Good afternoon, my friends! How are things going for you today?
Everything is going well over here! Well, for one of us, at least. Little Miss Sadie had a vet appointment this afternoon.
(Sadie and the vet aren’t exactly best friends.)
Ryan and I are flying to Chicago on Friday for my friend Kristen’s wedding and since we’re going to have to board Sadie, we wanted to be sure she is healthy and that all of her shots are up to date. She needed a couple of shots today and handled them like a champ. The part of her visit that did not go so well was the basic examination of her ears, teeth, eyes and body.
When the vet approached Sadie, she hit the deck and then wiggled around and tried to hide behind me which had everyone laughing and calling her “Slink.” She’s ridiculous.
Also, how do dogs always seem to know they’re at a vet’s office? Within two minutes of our arrival, Sadie was shaking in my lap in the lobby and we had never even been to this vet’s office before. I think maybe the office smells too sterile and feels too cold. Or perhaps the German shepherd wearing a “cone of shame” in the waiting room gave it away?
Before Sadie’s vet appointment, I took her for a lunchtime walk on a shady path at a local park.
We stopped a few times to check out the lake and Sadie splashed around for a bit as she tried to coerce me into a game of fetch. Unfortunately no swimming is allowed at this particular park, so Sadie had to stay on her leash which I’m sure made her think I am super lame.
After our walk, we headed to the vet. We were there for longer than I anticipated but I left feeling good about vet we chose. (Thank you, Yelp reviews!)
Lunch today included a Subway club salad served with a side of chocolate-covered pecans.
After lunch, I started sorting through the box of giveaway clothes I had leftover after I sent a batch to Twice before our move. (Speaking of Twice, I’ve actually purchased a couple of “like new” Lululemon tops for less than half of their retail value from the site and have been quite impressed with the quality. Thought that might interest some of you!)
Anyway, thanks to your recommendations, I looked into ThredUP, another clothing resale website, and was happy to see that they accept even more brands than Twice. After requesting a free shipment bag last week, I filled it up today and plan to drop it in the mail tomorrow.
Thanks so much for the tip! I’m hoping they accept some of my stuff!
Question of the Afternoon
- How often do you clean out your closet?
I think I go through my closet four times a year. I read somewhere to go through your closet at the end of each season and get rid of whatever you didn’t wear that season. This didn’t really work or apply in Florida since we basically had one season, but I still thought the idea was a good one!
Kinda random… Hopefully you have found a Vet you really like – but if you are looking for a Vet recommendation – North Meck Animal Hospital on 21 is great 🙂
That’s actually where we went! 🙂
I did not know these resale companies existed! I’ll definitely be looking into them. Thanks!
I didn’t either until I learned about them from blog readers! So great!
Which one did you have a better experience with? ThredUp or Twice? Would you recommend one over the other?
You had better read the reviews of and the SF BBB website before doing any business with them. They have a long history of not accepting high end items and sellers are left with nothing. I just sent them a beautiful, flawless leather Coach purse (documented with pictures prior to sending) and they emailed that “it was not up the their standards” but no details and nobody from the company ever replies to email or voicemail requests. They just stole my purse. It is a scam of the first order. You will be much better ahead selling through a local consignment store or donating your items.
I usually wear most of my clothes over and over again, so I go through my closet at the beginning of the year and usually its just a handful of things I get rid of! ThredUp sounds really cool though, definitely will keep it in mind!
I’ve done ThreadUp once, and am already loving it. I have another bag at home, that I’m waiting to send in. It feels so good to get rid of stuff!
Glad you liked it!! Hoping it’s worth doing again!
Hmmm, my sister in law is getting married this weekend in Chicago and her name is Kristin too! Though she goes by Kristi. 🙂
Exciting! Congrats to her! 🙂
I go through my closet once a season (I live in Chicago), if I haven’t worn it, I donate!
I usually bring my clothes to Plato’s Closet to get a little bit of money out of it and then donate whatever they don’t want to GoodWill. Love ThredUp though!
Have you heard of DogVacay? I am a dog sitter and I regular watch dogs in my home through this company. DogVacay is a link up site for dog owners and sitters. You get peace of mind knowing your pup gets personal care and doesn’t stay in a kennel. I send pictures out to pet owners daily and give updates as well. Check it out the next time you are on a vacation!
Ooooh! Definitely going to check this out!
I have a load of cousins that are younger than me and if there’s stuff they don’t want they go to the charity shops. 🙂 Love the idea of the “like new” tops for half price!!! LOVE lululemon but it is a bit pricey!
I just mailed my first bag to ThredUP a couple days ago!
Chocolate covered pecans? Why have I never tried these! YUMMMM
I loved our suggestion of Twice, and I’m excited to see what Thredup has to offer! I usually clean out my closet, then head to Plato’s closet to see what I can sell, and anything that doesn’t sell goes to Goodwill!
And mmm, chocolate covered pecans, you are speaking my language!
I do not go through my closet enough! I just finished going through it since we just moved, but I should probably do it at least twice a year.
ThredUp sounds like a great service, I definitely need to look into it!
Because my city apartment closet is so small, I have to purge and send away stuff about every other month. I’ve been using ThredUP for a while and had great success with them. Good luck!
I need to clean out my closet more often. I found myself giving away 2 large trash bags full of clothes to Goodwill that I never wear anymore. It could have been much more easier had I cleaned out the closet more often.
