His wiggly legs and hyperactive little arms are filling out with soft baby rolls and his once fleeting gummy smile is now something he flashes our way every single day.
Chase seems to smile with is whole body, often crunching up his little belly and smiling at us with his eyes, too, and it’s impossible not to smile and laugh with him when he is so joyful. (I am convinced there is nothing better than gummy baby smiles.)
I know everyone says the same thing about their babies, but it really does blow my mind to think about how much Chase has changed in the past three months. Compared to the tiny newborn we brought home from the hospital, Chase practically seems like an adult! He is changing so much every day. It seems like each day brings something new… A new milestone (grasping toys!), a new challenge (cluster feeding like whoa) and new joys (making noises I swear are so close to real giggles). Being Chase’s mom feels like an ever-changing adventure and even though we have yet to make it through the night without waking for at least two feedings, I am beginning to feel slightly more adjusted to our new normal.
Chase is still an eating machine! He doesn’t eat for long (our nursing sessions are typically under 10 minutes), but he does eat very often. (We had him weighed before and after nursing at the lactation consultant’s office and he’s apparently “very efficient” and gets all he needs in a relatively short amount of time.) His short but frequent nursing sessions can be killer for my productivity during the day (especially on days when he’s cluster feeding or not napping well), but I feel grateful breastfeeding seems to be getting a bit easier with each week that passes. I no longer have sore nipples and feel like we have a bit of a routine down now during our nighttime feedings.
Of course there are days when non-stop breastfeeding can overwhelm me and Ryan has learned not to ask me if I “think Chase might be hungry” when he’s playing with him during a short break away from the boob because I will become ragey. (Colleen said it best in her blog post about The 5 Stages of Breastfeeding.) During one or two of our daily feedings, Chase has started to do something that absolutely cracks me up. When he’s done eating, he likes to just hang out near my chest and give me the most mischievous little grins as he latches off and on.
It’s almost like he’s cracking himself up… Or daring me to move him which I’ve learned not to do during this time or I will suffer the wrath of Chase. Such a little stinker! His faces during this time truly make me laugh out loud.
During the past month, we got a bit more comfortable with bottles, mainly because we had our first family vacation and I wanted to feel comfortable leaving Chase for a few hours when my mom was kind enough to watch him during some of our hiking adventures.
Chase seems to take a bottle quite well and I’ve been trying to bring a bottle with me if we go out to eat and bring him along so Ryan and I can easily tag team feeding him if he gets hungry. When we’re hanging out around the house, I’ve learned to wear zip-up hoodies or other easy-access clothing since Chase is an eating machine. The boobs are still always out around here!
Ryan and I agree that we’ve seen a little personality developing in Chase throughout the past month. He seemed to find his voice this month and loves to squeal and coo all day long. He’s a little chatterbox already!
Chase also began interacting with his toys a lot more this month. He LOVES the Baby Einstein musical light up toy that Tina gave us! I actually had it packed away in his nursery and when my friend Leah saw it during their visit, she told me it was a hit with her little boy, so we unwrapped it and Chase was instantly enamored with the music and lights. I can now expertly hum all the melodies from that toy because we play with it multiple times every single day.
Faces continue to be Chase’s favorite thing and he loves staring at people. The looks and smiles he gives to Ryan when Ryan arrives home from work absolutely melt my heart. He looks at his dad with the most adoring eyes and the biggest smile and it’s simply the best! Ryan is growing a beard right now for “Movember” and we’re convinced Chase is a facial hair fan.
Chase also loves to “be free” and spend time on his activity mat without anyone holding him. This doesn’t last for too long (he still definitely prefers to be held most of the time), but he’ll start to get antsy after he wakes up and we know he wants to kick and wiggle on his own on his mat or a soft blanket. He seems so determined during tummy time, but Ryan and I have no idea what exactly he’s determined to do. He concentrates and grunts like crazy when he’s on his belly and we’re convinced he has some big goal he’s trying to accomplish during this time. Go for it, buddy!
Outside is still Chase’s favorite place to be and we’re continuing to enjoy our daily walks with Sadie! Chase used to pass out the instant we’d put him in the stroller, but now he’ll often stay awake and enjoy looking at branches, leaves and anything else that finds its way into his field of vision during a walk.
