This afternoon we’re chatting about sleep… Something I’ve been told a time or two will start to slowly vanish from my life when we bring our newborn baby home from the hospital in the coming week or two!
What I didn’t expect to experience was a lack of sleep before our baby arrived. I read and heard all about women feeling uncomfortable during pregnancy, but for some reason I didn’t think back pain or feeling achy would really impact my sleep too much. (Ha! Ha! Ha!)
A few weeks ago, as you may remember me stating in one of my pregnancy recaps, I truly began to dread going to sleep at night because I knew I’d wake up a million times and feel incredibly uncomfortable. And then I’d start to play mind games with myself… “If I fall asleep right now and wake up at 6 a.m., I can still get seven hours of sleep…” Oh joy!
Well, after several weeks of lackluster sleep, I’ve come up with a handful of tricks that will often work for me and help me fall asleep at night or help me drift back to sleep after I’ve woken up for the 1,000th time to pee. I’m teaming up with Sleep Number to share some of them with you guys today and also offer you a pretty stellar sleep-themed giveaway at the end of this post!
Tips For Better Sleep
- Read Before Bed (Or When You Can’t Fall Back Asleep!)
Reading is a go-to for me when I am feeling restless and wide awake at bed time. There have also been a handful of times during my pregnancy when I’ve ended up falling asleep and then waking up around 2 a.m., unable to drift back to sleep. After a few nights of tossing and turning for more than an hour, I decided to try reading in the middle of the night. I turned on my light (thankfully Ryan was willing to wear an eye mask and didn’t seem to care!) and read for about 30 minutes until my eyes got heavy. I was able to fall asleep much faster than the previous nights when I just laid there thinking about all the sleep I was missing. Reading is key!
Also, Sleep Number recommends using a reading light that does NOT have a blue light, as blue light wakes you up more since it mimics daylight. Opt for a night light in more of a warm orange tone, which mimics sunset.
- Keep Phones Out of Reach from the Bedside
I used to keep my phone on my nightstand, but all too often I’d find myself checking emails or scrolling through Instagram before bed. There’s something about a phone screen that is just about the least soothing thing to look at before bed and once Ryan and I started keeping our phones out of reach from our bedside, we found ourselves reading more, talking with each other before bed and sleeping better. We started doing this years ago in Ocala and it’s a big one for us now!
According to Sleep Number, watching TV or using computers or phone before bed stimulates the brain and the blue light from screens makes it harder to get quality sleep. In a survey conducted by the company, Sleep Number found that people from California and Utah use electronics in bed the most, while those from Oregon and Iowa use electronics in bed the least!
- Get Into Bed an Hour Before You Want to Fall Asleep
(Pic from our baby’s nursery!)
I know busy schedules and to-do lists can make this one a challenge, but whenever possible, Ryan and I try to get into bed an hour before we actually hope to fall asleep. I looooove crawling into bed at the end of a long day (it’s seriously one of my favorite parts of every day) and when I know I have an hour to just hang out with Ryan, read a book or cuddle up with Sadie before I really feel like I need to fall asleep, I am much more relaxed and likely to drift off to sleep earlier than intended.
- Keep Your Room Temperature Cool
Two weeks ago, Ryan and I had our upstairs air conditioning fixed. (Hallelujah!!) Prior to that, we could not get our upstairs below 80 degrees at night and it was miserable. I could not stop sweating and eventually pointed a little space fan directly at my face and slept that way until we had our air fixed. We still don’t keep it as cool as I think we’d both like it because air conditioning is expensive, but at least a lot of the humidity is gone from our bedroom and sleeping in 70-something degrees is much nicer than 80+ degrees, that’s for sure! (Especially when you’re in your third trimester and can’t stop sweating as it is!) According to Sleep Number, the ideal sleeping temperature is 65 – 67 degrees.
- Exercise
I don’t think it was a coincidence that during the time I was experiencing intense sacroiliac pain, I slept the worst I have in years. Yes, I am sure a lot of this had to do with my inability to get comfortable in bed, but I also felt so incredibly restless and almost antsy. I feel like a lot of this had to do with the fact that I just wasn’t moving much during the day. My body wasn’t physically tired! I definitely sleep better on days when I am active and make it to the gym!
