This afternoon we’re chatting about sleep… Something I’ve been told a time or two will start to slowly vanish from my life when we bring our newborn baby home from the hospital in the coming week or two!
What I didn’t expect to experience was a lack of sleep before our baby arrived. I read and heard all about women feeling uncomfortable during pregnancy, but for some reason I didn’t think back pain or feeling achy would really impact my sleep too much. (Ha! Ha! Ha!)
A few weeks ago, as you may remember me stating in one of my pregnancy recaps, I truly began to dread going to sleep at night because I knew I’d wake up a million times and feel incredibly uncomfortable. And then I’d start to play mind games with myself… “If I fall asleep right now and wake up at 6 a.m., I can still get seven hours of sleep…” Oh joy!
Well, after several weeks of lackluster sleep, I’ve come up with a handful of tricks that will often work for me and help me fall asleep at night or help me drift back to sleep after I’ve woken up for the 1,000th time to pee. I’m teaming up with Sleep Number to share some of them with you guys today and also offer you a pretty stellar sleep-themed giveaway at the end of this post!
Tips For Better Sleep
- Read Before Bed (Or When You Can’t Fall Back Asleep!)
Reading is a go-to for me when I am feeling restless and wide awake at bed time. There have also been a handful of times during my pregnancy when I’ve ended up falling asleep and then waking up around 2 a.m., unable to drift back to sleep. After a few nights of tossing and turning for more than an hour, I decided to try reading in the middle of the night. I turned on my light (thankfully Ryan was willing to wear an eye mask and didn’t seem to care!) and read for about 30 minutes until my eyes got heavy. I was able to fall asleep much faster than the previous nights when I just laid there thinking about all the sleep I was missing. Reading is key!
Also, Sleep Number recommends using a reading light that does NOT have a blue light, as blue light wakes you up more since it mimics daylight. Opt for a night light in more of a warm orange tone, which mimics sunset.
- Keep Phones Out of Reach from the Bedside
I used to keep my phone on my nightstand, but all too often I’d find myself checking emails or scrolling through Instagram before bed. There’s something about a phone screen that is just about the least soothing thing to look at before bed and once Ryan and I started keeping our phones out of reach from our bedside, we found ourselves reading more, talking with each other before bed and sleeping better. We started doing this years ago in Ocala and it’s a big one for us now!
According to Sleep Number, watching TV or using computers or phone before bed stimulates the brain and the blue light from screens makes it harder to get quality sleep. In a survey conducted by the company, Sleep Number found that people from California and Utah use electronics in bed the most, while those from Oregon and Iowa use electronics in bed the least!
- Get Into Bed an Hour Before You Want to Fall Asleep
(Pic from our baby’s nursery!)
I know busy schedules and to-do lists can make this one a challenge, but whenever possible, Ryan and I try to get into bed an hour before we actually hope to fall asleep. I looooove crawling into bed at the end of a long day (it’s seriously one of my favorite parts of every day) and when I know I have an hour to just hang out with Ryan, read a book or cuddle up with Sadie before I really feel like I need to fall asleep, I am much more relaxed and likely to drift off to sleep earlier than intended.
- Keep Your Room Temperature Cool
Two weeks ago, Ryan and I had our upstairs air conditioning fixed. (Hallelujah!!) Prior to that, we could not get our upstairs below 80 degrees at night and it was miserable. I could not stop sweating and eventually pointed a little space fan directly at my face and slept that way until we had our air fixed. We still don’t keep it as cool as I think we’d both like it because air conditioning is expensive, but at least a lot of the humidity is gone from our bedroom and sleeping in 70-something degrees is much nicer than 80+ degrees, that’s for sure! (Especially when you’re in your third trimester and can’t stop sweating as it is!) According to Sleep Number, the ideal sleeping temperature is 65 – 67 degrees.
- Exercise
I don’t think it was a coincidence that during the time I was experiencing intense sacroiliac pain, I slept the worst I have in years. Yes, I am sure a lot of this had to do with my inability to get comfortable in bed, but I also felt so incredibly restless and almost antsy. I feel like a lot of this had to do with the fact that I just wasn’t moving much during the day. My body wasn’t physically tired! I definitely sleep better on days when I am active and make it to the gym!
- Use Relaxation Techniques
Okay, this tip is a little strange, but I swear it works! Ryan actually taught it to me years ago when I was complaining about not feeling tired at all before bed one night. (Apparently he learned it in a yoga class years ago!) Focus on relaxing every part of your body starting from the very tips of your toes, moving all the way up to the top of your head. Concentrate on releasing tension from everywhere… Your ankles, knees, hips, every finger… By focusing all of my attention on relaxing my body, I cannot help but feel more calm (and, to be honest, a bit bored, which helps me feel more tired, too)!