More loves:
- My messy bun (he loves staring at my hair when I wear it on the top of my head)
- The morning
- “Pshew pshew” noises (even better if they’re paired with baby leg kicks!)
- WubbaNubs (our best discovery this month!)
- Diaper changes
- Miss Lindsay from Burn Boot Camp’s childcare
- Baby wearing in the K’Tan
- Mirrors
- Lights
- Ceiling fans
Do I have the only baby in the world who hates bath time? I swear everything I read talks about how much babies usually love warm baths and how a relaxing bath can be great for establishing a nighttime routine, but Chase basically loses his mind every time we try to bathe him. Baths for our little man are a two-person operation and Ryan and I basically speed bathe Chase right now and get him wrapped up in a towel as quickly as possible.
More dislikes:
- Wind/strong breezes
- Sleeping unswaddled (this never lasts long and I am terrified for the day when Chase can roll over and we’ll have to have him sleep unswaddled all the time…)
- Cleaning his ears and wiping his nose
How Am I Doing?
I feel like I am doing pretty well. I love my baby boy more than I ever could have imagined and being his mom is such a joy.
When my friends Leah and Carrie came to visit, they asked me what my biggest challenge has been since Chase’s arrival so far and right now it is balancing working from home and being a mom.
Sleep is still rough, but I feel like I knew enough to expect horrible sleep for a while. Before I gave birth, I honestly thought it would be much easier to be productive during the day than it has been since Chase’s arrival. Babies are needy little people and work often only gets done in super-short increments which can make it hard to feel productive.
Everything takes 10,000 times longer than it used to and I’m constantly feeling behind in everything related to the blog, emails, partnerships, website updates and more. I have SO MANY longer blog posts I am dying to write and website updates I want to make that take time and focus that I just don’t have right now. (This post, for example, was supposed to go up last Wednesday on Chase’s three month birthday, but is a week late because I’ve had to write little paragraphs at a time and come back to it over and over again.) I really, really appreciate you guys and your support and readership during such a transitional time in our lives.
Physically, I am feeling better and better. I am back to working out regularly and cannot get enough of Burn Boot Camp workouts. I will also squeeze in fast and efficient at home naptime workouts when we can’t get it together fast enough to make it out of the house during a time that BBC offers childcare. Running still feels a bit strange (I still have an odd feeling in my lower abdomen when I run), but other than that, things seem to be coming together.
Aesthetically, I am undoubtedly softer, my stomach is squishier and cellulite is chillin’ on my lower body like it’s hot, but, for the most part, I just don’t care. I’m working out because I love it and I know it’s good for me and I am trying my best to eat well most of the time. Whatever my body does on this non-plan plan seems like a healthy fit for me. I don’t weigh myself regularly but stepped on the scale yesterday to just see where I’m at for this post and I’m currently up about 7 pounds from my pre-baby weight. Of course I’d love to see this weight come off eventually, but breastfeeding and mommin’ is my priority right now and I feel like working out and eating (mostly) healthy will help me get there when it’s time for my body to get there.
Right now, my focus is right here:
I love this little boy so, so much.
Three Month Favorites
Many of our three-month favorites are the same favorites we’ve had for the past two months, but here are some highlights:
- WubbaNub (LOVE these so, so much!)
- Soothies Pacifiers
- Ollie Swaddle (Our favorite swaddle – pricy but worth it.)
- Baby Einstein Take Along Musical Toy
- ThredUp Baby Clothes (Great for gently used brand-name baby clothes that are cheap but still good quality! )
- Infantino Turtle Toy (We hang this on Chase’s car seat and he loves looking at it!)
- Tuffo Water-Resistant Outdoor Blanket
- Activity Mat
- Baby K’Tan
Clean Up/Diapering
- Burt’s Bees Burp Cloths (We were not a fan of Carter’s burp cloths at all and found them way too narrow.)