I just found thredUP yesterday and bought 3 dresses and a romper for $31! I also got a bag with my shipment so that hopefully I can send some of my own stuff back. Fingers crossed the clothes I ordered fit well!
How old is Sadie? She’s a beauty and looks just like our vizsla Roxi, who is almost 7. I ask because Roxi has the white face too and actually started greying fairly early.. 2-3 years old! We have a second female vizsla, Dani, who is just a little older than 1. Vizslas are the best and Sadie is such a cutie!
She’s six. 🙂 Her face gets whiter and whiter every day!
My dog ALWAYS knows when we are at the vet and goes nuts. He has never had anything wrong and we only go for regular check-ups. I just think he is just like us – hates to go to the doctor. Ha!
Slink is a great and silly nickname. I like it. I’ve never heard of either of those services, thanks for the alert! The problem is, I clean out my closet TOO often. Probably once every month or two. I’m not a minimalist but don’t like to keep things around that I absolutely know I won’t wear.
Here are my tips for keeping your closet organized (ThredUp included!):
I clean out my closet quite often, but I hardly give away anything. I’m not the type to hold onto things except for when it comes to clothes.
I just got my ThredUP bag in the mail today! I already have it filled up with stuff I don’t wear anymore. Look forward to hearing what they accepted/how much from your bunch.
Glad to hear Sadie is doing good! 🙂
I go through my closet all the time. 🙂 I love purging items I don’t use anymore. I actually go through our apartment once a month or so and usually end up donating a small to medium sized bag full of stuff we don’t use or brought in from some place (ie: free, etc…). It’s so liberating to wake up in the morning and have a clean, clutter-free closet to choose from.
I have to admit, I have a habit of hanging on to clothes for too long. It’s just hard for me to part with things I love! Pathetic, I know.
I want to try thred up and twice! They both sound awesome.
My cat is such a wimp at the vets. She’s a nightmare to get into her cage to take there, throwing her legs out in all directions to make herself as large and unhelpful as possible and meowing loads. But once she’s on the vet’s table she just sits there quietly, awaiting her fate. I always feel so guilty for taking her!
I have never tried selling my clothing but really should…sometimes I end up donating brand new clothes with tags on! I have a stack of clothes waiting to go to Plato’s closet so hopefully I will be able to make some money to restock the closet 😉
My dog does the SAME exact thing at the vet. He just freezes when getting shots, but as soon as they want to listen to his heart or touch him, he’s trying to climb onto my neck. It’s hilarious and sad all at the same time.
I usually go through my clothes twice a year. Once at the end of winter and once at the end of summer and then I donate whatever I’m not keeping. I’ve never heard of Thread Up. I’ll have to try it.
If you really want to know why dogs hate the vets office before you’ve even stepped foot in the door check out the book Inside of A Dog. Basically, even if a room has been sterilized they can smell SO many other animals, and the scents those animals release when they are in fear, pain, scared, etc. Sometimes us humans forget how amazing a dogs nose is.
Super interesting!!
I used Twice for the first time with your recommendation. I got $117 back from 21 items! So impressed, I’ll definitely be cleaning out the closet more often! 🙂
We use when going out of town with our dog. It’s like online date for a pet sitter. The sitters post a profile, pictures, details about their house, etc. We’ve used it twice now and LOVE it. Our last sitters took great care of our older family dog and our younger dog was entertained with lots of dog park visits. They texted me pictures and updates of what they were doing which made this dog crazy lady very happy!
I try to clean out my closet twice a year or so. I tend to donate vs. trying to resell them as I like the thought of someone in need getting them. I find myself wearing the same 10-20 pieces all the time. I don’t need half the clothes I have but I’m always like “what if this happens…” so I keep it.
Keep us posted about your ThredUp experience! Are you planning to use credit to buy things off the site?
Oh my … I never heard of ThredUp … and I am intrigued on trying this the next time I go through my closet. Although I have more seasons than Florida up in Chicago (which it may be rainy this weekend, although the Taste of Chicago is happening so you should check it out, plus food trucks) I only clean out my closet probably during the summer. I tend to have extra time then due to the fact that I teach high school during the school year.
Sadie and my brother’s dog Midas I think would be best buds. Ha!
I go through my closet at least 2 times a year!I I feel so wasteful buying new clothes that I don’t need, so I always end up looking through the whole closet and reorganizing!
I worked at a vet clinic all throughout college and saw my fair share of anxious dogs and cats! One of the best tips our veterinarian gave to clients for pet anxiety was to bring the pet to the vet’s office on a day when they don’t have an appointment. I know it sounds weird, but bringing them in and just letting them smell around, meet the staff (and receive lots of love and treats!) will help them to associate the setting with a positive experience! It helped a lot of our regulars act much more relaxed when they would come in for appointments. Hope that helps! 🙂
yay chicago!
I have pretty good luck selling name brand items on eBay (but it can be a little tedious to mail each item individually). I’m requesting a ThredUp bag now though for the items that don’t sell 🙂 Thanks for the tip!
I just requested a bag from ThredUp at your recommendation! I have so much stuff I’m trying to get rid of. Thanks!
Julie, I would LOVE for you to do a piece on your closet- your favorite pieces, what’s inside, etc. you always look fabulous and I can only dream of having the opportunity to invade your closet one day!
You are so sweet! Thank you!!!
I am currently in temp housing with limited clothes but I’ll definitely keep this idea in mind!
i recently adopted a chihuahua and he shakes and hides on my lap when we go to the vet too.. we switched to another one… and they give him treats. he reacts better to them now. 🙂