
The only exercise classes I’ve done are spin and yoga; I’ve had a much better experience with exercise videos–especially pop pilates online!
Run or Work Out in the Heat and Humidity or the Freezing Cold? COLD! So not a fan of heat and humidity!
Strength or Cardio? Definitely a combination but I do really enjoy a great strength workout. I always leave feeling so strong! (that’s the point though, right?) 😉
Jillian Michaels or Bob Harper? Both?
Sweet or Salty? SWEET all.the.way!
Exercise Classes or Exercise Videos? Both for different reasons. I’ve never gone to many exercise classes because they often intimidate me but I love the vibe in the room. But I love the convenience of exercise videos.
Run in the cold for sure!
If I had to choose, Cardio…but I prefer combining both.
Bob, definitely Bob! Here’s the thing about Bob…there is just something about him. Now, don’t think I’m crazy, but I feel like I have to just keep going because I don’t want to disappoint Bob! lol. Yes…I know he’s in the TV. 🙂 Plus, I work out to his DVD’s regularly and it’s always a challenge.
Sweet, Sweet, Sweet!!!!!!
I find I can get into the “zone” better if I’m exercising alone, so I’m going to have to go with exercise videos.
Run or Work Out in the Heat and Humidity or the Freezing Cold?
Definitely freezing cold. I feel like I’m going to die just walking in the humidity, let alone run in it.
Strength or Cardio?
I love both but I’d have to say I’d miss strength training more than cardio if I ever had to give one up. Nothing like feelin the burn!
Jillian Michaels or Bob Harper?
Bob Harper just because I have never been a big Jillian Michaels fan. I did recently see her on a documentary about celebrities who were bullied when they were young that made me warm up to her a bit.
Sweet or Salty?
Salt, salt, salt. I’m a potato chip and french fry kind of girl for life! But that isn’t to say I don’t love my sweets, too.
Exercise Classes or Exercise Videos?
Definitely classes. I can never stay focused when I’m doing a video. Having people around me helps me stay motivated in a class.
You may have already answered this somewhere, but when do we get to vote on the September Book Club selections? did I miss it?
I have an injury right now and can’t run, so I just went to the library and got two workout DVDs – one Michaels, one Harper. I really expected Jillian to kick my butt, but Bob’s was much, much better and tougher to complete! So I think you’re on the right track!
Hot! I can’t stand working out in cold weather – I get sinus headaches! I can deal with sweat better than I can deal with those.
Warm weather
Bob for sure- although can he please not sport that comb over thing this season!
Salty! I love chips n salsa on occasion!
I don’t care for either- I would rather do my own thing!
Trader Joes opened in Sarasota this weekend! Next time you are over there you have to go, it’s amazing!
The JIllian videos really are great! I got a lot out of the 30 Day shred. And I love the BodyPump classes. I can’t wait to get back to it. TJ’s is awesome…and they just opened one in Sarasota! Maybe sometime when you come to Tampa you can head down there too. It’s worth a mini trip.
And I’ll take the cold! I PR’ed my half marathon at the Rock n Roll St Pete when it was so so cold!
Oh man I’m torn. I lovethe classes for how hard I work. I love videos for their convenience. This summer I traveled with a mobile camp all summer. It was my fifth summer to do it. Turbo Fire saved my butt from cafeteria weight gain. I’m a huge believer in convenience!
Run or Work Out in the Heat and Humidity or the Freezing Cold? Cold for sure, you can bundle up but you can’t run naked 🙂
Strength or Cardio? I’m with you on the circuits, both.
Jillian Michaels or Bob Harper? Jillian, you should definitely check out her dvd’s and podcast, she is actually really nice on them both.
Sweet or Salty? Sweet.
Exercise Classes or Exercise Videos? Classes for sure, I do lots of Pump.
definitely in the heat…when it’s too cold, i get an earache..not sure why!
both…definitely a way better workout
both again:) i love bob so much…but jillian kicks your butt every single time
sweet all the way.
classes for sure.. they never cease to get me motivated and very sweaty!