- Honest Company Soothing Bottom Wash (Great for nighttime clean ups when poop may have a little more time to dry to the skin)
- Dreft Stain Removing Spray
Past favorites: Newborn Baby Favorites, Two Month Favorites
This is so sweet 🙂
To be honest, I thought I’d trail off reading your blog after you announced your pregnancy and had your baby because the content wouldn’t be directly relevant to my life like it was before (everyday lifestyle type posts, recipes, workouts) and I honestly didn’t think the whole baby-posts would be my thing at all. But, to my surprise, I really love reading about your journey! While babies seem like a century away for me personally, your writing style is addicting and I just could let you go!! 😀 Also it’s surprisingly interesting to read about life with a newborn, how you balance work-family relationships, continue to maintain a healthy lifestyle despite the busy times… I have to say, you’re truly an inspiration! Thank you for showing all us not-yet-mamas how to continue to work and be yourself while simultaneously working at the worlds most valuable, most challenging job: motherhood.
** COULDN’T let you go …Minor correction! 😉
This comment means a lot to me, Katrina! Thank you!! <3 <3
Yay to everything getting easier! It’s definitely tough the first few months but it only gets easier the longer you’re in it! I don’t know if Chase not liking baths is odd, (my son has an on again off again love affair with them.) but I definitely think you’ve lucked out with him liking diaper changes!
Chase is just adorable! He looks like such a happy baby 🙂 maybe you already have these or have heard of them but sleep sacks were a lifesaver when our daughter transitioned to her crib! They keep them nice and warm and can wrap around them tight around their chest just like a swaddle. Amazing!
Once he starts rolling and can no longer be swaddled safely, check out zippadeezip! They are a small business that got their push on sharktank and they are saving sleep for swaddle loving babies one zippy at a time! Our daughter has been in here since she started rolling and she loves her zippy. She gets excited to put it on at bedtime and it’s such a great sleep cue for her. Their website and social media have great explanations on how it works.
Another zippy lover <3
Zipppppppyyyyyys are where it’s at. It keeps her warm
And gives her slight containment while allowing her to roll and like the above commenter said it’s the best sleep cue. My baby smiles when I zip her into it at bedtime. Strongly recommend!!
my twin girls love their zipadee zips! We transitioned around 3.5 months and it’s been smooth sailing ever since:) also this might sound really strange but a friend recommended to me to leave the diaper on when my girls were freaking out in the bath, the diaper absorbs water so nothing gets into the water and after about 10 minutes when it was time to wash up we took the diaper off and they NEVER cried! It was instant and magic:) ! I read it online too after we tired it and it’s recommended so they don’t feel so out in he open:)
The zippityzips are awesome! My LO is four months now and had to be swaddled at bed time. I could see that rolling over was in our near future a few weeks ago and I knew I didn’t want to have to go swaddle free cold turkey! She loves her zippy and is able to be more mobile but still feel snuggly ☺️
Chase is adorable. I love his wispy hair! I have an almost 4 month old and we’ve figured out some tricks for her to not hate bath time. I’ll take a shower first so the bathroom is nice and warm. We always use 2 wash cloths, one to wash with and the other to place over her tummy so she stays warm. It seems to help, although she still doesn’t love it like I read about other babies, but she does give a smile every once in a while and there’s no more screaming every time.
I’m glad things are going so well! Chase is such a ham! We loved our Ollie swaddles as well and I’m excited to use them again in 7 weeks for baby #2. Once our son started rolling over we took one arm out and then eventually both arms out but, still used the Ollie until he was about 8 months old. I know all my mom friends thought I was crazy but he loved it and I loved my sleep. I say if Chase likes being seaddles keep at it! 🙂
I throughly enjoy reading about your sweet baby boy and you becoming a mommy. I am a mom of 3 teenagers, so it brings back precious memories. I always thought around the 12th week mark things started to become a little easier and a routine started to form.
I think you look absolutely radiant!! Your vacation with your family looked dreamy. I know your family is loving the new addition.
Enjoy every second!!?
I’m glad everything is going so well! Reading your updates makes me so excited because it gives me a glimpse into where I will be in a few months. Chase is adorable and you guys seem so happy 🙂
Chase is completely adorable and your love for him and being a mom is so evident in your posts. I love your openness and honesty, and just your blog in general. You’re doing great!
Chase may be a little too old and active for this tip, but you could try loosely swaddling him in the tub to get him relaxed in the water. Then bathing may be more enjoyable for all! You may have already tried this, but if not, it’s worth a shot! If that still doesn’t help, I’m sure once he can sit up on his own he will love being in the tub! Good luck!
Man, Chase is SUCH a cutie. You, Ryan and Chase make a beautiful family!