- Track Your Sleep
This is a bit of a double-edged sword for me. Sometimes I can psych myself out if I feel like I’m getting too little sleep, but for the most part tracking sleep and figuring out what time I need to go to bed to get 8 hours of sleep helps me feel more motivated to get into bed at a reasonable time. There are tons of sleep trackers on the market these days that you can use and Sleep Number also created SleepIQ® technology that works with any new Sleep Number bed to track and monitor your sleep for you without requiring you to wear anything fancy. (Crazy, right?)
And now it’s time for a sleep-inspired giveaway! It’s a good one and I really hope it catches your eye, especially if you happen to be struggling to get a good night’s sleep!
One PBF reader will win the following sleep-themed prize pack:
- Two Sleep Number Pillows
- Comfortable Slippers
- Satin Eye Mask
- Anthropologie Personalized Mug (for evening tea)
- Lavender Candle
To enter this giveaway, please leave a comment on this post telling me about one trick you use to help yourself fall asleep at night.
I will randomly select a giveaway winner on Friday morning. Good luck!
Disclaimer: White this post is sponsored by Sleep Number, I am personally sponsoring the giveaway portion (though Sleep Number is providing the pillows). Thank you so, so much for your continued support surrounding sponsored posts. I truly appreciate it!
For more tips on how to sleep better, visit Sleep Number.
Adrianne says
I stop any caffeine consumption after noon (except the occasional chocolate treat). ?
Cortney says
I use meditation techniques. Where I just try and quiet my mind and focus on “being.” When thoughts come into my head, I just let them fly by. I actually visualize them doing this. You acknowledge the thought is there, but don’t focus on it. It leaves peacefully.
Jess says
Reading before bed used to be my go-to trick. Now I switch between that and watching Netflix in bed. It’s a screen but for some reason it helps!
Mary Beth Richardson says
I have a horrible time sleeping through the entire night, so I’m loving all of these comments and tips! I personally use a sleep mask that is lavender scented and that does help. I also use a sleep noise app from time to time to drown out living room noise when we have company over and I have an early alarm the next morning.
Kendall Lohrmann says
Writing in my journal. When I was dealing with a lot of anxiety last year I went to a few doctors and the best advice I got was to keep a journal near the bed. Usually my mind was racing with all the things I needed to get done the next day or work related thoughts. Once I started writing I felt like I had some relief and fell asleep fairly quickly.
I even added a list of writing prompts to my journal to keep me writing regularly. It was amazing how much it helped just to get my thoughts out of my head and down on paper…I think it made me feel like I didn’t have to worry about remembering everything because it was physically somewhere for me to reference.
Allie @ Running on Peanut Butter says
That candle simply looks amazing! I always read before bed. My goal is to read at 8 so I can be asleep by 8:30, and more times than not I only make it through about 5 pages before I’m exhausted! I also take magnesium and sometimes melatonin to help with my sleep!
Emma DeSart says
Lavender spray and some cuddle time with my pups!
Lisa C says
It’s still pretty warm here in CA so I like to turn on my fan on medium setting to help my body cool down faster to a lower temperature. I read that your body is usually a few degrees lower than when you’re awake so thought that might help.
Mallory says
Stretching and chamomile tea before bed always helps me!
Rose says
Allison says
Earplugs! Living in a city center it helps to block out all the late-night noise!
Katelyn Rose says
I count my breaths, making sure I exhale 2 counts longer than my inhale. Inhaling equal or longer actually hypes you up!
Anna says
I turn my phone off completely about 30 minutes before I go to bed. This encourages me to unwind by talking to my husband and reading. I also use the trick of reading in the middle of the night if I find that I can’t go to sleep after awhile.
Kristin s says
Putting a fan in our room for white noise.
Caroline says
I always sleep best when I turn off electronics at least 30 min before bedtime. It’s hard to do every night, but it really makes a difference for me!
Randi says
Drinking a warm cup of Sleepytime tea or 5mg of Melatonin usually does the trick for me!
Lauryn says
I often use progressive relaxation techniques to get myself to relax.
jennifer says
I listen to an audio book from audible. You can set a sleep timer so it turns off when you’re ready.
Megan says
One trick I learned back in college that has yet to let me down is this – if you cant sleep, visualize the number 100 in your head. Really see it with your eyes and imagine it. When you have a clear picture, do the same for 99, then 98, etc. I don’t ever remember getting lower than 74!
Leiah says
I love this post! I am the same way, I love getting into bed super early so that my husband and I have time to talk/read/just spend time together before falling asleep. I agree 100% on reading to help fall asleep. Another trick would be a sleep mask and ear plugs. Such a fun giveaway!