1. Freezing cold – I love getting rosy cheeks outside!
2. A combination of strength & cardio (probably 1/3 strength, 2/3 cardio)
3. Jillian Michaels – her kickboxing video is soooo good!
4. Sweet all the way…salty foods drive me crazy (except for popcorn!)
5. Classes, but I usually do videos for the convenience 🙂
1) I’m with you- freezing cold! This Canadian girl is NOT a fan of the heat!
2) Strength, all the way! But I also love circuit too 🙂
3) Ehh… Neither. I feel like they are both way extreme.
4) Sweet 🙂
5) I really love both- maybe even videos more (especially Blogilates on YouTube!). I like being able to do them in the comfort of my own space 🙂
Loved reading your answers! Thanks for linking me 🙂 I’m with ya on the exercise classes – I get so much more out of them – and *give* so much more!
Your hair is SO ADORABLE in that bodypump picture!!
Also, I love the question “Nike or Adidas” because I have a dog named Nike and we’re getting a dog named Adidas or “Addy” for short 😉
Run or Work Out in the Heat and Humidity or the Freezing Cold? I live in GA so cold running doesn’t happen very often but it is superior
Strength or Cardio? I’m getting back into Strength and really like it
Jillian Michaels or Bob Harper? I listen to Jillian’s podcast on the way to work and LOVE it. It is motivational.
Sweet or Salty? Oh popcorn, how I love thee. Salty.
Exercise Classes or Exercise Videos? I am a member of Lifetime but don’t get to as many classes as I like. I do enjoy P90X alot. So, Videos. You don’t have to make it to a class on time – just press play.
Heat and Humidity-I’m a baby when it comes to cold weather, which works out nicely while living in Florida + training for a half marathon!
Cardio-Prefer cardio because strength training is hard for me to do on my own! I had a personal trainer for a year which was great motivation and encouragement for strength training!
Jillian-I need the push!
Exercise Classes-Love the group atmosphere and having someone in person telling me what to do! I also need the people holding me accountable to actually do the workouts!
Run in the cold! I’m in Western NY, and I trained from January-April for a half marathon and trained outside all winter. I’m currently training for a half in two weeks and the heat has been brutal for me. I’d rather run when it’s 30 degrees and in my thermal running pants!
I like both…I get a lot of Cardio because I’m a Zumba instructor and a runner, but I love strength training my arms/shoulders.
I love both Jillian and Bob, but I honestly like Jillian’s DVD’s better.
SWEET all the way!
Exercise classes…it’s more fun!
I’m such a wuss when it comes to running in extreme temperatures. I prefer colder temperatures but not when it’s so cold it hurts to breathe in!
This summer I’ve been waking up pretty early to run. Even if it’s pretty hot, not running in the harsh sun is still nice.
Run or Work Out in the Heat and Humidity or the Freezing Cold?
Cold! Although not when it’s snowing. I hate running while trying to avoid ice patches. I get sooo aggravated when I’m over-heated and crazy sweaty for a long period of time. (Which is why I saved today’s run for this evening!)
Strength or Cardio? Like you, I’m a circuit girl! Although, with strength, I really prefer movements that solely utilize my body weight (pushups, planks, etc) over using weights. And I looove plyometrics. Jump squats, ohh yeah!
Jillian Michaels or Bob Harper?
Haven’t tried either one’s workout vids, but I have a feeling Jillian would be more effective. I respond well to a little tough love.
Sweet or Salty? Sweet Sweet Sweet. Occasionally: Tortilla Chips and guac. 🙂
Exercise Classes or Exercise Videos? I like yoga videos but can’t do cardio dvds in my apartment or my grumpy neighbors will complain, boo! Barre and Spinning classes are my fave but I’m not spending money on them now until I totally clear my debt!