Our daughter (22 months now) hated baths and swimming for the first year of her life! We would take her in the shower with us to get her clean. Now we can’t get her out of the water. It’s crazy how much they change and how long the days sometimes feel but how quickly the weeks go by. Enjoy this time with your little one 🙂
My daughter rolled over very early so at 9 weeks, she is already out of her swaddle. I admit, transitioning her out of it was painful. We started with taking just her arms out and only doing that at nap time. Slowly, we transitioned to night time. She seems to still need the routine of getting into a night time outfit so we are zipping her up into a Halo Sleepsack and it works well. I’d definitely suggest trying those out when Chase rolls over and can’t be swaddled anymore. I’m hoping that by the time she is Chase’s age she sleeps better than she is now,it’s so hrd, especially with the time change. Thank heavens babies are so cute.!
My 4 month old is JUST NOW starting not to hate bath time. Not to say he likes baths now, but he’s stopped screaming every time and now just sits in there with this apprehensive look on his face lol. About swaddling — we just bought the Zipadeezip sleep sacks (they were on Shark Tank!) and he looooooves them. We got the fleece for winter in New England but they come in a lighter version too. They’re supposed to be great for kiddos transitioning out of swaddles. We like them because they cover his hands and let him move around without startling himself too much and waking up.
Definitely looking into these sleep sacks!! Thank you! I am already dreading the day when we have to lose the swaddle, so tips like this are VERY appreciated!
I’m reading/typing this as I’m nursing my frequent eater. He’s an efficient nurser like Chase, but he eats often! Do you feel hungry a lot? I feel like being a constant breastfeeder makes me want to eat ALL THE THINGS.
And, IMO, you look freakin’ FANTASTIC!
I’m so glad you’re all doing so well!! <3
Dude, I am a snacking machine. I feel like whenever Chase eats, it triggers my appetite and THIRST. I feel like a camel with all the water I want/need right now.
HAHA…when my 2 year old was little I swear to this day I ate more breastfeeding than I ever did pregnant.
Happy 3 month + plus week birthday to Chase! He’s really growing isn’t he? I can’t believe he’s more than 3 months old now. The time really, really flies. I’ve heard many new parents say how busy and swamped they are at this stage and that they worked so hard to cram everything in but looking back they wish they’d spent more time just enjoying. So I hope you’re not too stressed about blogging and emails and all of that. It will all come together; it always does! <3
Our daughter used to hate bath time for a few months too…we had a bit of a trick where we would “wake her up” with a bath, haha. So I’d feed her, she’d fall asleep for a cat nap on me and then we’d put her right into the warm bath. It worked for us for a few months! She started to like it a lot more when she could sit up and play with things in there!!!
Your posts about Chase are adorable & it is obvious that you and Ryan were absolutely meant to be parents!! Although some days can be tough, you are wise to focus on the good days and embrace the special moments 🙂 xo
Do you have some good nursing tops? They make a huge difference when you have to whip the boobs out all day! I love the tanks from target under a zip up hoodie or cardigan.
Also, what are you bathing him in? Our daughter hated baths too until we switched to the 4moms tub. Pricey but amazing and worth every penny. We still use it now at 8 months
My daughter who is a week younger than Chase was hating night time bathtime too. I started bathing her in the morning instead, when she is well rested and happy, and now she loves it. She actually cries sometimes when its over now! Isn’t it fun how much they are changing right now?? I love it!!
It sounds like life is going well. Thank you for sharing updates on Chase with us! 😀
Julie! Have you seen this morning’s Charlotte Agenda? You are the featured “Today’s Charlottean”!! 🙂
I feel like you just wrote a post about my baby boy (4 months on Sunday) minus the bath part 😉 He was cracking up at his big brother last night splashing water on him. So glad you are loving motherhood! I too work from home with my baby and it is so challenging but I wouldn’t have it any other way! Oh and we just started sleeping with those swaddler sacks wrapped from his belly down and he’s doing pretty good with it. Doesn’t flail and wake himself up like he did with nothing around his legs. Good luck!
Chase is such a cutie! Thanks so much for sharing these updates, it helps me picture what I can expect in several months and I also really appreciate you recommending some of the items you’re finding helpful. I’m currently working on our registry and it’s so hard to know what we actually need when the stores are so crammed full of “stuff.”