Beth says
I love to use a guided meditation – it’s like having a personal assistant lull you to sleep!
Rebecca says
It’s crazy you listed relaxing every part of your body individually- my favorite way to relax & calm any anxiety before sleep too! I thought it was weird but once I found it worked so well I told my boyfriend about it and now he uses the same trick too! I learned it from my Aunt who is really into yoga so now I’m betting that’s where she learned it. I also use lavender oil on my wrists to calm me before bed so I’m sure that candle would be a great addition to a sleep routine!
caryn says
I read every night before bed and it helps to make my eyes sleepy and keeps the thoughts running through my head at bay too!
Gina says
I like to take a relaxing shower and then smooth on olive oil that has been scented with lavender essential oil.
Kim Henrichs says
I have such a hard time sleeping when I don’t use meds to do so. I do find that really disconnecting from electronics is key. I read or listen to music last before sleep or even meditation.
Tracy says
I do a combo of many things. 🙂 I exercise daily to exhaust the body, I’ll read til the book falls on my chest, and love to listen to the relaxation station on Pandora. My yoga instructor went through the same relaxation technique Ryan was talking about. After a bit of practice you can get into a deep relaxation pretty darn quick.
Lauren says
I usually have hot decaf tea before bed to help wind down. I also use pillow mist which I love!
Natalie says
Lavender scented lotion/body oil instantly calms and relaxes me before bed!
Maureen Polson says
I try to read or watch some tv of a show that I enjoy but find relaxing. Usually a rerun of something. Also the muscle relaxation technique you mentioned is great too.
Sunni says
If I’m feeling restless, I do some breathing exercises that I read about on a blog. Breath in for a count of five and out for a count of ten. Repeat 5 times. It always relaxes me.
Lindsay says
Great, simple reminders. Getting to bed early is something I need to work on and cooling my room better!
ladysandels says
taking a hot bath or even having a hot cup of tea before bed helps me get into sleep mode. and making sure my bed is a super comfortable place to be of course 🙂
Rachel @ Lou Lou Belle says
I do climb into bed at least 30 minutes before I want to go to sleep and I attempt to read. But usually I’m so tired I fall right asleep!
Hanna G. says
No secret tricks here.. I read and exercise and that usually leads to a better sleep. I wish I was better about not looking at my phone before bed…so hard!
Emily says
I like to be really chilly and burrow down into a pile of blankets. I get groggy as I start to warm up. Works like a charm! 🙂
Ashley W says
Usually laying in bed and reading a book helps put me to sleep. But as someone who recently found out she has a bun in the oven, getting lots of sleep for the health of my future little one is my new motivation!
Nicole @ Fitful Focus says
I have a routine I do every night in hopes that it will cue “bedtime” to my mind and body: Get in pjs, wash my face, brush my teeth, set my alarm, spray lavender spray on my pillow, lay down and I’m out!
Claire says
breathing exercises and setting a mantra for my next day always helps me
deb says
I have chronic insomnia, and I dread going to sleep now. It’s not really a *trick*, but I use melatonin, which seems to help. I also have noticed that sleep quality/ease seems directly related to my hormones, and it is worst right before my period, so tracking my period allows me to predict when I am most likely to have the most severe sleep issues. Also, blackout shades. For life.
Abby says
The most important thing for me is to finish dinner at least an hour or two before bed time. I definitely can’t sleep when I’m feeling all digest-y. I also need to be better about putting screens away before bed!!
Valia says
I can usually fall asleep pretty quickly, but when I can’t reading usually helps!
Selina Hrubes says
The Relax app has peaceful sounds?
Gwyn L says
I go to bed at least 30-45 minutes before sleep is expected and read.
Hillary says
I count to 100 and then back down
Alexis says
Reading is my go to when I can’t fall asleep!!
Karen smith says
A great Crossfit wod and a carb heavy dinner sends me to dreamland every time!
Natalie says
I sleep best when I have a blanket/sheet cuddled up to my face, no matter how hot it is in the room–it’s a must!
Jennifer says
I read before bed if I can’t sleep or I listen to music
Kelsey Halena says
Although I don’t need many tricks to fall asleep (my boyfriend teases me constantly about how easily I fall asleep when my head hits the pillow), I have used the ‘relax every part of your body’ trick a few times too! I have to laugh at the fact that you think it’s boring, because I always decide that’s why I fall asleep too.
Liz says
A hot cup of tea is really relaxing in the evening–that and reading a bit before sleep…but with 2 kids and one on the way, I usually don’t have too much trouble!
Sara D says
I almost always read before bed. It makes my eyes tired which in turn makes me tired.