- Use Relaxation Techniques
Okay, this tip is a little strange, but I swear it works! Ryan actually taught it to me years ago when I was complaining about not feeling tired at all before bed one night. (Apparently he learned it in a yoga class years ago!) Focus on relaxing every part of your body starting from the very tips of your toes, moving all the way up to the top of your head. Concentrate on releasing tension from everywhere… Your ankles, knees, hips, every finger… By focusing all of my attention on relaxing my body, I cannot help but feel more calm (and, to be honest, a bit bored, which helps me feel more tired, too)!
- Track Your Sleep
This is a bit of a double-edged sword for me. Sometimes I can psych myself out if I feel like I’m getting too little sleep, but for the most part tracking sleep and figuring out what time I need to go to bed to get 8 hours of sleep helps me feel more motivated to get into bed at a reasonable time. There are tons of sleep trackers on the market these days that you can use and Sleep Number also created SleepIQ® technology that works with any new Sleep Number bed to track and monitor your sleep for you without requiring you to wear anything fancy. (Crazy, right?)
And now it’s time for a sleep-inspired giveaway! It’s a good one and I really hope it catches your eye, especially if you happen to be struggling to get a good night’s sleep!
One PBF reader will win the following sleep-themed prize pack:
- Two Sleep Number Pillows
- Comfortable Slippers
- Satin Eye Mask
- Anthropologie Personalized Mug (for evening tea)
- Lavender Candle
To enter this giveaway, please leave a comment on this post telling me about one trick you use to help yourself fall asleep at night.
I will randomly select a giveaway winner on Friday morning. Good luck!
Disclaimer: White this post is sponsored by Sleep Number, I am personally sponsoring the giveaway portion (though Sleep Number is providing the pillows). Thank you so, so much for your continued support surrounding sponsored posts. I truly appreciate it!
For more tips on how to sleep better, visit Sleep Number.
I like to read & chat with my husband.
Usually reading works for me. If not I use the breathing technique where you breathe in slowly for 7 seconds. Hold it for 7 and slowly exhale for 7. It works!!
If I can’t go to sleep I do something similar to Ryan’s relaxation tip but instead of just focusing on relaxing each muscle area, I first focus on tightening my muscles and then allow them to relax, I do this several times for each arm, leg, etc… and it really helps me relax!! Something about the release really helps me!
I like to read before bed, and I keep the bedroom dark and cool with some white noise from a fan. I can’t fall asleep if it’s absolutely silent!
I like to take deep breaths and focus on making my exhales longer than my inhales..works every time!!
Exercise… Puts me out!
I try to read before I go to sleep, and I stopped drinking coffee in the afternoon. I was so sure that I was “immune” to the effects of caffeine, but I definitely was not!
Relaxing and stretching before bed to try and leave the day’s stress behind.
read before sleeping, warm milk and, if the reason I can’t sleep is a worry, I pray over and over by the 4th time I’m a gonner
Keeping our house cool at night!
I love to read before bed. There’s nothing that makes my eyes heavier…unless I’ve gotten sucked in and then I don’t want to put the book down!
I am always sure to turn everything off, no electronics and keep the room super cold.
I always read before bed and turn on the white noise machine 🙂
1. An hour or two before bed i have a cup of sleepytime tea. This helps me to relax
2. I always try to workout during the day, i always feel a difference in my sleep that night
3. i avoid coffee from lunchtime on, i am very sensitive to caffeine
4. i listen to ocean waves or gentle music to relax and eventually drift off to sleep.
To ensure a good night of sleep I avoid caffeine in the later afternoon and read a little to fall asleep. It always works to make me feel sleepy!
I try not to eat too recently before I lay down. It will sometimes give me indigestion or feel burpy and that is NOT relaxing!
This is something I need to improve on in my life! When I need to fall asleep fast, I like to read before bed…it never fails to make me tired, which may be why it takes me so long to finish a book! 🙂
I actually put on a dvd of an old tv show that I know by heart. I wear a sleep mask and turn the brightness down to zero on the tv so I’m really only getting the sound. If I follow along with the show I’ll fall asleep a lot faster than when the room is quiet and my brain is running.
A hot shower followed by the use of lavender lotion helps prepare me for a good night sleep. Thanks for hosting a fun giveaway!