I’ve heard baths can be tough for some. Have you tried putting a warm wash cloth on his belly while he’s in the tub? It’s a trick that worked for us. Good luck. He’s precious.
We were so dreading the swaddle transition, we kept him in it till 5 months, but then transitioned to the zipadeezip! They can safely roll over in it, and our now 7month old loves it! Bonus is keeping the hands warm during the winter! I highly recommend it for a baby who needs the swaddle to sleep.
Julie, you are doing such a great job as a new mom. This transition is challenging for many of us and I know it was for me for sure. Throw in a little post partum depression with the second baby and, yeah, it wasn’t the easiest time. Thankfully I was still able to appreciate and enjoy the sweet and happy moments through it all. Just be patient with yourself and take each stage as it comes. I think you are doing great keeping up with your blog and still enjoy reading what’s going on every day! It’s ok if it can’t be perfect every day, that adorable baby and sweet hubby have to come first. Really nice post catching us up on how life is going for you. Oh, and I feel like I see a lot of Ryan and your dad in Chase when I see his pics!
Gaaah, know I’ve said it before, but he is just the cutest little guy! Loving that little elephant onesie. 🙂
Strategic that he likes the messy bun, I assume. That worked out surprisingly well, ha!
Oh my gosh! Chase has such an adorable smile! You can tell he’s enjoying life. THANK YOU for sharing this part of your life with us. The only request, more Sadie please 🙂
He is beautiful! The days just keep getting better. My little guy is 6 months as of yesterday and it’s simply the best! We live in South Charlotte and have been soaking up the nicer weather when we can. We lay a heated blanket on our patio with a comforter on top and play outside for what seems like hours! All the sounds and different sights are so intriguing. As for bathtime, have you measured the temperature of the water? Our little guy hated bathtime the first few days, but we realized that the water wasn’t warm enough for the younger age since they can’t regulate as easily (I was surprised to see it should be almost 100 degrees!). This may not work (some babies love baths and some hate them), but thought I would mention the idea!
Hahaha, yes!
“I think she’s hungry again…babe?”
That’s how it goes in my house some days. 😉
You’re doing GREAT, Mama! Your baby boy is your #1 priority and that is perfect! As a reader, I think you’re doing great with posting. I love reading your posts, but don’t stress about pleasing your readers. I’m a mother of 2 and I get it 😉 Also, you look FABULOUS. Keep on keepin’ on!
Long time reader, but first time commenter. Chase is so cute! I am also a first-time- mom and had a little girl the same week you had Chase. It is fun to read these posts, and it’s amazing to see the similarities and differences. My LO loves bath time, but is miserable the second you place her on her tummy. Little personalities are coming out now!
As for workouts, the first post-partum burpees certainly were NOT fun. Keep continuing to soak it all it! You’re a great momma!
He is such a little cutie Julie. 🙂 I think you are doing fabulous and I know everyone says this but IT GETS SO MUCH EASIER. My baby is almost 8 months now and the difference between how I feel, how she acts and everything in between is amazing. And you could always get a nanny for a few hours a day once he isn’t breastfeeding quite so much to get things done maybe?
How are you doing with Sadie? I have a Goldendoodle who was our baby before and I still love him to death but he is SO jealous, it’s hard to even cuddle baby without him sitting on us!
Sounds crazy but our bath trick was getting in the tub with them when they were super little, one of us would throw on a swim suit and sit in the tub with our legs outstretched and it made a safe little contoured area between our legs and the girls would totally relax I think they felt safer or something? And as total water people ( swimmers and h2o players) we loved being in there with them.
I was just going to suggest this! Our son hated baths unless we got in with him. At about 4 months I was finally able to start giving him baths in a baby tub and he would relax 🙂
You have a beautiful family and you are doing great! Mommin’ for the first time and adjusting to all that being “MOM” means is no easy task. Keep taking it in stride and enjoying the ride because the fresh baby days go so fast!!!
Chase is SO adorable, Julie, and reading your updates takes me back to those days (which really weren’t that long ago since my guy is just over 1 year…but it seems like AGES ago!).
My little man HATED baths until like 8 months! Like, he would freak out and scream bloody murder. He did better once he could sit in his baby tub, but it wasn’t until he could sit in our big tub that he relaxed and started to enjoy them. You’ll get there! 🙂
I, too, LOVED those mischievous grins while nursing. Cherish them!
Julie, Chase is just too cute!! I love his little blonde hairs!
Where did you get the long sleeved gret onesie with the elephant on it from? My best friend is having a baby this month and her nursery is grey, yellow, and there is an elephant theme! 🙂
He is so sweet! I miss these little milestones sometimes, but then I am thankful for the new ones I see everyday with my little guy. A thought about bath time, have you or Ryan tried to Shower with Chase? Sometimes when you breastfeed and they have that comfort with your skin it can do the trick. Might be worth a try at least if you haven’t yet! Also, with swaddling, my little one just grew out of it. We would try every once in awhile to go without and eventually he got used to it. The other option is to swaddle but leave their arms out. Whatever you decide to try, just know you aren’t alone and you are doing a great job!
I absolutely love this post. You are doing a great job of keeping up with blogging. my baby boy is 4 weeks old today so this gave me a lot of encouragement and lots to look forward to.
Chase is adorable, and it’s fun to learn about what it’s like to be a new mom through your eyes and posts. I bet it’s tough to juggle, Julie, but you’re doing great. As always, thanks for sharing with us! 🙂
I swear Chase is the cutest thing! I am not a mom, but from what you post you seem to be a fabulous mother!! I love, love, love all your posts about Chase! (I have recommended your blog to a number or pregnant friends!) I look forward to watching him grow 🙂
Thanks for sharing with us! I love the way you always keep it real while being so positive. How’s miss Sadie holding up?
Chase is so adorable! 🙂 I think I have commented before, but I just have to say it again . . . thank you for being so real! I particularly appreciated the comments on on where you are at physically and aesthetically. For me, it’s really refreshing to hear a positive outlook on being “softer” and just focusing on being a momma, not stressing about getting the weight off. Great blog and thanks for sharing your journey!
My now one year old daughter also HATED bath time at first. Finally after a couple of months I discovered she really just hated being totally exposed so I started using a heavy duty washcloth (not one made for babies) and draped it over her body while she was in the tub – it was big enough it covered from her neck to her knees.. and TADA! Suddenly bath time was super relaxing for her. Maybe you’ve already tried this but if not you should definitely give it a shot with Chase! 🙂
I thought I would offer some unsolicited advice on swaddling. My daughter is 6 months old and we STILL swaddle her every night. Her arms flail and she wakes herself up. We don’t swaddle her as tight as we used to, just enough to keep her arms down until she falls asleep. Usually by the time they are rolling over, they have control to lift their heads. We also tuck muslin blankets around her to help stifle her rolling. Every once and awhile she will wake up from rolling over and we just go in and roll her back and re-tuck the blankets. It’s what has worked for us so I thought I would weigh in!
Around 3 months, my baby also hated baths, but it seemed like a phase that quickly ended. Now he appears to like them. He just turned 7 months old, so keep at it and hopefully it will get better!
Congrats on three months, Julie!! My little one is 6 months old now, and I have a 2.5 year old too – I totally think the first 12 weeks are totally the most challenging – I am firm believer in the fourth trimester 🙂
Chase is a-dor-able!! Love his little smiles. Thanks for sharing with us! 🙂
My little one is a few days younger than chase and seriously bloody hated baths. The internet, like you say, tells me he should love them but it was so stressful for us both!
Literally the last few baths have improved ten fold. I bath him in the sink so he feels the bottom and knows he wont slip under. I have the water a little warmer than recommended and everything prepped for a swift redress. Slowly smiles have come out. In all honesty i think it just comes together when they are ready. Dont dispair. I also only do it 2-3 times a week. Not daily.
Chase looks a lot like Ryan! I love hearing about your journey with a new one–I live vicariously through my friends with kids since I do not (and not sure if I want them or not yet..) have human kids yet; I have 2 dogs, haha. Keep up the great posts, Julie!
You may want to try making his bath water a little bit warmer? Not hot, of course, but warmer… my son hated bath time and then we realized he was getting cold and needed warmer water, and now he LOVES it. Also, make sure there is no air blowing/drafts around, or he might get cold. Figured it might be worth a shot?