I’m 35 weeks pregnant so getting quality sleep is hard these days! I try not to scroll through instagram while in bed and also get into bed while sleepy, if not I am tossing and turning for a while before I actually fall asleep!
If I exercise during the day I find that I fall asleep way easier! Otherwise, a hot shower right before bed does the trick.
I try and put on nice soft music to help me relax before bed!!! And spray lavender mist on my pillows!
Reading is my #1 trick – works every time!
Every night, I have the same “night time routine” where I wash my face and make my coffee for the next morning and then I get my essential oil diffuser and use an oil that is soothing and smells great. I think by doing the same thing each night, it triggers me that it’s that time – even when I’m not necessarily sleepy.
Working out and yoga relaxation before bed.
I like to take a shower before bed. It relaxes me and I just love feeling clean when I hit the sheets. I also read somewhere that when you get out of a hot shower your body temperature drops, making you sleepy?
This sounds really weird — and it is! — but if I REALLY can’t get to sleep, I flip around in bed so that my head is at the bottom of the bed. I have no idea why this works for me!
Changing my mindset is the most helpful thing for me. Instead of worrying that I’m not going to be able to fall asleep because of stress, going to bed late, etc. I focus on how comfortable my bed is and how happy I am to have some quiet time after a stressful day. That usually helps to relax me and take my mind off other things that might keep me awake.
I like to read before bed to help me fall asleep. I’m going to try the relaxation method you mentioned, too.
The combination of getting into bed an hour early and reading really seems to work for me. I feel if I head straight to bed and hit the lights immediately, my mind doesn’t receive the time it needs to to wind down from the day. Thanks for the tips Julie!
Sleepy Time tea and a book does it for me!!!
Reading always helps me! But sometimes I’ll put in a DVD of one of my favorite childhood movies, and because I’ve seen it thousands of times eventually I fall asleep!
I try to keep the same routine every night to help me fall asleep when I want to
My boyfriend and I enjoy snuggling and talking about whatever silly thing pops into our head for 20-30 minutes when we first get in bed. That time together is one of my favorites! If I’m still not really sleepy after that, I will read a book until I’m ready to go to sleep.
I read until I can’t keep my eye open any longer. I need to cut out the caffeine in the afternoon, too.
I sleep with a box fan on every single night. The white noise sound of the fan along with the coolness of the room is usually a sure fire way for me to nod right off to sleep!
Reading before bed with a cup of Sleepytime tea does the trick for me.
I am having a very hard time sleeping now that I am in my second trimester. I have no tips for helping to fall back asleep yet hahaha but usually after one restless night, I sleep better the second night because I am more tired. So there’s that at least!
I use a combo of things. Put my phone on silent, no TV, turn the fan on high and read. A good pillow is SO important. I just got the Snoogle and am hoping it helps me sleep better 🙂
Readin gis my #1 go to. I also try to not think about anything… that’s a tough one though! Missing out on sleep is definitely a really killer for me!
I take the dog for a walk and read!
I simply lay in bed and watch tv for about an hour before lights out – usually includes the news and House Hunters, then I’m out like a light! Usually! 😉
If I lay in bed a while and can’t sleep, I start to focus solely on breathing in and out and how deep and calm I can get my breaths. It’s always worked and is quite soothing!
Listening to rain sounds via the Relax Melodies app or counting and focusing on my breath seems to help me!
I love sleepy time time tea and a fan! and an occasional meletonin. I can not take a bath though, that makes me be WIDE awake!
If I have trouble falling asleep, I find it helpful to snuggle with one of my dogs. 🙂
My tip is that I have a 3 year old, a 1 year old and am pregnant now with my third kid. I’m so tired by the end of the day that I don’t have to do anything to fall asleep! My problem is staying asleep between my 3 year old waking up all night and the pregnancy keeping me awake, I could REALLY use some extra help!!
I love to read before bed!
I always read a book if I am having a hard time falling asleep!!
Being an athlete all my life and having to get up early for practice (now I get up to workout) I start prepping for bed an hour before! I’ll drink a glass of milk and read a little of my book on the couch then when I walk back to the bedroom I’m fully ready to fall asleep immediately! A good night’s sleep makes my world go round 🙂